Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Page and Portlet Development : Summary of Portlets and Components
Summary of Portlets and Components
The following table lists the portlets and components that My webMethods Server provides out-of-the-box for page and portlet development.
External. End users and page developers apply the Atom Renderer component to My webMethods Server resources, for example a page, to generate a feed in Atom Syndication format. The syndication feed that the atom renderer generates can be read with a feed reader application.
System. Page developers use this portlet to add breadcrumbs to a page to show the current page's location within the My webMethods Server taxonomy.
System. End users use this portlet to view an error message. When the error renderer handles a portlet error, it sends the error report to this Error Report portlet. The Error Report portlet displays the error message and includes a Details button that the end use can click to show details about an error.
Content Management. End users use this portlet to display the contents of a folder in the My webMethods Server content management system.
User Interface. Shell developers use this portlet to make a My webMethods Server page use 100% of the web browser window height. Include this portlet into the shell footer section so that the footer "sticks" to the bottom of the web browser window.
Drawing. Page developers use this portlet to display formatted XML content on a My webMethods Server page. Configure the portlet to format the XML content either by using simple indentation or by using an XSLT style sheet.
Drawing. Page developers and end users use this portlet to add a resizeable container to display a page. This portlet encapsulates a standard HTML <IFrame> tag as a portlet.
Drawing. Page developers use this portlet to display a fragment of static HTML on a page. When configuring the portlet, the page developer can either specify the HTML text to display or indicate how to retrieve the HTML text from a resource bundle, for example, for language pack localization.
Drawing. Administrators and end users use this portlet to add an image to a page or workspace to enhance its look-and-feel. Optionally, administrators or end users can link the image to another My webMethods Server resource so that when a user clicks the image, the system displays the linked resource.
System. Page developers use this portlet to display an information, warning, or error messages on a page for the end user. Based on the configured severity, the portlet displays an appropriate icon to lead the message. The portlet displays the message using the CSS class portlet-msg-info.
Content Management. Page developers use this portlet to display the contents of a published text file as a portlet.
Content Management. Page developers use this portlet to add navigation to other My webMethods Server pages. The portlet displays the children of a specified folder as a list of links. End users click on the links to navigate to other child pages.
Tools. End users use this portlet to temporarily switch their user session locale. The locale change is effective for the duration of the user session only. A page developer uses the portlet's Show List Of property to configure the locales available for selection. This list can be either all possible locales or be limited to those locales for which there are installed language packs.
Shared. Page developers use this portlet to display a section of the My webMethods Server taxonomy as one or more rows of tabs. It also displays the subsection of the taxonomy for each item that is contained in the first row of tabs as a hover popup-menu, that is, if the Show Menus (showMenus) property is set to true. The section displayed starts with the My webMethods Server folders configured with the Roots (roots) property and includes descendants of those roots along the path to the My webMethods Server item configured with the Leaf (leaf) property.
Page Components. Page developers add this portlet to a shell or page to provide navigation to other My webMethods Server pages.
Email. Page developers use this portlet in My webMethods Server as the default renderer for folder instances that use the data types wm_xt_nntpfolder and wm_xt_pop3folder. This portlet displays the list of e-mail messages contained in the wm_xt_nntpfolder or wm_xt_pop3folder folders.
Email. Page developers use this portlet in My webMethods Server as the default renderer for message instances that use the data type wm_xt_mimemessage. This portlet displays the content of an e-mail message.
Containers. Administrators publish an instance of this portlet to a My webMethods Server page to provide a way to view the contents of an NNTP folder (wm_xt_nntpfolder) as a list of threaded conversations. The administrator configures the portlet to reference an NNTP folder that already exists in the My webMethods Server taxonomy.
Skins. This component is a skin. Page developers can use this skin as the default skin or the target of a Skin Rule. Additionally, page developers can use the skin as the base for a custom skin.
Page Components. A page developer adds this portlet to a page to display the contents of another page within the portlet.
Drawing. Page developers use this portlet to display text content using plain-text formatting.
Page Authoring. Page developers and end users use this portlet to publish new instances of My webMethods Server objects. The base types of the My webMethods Server objects that can be published are files, folders, form, links, and portlets.
Content Management. Page developers use this portlet to simplify the publish process for end users. The PublishContext portlet is a helper for the Publish Portlet, which is a wizard for adding new content to the My webMethods Server content repository. Use this PublishContext portlet to render a button, link, or image control on a page so that when a user clicks the control, the application opens a page that contains the Simple Publish Portlet with the fields of the wizard pre-set. The PublishContext portlet allows you to pre-populate field values, make fields read-only, and/or hide fields in the Simple Publish Portlet wizard.
Content Management. Page developers use this portlet to display an intuitive URL for the page. This intuitive URL is built from the shortest alias to the page. If the page has no alias, this portlet displays nothing.
Content Management. End users use this portlet to instantly switch the renderer for the current resource (object) being browsed to another renderer. The intended use of the portlet is to include it as part of the shell.
Page Components. Page developers add this portlet to a portal shell to provide end users with links to pages they have previously visited during their login session. End users click links to navigate back to pages in their history.
Page Authoring. Page developers and end users use this portlet to publish new instances of links, documents, folders, and pages.
Content Management. Page developers use this portlet to display the name of and/or link to another item in the My webMethods Server content repository.
System. Page developers publish this portlet to a My webMethods Server page to display a flash widget or streaming media. After publishing the portlet to a page, the page developer configures it to point to a media file that is published elsewhere in My webMethods Server. Based on the file type of the media file, the Streaming Content Viewer portlet uses either the Flash player or Windows Media player to display the media.
Content Management. Page developers use this portlet to render the user interface of a portlet that resides in another My webMethods Server page. This portlet provides a simple way to share a portlet instance among two or more pages.
Page Components. Page developers use this portlet to display the contents of a My webMethods Server folder. The portlet displays each item within the folder as a tab. Additionally, the portlet displays the contents of the item associated with the selected tab.
Title Bar Tools. Page developers use this portlet as part of a shell title bar to provide a way to navigate to the My webMethods Server resource parent folder or back to the current resource.
Title Bar Tools. Page developers can use this portlet in custom title bars to provide a default popup menu for a My webMethods Server object. This portlet is part of the core system components and end users should not directly access it.
Title Bar Tools. Page developers can use this portlet in custom title bars to add icons that allow end users to switch the portlet mode. The supported portlet modes are: view (default), edit, help.
Title Bar Tools. Page developers can use this portlet in custom title bars to add icons that allow end users to switch portlet window states. The supported portlet window states are: normal (default), minimized, maximized.
Page Components. End users use this portlet to determine the time zone of the displayed page.
Title Bar Tools. Page developers can use this portlet when implementing a custom shell to provide a simple title bar that displays only the portlet title without any actions or menus.
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