Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Page and Portlet Development : Inline Content Portlet
Inline Content Portlet
Portlet Title
Inline Content
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
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JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
Content Management. Page developers use this portlet to display the contents of a published text file as a portlet.
Special Media-Type Handling Properties
Plain Text Media-Types (textTypes)
Defines the MIME types that the portlet is to treat as plain text documents. Specify the MIME types using comma-separated values (CSV) format. The default value is:
Plain Text Display (text)
Defines how the portlet is to render the contents of documents that have a MIME type identified by the Plain Text Media-Types (textTypes) property. Specify one of the following:
Renders a Download link for the plain text content.
Renders the plain text content as preformatted text.
Default. Renders the plain text content as Soft-wrapped text.
Renders the plain text as is, that is, without formatting. The content is treated as if the content is HTML.
HTML Media-Types (htmlTypes)
Defines the MIME types that the portlet is to treat as HTML documents. Specify the MIME types using comma-separated values (CSV) format. The default value is:
HTML Display (html)
Defines how the portlet is to render the contents of documents that have a MIME type identified by the HTML Media-Types (htmlTypes) property. Specify one of the following:
Renders a Download link for the HTML content.
Renders the HTML content as preformatted text.
Renders the HTML content as Soft-wrapped text.
Default. Renders the HTML content as is, that is, without formatting.
Renders the HTML content as Script-safe HTML.
XML Media-Types (xmlTypes)
Defines the MIME types that the portlet is to treat as XML documents. Specify the MIME types using comma-separated values (CSV) format. The default value is:
XML Display (xml)
Defines how the portlet is to render the contents of documents that have a MIME type identified by the XML Media-Types (xmlTypes) property. Specify one of the following:
Renders a Download link for the XML content.
Renders the XML content as preformatted text.
Default. Renders the XML content as Soft-wrapped text.
Renders the XML content as Tidied-XML text.
Renders the XML content as HTML.
Applies the XSLT style sheet identified by the XML Stylesheet (xmlStylesheet) property and renders the result.
XML Stylesheet (xmlStylesheet)
Identifies the XSLT style sheet that the portlet is to use to format XML content. The portlet only uses this property when the XML Display (xml) property is set to xsl. Specify the thingID or alias of an XSLT document that is stored in the My webMethods Server content repository. If the property has no value, the portlet behaves as if the XML Display (xml) property is set to link.
File (proxyThingID)
Identifies the file to display. Specify the thingID or alias of a text document stored in the My webMethods Server content repository. If the property has no value, the portlet uses the current resource.
Display Header (header)
Indicates whether the portlet is to display a simple header above the file content. Specify one of the following:
Display a header.
Default. Do not display a header.
Truncate After X Characters (truncate)
Defines the maximum number of characters to display. The portlet displays the number of characters you specify and truncates the rest of the file. Specify a positive whole number or -1 if you want the portlet to display the contents of the entire file without truncation. The default is 1000 characters.
Cache Content (cacheAge)
Indicates whether to cache the formatted content. Caching the content speeds up subsequent renderings of the content. Specify one of the following:
Cache the content.
Default. Do not cache the content.
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