Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Page and Portlet Development : Tabs View Portlet
Tabs View Portlet
Portlet Title
Tabs View
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
Page Components. Page developers use this portlet to display the contents of a My webMethods Server folder. The portlet displays each item within the folder as a tab. Additionally, the portlet displays the contents of the item associated with the selected tab.
For example, if the Tabs View portlet is configured to display "folder.admin.dashboard.portal_analysis" (i.e., the Analysis folder of the Administration Dashboard), the Tabs View portlet would display three tabs, one for each item in the Analysis folder: Logging Configuration, Logging Viewer, and Session Monitor. When a tab is selected, for example, the Logging Configuration tab, the portlet would display the Logging Configuration portlet.
Folder (proxyThingID)
Identifies the folder whose items you want displayed in the Tab View portlet. Specify the thingID or alias of the folder. If this property has no value, the Tab View portlet displays nothing.
Style (style)
Indicates the tab style to use. This portlet uses the Tabs (wm_tabs) portlet to render the tabs. The Tabs portlet allows arbitrary tab styles, such as those provided with the wm_tabstyles portlet, the Popup Tab Styles Portlet, and the Spotlight Tab Styles Portlet. The following lists examples of tab styles you can specify:
(Tabs) The portlet uses the default My webMethods Server-style tabs. This is the default.
(Titlebar Tabs) The portlet uses the default My webMethods Server-style tabs with a title bar background.
(Subtabs) The portlet displays second-level tabs.
(Horizontal) The portlet displays the tabs as links placed horizontally with a space character used to separate the links.
(Vertical) The portlet displays the tabs as links placed vertically.
(Horizontal - Bars) The portlet displays the tabs as links placed horizontally with a character you specify to separate the links. Specify any character for char, for example, | for the pipe character, / for a slash, or : for a colon.
(Popup) The portlet displays the tabs as a popup menu that is activated when a user clicks on the target text. The popup menu displays to the left of the target text. When there is a selected tab, the portlet displays the title of the selected tab.
(Dropdown) The portlet displays the tabs as a popup menu that is activated when a user clicks on the target text. The popup menu displays as a dropdown list below the target text. When there is a selected tab, the portlet displays the instance name of the Tabs (wm_tabs) portlet.
(Hover) The portlet displays the tabs as a popup menu that is activated when a user hovers on the target text. The portlet displays the tabs as a popup menu that displays to the left of the target text. When there is a selected tab, the portlet displays the instance name of the Tabs (wm_tabs) portlet.
(Horizontal - Spotlight) The portlet displays the tabs as a horizontal list of links with the selected tab link displayed in the skin's "spotlight" style.
(Vertical - Spotlight) The portlet displays the tabs as a vertical list of links with the selected tab link displayed in the skin's "spotlight" style.
(Horizontal - Spotlight All) The portlet displays the tabs as a horizontal list of links with all tab links displayed in the skin's "spotlight" style.
(Vertical - Spotlight All) The portlet displays the tabs as a vertical list of links with the all tab links displayed in the skin's "spotlight" style.
Tabs Per Page (pageSize)
Defines the maximum number of folder items to display as tabs. Specify a positive whole number. The default is 10. To display all folder items, specify a number that exceeds the total number of folder items, such as 1000.
Sort Key (sort)
Identifies the key to use to sort the tabs. Specify one of the following:
Default. Sort the tabs based on the item names.
Sort the tabs based on the item types.
Sort the tabs based on the items' last modified dates.
Sort based on the sort order configured for each item. For example, the sortid can be an arbitrary integer for each item in a folder, in a nonconsecutive order, to produce a custom sort order. Items with a respective sortid of 1, 12, 15, and 10 would be sorted in the order of 1, 10, 12, and 15.
Sort Order (order)
Indicates the order in which to sort the tabs. Specify one of the following:
Default. Sort the tabs in ascending order (i.e., A to Z, 1 to 10, earlier to later).
Sort the tabs in descending order (Z to A, 10 to 1, later to earlier)
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