Version 9.5 SP1
 —  EntireX Workbench  —

Using the EntireX Workbench in Command-line Mode

The EntireX Workbench can also be used from a command line. The command entered depends on your operating system.

In all alternatives, a command is followed by a list of file names and a list of options. The file names may contain an asterisk (*) as a wildcard. The options are key-value pairs, where the key starts with a hyphen. The command selects the Wrapper or Extractor to use. The detailed options for each command are described in the respective Wrapper or Extractor section. Using -help as command lists all available commands with a short description. Using -help <command> lists the options of the command.

For a detailed description of each Wrapper or Extractor, see the documentation of this component. Throughout these detailed descriptions we use <workbench> as a general placeholder for the actual starter of the Workbench. This can be workbench.bat, workbench.bsh, or the Eclipse starter.

Command Line under Windows

Enter the following command, replacing <EntireX HOME> with your EntireX installation directory:

<EntireX HOME>\bin\workbench.bat <command> [ <file> [ <file> ... ] ] [<options>]

This is the preferred method to start the EntireX Workbench. Alternatively, you can start the EntireX Workbench with

"%ECLIPSE_HOME%\eclipsec" -application com.softwareag.entirex.ide.eclipse.EntireXCommand -data %WORKSPACE% -nosplash <command> [ <file> [ <file> ... ] ] [<options>]
where ECLIPSE_HOME is the Eclipse installation directory
WORKSPACE is the Eclipse workspace directory.

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Command Line under Linux

Enter the following command:

/opt/softwareag/EntireX/bin/workbench.bsh <command> [ <file> [ <file> ... ] ] [<options>]


eclipse -vm $JAVA_HOME/bin/ -application com.softwareag.entirex.ide.eclipse.EntireXCommand -data $WORKSPACE -nosplash <command> [ <file> [ <file> ... ] ] [<options>] -vmargs -Dentirex.license=/opt/softwareag/EntireX/common/conf/LKey/exx81.xml
where ECLIPSE_HOME is the Eclipse installation directory
WORKSPACE is the Eclipse workspace directory.

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List of all Commands

Command Description Syntax / Examples
-c:client Generate an RPC client from an IDL file. Using the C Wrapper in Command-line Mode
-c:server Generate an RPC server from an IDL file.
-cobol:client Generate a COBOL RPC client from an IDL file. Using the COBOL Wrapper in Command-line Mode
-cobol:server Generate a COBOL RPC server from an IDL file.
-dcom:generate Generate the DCOM Wrapper object(s) for the specified IDL file(s). Using the DCOM Wrapper in Command-line Mode
-ejb:generate Generate the EJB sources for the specified IDL file(s). Using the Wrapper for EJB in Command-line Mode
-deploy:cobol Deploy server mapping files (SVMs) to the specified environment. Server Mapping Deployment in Command-line Mode
-extract:natural Extract the Natural objects from a Natural RPC Server. Using the IDL Extractor for Natural in Command-line Mode
-extract:pli Extract the PL/I source objects from an RPC Extractor Service. Using the IDL Extractor for PL/I in Command-line Mode
-extract:wsdl Extract an IDL file and an XMM file from a Web service. Using the IDL Extractor for WSDL in Command-line Mode
-extract:xml Extract an IDL file and an XMM file from an XML Document. Using the IDL Extractor for XML Document in Command-line Mode
-extract:xsd Extract an IDL file and an XMM file from an XML Schema. Using the IDL Extractor for XML Schema in Command-line Mode
-help List the short description of all commands.  
-java:all Generate all Java source files for the specified IDL file(s). Using the Java Wrapper in Command-line Mode
-java:allbeancompliant Generate all Java source files for the specified IDL file(s). The client object will be JavaBean-compliant.
-java:client Generate the Java client(s) for the specified IDL file(s).
-java:clientbeancompliant Generate the JavaBean-compliant Java client(s) for the specified IDL file(s).
-java:server Generate the Java server(s) for the specified IDL file(s).
-java:tester Generate the Java client(s) and tester(s) for the specified IDL file(s).
-list:natural List the Natural objects from a Natural RPC Server. Using the IDL Extractor for Natural in Command-line Mode
-list:pli List the PL/I source objects on an RPC Extractor Service. Using the IDL Extractor for PL/I in Command-line Mode
-map:soap Create SOAP-conformant XML mapping for all programs. Using the XML/SOAP Wrapper in Command-line Mode
-map:xmlattributes Create attribute-preferred XML mapping for all programs.
-map:xmlelements Create element-preferred XML mapping for all programs.
-map:xmlwithxsd Create element-preferred XML mapping with XML Schema for all programs.
-natural:client Generate Natural source files from the specified IDL file. Using the Natural Wrapper in Command-line Mode
-pli:client Generate a PL/I RPC client from the specified IDL file. Using the PL/I Wrapper in Command-line Mode
-pli:server Generate a PL/I RPC server from the specified IDL file.
-version Prints the version and exits.  
-wsdl Generates WSDL for the specified IDL file(s). Using the Web Services Wrapper in Command-line Mode
-xml:sample Create sample XML documents for all programs. Using the XML/SOAP Wrapper in Command-line Mode

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