Log Information

Entire Operations logs all important system events. You can view logs specific to an owner, network or job and specify selection criteria for the log report to be produced.

You can also use the monitoring function to observe all activities currently running in your Entire Operations environment.

This document covers the following topics:

Related Topic:

Displaying Logged Information - Browse Log Function

Entire Operations logs all important system events. Additionally, more detailed user-defined logs are available at the job level. These must be specified for the job in the job definition.

Start of instruction setTo display log information

  1. For a single node item:

    From the object workspace, select the object whose log you want to see and choose Browse Log (if applicable) from the context menu.

    For a selected owner and network:

    From the object workspace, select the General node and choose Browse Log.

    A Log Display Selection window similar to the example below opens:


  2. Specify the required selection criteria. The input fields are explained in Fields: Log Display Selection.

  3. Choose OK.

    The logging information is shown in a Browse Log window similar to the example below:


    For explanations of the columns, see Column Headings: Browse Log. The functions of the context menu are described in Available Functions: Browse Log.

Fields: Log Display Selection

The Log Display Selection window provides the following input fields:

Field Description
Date/Time from The date and time (or a start date or time) for which the log entries are selected. Default is the current date and 00:00:00 for time in the format HH:MM:SS.
Date/Time to The end date/time for the date/time specified in the Date/Time from fields. Default is the current date and time in the format HH:MM:SS.
Max. Lines  The maximum number of lines in the log display.

0 means: no limit (default).

This setting can also be specified as a default value in the user profile: see the section User Maintenance in the Administration documentation.
Owner  Enter name of the owner whose log is to be displayed. Leave blank to select log of all owners.
Network  Enter name of the network whose log is to be displayed. Leave blank to select log of all networks.
Run  Enter a run number or leave blank to select all numbers. Can be used only if owner and network have been selected. Default: 1-9999 (all).
Job  Enter name of the job whose log is to be displayed. Leave blank to select log of all jobs.
User  Enter the user ID for which the log is to be displayed or leave blank to select all user IDs. To display the log for the Monitor, enter the name of the Monitor task.
Automatically go to end Scrolls down to the end of the log report to see the most recent log entries. This setting can also be specified as a default value in the user profile: see the section User Maintenance in the Administration documentation.

Column Headings: Browse Log

The Browse Log window contains the following columns:

Column Description
User ID User ID as defined in host TP environment.
Owner  Owner name in Entire Operations.
Job  Entire Operations job name.
Network  Name of the job network.
Run  Job run number.
Date  Date of log entry.
Time  Time of log entry.
Message Message text.

Depending on the default display option set (see List Display Options in the Administration documentation), the message text is prefixed with a message code (if one exists), for example: EOR2260 - Network activation performed.

Available Functions: Browse Log

The context menu of the Browse Log window provides the following functions:

Function Shortcut Description
Copy Ctrl+C Copies the currently selected text. In case some text from the selection is not received from a server, a warning is shown and the Copy function is not performed.
Select All Ctrl+A Selects all text.
Reverse Order Ctrl+R Shows text in the reverse order.
Find Ctrl+F Finds the text fragment.
Find next F3 Finds the next text fragment.
Go To Ctrl+G Moves the cursor to the specified line number.
Print Ctrl+P Prints log data.
Refresh F5 Refreshes the log with

"time to"=actual time

Refresh with new start time F4 Refreshes the log with

"time from"=time from the selected row

"time to"=actual time

Extended Log Ctrl+E Log items with extended log information (active JCL changes, JCL, SYSOUT) are marked with an asterisk (*) in the User ID column.

See also Extended Log.

Extended Log

An asterisk (*) in the User ID column of any job means that a more specialized extended log is available according to the specifications made in the original job definition.

Start of instruction set To display the extended log

  • In the User ID column of the Browse Log window, place the cursor in an item that begins with an asterisk (*) and choose Extended Log from the context menu, or press Ctrl+E.

    The extended log appears.

Types of Extended Log

The following types of extended log are available:

  • JCL log
    If (in the Job Maintenance facility) you specified JCL logging, the JCL of the job run selected from the System Log screen is displayed in Editor format, browse mode. The JCL log source is dependent upon the operating system, in which the job has run.

  • SYSOUT log
    If you specified the job SYSOUT to be logged after job termination, the SYSOUT of the job run selected from the System Log screen is displayed in Editor format, browse mode;

  • Operating system messages
    If you specified operating system messages to be logged according to the criteria defined in the Job Maintenance facility, the messages of the job run selected from the System Log screen are displayed in Editor format, browse mode.

    In later versions of NOP, more types of extended log may be added.

  • Active JCL modifications
    If you specified to log the changes made to an active/pregenerated JCL using the corresponding option described in Defaults: System/Log Files (Administration documentation), the changes are visible in detail in the extended logging screen.

Monitoring Entire Operations Activities

Activity monitoring is used to permanently display Entire Operations events that currently occur in your Entire Operations environment.

The following applies to the monitoring feature:

  • The activity monitoring facility receives its data from the Entire Operations log file.

  • The activity monitoring facility only displays the most important messages. Error messages and other very important messages appear highlighted.

  • The default setting displays events starting from the current time.

This section covers the following topics:

Viewing Entire Operations Activities

Start of instruction set To start monitoring and display activities

  1. In the object workspace, select the General metanode.

  2. Open the context menu and choose Activity Log.

    An Activity Log window similar to the example below opens:


    All current activities within Entire Operations are logged and displayed in this window. Error messages are highlighted in red.

    The columns contained on the screen are described in Columns: Activity Log.

  3. You can use the Auto Refresh and Refresh options to update the display and modify the update interval. See also Refreshing Object Lists.

    You can use the Auto scrolling option to automatically scroll to the latest activity.

Columns: Activity Log

The columns in the Activity Log window are described in the following table:

Column Meaning
Owner Owner of the active network.
Network  Name of the active network.
Job  Name of the active job.
Run  Run number as assigned to the active network by Entire Operations.
Job ID  Job identifier as assigned by the operating system or by the job entry subsystem.
Time  Last action or check time for the job.
Message  Last message issued for the job by Entire Operations.

For a list of possible messages, see Messages in Active Job Display in the Messages and Codes documentation.