Version 9.5 SP1
 —  EntireX COBOL Wrapper  —

Server Mapping Deployment

A server mapping file (SVM) enables the RPC server to correctly support special COBOL syntax such as REDEFINEs, JUSTIFIED, SYNCHRONIZE and OCCURS DEPENDING ON clauses, LEVEL-88 fields, etc. If one of these elements is used, the EntireX Workbench automatically extracts an SVM file in addition to the IDL (interface definition language), or an SVM file is generated by the COBOL Wrapper for a server skeleton. The SVM file is used at runtime to marshal and unmarshal the RPC data stream.

To make an SVM file available at runtime for the RPC server used, it has to be deployed. See Handling SVM Files in the RPC server documentation for CICS | Batch | IMS | Micro Focus | CICS ECI | IMS Connect | BS2000/OSD or EntireX Adapter documentation. As another prerequisite, the RPC server or EntireX Adapter must support the interface type of the COBOL server. This document covers the following topics:

Compatibility between Interface Type and RPC Server

To call a server successfully, the RPC server used must support the interface type of the COBOL server. In this context, there are two scenarios, where you need to select an appropriate interface type:

The table below gives an overview of possible combinations of an interface type and a supporting RPC server:

Interface Type Supported by
Wrapper Extractor RPC Server
z/OS UNIX/Windows BS2000/
CICS Batch IMS ECI Micro Focus IMS Connect Batch CICS Batch
CICS with DFHCOMMAREA calling convention yes yes x     x       x  
CICS with DFHCOMMAREA large buffer interface yes yes x             x  
CICS with Channel Container calling convention yes yes x                
Batch with standard linkage calling convention yes yes   x x       x   x
Micro Focus with standard linkage calling convention yes yes         x        
IMS BMP with standard linkage calling convention yes yes     x            
IMS MPP message interface (IMS Connect) no yes           x      

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Deploying a Server Mapping File

To deploy a server mapping, you can either use a wizard or copy the file manually to a target container. The approach depends on the RPC server used. For instance, not all RPC servers support both deployment by using a wizard and manual deployment. The table below gives an overview of supported approaches for available RPC servers and the webMethods EntireX Adapter for Integration Server, and provides further instructions for various forms of manual deployment:

RPC Server Wizard Manual Deployment
CICS ECI RPC server (Windows and UNIX) No Copy the SVM file to the folder specified by cics.mapping.folder. See Configuring the CICS ECI Side.
CICS RPC server (z/OS) Yes Use FTP and IDCAMS. See Server Mapping Deployment to z/OS, using FTP and IDCAMS.
Batch RPC server (z/OS) Yes Use FTP and IDCAMS. See Server Mapping Deployment to z/OS, using FTP and IDCAMS.
Batch RPC server (BS2000/OSD) Yes No
Micro Focus RPC server (Windows and UNIX) Yes No
IMS Connect RPC server (Windows and UNIX) No Copy the SVM file to the folder specified by property ims.mapping.folder. See Configuring the IMS Connect Side.
IMS RPC server (z/OS) Yes Use FTP and IDCAMS. See Server Mapping Deployment to z/OS, using FTP and IDCAMS.
webMethods EntireX Adapter for Integration Server No No. Do not change the location of the generated SVM file. It has to be kept in the same folder as the IDL file and will be picked up automatically together with the IDL file when an adapter connection for IMS Connect or CICS ECI is generated. For more information, see the EntireX Adapter documentation under webMethods > Mainframe Integration on the Software AG Product Documentation website.

The remainder of this section focuses on the major approaches:

Server Mapping Deployment Wizard


Deploying with the wizard requires an active RPC server. Also, the Deployment Service of the RPC server must be properly configured. See the platform-specific documentation for more information:

The codepage (locale string) of the RPC server used during deployment must be the same as the one used with running RPC clients issuing RPC requests.

To deploy a server mapping with the wizard, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Start the Wizard

To start the server mapping deployment wizard, select an SVM file and choose Deploy/Synchronize Server Mapping... from the context menu.


To continue, press Next together with one of the following choices:

Step 2a: Create a New Deployment Environment

If no deployment environments are defined, you only have the option to create a new deployment environment.


To proceed:

  1. Select Create a new deployment environment.

  2. Press Next and continue with Step 2b: Define the Connection to the Deployment Service and Deploy.

Step 2b: Define the Connection to the Deployment Service and Deploy

Use this page to define a connection to the deployment service of the RPC server.


Enter the required fields:

  1. Broker Parameters Broker ID and Server Address, which will have the default format. The last part (broker service) of the server address must always be "DEPLOYMENT".

  2. The EntireX Authentication parameters describe the settings for the broker. These parameters apply if the broker is running with EntireX Security. See Which EntireX Security Solution.

  3. The RPC Server Authentication parameters describe the settings for the RPC server. These parameters apply if the RPC server is running with security, for example a Natural RPC Server running with Natural Security.

  4. The given Timeout value must be in the range from 1 to 9999 seconds (default: 60).

Press Finish to deploy. Deployment of the server mapping is successful if the wizard ends. No confirmation message is given.

Step 3: Select an Existing Deployment Environment and Deploy

Use this page to select the deployment environment (i.e. the RPC server) to which you want to deploy.


Check the option Choose an existing deployment environment and select a deployment environment from the list. Press Finish to deploy. Deployment is successful if the wizard ends. No confirmation message is given.

Server Mapping Deployment Wizard Preferences

In the preferences for the server mapping deployment wizard you define deployment environments, a connection to the Deployment Service of the RPC server. See Deployment Service for CICS | Batch | IMS | Micro Focus | BS2000/OSD) | z/VSE (separate 7.2.3 documentation). The following sections are offered:

The deployment environment is managed from the deployment environment Preferences page. The deployment environments can be created, edited and removed. The deployment environment will be used for the selection lists in the Server Mapping Deployment Wizard. To manage these deployment environments, open the Preferences page:


Create a new Deployment Environment

Start of instruction setTo create a new deployment environment


Edit an Existing Deployment Environment

Start of instruction setTo edit an existing deployment environment


For more information on the input fields on this page, see Step 2b: Define the Connection to the Deployment Service and Deploy under Server Mapping Deployment Wizard.

Remove an Existing Deployment Environment

Start of instruction setTo remove an existing deployment environment

Server Mapping Deployment in Command-line Mode

The command -deploy:cobol is provided to deploy server mapping files (SVMs) using the EntireX Workbench in command-line mode. See Using the EntireX Workbench in Command-line Mode for general information.

To undeploy previously deployed server mapping entries on the server side, remove the SVM file and execute the command -deploy:cobol with the IDL file only.

Command-line Options

Task Command Option Description
Deploy SVM files. -deploy:cobol -environment Target environment. Name of the COBOL deployment environment or an RPC server description.
-brokeruser User used for broker authentication (optional).
-brokerpassword Password used for broker authentication (optional).
-rpcuser User used for RPC server authentication (optional).
-rpcpassword Password used for RPC server authentication (optional).

Run the command from the directory containing the IDL file and the corresponding SVM file. If no SVM file is found, the previously deployed server mapping entries related to the IDL file will be removed on the server side (undeployed).


-deploy:cobol /SVMDeployTests/idls/basicodo.idl  /SVMDeployTests/idls/basicdt.idl /SVMDeployTests/idls/basicarr.idl 
 -environment ibm2:3980@RPC/RPCALL/DEPLOYMENT
 -brokeruser EXXUSR1 
 -brokerpassword EXX$PWD1

Server Mapping Deployment to z/OS, using FTP and IDCAMS

This approach is available for z/OS only.


Start of instruction setTo deploy a server mapping using FTP and IDCAMS

  1. Allocate a target sequential file on mainframe with the following specifications for DCB:

  2. Allow write access and usage of IDCAMS tools to the VSAM file mentioned above.

  3. Transfer the SVM file to the target host, using FTP. You have to switch to text mode and the codepage of the FTP service must be the same as the codepage (locale string) of the RPC server used.

  4. Install the server mapping into the VSAM SVM cluster with the IDCAMS job below.

    If you omit the keyword REPLACE or define NOREPLACE in the SYSIN data stream instead, existing server mappings are not overwritten. This protects SVM records from being overwritten by duplicates.

    //             CLASS=K,MSGCLASS=X,REGION=0M,COND=(0,LT)
    //* FILL THE SVM VSAM CLUSTER                           *
    //SYSIN    DD *
      REPRO - 
        REPLACE -

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