This API allows you to submit a batch event and specify the values of user-prompted substitution parameters.

APINSEVT can be invoked with:


A definition of API-PARM is provided in LDA UGNLPARM in library SYSPACUS.

To submit an event set [API-PARM.API-MAIN-FUNC] = 'U'.

This document covers the following topics:

Local Data Area UPILSEVT

A definition of API-SEVT-PARM is provided in LDA UPILSEVT in library SYSPACUS.

Field Name Format Description
EVENT A32 Name of the event.
SUBS-PARM A32 (1:10) Name(s) of substitution parameter(s).
SUBS-VAL A32 (1:10) Value(s) assigned to the corresponding substitution parameter(s).

Whenever APINSEVT is called, API-SEVT-PARM.EVENT should carry the name of the event.

If [API-PARM.API-MAIN-FUNC] = 'U', the event is found and authorised, and the user has the permissions required for submitting the event, then an attempt is made to submit the event, assigning to each user-prompted substitution parameter named in an API-SEVT-PARM.SUBS-PARM(I) the value specified in API-SEVT-PARM.SUBS-VAL(I).

The names of the user-prompted substitution parameters should be specified without the JCL substitution character.

API Return Codes

APINSEVT returns the following [API-PARM.API-MSG-NO]:

1011 if an [API-PARM.API-MAIN-FUNC] distinct from 'U' has been specified.
1163 if the event has been submitted.
2363 if the user has not the permissions needed for submitting the event.
7011 if the event has not been authorized.
7021 if the locks on PAC entities currently in effect preclude the submission of the event.
7024 if the event has already been submitted and is past the state allowing another submission.
7134 if the JCL text to be used for the event's submission has not been found.
7205 if the "initialization" has failed, i.e., logical files 210 and 211 have not been found set at a pair of matching ACF and PCF.
7249 if the event is an online one.
7251 if the event has not been found.
7264 if the event record is held.
7273 if the event is not one "to production", is scheduled, and the scheduled time has not been reached yet.

Other values of API-PARM.API-MSG-NO may be received in more unusual situations.