Event summary |
DataViewAddDefinition | Define a new DataView type. |
DataViewAddItem | Request that a new Item is added to a specific DataView. Must not already exist. |
DataViewAddOrUpdateItem | Request that a new Item is added to a specific DataView if it does not already exist, or is updated when it does exist. |
DataViewAllItemsDeleted | Notifies all interested clients that all Items within a specific DataView have been deleted. |
DataViewDefinition | Confirmation that a specific DataView definition has been added. |
DataViewDefinitionDeleted | Indicates that a specific DataView definition is being unloaded. |
DataViewDeleteAllItems | Request that all Items within a specific DataView are deleted. |
DataViewDeleteDefinition | Remove an existing DataView type. |
DataViewDeleteItem | Request that a specific Item within a specific DataView is deleted. |
DataViewException | Indicates that an exception occurred within the DataViewService, and indicates the name of the specific DataView. |
DataViewFieldLookup | The helper dictionary to facilitate sequence position lookup by field name. |
DataViewGetFieldLookup | Request helper dictionary to facilitate sequence position lookup by field name. |
DataViewItem | Notifies all interested clients that a new Item has been added to a specific DataView. The event provides the unique itemID, owner (user), and initial values for all fields. |
DataViewItemDeleted | Notifies all interested clients that a specific Item within a specific DataView has been deleted. |
DataViewItemException | Indicates that an exception occurred within the DataViewService, and indicates the name of the specific DataView, and the Id of the specific Item. |
DataViewServiceUnloaded | Indicates that the DataView service is being unloaded. |
DataViewUpdateItem | Contains updated DataView Item fields. Use this to update the fields. |
DataViewUpdateItemDelta | Contains updated DataView Item fields. Use this to update the fields. |