Status API


The Status API allows users to add, modify or display (retrieve) information about a particular status. The following functions are valid:

A Add status.
D Display status (Retrieve).
M Modify an existing status.

This document covers the following topics:

Local Data Area UAPLSTAT

The fields to be passed to the API as the second parameter are in the supplied local data area UAPLSTAT. The following is a detailed description of these fields:

Field Name Format Description
STATUS A32 Name of the Status.
STATUS-TYPE A2 Type of the Status. Valid Status types are:
A Archive
C Control
D Development
H History
I Incorporation
M Maintenance
P Production
R Retire
T Test
FUSER-DBID N5 Database ID number where the application is located.
FUSER-FNR N5 File number where the application is located.
FDIC-DBID N5 Database ID number where the XREF information is located.
FDIC-FNR N5 File number where the XREF information is located.
XREF A1 Local or remote XREF.
MOD-TIME T Date and time status was last modified.
MOD-BY A8 User that last modified status.
MOD-TID A8 Terminal that last modified status.
ADD-TIME T Date and time status was added.
ADD-BY A8 User that added status.
ADD-TID A8 Terminal that added status.
NOTES A60 (1:3) Comments.

Status API Return Codes

7250 Status exists.
7251 Status not found.
7253 Status added.
7254 Status has been modified.