Migration Event API


The Migration Event API allows users to add, modify, submit, purge or display (retrieve) information about a particular migration event. The following functions are valid:

A Add Migration Event.
D Display Migration Event (Retrieve).
M Modify an existing Migration Event.
P Purge Migration Event.
U Submit Migration Event.

This document covers the following topics:

Local Data Area UMELMGEV

The fields to be passed to the API as the second parameter are in the supplied local data area UMELMGEV. The following is a detailed description of these fields:

Field Name Format Description
EVENT A32 Name of the event.
APPLICATION A32 Name of the application to be migrated.
FM-STATUS A32 Name of the status from which the application is to be migrated.
TO-STATUS A32 Name of the status to which the application is to be migrated.
ARCH-EVENT A32 Name of the archive event.
MAINT-REQ A20 Name of the maintenance request for which the migration event was created.
REPLACE A1 Replace objects (Y/N) at development or maintenance destination status.
SCHED-FLAG A1 Y indicates that the event is schedules (production status only).
SCHED-DATE T Earliest date and time this event may be submitted.
EXEC-START T Date and time the event was started.
EXEC-END T Date and time the event was ended.
STATE-TEXT A10 State of the event.
STEP-NUMBER N2 Current step number of the event.
STEP-TEXT A16 Current step of the event.
NATURAL-OBJ-CNT N5 Number of Natural objects migrated.
PREDICT-OBJ-CNT N5 Number of Predict objects migrated.
MESSAGE-OBJ-CNT N5 Number of user error messages migrated.
ERROR-CNT N5 Number of errors detected during migration.
NOTES A60 (1:3) Notes
GENERATE-TYPE A1 Generate List Type. Valid options are
    P PAC Generate
    A Predict Application Generate
    M Maintenance Request Generate
    S Predict Set Generate
    H Automatic Archiving
    L Locks
    U PAC generate (from origin status)
GEN-SET-USER A8 Name of the Predict set used with GENERATE-TYPE S.
GEN-SET-NO N2 Predict set number.
GEN-SET-LOC A1 Location (local or remote) of the Predict set.
MOD-TIME T Date and time event was last modified.
MOD-BY A8 User that last modified event.
MOD-TID A8 Terminal that last modified event.
ADD-TIME T Date and time event was added.
ADD-BY A8 User that added event.
GENLIST-U-PARAMETERS   Optional. Only needed when GENERATE-TYPE=U.
GENLIST-U-URL A253 Optional. Only needed when GENERATE-TYPE=U.
GENLIST-U-FILE-PATTERN A32 Optional. Only needed when GENERATE-TYPE=U.
GENLIST-U-EXT-PATTERN A3 Optional. Only needed when GENERATE-TYPE=U.

Migration Event API Return Codes

7250 Migration event exists.
7251 Migration event not found.
7253 Migration event added.
7254 Migration event has been modified.
7256 Migration event has been purged.
1163 Migration event submitted.