Packages |
<Default Package> | Built-in EPL types such as string, float, dictionary, sequence, optional, and any. |
com.apama | Built-in Channel type. |
com.apama.adapters | IAF-based (legacy) adapter status reporting. |
com.apama.aggregates | Aggregate functions such as mean and max for use with EPL stream queries. |
com.apama.correlator | API for interacting with the correlator from EPL including UserStatusChanged, Component and Logging. |
com.apama.correlator.jms | Correlator-integrated JMS messaging API. |
com.apama.correlator.timeformat | Time and time format library based around TimeFormat. |
com.apama.cumulocity | Cumulocity IoT API, for example to send/receive a Measurement, subscribe to notifications with Subscribe or call the Cumulocity IoT REST API directly with GenericRequest. |
com.apama.cumulocity.notifications2 | Notifications 2.0 connectivity-plugin API for subscribing to Pulsar messages from Cumulocity. |
com.apama.database | Deprecated API for the ADBC IAF-based database plug-in. |
com.apama.dataview | API for EPL applications to expose a read-only view onto data for external clients that use the Scenario Service API. |
com.apama.exceptions | Built-in Exception type. |
com.apama.file | Deprecated API for the IAF-based file reading plug-in. |
com.apama.functional | Functional programming library including features such as map, filter, sendToChannel and a fluent-style wrapper called Functional. |
com.apama.json | JSON string parsing/generation library for EPL using the JSONPlugin event. |
com.apama.memorystore | Table-based memory/file/distributed storage of data from EPL. |
com.apama.oob | Out of band notifications when senders/receivers (such as external clients, dashboards, IAF adapters) connect/disconnect from the correlator. |
com.apama.queries | Deprecated API for working with queries. |
com.apama.r | EPL plug-in library for evaluating and executing scripts using the R programming language. |
com.apama.statusreport | Legacy status reporting for IAF-based adapters and service monitors (use setUserStatus instead). |
com.apama.util | Various EPL utilities including the AnyExtractor and Base64 utilities. |
com.apamax.matlab | EPL plug-in library for connecting to a MATLAB(R) engine from EPL. |
com.softwareag.connectivity | API for interacting with connectivity plug-ins, for example onApplicationInitialized and createDynamicChain. |
com.softwareag.connectivity.control | Control request/response events for connectivity plug-ins that support reliability. |
com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient | HTTP client connectivity-plugin API for sending a Request to an HTTP server. |
TimeZone | Constants for specifying any standard time zone in EPL at(...) listeners or the TimeFormat library. |