 —  SAP R/3 Gateway Documentation  —

Using the System Manager

This document describes the System Manager you use to control the SAP R/3 Gateway environment. The System Manager is implemented as a web-enabled application and runs as a GUI in your HTML browser. It is described under the following headings:

Technical Components

The main components of the System Manager are

An HTTP request for the System Manager contains optional request data and a stylesheet to transform the output.

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The design rules of the graphical frontend were the following:

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GUI Elements

There are several GUI elements used in the design of the HTML pages.

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Internal Functionality

The System Manager servlet provides the following functions:

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You call the starting page with the following URI: http://YourGateway:8080/sapr3gateway/manager/index. This displays the main pull-down menu and a short index list.


All menu items become accessible when you move the cursor over them. Some menu items have a submenu, for example:


If a new link is available for a page, the background color will change.

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System Constants Parameters

A list of the parameters you can set using the System Manager isprovided on the System Constants page of the Configuration menu or can be accessed using the URI http://YourGateway:8080/sapr3gateway/manager/SystemConstancy.


The following parameters can be set:

The SAVE button at the bottom of this page saves the parameters to the XML configuration file. A history file is also maintained. This means that changes can be undone see the section Undo Changes. On this page, there is a parameter called Configuration Backup number of files. Use it to set the number of undo operations possible.

You can also use this page to define the constancy to be used in file addresses or URLs. The second column in the table defines placeholder strings which are replaced at runtime. The placeholders are evaluated:

With this replacement feature, it is possible to maintain your files or URLs independently of your underlying file system. For example, assume you define SAG_HOME=/usr/sag, where SAG_HOME is the placeholder. On listing the SAG environment script, you can type in SAG_HOME/sagenv. The System Manager calculates the filename as /usr/sag/sagenv.

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Undo Changes

Every change effected using the SAVE button (except file editor changes) is saved in the XML configuration file. A backup file is saved in a subdirectory. You will find the history on the History of saved Configuration Files page of the Configuration menu or by using the URI http://YourGateway:8080/sapr3gateway/manager/configHistory


The list is sorted by date and time, the most recent one being listed first. Choose Load and Activate to reload a previous version. The following parameters are available to influence the backup history on the System Constants page.

Configuration Backup directory Directory name of saved files.
Configuration Backup History Template Template to create the backup file.
Configuration Backup Number of Files Available files after running Scheduler Timer Task CleanUpHistory

The Load and Activate operation does not save the new loaded configuration in the current configuration file. To make the loaded configuration persistent, click Save on System Constants.

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System Log

The System Manager protocols incoming messages in the System Log. You can display the system log by choosing the Showoption from the System Log menu (or http://YourGateway:8080/sapr3gateway/manager/systemLog?operation=systemlog) online and the messages will be written to a file.


The online Log has a table with 4 columns.

  1. Date and time

  2. Message producer ("main" is System Manager, otherwise name of Running Task), followed by "/", user ID or IP-Address of message initiator

  3. Short link to view the message text in a new browser window.

  4. Message text

All System Log parameters can be changed on the System Constants page.


This table describes the configuration parameters in detail:

System Manager Log Level Set the level at which the log displays online messages and messages written by a file.
System Manager Log View of max. Message Length Set the maximum length of messages in bytes which are displayed online. The complete message are always written to a file.
System Manager Log Home Directory: Home directory of the System Log files
System Manager Log Filename Prefix Filename prefix of System Log files
System Manager Log File Lifetime Lifetime of System Log files
System Manager Log Limit of cached Messages The last number of messages displayed online.
System Manager Log Display Sort Order Set the sort order. The last incoming message is listed first with sort order descending on the System Log page (choose Show from the System Log menu).
System Manager Log auto Refresh Time Set automatic refresh time. The browser refreshes the System Log page after this period of time in seconds. You can start the auto refresh on the System Log (choose Show from the System Log menu).
System Manager Log flush immediately Set this value to true, if each incoming message is to be written to the file immediately.

You should set this value to true if the log is to be available in realtime for other system management or monitor software.

Some parameters have an Activate button. To activate a changed and saved value, you must click this button.

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Call from Command Line

Administrators and system-wide monitors like to call the System Manager from the command line. The response should have the content type plain text. The following workshop shows an example of how to get the status of running tasks as text, see Overview of Running Tasks.

  1. Make an HTTP Get request from (UNIX shell) command line:

    # Set TOMCAT_HOME to the path of Web Application Server
    TOMCAT_HOME=/usr/tomcat; export TOMCAT_HOME
    java -cp $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/sapr3gateway/WEB-INF/lib/SystemManagement.jar HttpGet

    Response of HTTP Get Request without URL:

    usage: Http-Get-Request-URL [ Http-Basic-Auth-UserId Http-Basic-Auth-Password ]
  2. For the HTTP-Get request URL, you must create a stylesheet to receive the response as text. The following example stylesheet replies with the status of Running Tasks.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    	<xsl:output method="text" encoding="ISO-8859-1"/>
    	<xsl:template match="/">
    			For each defined Running Task
    		<xsl:for-each select="//configuration[ @name = 'RunningTasks' ]/*">
    			<xsl:value-of select="name"/>
    			<xsl:variable name="taskname">
    				<xsl:value-of select="name"/>
    			<!-- Print out status -->
    			<xsl:value-of select="//task/status[ ../parameter/name = $taskname ]"/>
    			<!-- Print out new line -->

    Save this stylesheet as runStatus.xsl in the directory webapps/sapr3gateway.

  3. Make the HTTP-Get request with stylesheet:

    java -cp $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/sapr3gateway/WEB-INF/lib/SystemManagement.jar HttpGet "http://localhost:8080/sapr3gateway/manager/runStatus"

    The System Manager with stylesheet runStatus.xsl replies:


Use the xml.xsl stylesheet in HTTP-Get requests to obtain all information about the System Manager and running tasks as an XML document.

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Change Root Path

The System Manager runs as a servlet in a servlet container. The web applications server tells the servlet in most cases its root installation path. The System Manager uses this to load stylesheets, start kernels and create log files. The System Constants page shows the root Home Directory path.

In some cases, the Home Directory must be changed to your own definition. To do this, you must set the following parameter in file WEB-INF/web.xml of all servlets.

Parameter Description
systemrealpath Overwrites the default setting from web application server of Home Directory. This setting is displayed on the System Constants screen. This parameter can also be used to delete spaces in directory path on Windows. (See the section Using the Setup Wizard.)
xslpath Loads stylesheet from an absolute path.
xsl_dir Loads stylesheet from a relative path. This parameter should be set if the stylesheets are placed in a subdirectory of the root path.
config Loads this configuration file with path and file name. To load the file with its absolute path, add the protocol file:/ in front of the parameter. Otherwise the file will be loaded with its relative path.

By default, each servlet loads its own configuration file from the Home Directory. The following table shows which file name is used.

Servlet Default Configuration File Name
SystemManagementServlet config.xml
TransformerServlet TransformerConfig.xml
FilterServlet FilterConfig.xml

When setting a new Home Directory, you must define the config parameter. Define for each servlet the config parameter with the name of the above table and with a leading slash (/) character. Now the configuration file will be loaded from systemrealpath.

If you change the WEB-INF/web.xml file with the editor, Tomcat reloads the web application immediately.

The following example shows an extract of web.xml for setting the parameter:


The documentation (the sub-directory docu) and the global.js file cannot be replaced or addressed with this parameter setting. These files must remain in their original locations.

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Password Encoding

The System Manager saves the password for several configurations (Scheduler, Attach Manager) in an XML file. This file and the password contain plain readable text. Since version the password can be saved in a decoded option. The System Manager provides its own algorithms for encoding and decoding. Optionally a password can be saved encoded. If a password cannot decode (because it is not encoded), the original one is passed to the underlying system.

The first time, call the provided page with http://YourGateway:8080/sapr3gateway/manager/encodePW. A new menu Password Encoding item is created under Tools.

After a password is encoded, copy and paste this to the required password fields and save the changed option.

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Search Worker

The index and this page provide an input text box to search for configured items. For example, search for outbound, you will find all pipelines, Attach Manager, Running Tasks and Timer Tasks where this string is contained in the configuration option (title name, queue name, description, ...).

The first time, call the provided page with http://YourGateway:8080/sapr3gateway/manager/searchWorker. A new menu Search Worker item is created under Tools.

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