Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Page and Portlet Development : Streaming Content Viewer Portlet
Streaming Content Viewer Portlet
Portlet Title
Streaming Content Viewer
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
System. Page developers publish this portlet to a My webMethods Server page to display a flash widget or streaming media. After publishing the portlet to a page, the page developer configures it to point to a media file that is published elsewhere in My webMethods Server. Based on the file type of the media file, the Streaming Content Viewer portlet uses either the Flash player or Windows Media player to display the media.
Resource Properties
Resource (contentURI)
Identifies the media file to display. Specify the thingID or alias to the media file. When configuring the portlet from the user interface, use the resource picker to select the file to display. The media file must be published into a My webMethods Server folder. If the property has no value, the embedded viewer will display nothing.
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