Job Maintenance

This section describes the purpose of jobs and the functions available to create, maintain and delete Entire Operations objects of the type job.

Jobs are maintained on the master database which stores all user, job network, job and scheduling definitions. It also contains all information pertaining to defined logical conditions, resources, calendars, and symbol tables. All information stored on the master database can be maintained online.

Use of Jobs
Defining and Managing Jobs
Defining Job Types and Job Execution Features
Executing a Job as Dummy or Including Epilog Scripts
Using a Dummy Job
Defining a Subnetwork
Defining Parameters for an FTP Job
Defining and Managing JCL for a Job
Editing Master JCL and Natural Sources
Defining and Managing Job Conditions
Handling Prerequisite Resources for a Job
Defining and Managing End-of-Job (EOJ) Checking and Actions
Viewing Job/Network Accounting Information

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