Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Page and Portlet Development : Menubar Portlet
Menubar Portlet
Portlet Title
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
Page Components. Page developers add this portlet to a shell or page to provide navigation to other My webMethods Server pages.
The Menubar portlet displays the My webMethods Server taxonomy as a series of drop down menus. The page developer configures the root folder for the menu bar. For example, if the page developer configures the My webMethods Server Administration Dashboard folder as the root folder, the portlet displays the names of the six items in the Administration Dashboard folder:
Configuration | User Management | Analysis | Content | Migration | User Interface
When an end user hovers over a menu item, the portlet displays a drop down menu that contains links to the items in the corresponding folder. To navigate to an item, an end user clicks the link in the drop down menu. For example, if the user hovers over the User Management item, the portlet displays a drop down containing the following links to the portlets in the User Management folder:
*Directory Services Administration
*Locate a User's Home Folder
*Manage Groups
*Manage Roles
*Manage Users
*Principal Profile Administration
Cache Content (cacheAge)
Indicates whether to cache the content of the portlet. Specify one of the following:
Default. Cache the contents of the portlet.
The cache is automatically invalidated if any of the items displayed in the portlet are modified.
Do not cache the contents of the portlet.
Visual Style (visualStyle)
Defines the layout style to use for the portlet. However, the portlet only supports one layout style. You must specify 1 for this property. The default is 1. Setting the property to any value other will break the portlet.
Orientation (orientation)
Defines how the portlet is to render the top-level items, either horizontally or vertically. Specify one of the following:
Default. Render the top-level items horizontally.
Render the top-level items vertically.
Container Links (containerLinks)
Indicates whether the top-level folders are linked to the My webMethods Server folders that they represent, in addition to displaying a menu when the user hovers the pointer on the folder name. Specify one of the following:
Default. The top-level folders link to the My webMethods Server folders that they represent, in addition to displaying a menu that lists and links to the children.
The top-level folders are not linked to the My webMethods Server folders that they represent, but display a menu that lists and links to the children.
Sort Key (sort)
Identifies the key that is used to sort the items displayed, for both the top-level items and the drop-down lists. Specify one of the following:
Default. Sort the items by the item name.
Sort the items by the items' last modified dates.
Sort the items by the item type.
Sort based on the sort order configured for each item. For example, the sortid can be an arbitrary integer for each item in a folder, in a nonconsecutive order, to produce a custom sort order. Items with a respective sortid of 1, 12, 15, and 10 would be sorted in the order of 1, 10, 12, and 15.
Sort Order (order)
Indicates the order in which to sort the items. Specify one of the following:
Default. Sort the items in ascending order, for example, A to Z, 1 to 10, earlier to later.
Sort the items in descending order, for example, Z to A, 10 to 1, later to earlier.
Folder (listViewTargetURI)
Identifies the root folder to use for the menu items, for example, "folder.public". Specify the URI or alias of the root folder. By default, the portlet uses the current resource, that is, whatever page the user is currently viewing.
Links/Content/Forms Open in New Window (newWindow)
Indicates whether to open a new window when an end user clicks a top-level or drop-down menu link. Specify one of the following:
Default. Open the link in a new window.
Display the link in the current window.
Reuse Opened Window (reuseWindow)
Indicates whether to reuse the new window opened for the top-level or drop-down menu link. Specify one of the following:
The portlet opens the item links associated with a top-level menu item in the same new window that it opened for the top-level menu item.
Default. The portlet opens a new window for each item link associated with a top-level menu item.
This property is ignored if Links/Content/Forms Open in New Window (newWindow) is set to false. That is, if the top-level link opens in the current window, all links in its menu are also opened in the current window.
Truncate Menu Names (truncate)
Defines the maximum number of characters the portlet is to display in the names of the top-level items. If a top-level item name contains a greater number of characters than allowed, the portlet truncates it to the maximum number allowed. The portlet displays the full item names if the number of characters is equal to or less than the maximum number allowed. Specify a whole number that is 1 or higher. The default is 20.
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