Package com.apama.database

Event summary
BatchDoneReturned when the batch (specified by rowLimit) is completed.
CloseDatabaseRequest an open Database be closed, freeing up resources. CloseDatabase will succeed if the database is not currently open.
CommandSent to adapter to perform maintenance operations such as update or delete.
CommandAckThe acknowledgement event for Command.
CommitAckThe acknowledgement event for Commit.
CommitRequestRequest that the IAF commit all outstanding event store or updates return CommitAck when the commit is completed.
ConnectionEvent containing the actions to perform operations on a database. All operations except query are performed using this event. The Query event is used for queries.
CreatePreparedQuerySent to adapter to create a prepared (reusable) database query.
CreateStoreConfigurationRequest to create an instance of a configuration defining how an event will be stored to a database.
CreateStoreStatementSent to adapter to create a custom insert/update statement for use with the store events.
DatabaseIncluded in the response event for getDatabasesFull as a sequence of Database events, one for each available database.
DatabaseOperationAckThe acknowledgement event for OpenDatabase() or CloseDatabase().
DatabasesResponse event for RequestDatabases. A sequence of Database events is returned, one for each available database.
DataSourceIncluded in the response event for RequestDataSources(). A sequence of DataSource events is returned, one for each available dataSource.
DataSourcesResponse event for RequestDataSources(), with a sequence of available dataSources.
DBAcknowledgeEvent sent when an acknowledgement is requested using the doSQLCmdAck, doSQLCommitAck, doSQLRollbackAck, doSQLQueryAck, or doSQLEventQueryAck actions.
DBReconnectPolicyAn enumeration containing constants for the reconnection policy used when an adapter connection error occurs.
DBUtilUtility event to present a simplified and easier to use event interface to ADBC.
DeletePreparedQuerySent to adapter to delete a prepared (reusable) database query.
DeleteStoreConfigurationRequest to stop an instance of a store configuration.
DeleteStoreStatementSent to adapter to delete a custom insert/update statement for use with the store events.
DiscoveryEvent containing the actions to perform discovery of ADBC adapter resources. This is used to find the available data sources (JDBC, Sim, etc.) and the default databases and query templates (named queries) configured for those data sources.
GetNextBatchSent to the adapter to request the next rowLimit set of events from a running query.
NamedQueriesAll named query information available on this serviceId.
NamedQueryThe named query.
OpenDatabaseRequest a connection to an existing Database (ODBC, JDBC, etc.).
ParameterDataThe parameter data for a parameter of a named query.
PauseQueryRequest that a running query be paused.
PreparedQueryEvent containing the actions to create a prepared query statement on a database.
PreparedQueryAckThe acknowledgement event for CreatePreparedQuery or DeletePreparedQuery.
QueryEvent containing the actions to perform a query on a database.
QueryDoneQuery is done. Message is NULL if the query has succeeded, not NULL if an error has occurred.
QueryStatusStatus event in response to the StartQuery event. QueryStatus() contains the status of a currently active query request.
RequestDatabasesRequest a list of all available databases.
RequestDataSourcesRequest DataSources available for a given ADBC adapter.
RequestNamedQueriesRequest all named queries from a data source.
ResultEventResponse to the StartQuery or GetNextBatch event.
ResultSchemaEvent in response to the StartQuery event to indicate the result's schema.
RollbackAckThe acknowledgement event for Rollback.
RollbackRequestRequest that the IAF rollback all outstanding event store or updates return RollbackAck when the rollback is completed.
ServiceMonitorOnlineSend this event from any service monitor used with the ADBC adapter when the monitor comes online.
ServiceMonitorUnloadedSend this event from any service monitor used with the ADBC adapter.
StartQuerySent to adapter to start a database query.
StartStoreConfigurationRequest to start an instance of a store configuration.
StopAllQueriesRequest that all running queries on all databases be stopped. StopAllQueries will succeed if all queries have already been stopped.
StopAllQueriesAckThe acknowledgement event for StopAllQueries.
StopQueryRequest that a running query be stopped.
StopStoreConfigurationRequest to stop an instance of a store configuration.
StoreConfigurationAckResponse to store configuration request.
StoreConfigurationReadyNotification that the store configuration is ready to accept events for storage.
StoreDataSent to adapter to store the data in the fieldValues field.
StoreEventSent to the adapter to store the event contained in the eventData field.
StoreOperationAckThe acknowledgement event for StoreEvent or StoreData.
StoreOperationErrorThe error notification event for store operations.
StoreStatementAckThe acknowledgement event for CreateStoreStatement or DeleteStoreStatement.

Monitor summary
ADBCAdapterServiceFor use with the ADBC adapter.
ADBCStatusManagerThis monitor implements both sides of the status interface, i.e., the IAFStatusManager events on the adapter side, and the StatusSupport events on the application side.
DatabaseDVSupportMain monitor that interfaces ADBC query and result events, with the Dashboard DataView object.