 —  SAP R/3 Gateway Documentation  —

Develop a Client Call to SAP/R3 (Rpc2Rfc Kernel)

This document describes how to develop an webMethods EntireX RPC client which can call an SAP R/3 ABAP business function. The following topics are covered here:


The following picture shows the technical communication (send/response) for an integration scenario involving a client call to SAP.

The communication runs as follows:

  1. Your application creates an RPC call to webMethods EntireX Broker.

  2. The SAP R/3 Gateway receives this call and transforms it to an RFC call to the SAP application server.

  3. The ABAP (RFC enabled) function is called and then replies with an RFC to webMethods EntireX Broker.

  4. The SAP R/3 Gateway receives the reply and transforms it to an RPC call to the calling program.


Start of instruction setTo develop this scenario

  1. Define the ABAP function and create the IDL (Interface Definition Language).

  2. Paste the new IDL into the existing IDL.

  3. Compile and link the IDL to generate the executable kernels.

  4. Download the IDL to the client environment.

  5. Write the first client.

These steps are described in detail in the following sections.

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Generate IDL

First, you must define for your client application which ABAP function you want to call. You can do this and generate the IDL either by using the browser page in the SAP R/3 Gateway portal, or from the command line. This section describes both methods as well as some additional programming hints under the following headings:


The following sections describe the process of IDL generation. During this process, the RFC IDL tool is used. This tool acts as an EntireX RPC client and requires a running Rpc2Rfc kernel.

Start of instruction setTo generate IDL

  1. As RPC client, the connection parameter to the Broker and service (CLASS/SERVER/SERVICE) must be set. To check or change the parameter, open the System Constants page from the Configuration menu. Refer also to the description of the System Constants Parameters.

    If the webMethods EntireX Broker does not reside on the localhost, you can change the RFC IDL Tool Host Address.

  2. Compile and Link existing delivered IDL for the Rpc2Rfc kernel.

  3. Deploy new compiled shared libraries (on UNIX) or DLLs (on Windows).

  4. The RPC Server must be running to use the RPF IDL tool. More information about starting this kernel process is provided in the section Running Task Rpc2Rfc (Client calls SAP) Kernel Environment.

Generating IDL using the Portal Text Editor

You can use the Development page of the SAP R/3 Gateway portal to generate the IDL.


With List IDL, you can display the existing IDL at the end of a new browser page.

Start of instruction setTo generate IDL

  1. Type your new ABAP function in the field Function name and choose Generate.

    This loads a new page with the IDL from the SAP Repository, as illustrated in the following figure:


  2. Copy the generated contents to your clipboard and choose Edit IDL.

    This starts a text editor at the end of the new page.

    Paste the contents of the clipboard to the end of the existing IDL.


  3. Define an 8-character-long function name between the '' characters after the string "Program". The long alias name is used by the ABAP server. Later, in your COBOL or Natural business application, the ABAP function is called using the short name you define here. With this step, you can reduce a 32-character function name to 8 characters.

    The following example shows a short name MATGETDT for the long ABAP BAPI function name BAPI_MATERIAL_GET_DETAIL.


  4. On the Development page, type the additional parameters for the RFC IDL generation tool:

    Client The 3-character client ID definition.
    User ID Please ask your SAP administrator for an RFC (Batch/CPIC) user definition.
    Password RFC password to go with the user ID.

    These parameters are passed to the running Rpc2Rfc kernel. Depending on the parameter Gateway Logon Strategy (EXX_GW_LOGON_PRIO), the Rpc2Rfc kernel will evaluate the logon.

  5. Choose Save to save the above parameters and the ABAP function name. The saved parameters are now persistent, that is, when you load this page later, the same values will be displayed.

Generating IDL using the Portal IDL Editor

The IDL editor is accessible from the development page. First, all included functions are listed with their short and long name. To modify the IDL, use the available commands.


The In and Out column shows the size of the transfer buffer for each request. This can help to optimize the communication between client and server. The following table defines the parameter and the available commands.

Command Description
Generate + Add Generates the IDL of a given function in the field from the SAP repository and adds it at the end of the existing IDL file.
Save Saves all parameters in the configuration of this development environment.
Delete Deletes the selected function from the IDL and saves the new IDL file. The old IDL file is backed up in the history directory.
Compare Compares the selected function in the IDL file with the respository contents; differences between the two files will be displayed on the next page. Connection parameters (Broker, service, user IDs and passwords) are reused from the Generate IDL from Repository dialog.

The comparison algorithm tries to find the locally defined groups and fields in the repository. You will be notified only in cases where the number of groups and/or fields differ. If there are more fields defined in a local function than in the repository, a detailed description of the missing fields will be displayed. The following picture shows the result of a comparison between the delivered local RFC_SYSTEM_INFO IDL function (generated by SAP R/3 3.1) and the SAP ECC 6.0 repository. The protocol only displays listings when fields or group parameter have been added or renamed. This means that the previous interface definition can call the new one.


During a migration process this comparison report shows the differences between the SAP R/3 versions.

Replace Replaces the selected function in the IDL by the respository contents. Connection parameters (Broker, service, user IDs and passwords) are reused from the Generate IDL from Repository dialog.
Parameter Description
RPC Broker Service EntireX Broker and service address of Rpc2Rfc server.
RPC User ID EntireX user ID for logon with security.
RPC Password EntireX password for logon with security.
RPC Function Sets 8-character function name in IDL. This function name should not exist in IDL.
RFC Client R/3 logon with 3-character client name.
RFC User ID R/3 logon user ID.
RFC Password R/3 logon password for user ID.
RFC Function Retrieves the interface description from this R/3 function.
Number of Default Table Items Sets the number for the array size of tables (multiple groups) in the IDL.

Generating IDL from the Command Line

It is possible to generate the IDL from the SAP Repository using the command line tool RfcIdl. It is the same tool used by the browser page.

The command line utility must have the mandatory parameters for calling:

The utility writes the following output if called without parameters:

Usage parameter:
 -a<Broker ServerAddress>
 -e<Function short name>
 -f<SAP R/3 function name>
 -u<SAP R/3 user id>
 -p<SAP R/3 password>
 -c<SAP R/3 client>
 -o<ABAP function tablename>=<occurance>
 -x<ABAP function excluded tablename>
 -r<EntireX user id>
 -d<EntireX password>
 -t<Number of default table items>

The following example gets the IDL from the ABAP function BAPI_MATERIAL_GET_DETAIL:


The IDL is then printed on the standard output:

  Define Data Parameter
    1 RFC_SYSTEM  In Out
      2 userid       (A12)
      2 passwd       (A8)
      2 client       (A3)
      2 ok           (L)
      2 message      (A250)
      2 operation    (I2)
      2 handle       (I4)
      2 transaction  (A24)
      2 Material 	(A18) 		/* Materialnummer
      2 MatlDesc 	(A40) 		/* Materialkurztext
      2 OldMatNo 	(A18) 		/* Alte Materialnummer
      2 MatlType 	(A4) 		/* Materialart
      2 IndSector 	(A1) 		/* Branche

Build Different Views to the Same Business Function

Normally, each generated SAP R/3 ABAP business function is inserted in the IDL as one program. It is possible, however, to create more than one program in the IDL to call the same ABAP function.

For example:

Program 'FU_1'Is
   Define Data Parameter
    1 RFC_SYSTEM        In Out
     2 userid        (A12)

Program 'FU_2'Is
   Define Data Parameter
    1 RFC_SYSTEM        In Out
     2 userid        (A12)

In this case, no alias is defined in the IDL. Instead, the gateway gets the ABAP function name from the first parameter. You can now write different parameter groups for programs FU_1 and FU_2.

Long Strings

Assume, by way of example, the ABAP function requires a string with a length of 1000 characters. Your client (Natural) cannot allocate a string of this length. The solution is to change the field to a multiple field.

For example:

      2 MatlDesc 	(A1000) 		

Change the field MatlDesc to a multiple field. The allocated memory must be the same.

      2 MatlDesc 	(A200/1:5) 

Multiple Group and Tables

The default IDL generation prints 10 occurrences for each table. The section Table Count, Offset and Fill Parameter describes how to handle more occurrences. You can, of course, define your own number of tables in the IDL.

Long Field Names

ABAP and the webMethods EntireX IDL are restricted to 32-character field names. Each table parameter also requires 3 parameters (count, offset and fill) as postfix (see the section Table Count, Offset and Fill Parameter). If the table name has more than 25 characters, you will get an error from the IDL compiler during Compile and Link because the limit is reached.

Cut the field names of table parameters, but not the table name itself.

Generated example:


After cutting the table parameters:


Reserved Field Names

Some field names are reserved for the Interface Definition Language for webMethods EntireX RPC. Therefore, these field names are replaced during Compile and Link. The following table shows the replacement.

Original field name Replace with
Program Prog
Library Libr
Parameter Param
Structure Structure1
Version Vers

You can change the replacement with the "makefile" function on the Development page of the Configuration menu (http://YourGateway:8080/sapr3gateway/manager/devAdmin?cfg=1).

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History of the IDL File

During each save step of the IDL file, it is copied to a separate subdirectory with a current time stamp. The Development page of the Configuration menu (http://YourGateway:8080/sapr3gateway/manager/devAdmin?cfg=1) contains the backup template with the specific sub-directory information.

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Compile and Link the IDL

Click the Compile and Link button on the Development page to start the makefile. The kernels for the executables are generated from the IDL. On the resulting page, you will see the job output of this process. Please check that the job output reports response code 0.

To activate the newly generated version for the runtime environment, you must deploy the executables (see the section Deploy Kernels) and restart the Running Task (see Running Task Rpc2Rfc (Client calls SAP) Kernel Environment).

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Download webMethods EntireX Client IDL

You can download the client IDL using the button Download EntireX Client IDL on the development page. This IDL file can be used in the webMethods EntireX Workbench to generate DCOM, Java or XML clients.

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Download Stub for Natural Client

For each defined ABAP function, the compile and link process generates in Natural

Everything is included in one SYSTRANS file, which you can download and import to your Natural Development Environment. On the first SYSTRANS upload call, you must stow the general Natural modules RFCSYSTM and RFCSYS-L.

Choose Download Natural SYSTRANS File to save the generated SYSTRANS file to a local disk.

The RFCSYSTM LDA contains the technical field definition for each function. The Natural object RFCSYS-L contains constants for the technical field operation. See the section Write the First Client for more information.

Although it is possible to use the same fieldname on levels 1 and 2, for Natural the fieldnames within one PDA must be unique. You must therefore change the fieldnames on level 2.

Use the SYSTRANS Utility to import the file. The following is an example job for the mainframe environment:

//* -------------------------------------------------------------------
//* -------------------------------------------------------------------
//          DD *

By default, the SYSTRANS file is generated with the decimal character period (.) for the numeric/packed data type. You can change this by setting the parameter DC

$(ERXIDL) -D OUT_DIR=$(PDA_DIR) -D "DC=," -t nat_trans.tpl

to the character in the makefile.

To change the parameter in the command line, go to Development, Development, Rpc2Rfc Server ... and Makefike menu item. An editor shows the makefile.

You can also change the destination Natural library name:


If your Natural client environment works without stubs (or is stubless), the following parameter STUBS=OFF suppresses the generation of subprograms, for example:

$(ERXIDL) -D OUT_DIR=$(PDA_DIR) -D STUBS=OFF -t nat_trans.tpl

You can use either Browse Natural Programs PDAs or Subprograms on the development page to look at a Natural program for an example call to an APAB business function. If you have to use stubs in Natural RPC, then you can use the subprograms to build a stub with SYSRPC. In other cases, you will find the business interface to the ABAP function in the PDAs.

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Configuring the Natural Client

When the SYSTRANS file is first downloaded and uploaded to your Natural development environment, the Natural Parameter Module must be adapted as an RPC Client. The tool for setting the parameter depends on the platform.

Set the compression parameter to: COMPR=0. You will receive runtime errors if you set it to COMPR=1. This also applies when you use stubs.

The following example shows the Natural Configuration Utility with parameters for a stubless RPC client. The autorpc parameter is switched on.


On the mainframe, you can start the Natural nucleus online with the following parameters. In this example, Natural works without stubs.


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Generate Stub for COBOL Client

Choose Download COBOL Stubs on the Development page to browse the generated COBOL source. You can transport the source to your COBOL Development Environment using your file transfer utility (for example, FTP). It is possible to generate an FTP shell script (or batch on Windows) for uploading files.

Please read the Release Notes for more EntireX Communicator installation hints.

The COBOL Stubs should be generated during the Compile and Link job. This makes it possible to adapt the makefile to your parameters. To set the parameters in System Manager:

  1. Go to the Development page of the Configuration menu or to http://YourGateway:8080/sapr3gateway/manager/devAdmin.

  2. Select the link to the Rpc2Rfc (SAP Server)

  3. Select the link to the COBOL Makefile. You will get an editor with the makefile.

  4. Uncomment the ('#' lines) statements for calling ERXIDL and set the parameter COB_PARMS. (The back slash character must be the last character of any line that continues onto the next line.) For more information about the parameter, please read the EntireX Communicator Documentation.

    # Define IDL Cobol Template Parameter
    #   -D SERVER=SRV1 
    #   -D BROKER=ETB001 
    #   -D QUOTE=0 
               -D SERVER=SRV1   \
               -D BROKER=ETB001 \
               -D SECURITY=NONE \
               -D COMM=EXTERNAL \
               -D QUOTE=0
    #	echo Create Cobol Stubs... 
    #	$(ERXIDL) $(COB_PARMS) -o $(COB_DIR) -t $(EXXTPL)/cobolclient1.tpl $(IDL_DIR)/$(ERX_LIB)_WithoutAlias.idl
    #	$(ERXIDL) $(COB_PARMS) -o $(COB_DIR) -t $(EXXTPL)/cobolclient2.tpl $(IDL_DIR)/$(ERX_LIB)_WithoutAlias.idl
    #	echo Create Cobol Programs ...
    #	$(ERXIDL) $(COB_PARMS) -o $(COB_DIR) -t cob_prog.tpl $(IDL_DIR)/$(ERX_LIB)_WithoutAlias.idl
    #	echo Create Upload FTP Script ...
    #	$(ERXIDL) -D SHELL=SH_or_BAT -D LOCAL_DIR=$(COB_DIR) -D REMOTE_ROOT_DIR=.. -t cob_ftp.tpl $(IDL_DIR)/$(ERX_LIB)_WithoutAlias.idl
    #	echo Execute FTP Script ...
    #	chmod +x ftp${ERX_LIB}.sh
    #	./ftp${ERX_LIB}.sh host userid password destinationDirectory
  5. Save the file.

  6. Restart the Compile and Link job.

  7. View the results with the function Browse COBOL Stubs. All COBOL Stubs start with the character C. The example programs have the prefix P. A program calls its stub with the current parameter data area.

    The working storage section of a generated program source can be used in your business program.

  8. More information about the generated source code is on IDL COBOL Mapping.

  9. Copy the COBOL source with FTP to the mainframe development environment. A shell script is generated with the template cob_ftp.tpl. See the example above to call this shell script with the correct FTP parameter. The following listing shows the generated shell script:

    if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then
      echo usage: $0 host userid password [ destinationDirectory ]
      exit 1
    echo open $host                                       > ftp.txt
    echo user $userid $passwd                             >>ftp.txt
    echo lcd cob                                          >>ftp.txt
    if [ $dir ]; then
      echo cd  $dir                                         >>ftp.txt
    echo put ERXCOMM.cob   ERXCOMM                        >>ftp.txt
    echo put RPCSRVI.cob   RPCSRVI                        >>ftp.txt
    echo put CR3SYSINF.cob   R3SYSINF                       >>ftp.txt
    echo put PR3SYSINF.cob   PR3SYSIN                      >>ftp.txt
    echo dir                                              >>ftp.txt
    ftp -n -i < ftp.txt

    This UNIX shell script copies all of the necessary COBOL sources to the FTP destination and renames them for a correct calling conversation.

  10. Restart the Compile and Link job to check the FTP command and the transport of the COBOL source to your target development environment.

  11. The transported COBOL source must compile in your development environment. The following picture illustrates the necessary COBOL modules and the calling hierarchy with the R3SYSINF function example.


    Compile and link the COBOL modules with the dynamic linker option. In this case, the module RPCSRVI must compile only once and the same instance must be available to others.

  12. Start the main module (PR3SYSIN) in your target environment. The main module has generated code for

    Copy the generated code of working storage section, the (in- and out-) parameter and the call statement to your business program.

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Write the First Client

Technical Parameter

Each calling function has a technical parameter RFC_SYSTEM which contains the following fields.

1 RFC_SYSTEM         In Out
    2 userid      (A12)                      /* In     
    2 passwd      (A8)                       /* In    
    2 client      (A3)                       /* In   
    2 ok          (L)                        /* Out
    2 message     (A250)                     /* Out   
    2 operation   (I2)                       /* In
    2 handle      (I4)                       /* In Out
    2 transaction (A24)                      /* Out

The first 3 fields (userid, passwd and client) are used to identify the client in the SAP R/3 application server.

The field ok returns true or false if the call was successful. If false and an exception is thrown, the message field will contain the error text.

The operation field contains a flag indicating what the kernel process will do in the next call. The operation values can be added to perform multiple steps in a single call. If the connection to SAP is not closed, the handle field will return the RFC handle ID. You must use this handle ID in the next call to work with the remembered context on the R/3 application server side. For example, if you perform a query, the query context (result set) is remembered on the handle ID. This ID is necessary to navigate in the results.

The transaction field returns the ID for asynchronous RFC.

Overview of Operations

The operation field can contain the following values:

Operation Value Description
OPEN 1 Opens the communication to the R/3 application server and returns an RFC handle.
CREATE_TABLES 2 Creates the RFC tables to receive the contents.
WRITE_TABLES 4 Puts the contents of (RPC) data into the RFC table.
CALL 8 Calls the RFC function.
READ_TABLES 16 Gets the RFC table data and puts it into the RPC buffer.
FREE_TABLES 32 Frees the memory of RFC table data.
CLOSE 64 Closes the RFC handle communication.
DELETE_TABLES 128 Frees memory of RFC table data and deletes the table handle.
CALL_TRANSACTION 256 Calls the RFC function with transaction mode.

The following table shows predefined field constancy depending on programming language.

Natural defined in RFCSYS-L COBOL defined in working-storage section

Simple Call

The operation field for a simple call to an RFC function must be set to OPEN+CALL+CLOSE.

Writing Tables

The communication client can send large amounts of data. The first call OPENs the communication and CREATEs tables. It is possible in the first call and in subsequent calls (WRITE_TABLES) to fill the table with data. When the table has been filled, the RFC function must be called with operation CALL.

Reading Tables

After calling (CALL) the RFC function, the client can receive the table data and any subsequent calls with the operation READ_TABLES. The communication can be closed and the memory can be freed up with the operation DELETE_TABLES plus CLOSE.

RFC Handle and Connection Pooling

From the OPEN call until the CLOSE, the handle field must contain the same value. This value must not be changed by the client program.

If a client program closes the handle, the RFC handle will not be closed by the kernel process. It will be closed later if this handle cannot be reused within a specified amount of time (timeout). The same feature is used if the client neglects to close the handle or if the client abends.

Table Count, Offset and Fill Parameter

Every table has the parameters count, offset and fill. Each parameter has the table name as prefix.

Parameter Direction Description
Count Out Returns the whole number of records in the RFC. table
Offset In Offset (index) pointer to the working record in the RFC table.
Fill In Out Number of filled records in the RPC multiple group. Set -1 to use the maximum defined in IDL.

The client program that reads or writes a table must set the offset to the beginning of the record index using the offset parameter. In subsequent calls, the offset parameter must be incremented with the number of filled records.

The fill parameter is set by the client that transports multiple records from the RPC to the RFC on the operation code WRITE_TABLES. This parameter also returns the real number of transported records on the operation code READ_TABLES.

Calling Scenarios

This section explains the usage of table parameters and operation codes in abstract examples.

You must initialize the input parameter OFFSET to 0 if your client programming language does not automatically support this feature. The initialized value 0 is the same as 1.

All-in-one Call

It is possible to perform all communication steps in one call. After this call it is not possible to retrieve more information, for example about the result list.

/* Set sending table records
MY_INPUT_TABLE_FILL         := 1            /* Send one record
MY_INPUT_TABLE[ 1 ].myField := 'Hello'      /* Set value

/* Initialize receiving table
MY_OUTPUT_TABLE_OFFSET      := 1            /* Read the first record
MY_OUTPUT_TABLE_FILL        := 10           /* Reply 10 records as result, if possible 

/* Set operation code and call SAP function
                        OP_WRITE_TABLES + OP_READ_TABLES + 
                        OP_CALL + OP_CLOSE
callSAP ( RFC_SYSTEM, ... )

if RFC_SYSTEM.ok then
   /* SAP has answered successfully
   write 'SAP have found number of records: ' MY_OUTPUT_TABLE_COUNT
       /* Print all received records
   /* Do error handling

Reading Tables for Receiving Data

This scenario sends data in multiple calls.

/* Initialize receiving table
MY_OUTPUT_TABLE_OFFSET := 1                 /* Read the first record
MY_OUTPUT_TABLE_FILL   := 10                /* Reply 10 records as result, if possible 

/* Set operation code and call SAP function
callSAP ( RFC_SYSTEM, ... )

/* Remember the context in RFC_SYSTEM.handle for all subsequent calls

if RFC_SYSTEM.ok then
   /* SAP has answered successfully
   write 'SAP has found number of records: ' MY_OUTPUT_TABLE_COUNT

      /* Prepare call to get next package
      MY_OUTPUT_TABLE_FILL   := 10           /* Reply 10 records as result, if possible 		
      RFC_SYSTEM.operation   := OP_READ_TABLES
      callSAP ( RFC_SYSTEM, ... )

      for 1 to MY_OUTPUT_TABLE_FILL
          /* Print all received records

      /* Evaluate next OFFSET

   /* Close communication
   RFC_SYSTEM.operation := OP_CLOSE
   callSAP ( RFC_SYSTEM, ... )
   /* Do error handling

Writing Tables for Sending Data

If you have a large result list then you must perform multiple calls.

/* Set operation code for opening communication
callSAP ( RFC_SYSTEM, ... )
if not RFC_SYSTEM.ok then
   /* Do error handling and abort

/* Remember the context in RFC_SYSTEM.handle for all subsequent calls

while not All_Data_Transfered_Flag
	/* Send 2 records per call
	MY_INPUT_TABLE_FILL         := 2            /* Send 2 records
	MY_INPUT_TABLE[ 1 ].myField := 'Hello'      /* Set value
	MY_INPUT_TABLE[ 2 ].myField := 'World'      /* Set value

	/* Set operation code for sending data
	callSAP ( RFC_SYSTEM, ... )

/* Set operation code for calling SAP function and closing communication
callSAP ( RFC_SYSTEM, ... )
if not RFC_SYSTEM.ok  then
   /* Do error handling

Handle transactions

If the server functions require transaction handling, the client should call BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT or BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK. Both functions must be added to the IDL.

		 /* Set sending table records
MY_INPUT_TABLE_FILL         := 1            /* Send one record
MY_INPUT_TABLE[ 1 ].myField := 'Hello'      /* Set value

/* Set operation code and call SAP function
                        OP_WRITE_TABLES + OP_CALL

callSAP ( RFC_SYSTEM, ... )

/* Remember the context in RFC_SYSTEM.handle for all subsequent calls

if RFC_SYSTEM.ok then
   /* SAP has answered successfully

   /* Delete the tables in this memory context
   callSAP ( RFC_SYSTEM, ... )

   /* Commit transaction on server side
   /* Pass remembered RFC_SYSTEM.handle
   RFC_SYSTEM.operation := OP_CALL
   callSAP_COMMIT ( RFC_SYSTEM, ... )

   /* Close RFC communication
   RFC_SYSTEM.operation := OP_CLOSE
   callSAP_COMMIT ( RFC_SYSTEM, ... )   
   /* Do error handling

Searching with alphanumeric keys

Some keys are defined as numeric fields in SAP's database. But the BAPI interface defines this field as alphanumeric. In this case, the field must be set with leading 0 and alphanumeric.

MATERIAL.MATERIAL_ID = '0000000001234567890'

Optional date field

Some parameters are optional and have SAP's date type. Initialize a date field optionally with the value '00000000'


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Using XML RPC Client

SAP R/3 Gateway supports the generation process for creating an XML RPC client. Your client must send an XML document to the EntireX XML RPC adapter servlet via HTTP. The EntireX XML RPC adapter servlet can run inside the IDoc XML Gateway. A new template (since version generates

for the RPC protocol.

Start of instruction setTo configure the development

  1. Go to the administrator developer page Configuration, Development and Rpc2Rfc (SAP Server).

  2. To browse the generated files, add a link to the developer page. Set the following values:

    Description Browse XML RPC Documents
    URL ../Rpc2Rfc/dev/xml_rpc
  3. Click the link Makefile to open the makefile in an editor. For Windows, add the following line (to the includes section):

    include xml_rpc_win.mak

    For UNIX, add the following line:

    include xml_rpc_unx.mak

    Save the changes.

  4. To call the included makefile step, add the target XML_RPC to the all target line. For Windows, call the link Makefile in the editor:


    For UNIX, call the editor with Include Makefile and add the target:


    Save the changes.

  5. For Windows enter the value xml_rpc_win.mak in the line XML RPC Makefile. For UNIX target operating systems enter xml_rpc_unx.mak. Save the changes.

Start of instruction setHow to configure the generation process

  1. As default, the following 2 lines in the xml_rpc_xxx.mak file generate the XML and XSL files in the sub-directory xml_rpc.

    	$(ERXIDL) -o xml_rpc -D STYLE=XML -t xml_rpc.tpl $(IDL_DIR)/$(ERX_LIB).idl
    	$(ERXIDL) -o xml_rpc -D STYLE=XSL -t xml_rpc.tpl $(IDL_DIR)/$(ERX_LIB).idl
  2. After XML and XSL files have been generated, the EntireX Workbench will be called in batch mode to generate the XMM mapping file. The resulting file has the name R3RPC.xmm.

  3. Include the generated mapping file in the configuration of the EntireX XML RPC adapter servlet. To do this, copy the mapping file to the directory sapr3idocxmlgateway/config and rename it (with prefix D) because this file already exists.

  4. Change the EntireX XML RPC adapter servlet configuration (for Windows or UNIX) sapr3idocxmlgateway/config/AdapterConfig.xml to include the new mapping file with the prefix D:

  5. For the changes to the EntireX XML RPC adapter servlet configuration or the mapping file to take effect, the servlet must be restarted. For example with the Tomcat web application server, use the Tomcat Manager.

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