Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Page and Portlet Development : Main Nav Portlet
Main Nav Portlet
Portlet Title
Main Nav
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Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
Folders > System > Shell Sections > My webMethods Shell Header > My webMethods Main Navigation
Shared. Page developers use this portlet to display a section of the My webMethods Server taxonomy as one or more rows of tabs. It also displays the subsection of the taxonomy for each item that is contained in the first row of tabs as a hover popup-menu, that is, if the Show Menus (showMenus) property is set to true. The section displayed starts with the My webMethods Server folders configured with the Roots (roots) property and includes descendants of those roots along the path to the My webMethods Server item configured with the Leaf (leaf) property.
The levels of descendants are configured with the Depth (depth) property, for example, a depth of 3 would show the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of the roots along the path to the leaf. For example, a root of Public Folders that might contain a tree view of the following items in a depth of 3:
Public Folders
        Issue Tracker
            Create New Issue
            List Issues
        People Finder
        Test One
        Test Two
If Q1 is the leaf, and the depth is 3, then the portlet would display "Applications | Documents | Samples" children as one row of tabs, "Goals | Reports" grandchildren, that is, the grandchildren on the path to Q1 as a second row of tabs below the children, and "Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4" great-grandchildren, that is, the great-grandchildren on the path to Q1 as a third row of tabs below the grandchildren. If Tasks were the leaf, then the portlet would display "Applications | Documents | Samples" children as one row of tabs, and "Issue Tracker | People Finder | Tasks" grandchildren as a second row of tabs. It would not display great-grandchildren, because the leaf was a grandchild.
In the above first example, if the Exclusive (exclusive) property is set to true, the roots would not be displayed, so the three rows of tabs would be "Applications | Documents | Samples", "Goals | Reports", and "Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4". If the Exclusive (exclusive) property is set to false, the roots will be included also, so the portlet would display four rows of tabs: "Public Folders", "Applications | Documents | Samples", "Goals | Reports", and "Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4".
If the Show First Level Special (showFirstLevelSpecial) property is set to true, the first level is not displayed as a row of tabs, but rather as a popup menu that lists the items in the first level. If, in using the above example, the Exclusive (exclusive) property is set to false and the Show First Level Special (showFirstLevelSpecial) property is set to true, the first row of tabs would be "Applications | Documents | Samples", the second "Goals | Reports", and the third "Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4", and the left side of the first row of tabs would display a popup menu containing "Public Folders", the first level of items.
This portlet is used to display the tabs in the default "fabric" 7.x My webMethods Server shell header. The portlet instance in the header has the Show First Level Special (showFirstLevelSpecial) property set to true. It displays the roots of the My webMethods Server "fabric" taxonomy (Home, Administration, and Monitoring) in the first level "special" popup menu.
CSS Classes (css)
Provides a comma-separated list of CSS classes, one for each row. The first class applies to the first row of tabs displayed by this portlet, the second class applies to the second row, the third class to the third row, and so on. If the property has no value, it defaults to "nav,nav1,nav2".
Depth (depth)
Provides the depth of the displayed taxonomy from roots. For example, a value of "3" indicates that this portlet should show the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of the roots. If the property has no value, it defaults to "3".
Exclusive (exclusive)
Indicates whether this portlet should show the roots. For example, if the roots are set to "folder.public" (the Public Folders folder), depth is set to 3, and exclusive is set to true, this portlet will show Public Folders on the first level, the children of Public Folders on the second level, the grandchildren of Public Folders on the third level, and the great-grandchildren of Public Folders on the fourth level. If the roots are set to "folder.public", depth to 3, and exclusive to false, this portlet will show the children of Public Folders on the first level, the grandchildren of Public Folders on the second level, and the great-grandchildren of Public Folders on the third level. If the property has no value, it defaults to false.
Leaf (leaf)
Provides an alias or thingID of the leaf of the displayed taxonomy. If the property has no value, it defaults to "current.resource", the alias of the currently displayed resource.
Roots (roots)
Provides a comma-separated list of aliases or thingIDs of the roots of the displayed taxonomy. If the property has no value, it defaults to "folder.public", the alias of the Public Folders folder.
Show First Level Special (showFirstLevelSpecial)
Set to true to display the first level of the taxonomy as a special dropdown menu on the left side of the first row of tabs. Set to false to display the first level as the first row of tabs. If exclusive is true, the "first level" is the children of the roots. If exclusive is false, the "first level" is the roots. If the property has no value, it defaults to false.
Show Menus (showMenus)
Set to true to show popup menus when the user hovers the pointer over the first row of tabs. Set to false to not show those menus. If the property has no value, it defaults to false.
Show Tabs (showTabs)
Set to true to show tabs for all levels of the taxonomy. Set to false to show only the first row of tabs. A user would be able to select deeper rows only by using hover popup menus. If the property has no value, it defaults to true.
Sort Key (sort)
Provides a key to sort each level. Available options are "name", "type", "modified" (that is, the last modified date), and "sortid" (that is, the sort order configured on each individual item). If the property has no value, it defaults to "name".
Sort Order (order)
Provides the order to sort each level, either "ascending" (for example, a-z, 1-10, earlier-later) or "descending" (for example, z-a, 10-1, later-earlier). If the property has no value, it defaults to "ascending".
Task Folders Only (taskFoldersOnly)
Set to true to include only task folders in the taxonomy. Set to false to include all items in the taxonomy. If the property has no value, it defaults to false.
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