Use APINTEXL instead.

This API lets you obtain chunks of

  • and migration lists of events (API-FUNC = 'ME') ,

  • migration lists of finalized archiving events (API-FUNC = 'MH'),

  • audit reports of events (API-FUNC = 'RE'),

  • audit reports of finalized archiving events (API-FUNC = 'RH'),

  • descriptions of events (API-FUNC = 'DM'),

  • descriptions of maintenance requests (API-FUNC = 'DE'),

  • JCL texts (API-FUNC = 'JJ').

APINTEXT can be invoked with:


This document covers the following topics:

Local Data Area UGNLTEXT

A definition of API-TEXT-PARM is provided in LDA UGNLTEXT.

Field Name Format I/O
LINE-CNT P5 in/out
TEXT-RECORD A80 (1:10) out
PAC-AREA B20 in/out

When APINTEXT is called:

  • API-TEXT-PARM.OBJECT-NAME should carry the name of the entity (event, finalized archiving event, maintenance request, or JCL text).

  • [API-TEXT-PARM.LINE-CNT] is made 0, if negative; it is made 10, if greater than 10. It is then interpreted as the number of lines (the size of the chunk) to be returned. In particular, no lines will be returned, if LINE-CNT = 0.

  • Normally, API-TEXT-PARM.PAC-AREA should be reset when the first chunk of the list, report, description, or text is required and left untouched for a next call to obtain an immediately following chunk of the same list, report, description, or text.

  • APINTEXT returns in API-TEXT-PARM.LINE-CNT the number of lines (the size) of the returned chunk. It may be less than the adjusted original value if the end of the list, report, description, or text has been reached.

API Return Codes

APINTEXT returns the following [API-PARM.API-MSG-NO]:

0000 if the entity has been found and a non-final chunk is being returned,
1011 if the specified ([API-PARM.API-MAIN-FUNC],[API-PARM.API-SUB-FUNC]) is meaningless,
7251 if the entity has not been found,
9999 if the entity has been found and a final chunk is being returned.

Other values of API-PARM.API-MSG-NO may be received in more unusual situations.