Event summary |
Alarm | Represents an alarm, used to indicate a warning or error associated with a specific source managed object such as when the temperature of a fridge increases above a particular threshold. |
ApplicationSubscribedForTenant | Notification received when a tenant is subscribed to the current application. |
ApplicationUnsubscribedForTenant | Notification received when a tenant is unsubscribed from the current application. |
AutoConcurrentConnection | A connection to Cumulocity IoT which is configured to handle most requests concurrently to improve performance. |
CumulocityRequestInterface | Low-level interface for connecting to Cumulocity and sending requests. |
CurrentUser | Used in the GetCurrentUserResponse event to represent user data. |
Error | Notification from Cumulocity when an error has occurred. |
Event | Cumulocity events (not to be confused with Apama events) are used to pass real-time information through Cumulocity IoT, for example when something happens in the sensor network, or when a security audit event is logged. |
EventDeleted | Notification from Cumulocity when a Cumulocity event was deleted. |
FindAlarm | Finds alarms, searching on source, status and type. |
FindAlarmResponse | Response from Cumulocity to a FindAlarm request, sent for each matching Alarm. |
FindAlarmResponseAck | Response from Cumulocity when it has completed searching for alarms. |
FindEvent | Finds Cumulocity events, searching on source, status and type. |
FindEventResponse | Response from Cumulocity to a FindEvents request, sent for each matching Event. |
FindEventResponseAck | Response from Cumulocity when it has completed searching for events. |
FindManagedObject | Finds managed objects (typically devices). |
FindManagedObjectResponse | Response from Cumulocity to a FindManagedObject request, sent for each matching ManagedObject. |
FindManagedObjectResponseAck | Response from Cumulocity when it has completed searching for managed objects. |
FindMeasurement | Finds measurements, searching on source, type, fragmentType. |
FindMeasurementResponse | Response from Cumulocity to a FindMeasurement request, sent for each matching Measurement. |
FindMeasurementResponseAck | Response from Cumulocity when it has completed searching for measurements. |
FindOperation | Finds operations, searching on source, status, fragmentType and agent. |
FindOperationResponse | Response from Cumulocity to a FindOperation request, sent for each matching Operation. |
FindOperationResponseAck | Response from Cumulocity when it has completed searching for operations. |
FindTenantOptions | Finds tenant options, searching on system, category and key. |
FindTenantOptionsResponse | Response from Cumulocity containing requested tenant options. |
FullyConcurrentConnection | A connection to Cumulocity IoT which is configured to handle all requests concurrently to improve performance. |
GenericRequest | Generic requests can be sent to Cumulocity to allow any request in the Cumulocity REST API, using a REST URL and query string parameters. |
GenericResponse | Response from Cumulocity to a GenericRequest. Zero or more GenericResponse events are sent by Cumulocity for each GenericRequest on the GenericResponse.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL channel, followed by a GenericResponseComplete. |
GenericResponseComplete | Response from Cumulocity after the last GenericResponse event for a given request. |
GeoFenceContainer | Geofence helper utilities. |
GeoFencePoint | Represents the coordinates of the geofence point (longitude and latitude). |
GetAllTenantsSubscribedToApplication | Request all tenants subscribed to the current application. |
GetCurrentUser | Requests details about the current user. |
GetCurrentUserResponse | Response from Cumulocity to a GetCurrentUser request. Contains required user details. Subscribe to GetCurrentUserResponse.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL to listen for this event. |
GetCurrentUserResponseFailed | Response to a failed GetCurrentUser request. Contains the error that occurred while fetching the user details. Subscribe to GetCurrentUserResponse.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL to listen for this event. |
ManagedObject | Represents a Cumulocity managed object (typically a device). |
ManagedObjectDeleted | Notification from Cumulocity when a managed object was deleted. |
Measurement | Represents a measurement associated with a managed object. |
MeasurementDeleted | Notification from Cumulocity when a measurement was deleted. |
MeasurementFragment | Represents a measurement fragment. This event can be sent to Cumulocity to create a measurement fragment, and can also be received from Cumulocity as a notification. |
MeasurementValue | Used in Measurement to represent a measurement value with units and optional extra data. |
ObjectCommitFailed | Response from Cumulocity to a failed create/update object request. |
ObjectCommitted | Response from Cumulocity after creating or updating Cumulocity objects. |
Operation | Represents an operation executed on a Cumulocity device. |
RequestAllDevices | Requests all managed objects from Cumulocity. |
RequestAllDevicesComplete | Response from Cumulocity at the end of a RequestAllDevices stream of events. |
Role | Used in the CurrentUser event to represent a user role. |
SendEmail | Requests Cumulocity to send an email alert. |
SendSMS | Requests Cumulocity to send an SMS alert. |
SerialConnection | A connection to Cumulocity IoT which is configured to handle all requests using a single client. |
SharedConnection | A connection to Cumulocity IoT which is configured to handle all requests using a shared client. |
SMSResourceReference | Used by SMSResponse to refer to an SMS resource. |
SMSResponse | Response to a SendSMS request. |
Subscribe | Subscribes to Cumulocity measurement/managed object/event/alarm/operation notifications. |
SubscribeMeasurements | Subscribes to measurements. |
TenantDetails | An event to hold tenant information. |
TenantOption | Represents an option in the tenant. |
TenantsSubscribedToApplication | Collection of all tenants subscribed to the current application. |
TenantSubscriptionNotifier | Helper utility to get notifications of tenant subscriptions and unsubscriptions. |
Unsubscribe | Unsubscribes from Cumulocity notifications. |
UnsubscribeMeasurements | Unsubscribes from measurements. |
Util | Contains various static actions that are useful for interacting with Cumulocity such as generateReqId(). |