Package com.apama.adapters

Event summary
AdapterConnectionClosedSent by a transport/codec running inside the IAF to notify the IAFStatusManager that a connection to the external system the adapter communicates with has been closed.
AdapterConnectionOpenedSent by a transport/codec running inside the IAF to notify the IAFStatusManager that a connection to the external system the adapter communicates with has been successfully established.
AdapterDataViewDeregisterSent by an application to the IAFStatusDataViewService to stop publishing the status of an IAF adapter as a DataView item. The AdapterDataViewResponse event is sent in response of this event.
AdapterDataViewRegisterSent by an application to the IAFStatusDataViewService to start publishing the status of an IAF adapter as a DataView item of the IAF_ADAPTER_STATUS DataView definition. The AdapterDataViewResponse event is sent in response of this event.
AdapterDataViewResponseThis event is sent in response of the AdapterDataViewDeregister and AdapterDataViewDeregister events.
AdapterErrorNotifies registered clients that there is a problem with this subscription, such as a mismatch between the subscribed version and the version reported by the running transport/codec, or a timeout waiting for status information from the adapter.
AdapterStatusDeregisterSent by a client monitor to the IAFStatusManager, to remove its subscription to status events for a particular adapter.
AdapterStatusRegisterSent from a client monitor to the IAFStatusManager, to register interest in receiving status events from the specified codec and transport. The fields of this event uniquely identify a subscription.
AdapterUpNotifies registered clients that the specified adapter process is running.
ConfigureIAFStatusManagerConfigure an IAFStatusManager.
ConnectionClosedNotifies registered clients that a connection between the adapter and the external system it communicates with has been closed.
ConnectionOpenedNotifies registered clients that a connection between the adapter and the external system it communicates with has been successfully established.

Monitor summary
IAFStatusDataViewServiceThe IAFStatusDataViewService allows registering an IAF adapter to publish its status as a DataView item.
IAFStatusManagerThe IAFStatusManager allows interested monitors to register for status updates from adapters.