
As a system administrator, you can set system-wide defaults for various objects and functions.

This section covers the following topics:

System Defaults

This section covers the following topics:

Modifying System Defaults

Start of instruction setTo modify the system defaults:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > System node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Open.

  3. The System Defaults are displayed, and you can change them. The fields are described under Components of System Defaults.

  4. Choose OK to save your changes.

Displaying System Defaults

Start of instruction setTo display the system defaults:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > System node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display.

  3. The System Defaults are displayed. The fields are described under Components of System Defaults.

  4. Select Cancel to close the window.

Components of System Defaults


Field Explanation
NOM definition-data file (DBID/FNR) The Adabas database ID and file number of the Entire Output Management definition-data file (logical file 206).
NOM active-data file (DBID/FNR) The Adabas database ID and file number of the Entire Output Management active-data file (logical file 91).
Use owner ID

If selected: Operating-system resources should be accessed with the user ID of the report owner or bundle coordinator. This allows users whose ID is not defined externally (RACF, BS2000/OSD user ID, etc.) to use Entire Output Management.

If not selected: The Entire Output Management user must have authorization to access operating-system resources.

Use Owner ID
User ID is ESY User
Submit Job
Selected Yes Report Owner User ID
No Report Owner
Not selected Yes User ID User ID
No - Monitor
Support long names
  • If selected: Report names and bundle names may consist of up to 25 alphanumeric characters.

  • If not selected: Report names may consist of up to 17 alphanumeric characters and bundle names of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

Date format Select the format to be used for date information in Entire Output Management:
  • American (MM/DD/YY)

  • American (MM/DD/YYYY)

  • European (DD/MM/YY)

  • European (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • German (DD.MM.YY)

  • German (DD.MM.YYYY)

  • International (YY-MM-DD)

  • International (YYYY-MM-DD)

Automatic user definition
  • Automatic creation not allowed: User IDs must be defined manually with the Users function. This is the default.

  • Automatic creation: If a user enters an ID which exists neither for a user nor a distribution list, Entire Output Management automatically defines the user ID with a default profile. The default profile will be taken from the user ID DEFAULT.

  • Show window to decide: If a user enters an ID which exists neither for a user nor a distribution list, he/she will be prompted to decide whether he/she wishes to use the default profile DEFAULT.

Daily cleanup

Once a day, cleanup processing is performed which deletes: active reports (or marks them for archiving), expired active reports from archive/revival, log records, printout records, and active bundles.

If you run the monitor as a single task, it will be unable to process any reports, bundles or printouts while performing daily cleanup. To avoid this, you can define multiple tasks (daily cleanup is done by task 1) or execute the daily, report and spool cleanup as a stand-alone batch job. To achieve the latter, execute the program NOMCLEAN in the library SYSNOM in a standard batch Natural job, ensuring that LFILE 206 is set correctly to point to your Entire Output Management system file. You should schedule the batch job so that it finishes before the time specified for daily cleanup.

Time The time when you want to execute the cleanup process.
Next run The date and time of the next cleanup run.
Applications See Integrating Natural Applications below.


Field Explanation

Select the types of information to be logged. You can log maintenance information for reports, bundles, logical printers, distribution lists, and information about logon/logoff activities of users.


Enter the default retention period for log records. This is the period of time that log records are kept in the Entire Output Management database.

You set this period by specifying a number and a unit of time (days, weeks or months).


Specify the type(s) of printouts to be deleted automatically at the end of the printout Retention period:

  • Printed successfully.

  • Printing error.

  • Printing failed.


Specify the default retention period for printouts. This is the period of time that printouts are kept in the Entire Output Management database.

You set this period by specifying a number and a unit of time (days, weeks or months).

Type: Print on hold

Specify the default retention period for held printouts. This is the period of time that printouts in Hold status are kept in the Entire Output Management database.

You set this period by specifying a number and a unit of time (days, weeks or months).


These settings apply to the expansion of the treeview. If a treeview node is expanded and the number of records to be listed is very large, the expansion may take very long. In this case, you can expand a treeview node not all at once but in intervals (portions). This form of treeview expansion is controlled by the following fields.

Field Explanation
Use standard interval settings for all users

If selected, these settings apply to all users and cannot be changed by a user individually.

If not selected, every user can set his/her own treeview intervals (via Options in the Menu Bar).

Use intervals to display large amounts of data:

If selected, intervals are used for treeview expansion; if not selected, intervals are not used.

If intervals are used, they are controlled by the following options:

  • Number of intervals for splitting:
    The number of "portions" into which the records will be split when the treeview is expanded.

  • Number of records without displaying intervals:
    If the number of records does not exceed this value, the treeview expansion will not be in intervals.

  • Abort if the number of records processed is greater than:
    If the number of records processed exceeds this value, the treeview expansion will be aborted.

Use standard timeout settings for all users

If selected, the timeout setting specified in the field below applies to all users and cannot be changed by a user individually.

If not selected, every user can set his/her own timeout interval (via Options in the Menu Bar).

  • Abort if processing takes longer than:
    The procedure triggering the abortion of the treeview expansion will be started if the communication with the server in conjunction with treeview splitting exceeds the specified number of seconds.

    The specified value must be smaller than the RPC timeout value.

Perform search in advance when opening the search dialog

This option applies to the search for active reports in a folder.

If this option is not selected, the Search dialog initially displays an empty result list. This prevents a search with unknown search criteria, as this might cause a system time-out in environments with a large number of active reports.

If this option is selected, the Search dialog initially displays the result list of active reports based on the current search criteria.

Integrating Natural Applications

You can specify Natural applications which are to be displayed on the Main Menu of Entire Output Management, from where the users can invoke them (not available in the Output Management GUI client).

Start of instruction set To integrate applications in the Main Menu:

  1. In the Applications section of the System Defaults window, you specify each application as follows:

    Field Explanation
    Title The text which is to be displayed on the Main Menu.
    Library The Natural library in which the application is contained.
    Program The name of the Natural program which is to be executed as startup transaction.
    Parameters The application-specific startup parameters.

The defined applications are displayed for all users on the Main Menu of Entire Output Management. Under Natural Security, only users with the appropriate access rights will be able to log on to an application.

To return from an application to the Entire Output Management Main Menu, the application must finish with RETURN.

Automatic Display of Other Software AG Products

If Entire Operations, Entire Event Management or Natural NSPF are installed at your site, these products are automatically displayed on the Main Menu of Entire Output Management. In this way, it is easy for users to "toggle" between them and Entire Output Management.

Under Natural Security, only users with the appropriate access rights will be able to log on to a product.

Monitor Defaults

This section covers the following topics:

The Monitor runs as one or more subtasks under Entire System Server or as one or more batch jobs and controls the generation, printing and distribution of reports and bundles.

Before you specify several Monitor tasks or allow several Natural tasks, you should check the value of NATNUMSUB in the Entire System Server startup parameters:


subtask-maximum is the maximum number of subtasks (recommended: 20).

In z/OS and z/VSE, subtasks run under the Monitor Entire System Server node. In BS2000/OSD, one batch job is run for each Monitor task. In UNIX, each Monitor task uses a separate process.

Modifying Monitor Defaults

Start of instruction setTo modify the monitor defaults:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > Monitor node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Open.

  3. The Monitor Defaults are displayed, and you can change them.

    The fields are described under Components of Monitor Defaults.

  4. When you have finished making changes, choose OK to save them.

Start of instruction setTo define container files for the Entire Output Management monitor:

  1. In the Monitor Defaults window, select the Copy to DB Files button.

    A window is displayed, in which you can add, modify, delete, reset or pass the container files to your selected destination.

    Container files should be used, if separation processing is defined for the SYSOUT, and/or if SYSOUT is to be browsed online. Data are compressed in the specified files. For further information, see Defining Container Files.

  2. Choose OK to save your changes.

Start of instruction setTo modify the Monitor Task Profile:

  1. In the Monitor Defaults window, select the Monitor Task Profile button.

    The Monitor Task Profile is displayed, allowing you to define subtask processing for the Entire Output Management Monitor.

    For further information, see Subtask Processing.

  2. Modify, reset or store the monitor tasks to a list.

  3. Choose OK to save your changes.

Displaying Monitor Defaults

Start of instruction setTo display the monitor defaults:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > Monitor node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display.

  3. The monitor defaults are displayed. The fields are described under Components of Monitor Defaults.

  4. Select Cancel to close the window.

Components of Monitor Defaults


Field Explanation
Node Enter the Entire System Server node number under which the Entire Output Management Monitor is run as a subtask or batch job.
System System type (e.g. z/OS, z/VSE).
Spool Type Spool type (POWR, JES2, JES3).
Batch module

Enter the name of the Natural batch module to be used by the Monitor. The module must reside in the Entire System Server load library or in one of the Entire System Server steplib libraries defined for the Natural task that is started.

For information on creating the batch module, see the Installation and Customization documentation.

System Server Job Name Enter the name of the Entire System Server job.

Printer Tasks

The number of tasks attached to print reports and bundles in VTAM and Con-nect (maximum 10).

See also the recommendations under Subtask Processing.

Error Handling Retries The number of retries for a failed monitor operation. The action in error will not cause an error message, but it will be tried again after the time specified in the Interval field.
Interval The time in seconds after which a failed monitor operation is tried again.
Wait Factor These fields are used to adjust monitoring to the load in your installation. It is the time in seconds the Monitor waits between two consecutive monitoring cycles. During each cycle, the Monitor performs all the work accumulated since the end of the last cycle.
Minimum Enter the minimum time in seconds the Monitor is to wait between two consecutive monitoring cycles.
Maximum Enter the maximum time in seconds the Monitor is to wait between two consecutive monitoring cycles.
Increment If there is no activity during the minimum wait time, the wait time is increased by the value you enter here, until the maximum is reached. When activity occurs, the wait time returns to the minimum. Enter the number of seconds by which the wait time should increase.
Classes These fields are used to define the SYSOUT classes dedicated to Entire Output Management.
Sysout Enter a list of SYSOUT classes to be processed by Entire Output Management. Only those jobs with SYSOUT data sets in these classes are processed.
Internal Define one SYSOUT class to hold temporary SYSOUT data sets. This class must not be one of the classes defined in the Sysout field above.
Print Enter the class in which reports and bundles are to be printed.
Error Define one SYSOUT class to hold the SYSOUT data sets which cause an error during processing. This class must not be one of the classes defined in theSysout field above

Enter a job card to be used as a default when no other job card is specified.

The following substitution variable can be used: §USER.


Tracing requires a huge amount of database space and deteriorates performance considerably; therefore, the trace function should only be used if requested by Software AG Support.

If the text TRACE= appears in the jobcards, the monitor will write a detailed activity trace to its SYSOUT file(s). If the SYSOUT files are not available, for example, if the tracing monitor routine runs in a server environment or online, the trace output is written to the System Automation Tools log file, which can be retrieved with the utility NOMLOG (see Displaying the Monitor Log under Monitor Management).

In addition, the monitor trace switches on the tracing facilities of Entire System Server and the Natural Data Collection trace function if required by the specified program level.

TRACE can be specified as follows:

  • TRACE=OFF - No tracing will be performed.

  • TRACE=ON - Everything will be traced (across all levels and all components).

  • TRACE=level - Everything will be traced up to the specified program level (as determined by the Natural system variable *LEVEL).

  • TRACE=(level,[component,...]) - Tracing will be performed up to the specified program level for the specified component(s).

level can be 1 - 99.

component can be:

  • MONITOR = All monitor administration traces (this is also always traced in conjunction with one of the other components).

  • SCAN = The scanning of spool systems for matching reports.

  • COPY = The copying of reports to a container file.

  • CREATE = The creation of active reports and bundles.

  • PRINT = Printout management.

The tracing of printers is not controlled by this job card. To trace printer tasks, you use the corresponding printer attribute; see Attributes of Physical Printers.


JES3 has an additional field:

Field Explanation

Enter a list of execution classes to be processed by Entire Output Management.

This method creates considerable performance overhead and should only be used for compatibility reasons. In future, only SYSOUT classes should be used for processing by Entire Output Management. If, however, you still need this method during a transitional period: in addition to searching SYSOUT classes for output, execution classes can also be searched. In this case, the following limitations apply:

  • no default definitions are checked for processing;

  • messages that no report definition has been found for a certain SYSOUT data set are not logged.


BS2000/OSD has three additional fields:

Field Explanation
Rename files Entire Output Management usually renames print files during processing by adding an internal ID to make them unique. Enter "Y" (yes) to rename files, or "N" (no) not to rename files.
Rename=N and changing the contents of input files will lead to inconsistent reports unless they are all kept in the database. For this reason, reports resulting out of BS2000/OSD data sets with changing contents must always be created with "Store in NOM DB = Y"; otherwise the source has to be copied to a container file before processing.
Copy files

Enter "Y" to copy BS2000/OSD files to an Entire Output Management container file; or "N" to not copy them.

At least one destination has to be defined; see Defining Container Files below.

When this option is active, the original BS2000/OSD files will not be processed by Entire Output Management after being copied, in particular cleanup processing will not delete them.

Virtual printer

Enter the names of virtual printers (RSO) defined in BS2000/OSD. The printouts for this device are processed by Entire Output Management. (The printers must be virtual and must not be enabled for the spooling system). If the type of carriage control is not contained in the RECFORM attribute, the printout must be routed to the printer assigned to the corresponding carriage control.

As of BS2000/OSD spool version 3.0 B, exactly one virtual printer (not RSO), which can be addressed with the PRINT-DOCUMENT command, can be assigned to a BS2000/OSD ID. In this case, enter *V in the "recform" field and leave the rest empty.

Defining Container Files

This function is used to define container files for the Entire Output Management Monitor. Container files should be used if separation processing is defined for the SYSOUT and/or if SYSOUT is to be browsed online. Data are compressed in the specified files.

Start of instruction set To invoke this function:

  1. Press PF7 on the Monitor Defaults screen.

  2. A window is displayed, in which you specify:

    • the destination as specified in the DEST=(,...) parameter of the $$LST (POWER) or of the DD statement (JES);

    • the database ID and file number of the container file.

Subtask Processing

This function is used to define subtask processing for the Entire Output Management Monitor.

Start of instruction set To invoke this function:

  1. Press PF8 on the Monitor Defaults screen.

    The following screen is displayed:

        12:12:34             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****             2015-09-30
       UserId XYZ                - Monitor Task Profile -
        Task    Scan       Copy       Create      Manage            Wait Factors
       Number  Queues     Source      Reports    Printout       Min   Max   Increment
         1       _           _           _           _          30    120      1__
         2       X           _           _           _          60__  300_     1__
         3       _           X           _           _          120_  3600     1__
         4       _           _           X           _          30__  180_     1__
         5       _           _           _           X          40__  240_     1__
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo                                Menu
  2. Here you can split the workload of the monitor between up to 5 different tasks, each with their own wait factors.

    The management functions of the monitor (for example, cleanup, active bundle flushing) are always done by Task 1. Task 1 will also take over work for any subtask that fails.


The number of additional monitor tasks to be defined depends on your execution environment. The following table gives some recommendations:

Environment Total Number of Monitor Tasks Additional Tasks for Wait Factors (in seconds) Number of Printer Tasks
Min Max Increment
General recommendation 2 Manage Printout 5 30 1 2
Many short printouts 2 Manage Printout 1 20 1 4 - 10
Few large printouts 3 Copy Source, Manage Printout 10 30 1 2 - 4
Many short printouts as well as a few large printouts 3 Copy Source, Manage Printout 1 20 1 4 - 10

Under UNIX, Scan Queues and Copy Source must be executed by the same monitor task.

Report Defaults

You can define default parameters for report processing. These defaults apply to newly-created reports and can be modified for each report.

This section covers the following topics:

Modifying Report Defaults

Start of instruction setTo modify the report defaults:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > Report node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Open.

  3. The Report Processing Defaults are displayed, and you can change them.

    The fields are described under Components of Report Defaults.

    The Action options correspond to those described in the General Attributes of a report.

  4. Choose OK to save your changes.

Displaying Report Defaults

Start of instruction setTo display the report defaults:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > Report node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display.

  3. The Report Processing Defaults are displayed.

    The fields are described under Components of Report Defaults.

    The Action options correspond to those described in the General Attributes of a report.

  4. Select Cancel to close the window.

Components of Report Defaults

Field Explanation
Report Retention These fields determine how long reports are stored in the Entire Output Management database. When this retention period expires, the reports are purged and/or archived, depending on the selected Action.

The default retention period is the system-wide period defined by the system administrator.


Possible actions:

  • Purge report after = The report will be purged when the retention period expires. It will not be archived.

  • Archive report after = The report will be archived when the retention period expires.

  • Archive report directly and keep online = The report will be archived the next time the archive job runs, but its content is still available for online viewing until the retention period expires.

  • Archive report directly, purge online immediately = The report will be archived the next time the archive job runs, it will be purged when its processing is completed.

  • (none) = No default is set for new reports.

When an active report is archived, its content is no longer available online. After this, it only exists in the archive data set and has to be revived before it can be viewed or printed again.

Number Specify the number of days/weeks/months the report is to be stored in the Entire Output Management database.

Possible values:

  • Working days

  • Absolute days

  • Weeks

  • Months

If you select "working days", you have to specify a calendar which distinguishes between working and non-working days.

Calendar If you specify "working days" as the Unit of time, you have to specify the name of the calendar which determines which days are considered to be working days. See also Calendars.
Example: If you want reports to be kept for two working days, you specify Number 2 and Unit working days. Assuming that in the calendar referenced, Saturday and Sunday are defined as non-working days, this means that if a report is created on a Friday evening, it will be retained until Tuesday evening.
Copy report content to NOM database You can use this option to take the report contents from the spool and store them in the Entire Output Management directory file for later viewing or archiving.

To set no default for new reports, select (none).

Create report definitions for active reports by separation With this option, you can have report definitions created automatically for reports produced as a result of separation.

To set no default for new reports, select (none).


Enter the job cards to be used for printing with batch jobs.

The following substitution variables can be used: §USER and §REPORT.

Separator Pages Start Enter the name of the separator page to be printed at the beginning of the report
End Enter the name of the separator page to be printed at the end of the report.
Copies Specify how many times each separator page is to be printed.
See Separator Pages for further information.

Bundle Defaults

You can define default parameters for bundle processing. These defaults apply to newly-created bundles. They can be modified for each bundle.

For further information, see Adding a Bundle Definition in the User's Guide.

Modifying Bundle Defaults

Start of instruction setTo modify the bundle defaults:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > Bundle node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Open.

  3. The Bundle Processing Defaults are displayed, and you can change them.

    The fields are described under Components of Bundle Defaults.

  4. Choose OK to save your changes.

Displaying Bundle Defaults

Start of instruction setTo display the bundle defaults:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > Bundle node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display.

  3. The Bundle Processing Defaults are displayed.

    The fields are described under Components of Bundle Defaults.

  4. Select Cancel to close the window.

Components of Bundle Defaults

Field Explanation
Retention Period Enter the number of absolute days, working days, weeks or months the bundles are to be kept in the Entire Output Management database. See the Retention field description under Attributes of a Bundle in the User's Guide.
Unit Possible values:
  • Working days

  • Absolute days

  • Weeks

  • Months

If you select "working days", you have to select a calendar which distinguishes between working and non-working days.

Calendar Select a calendar, if "working days" is the unit for the retention period.

For more information, see Attributes of a Bundle in the User's Guide. See also Calendars.

Example: You have defined a calendar in which Saturday and Sunday are marked as holidays. If have specified "2" as the Period, and "working days" as the Unit and the bundle is created on Friday evening, it will be retained until Tuesday evening.

Bundle separator pages Start Enter the name of the separator page to be printed at the beginning of the bundle.
End Enter the name of the separator page to be printed at the end of the bundle.
Copies Specify how many times each separator page is to be printed for the bundle.
See Separator Pages for further information.
Printers Printer

You can enter up to 5 logical printer names. These are the printers on which the bundle will be printed.

The select a printer, use the Select button on the right. For further information, see Selecting Printers for a Bundle.

Copies Specify the number of copies to be printed on the respective printer.

See Setting the Number of Copies for a Printer.

Report separator pages
  • If this option is selected, the report separator pages are printed. This is the default.

  • If this option is not selected, the report separator page are not printed.

The number of separator pages can be defined for each report in the bundle. See Attributes of a Bundle in the User's Guide.

Hold before print
  • If this option is selected, the bundle is placed in Hold status in the printout queue until it is released manually for printing.

  • If this option is not selected, the bundle is printed immediately.

Print job card

Enter the job card to be used for printing on system printers. The following substitution variables can be used: §USER and §BUNDLE.

Automatic Archiving Defaults

You can set default parameters for archiving. These parameters enable you to create archive data sets and schedule automatic archiving.

For further information on archiving, see the sections Archive Administration and Archiving Task.

This section covers the following topics:

Modifying Parameters for Archiving

Start of instruction setTo modify the archiving parameters:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > Archiving node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Open Parameters.

  3. The Archiving Parameters window is displayed, and you change the data.

    The fields are described under Archiving Parameters below.

  4. Choose OK to save your changes.

Displaying Parameters for Archiving

Start of instruction setTo display the archiving parameters defaults:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > Archiving node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display Parameters.

  3. The archiving defaults are displayed. The fields are described under Archiving Parameters below.

  4. Select Cancel to close the window.

Archiving Parameters

Fields - All Operating Systems

The following fields are common to all operating systems.

Field Explanation
Default Retention

The parameters entered in the following two fields determine where the archive data sets are to be created, their prefix and how long they are to be retained.

Enter the default Retention Period for archive records. This is the period of time that reports are kept in the Entire Output Management database. When this period expires, the reports are marked for deletion in the archive catalog.

Number Enter the number of units the reports are to be kept.

D = days, W = weeks, M = months, Y = years.

For example 3D (3days), 5M (5 months) etc.

Schedule These two fields define automatic scheduling of the archiving process:
Time scheduled Enter Y to activate the automatic time schedule, which you define below.
Next run

Date and time for which the next archive run is scheduled.

The scheduling process can also be started manually by entering the option code >8.7 in the command line.

Skeleton Enter the name of the job skeleton to be used for the archive task. You can edit this member by pressing PF10 (Edit). The job skeleton with this name can be found in the library SYSNOMU. The job skeleton used for condensing has to be saved in library SYSNOMU and must be named JCDNSKEL.
Data Set Prefix Archive Enter a prefix to be used for creating archive data set names. A sequential number is added automatically to this prefix to create a name for an archive data set.

In BS2000/OSD environments, archive data set prefixes will be automatically preceded by user ID $TSOS. . For example, if the prefix is L99020, the data set name is L99020.NOM0001.

Condense You may enter a different prefix for archive data sets created by the condense job, so that these can be distinguished from normal archive data sets.

Enter "N" (or leave blank) to provide an expiry date (or output file retention period) only on the final condense step. This is the default and is compatible with earlier versions of Entire Output Management.

Enter "Y" to provide the expiry date on every condense step. Entering "Y" here will cause operating-system messages to be issued for the second and subsequent steps and these might require operator intervention.

Condense Threshold Numbers of active reports in an archive that will cause automatic condense marking of this archive.
Delete empty Automatic deletion of empty archive data sets. Enter "Y" or "N".
Jobcards Enter the job cards to be used for archiving with a batch job.

Fields - z/OS only

Field Explanation
Generic Name Enter the generic name for tapes used in your installation. This parameter is used for archiving to tapes. The default is TAPE (UNIT=TAPE in JCL).
Storage Class (SMS) Enter the name of the storage class for the storage management system.
Archive to disk

Enter "Y" to use a generation data set.

For information on generation data sets, see the appropriate IBM documentation.

Max. generations Maximum generations. This field is taken from the definition of the generation data set and cannot be modified.
Predefined Volsers Enter up to 5 volsers to be used for archiving.

Fields - z/VSE only

Field Explanation
SYS(nnn) Enter a number to specify the z/VSE system file to be used for archiving.

Fields - BS2000/OSD only

Field Explanation
Device The medium to which archiving is performed (tape, cassette, e.g. T9P, T9G, T-C1 ...).

Archiving Schedule Parameters

Field Explanation
Next run Date and time for which the next archive run is scheduled. This field is write-protected. The values are calculated automatically if the parameter in the Time scheduled field is set to Y.
Start Time

If archiving is to be performed automatically according to a schedule, enter the time at which the archiving should start. The default is 24:00, midnight. The format is hh:ii (hours:minutes), for example: 18:00.

The archiving process can be scheduled for days in the week or days in the month. Enter data either for Weekdays or for Monthly days, but not for both.


Enter the day(s) in the week on which to perform archiving:

  • SU = Sunday

  • MO = Monday

  • TU = Tuesday

  • WE = Wednesday

  • TH = Thursday

  • FR = Friday

  • SA = Saturday

Or Monthly Days Enter the dates in the month on which to perform archiving, for example: 01, 05, 23, etc. Or enter ALL for all days in the month or LD for the last day of the month.

If you specify a calendar, archiving is performed only on days defined as working days in the calendar, but not on days defined as holidays.

To select a calendar from a list of defined calendars, enter an asterisk (*).

See also Calendars.

Before/After Holiday(s) Should an archiving date fall on a calendar holiday, enter "A" to archive on the first workday after the holiday, enter "B" to archive on the last workday before the holiday.

User-Defined Archives

You can define up to 9 custom archive types in addition to the standard archive. This enables you to:

  • create multiple hierarchies for archived reports. For example, reports which need to be revived quickly can be archived to disk, with all other reports being archived to tape.

  • archive to non-standard data sets (that is, data sets which cannot be accessed as a Natural work file) such as optical disks.

The Entire Output Management monitor submits an archive job for each type which has active reports to be archived. It also submits a condense job for each type which has archive data sets to be condensed. It submits a revive job for each data set/volume containing reports to be revived.


  1. You cannot condense data sets of different types into a single output data set.
  2. Entire Output Management assigns the logical volser name NOMUDA to all user-defined archives.

This section covers the following topics:

Listing the Archives

Start of instruction setTo list the archives:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > Archiving node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose List.

    A list of all user-defined archives is displayed.

Creating a New Archive

Start of instruction setTo create a new user-defined archive:

  1. Select the Archive folder in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose New.

  3. The New User-Defined Archive window is displayed in the content pane. The fields are described under Components of User-Defined Archives.

  4. Choose OK to save your data.

Components of User-Defined Archives

Field Explanation
Name Enter an archive name (must be unique).
Number The internally allocated type number.
Description Enter a description.
DSN Prefix The prefix used for data sets created for this archive type.

If you leave this field blank, the value is taken from Automatic Archiving Defaults.

Job Skeletons The name of the member in SYSNOMU to be used for submitting archive, revive and condense jobs.
Default Retention The archive retention value to be used for any report which does not have its own retention value.

If you leave this field blank, the value is taken from the Automatic Archiving Defaults.

User Routine The user routine library and member to be invoked for this archive type.

If you leave this field blank, the archive will be handled as a standard batch Natural work file.

Archive/Revive Jobcards Jobcards to be used for archive/condense and revive jobs.

If you leave these blank, they are taken from the Automatic Archiving Defaults and Automatic Reviving Defaults.

Modifying an Archive

You cannot modify a user-defined archive if there are any reports, active reports or archive data sets of this type.

Start of instruction setTo modify a user-defined archive:

  1. Select an instance of the System Administration > Defaults > Archiving node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Open.

  3. The User-Defined Archive Type window for the selected instance is displayed, and you can change it. The fields are described under Components of User-Defined Archives.

  4. Choose OK to save your changes.

Displaying an Archive

Start of instruction setTo display a user-defined archive:

  1. Select an instance of the System Administration > Defaults > Archive node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display.

  3. The selected archive is displayed. The fields are described under Components of User-Defined Archives.

  4. Select Cancel to close the window.

Renaming an Archive

Start of instruction setTo rename a user-defined archive:

  1. Select an instance of the System Administration > Defaults > Archive node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Rename.

    A window is displayed.

  3. Enter the new name, and select OK.

Cross-Referencing an Archive

Start of instruction setTo display cross-reference information for a user-defined archive:

  1. Select an instance of the System Administration > Defaults > Archive node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose XREF.

    The XREF of Archive Type window is displayed. It shows how many objects of each type reference this archive.

  3. Select the relation type to display the object list.

  4. Select OK.

Deleting an Archive

Start of instruction setTo delete a user-defined archive:

  1. Select an instance of the System Administration > Defaults > Archive node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Delete.

  3. Confirm your choice.

Automatic Reviving Defaults

The reviving parameters enable you to schedule automatic reviving.

For further information, see the section Start Reviving Task.

This section covers the following topics:

Modifying Reviving Defaults

Start of instruction setTo modify the reviving parameters:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > Reviving node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Open.

  3. The Reviving Parameters are displayed, and you can change them.

    The fields are described under Reviving Parameters below.

  4. Choose OK to save your changes.

Displaying Reviving Defaults

Start of instruction setTo display the reviving parameters:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > Reviving node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display.

  3. The reviving defaults are displayed. The fields are described under Reviving Parameters below.

  4. Select Cancel to close the window.

Reviving Parameters

Field Explanation
Skeleton Name of the Job Skeleton. The member resides in the library SYSNOMU.
The following fields are used to define the automatic scheduling of the Reviving process.
Time scheduled Enter "Y" to activate the automatic time schedule, which you define below.
Next run Date and time for which the next revive run is scheduled. The values in this field are calculated from the parameters entered below and are not modifiable here.
not before Enter the time for the first reviving of the day to be performed. For example, 7:00.
every Enter a time interval here. For example, if you enter 6 here, reviving is performed at 7:00, 13:00, and 19:00 hours.
not later Enter the time for the last reviving of the day to be performed. For example, 19.00.
Weekdays Enter the two-character abbreviation for the day(s) in the week on which to perform reviving:
  • SU = Sunday

  • MO = Monday

  • TU = Tuesday

  • WE = Wednesday

  • TH = Thursday

  • FR = Friday

  • SA = Saturday

Or Monthly Days Enter the dates in the month on which to perform reviving, for example: 01, 05, 23, etc. Or enter ALL for all days in the month or LD for the last day of the month.
Calendar ID If you specify a calendar here, reviving is performed only on days defined as working days in the calenda, but not on days defined as holidays.

To select a calendar from a list, enter an asterisk (*) in this field.

See also Calendars.

Before/After Holiday Should a reviving date fall on a calendar holiday, enter A to revive on the first workday after the holiday, enter B to revive on the last workday before the holiday.
Jobcards Enter the job cards to be used for reviving.

Automatic Cleanup Defaults

The cleanup parameters enable you to schedule automatic cleanup.

This section covers the following topics:

Modifying Cleanup Defaults

Start of instruction setTo modify the cleanup parameters:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > Cleanup node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Open.

  3. The Cleanup Parameters are displayed, and you can change them.

    The fields are described under Cleanup Parameters below.

  4. Choose OK to save your changes.

Displaying Cleanup Defaults

Start of instruction setTo display the cleanup parameters:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > Cleanup node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display.

  3. The cleanup defaults are displayed. The fields are described under Cleanup Parameters below.

  4. Select Cancel to close the window.

Cleanup Parameters

Field Explanation
Cleanup Process
Spool Cleanup Enter Y to activate automatic SPOOL cleanup. This automatically deletes SPOOL files and Container File entries no longer needed by Entire Output Management.
Report Cleanup Enter Y to activate automatic report cleanup. This automatically deletes active reports with location SPOOL, if corresponding SPOOL file no longer exists because it was deleted outside Entire Output Management.
Cleanup Schedule
Time scheduled Enter Y to activate the automatic time schedule, which you define below.
not before Enter time to perform the first cleanup of the day. For example, 7:00.
every Enter a time interval here. For example, if you enter 6 here, cleanup is performed at 7:00, 13:00, and 19:00 hours.
not later Enter time to perform the last cleanup of the day. For example, 19.00.
Weekdays Enter the two-character abbreviation for the day(s) in the week on which to perform cleanup:
  • SU = Sunday

  • MO = Monday

  • TU = Tuesday

  • WE = Wednesday

  • TH = Thursday

  • FR = Friday

  • SA = Saturday

Or Monthly Days Enter the dates in the month on which to perform cleanup, for example: 01, 05, 23, etc. Or enter ALL for all days in the month or LD for the last day of the month.
Calendar ID

If you specify a calendar here, cleanup is performed only on days defined as working days in the calendar, but not on days defined as holidays.

To select a calendar from a list, you enter an asterisk (*) in this field.

See also Calendars.

Before/After Holiday(s) Should a cleanup date fall on a calendar holiday, enter A to cleanup on the first workday after the holiday, enter B to cleanup on the last workday before the holiday.
Scheduled next Date and time for which the next cleanup run is scheduled.

CA Spool Defaults

CA Spool, among other spooling systems, can serve as source for the output data to be processed. Here you can define whether the CA Spool interface should be active or not.

Entire Output Management scans the specified destinations and moves the output into its own database container for further processing. The destinations to be scanned should be defined as virtual printers reserved for Entire Output Management. The destination is switched to the specified Temporary Destination (also a virtual printer) in order to avoid processing the same queue entry again.

This section covers the following topics:

Modifying CA Spool Defaults

Start of instruction setTo modify the CA Spool defaults:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > CA Spool node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Open.

  3. The CA Spool Defaults are displayed, and you can change them.

    The fields are described under CA Spool Defaults below.

  4. Choose OK to save your changes.

Displaying CA Spool Defaults

Start of instruction setTo display the CA Spool defaults:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > CA Spool node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display.

  3. The CA Spool defaults are displayed. The fields are described under CA Spool Defaults below.

  4. Select Cancel to close the window.

CA Spool Defaults

Field Explanation
Scan CA Spool queue Activate the CA Spool interface? Enter Y (yes) or N (no).
CA Spool Interface Version Specify your current interface version of CA Spool (for example, 90).
CA Spool Version (1/2) Specify your current version of CA Spool. For versions earlier than 2.0, specify 1. For other versions, specify 2.
Temporary Destination Specify a virtual CA Spool destination to which Entire Output Management routes the output to be processed.
Time Limit Enter the maximum number of seconds the Monitor is allowed to scan for output arriving through the CA Spool interface in one cycle. A value of 0 means no limit.
Destination Specify up to 20 destinations to be scanned by Entire Output Management.
DBID / FNR Specify the database ID and file number of the corresponding Entire Output Management container file in which to store the created reports.

Natural Advanced Facilities Defaults

Instead of printing output from Natural programs in the Natural Advanced Facilities spool file (FSPOOL), you can route it to an Entire Output Management file (SYS2), from which it can be distributed, bundled or separated.

Here you can define whether the NAF/NOM interface is active and from which Natural Advanced Facilities environments output is to be processed. A separate Entire Output Management container file can be assigned to each FSPOOL file. However, you can also assign the same Entire Output Management container file to all FSPOOL files.

This section covers the following topics:

Modifying Natural Advanced Facilities Defaults

Start of instruction setTo modify the Natural Advanced Facilities parameters:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > NAF node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Open.

  3. The Natural Advanced Facilities Defaults are displayed, and you can change them.

    The fields are described under Natural Advanced Facilities Defaults below.

  4. Choose OK to save your changes.

Displaying Natural Advanced Facilities Defaults

Start of instruction setTo display the Natural Advanced Facilities parameters:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > NAF node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display.

  3. The Natural Advanced Facilities defaults are displayed. The fields are described under Natural Advanced Facilities Defaults below.

  4. Select Cancel to close the window.

Natural Advanced Facilities Defaults

Field Explanation
NAF interface active Process spool data from Natural Advanced Facilities? Enter Y (yes) or N (no).
Time limit Enter the maximum number of seconds the Monitor is allowed to scan for output arriving through the Natural Advanced Facilities interface in one cycle.

A value of 0 means no limit.

FSPOOL DBID / FNR The database ID and file number as defined in the FSPOOL parameter.
Container DBID / FNR

The database ID and file number of the Entire Output Management container file.

Output is filed to a database and is subject to the transaction logic of the database. Be sure to issue an ET as soon as possible. Be sure to regularly issue new ETs to prevent the Hold queue from overflowing (when there is a large amount of output).Remember that output from BTs is also affected. Be sure that no user transaction is open during an Adabas CLOSE or DEFINE PRINTER.

For further information, see the section ET/BT Logic in the Natural Advanced Facilities documentation.

NOM API and User-Exit Defaults

This section covers the following topics:

Modifying API and User Exit Defaults

Start of instruction setTo modify the API and user exit defaults:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > API and User Exit node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Open.

  3. The API Defaults are displayed, and you can change them.

    The fields are described under API and User-Exit Defaults below.

  4. Choose OK to save your changes.

Displaying API and User Exit Defaults

Start of instruction setTo display the API and user exit defaults:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > API and User Exit node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display.

  3. The API and user exit defaults are displayed. The fields are described under API and User-Exit Defaults below.

  4. Select Cancel to close the window.

API and User-Exit Defaults

Field Explanation
NOM trigger container file

This API can be used to explicitly trigger the processing of an output file by Entire Output Management. In JES and POWER this output file can belong to any output class.

Documents on UNIX or loaded with the Open Print Option (OPO) will also be processed using the Entire Output Management trigger queue.

For further information, see the members NOMTP-D and NOMTP in the libraries SYSNOMU and SYSNOMS respectively.

Scan trigger queue

Process the Entire Output Management trigger queue? Enter "Y" to activate this interface. "N" = no.

For this setting to take effect, you have to restart your monitor.


Enter the database ID and file number of the container file in which the trigger data are to be stored.

If you use a container file for Natural Advanced Facilities printing, it has to be the same file as defined for the trigger queue.

User Exits

The user exits described below are located in the Natural library SYSNOMS.

User Exit Explanation

This exit is called by the Entire Output Management monitor while scanning the spool queue. A call to this function indicates that no report definition was found for the specified source and the spool exit 001 flag was set.

The exit must set the "process" flag to TRUE to advise Entire Output Management to make the source as subject for its normal cleanup processing, or FALSE to advise it not to process this output. In this case, the exit must switch the output from the Entire Output Management input queue to prevent subsequent processing for the same output.


This exit is called by the Entire Output Management monitor while scanning the spool queue.

The function is called if the exit 002 flag is set to allow the modification of spool attributes before they are stored in the Entire Output Management database.

NOMEX003 This exit is called by Entire Output Management to allow/disallow access to Natural NSPF.
NOMEX004 This exit is called by Entire Output Management to allow suppression of log messages.
NOMEX005 This exit is called by Entire Output Management to allow modification of print job substitution variables.
NOMEX006 This exit is called by Entire Output Management to make available information about completed printouts.
NOMEX007 This exit is called by the Entire Output Management user interface when certain fields are to be modified online. This exit may set init values for the fields and prohibit modification.
NOMEX008 This exit is called by Entire Output Management to allow integration of user-written application logic with Entire Output Management, allowing to store notes for an active report or even for a specific line of an active report. The exit is invoked whenever the status of an active report changes, a documented example is provided in the library SYSNOMS. The exit is invoked using two different functions: GET-STATUS: to return status information (containing 10 bytes) of an active report to be displayed in the list of active reports (notes field). INTEGRATION-EVENT: invoked by the report browser, if PF2 is pressed, to store environment-site and user-specific data (i.e., notes) for an active report or a specific line of an active report.

This exit is called by Entire Output Management to suppress optimization for counting lines of BS2000/OSD input data sets.

Assuming 'Rename=N' (BS2000/OSD files will not be renamed). Normally, when a BS2000/OSD data set is printed more than once by Entire Output Management, Entire Output Management will count the records in the data set only once and pass this record count on for further processing. This makes sense, because Entire Output Management assumes that the contents of the data set do not change.

Upon special customer request, this exit was created to allow suppression of this optimization. This means that for each print to Entire Output Management the same data set is counted again, the reason being that the data set can change its contents and length.

In this case, the flag NOMEX009-COUNT-OPTIMIZE should be set to false.

Rename=N and changing contents of input files will lead to inconsistent reports unless they are all kept in the database. For this reason, reports resulting out of BS2000/OSD data sets with changing contents must always be created with Store in NOM DB = Y; otherwise the source must be copied to a container file before processing.
NOMEX010 This exit is called by Entire Output Management to get or suppress a log message.

This exit is called by Entire Output Management immediately before a record is written to the required target (PC or Con-nect) and allows modification of browsed active report data as well as suppression and insertion of records.

The exit is activated by setting active reports export exit to "Y" (in NOM API and User-Exit Defaults). The object must be in a library accessible to the Entire Output Management online system. NOM221S contains a sample NOMEX011 as well as the parameter data area NOMEXP11.

NOMEX012 Unused.
NOMEX013 This user exit is called immediately before a report is opened. It will supply attributes of the active report to be opened, spool attributes, and the source attributes. Some fields can be changed and returned to Entire Output Management. For a description of what is to be tested see the program source.
NOMEX014 If data are transferred to Entire Output Management using the Open Print Option, not only print data can be transferred but also meta data. These meta data are properties of the print data. They are stored in the field #SPOOL-ATTR-EXTENDED. NOMEX014 will be invoked by RMPRRP (print reports) and RMPRBU (print bundles) once at the start of a printout within the printer task to retrieve the properties of a printout, especially the extended attributes.

Output Parameters for NOMEX011

Parameter Explanation

Return code:

  • 0 = include record as is.

  • 4 = include modified record (P-EXP-RECORD).

  • 8 = insert P-EXP-RECNO lines from P-EXP-INSERT-LINES (next call to exit is with the same record).

  • 12 = suppress record.

  • 16 = terminate export with message P-EXP-RT.

  • 99 = continue export without calling NOMEX011 again.

P-EXP-RT Error text for P-EXP-RC = 16.
P-EXP-RECNO Number of records to insert.
P-EXP-RECORD Modified record to be exported.
P-EXP-INSERT-LINES Up to 10 lines to be inserted.
P-EXP-WORK Work area for NOMEX011, maintained across calls.

Parameters for NOMEX014

For a description of the parameters for this user exit, see the source of NOMEX014.

All parameters are input-only parameters and cannot be changed - exceptions: the fields NOMEX014-ERROR-CODE and NOMEX014-ERROR-TEXT. If an error code is set at return time, Entire Output Management will display it instead of starting the printout. If error code 5 is set, any user message can be displayed; all other error numbers will display the corresponding Entire Output Management error message with NOMEX014-ERROR-TEXT containing the parameters of the message.

SAP-Spool Defaults

SAP-Spool, among other spooling systems, can serve as source for the output data to be processed. Here you can define whether the SAP-Spool interface should be active or not.

Reports can be transferred via SAP exits to Entire Output Management for further processing, instead of being printed by the SAP Spooling system. The data are stored in the specified Adabas file (Entire Output Management container file) and an entry is created for each report in an internal queue. These jobs are run if SAP-Spool interface active is set to Y.

This section covers the following topics:

Modifying SAP Spool Defaults

Start of instruction setTo modify the SAP Spool defaults:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > SAP Spool node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Open.

  3. The SAP Spool Defaults are displayed, and you can change them. The fields are described under SAP-Spool Defaults below.

  4. Choose OK to save your changes.

Displaying SAP Spool Defaults

Start of instruction setTo display the SAP Spool defaults:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > SAP Spool node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display.

  3. The SAP Spool defaults are displayed. The fields are described under SAP-Spool Defaults below.

  4. Select Cancel to close the window.

SAP-Spool Defaults

Field Explanation
SAP-Spool interface active Enter "Y" to activate this interface. For the Monitor to begin scanning for output arriving through this interface, you must bring it down and back up again.
Time Limit Enter the maximum number of seconds the Monitor is allowed to scan for output arriving through the SAP interface in one cycle. A value of  0 means no limit.
NOM Container File (DBID/FNR) Enter the database ID and file number of the Adabas file to be used as spool container.

UNIX Defaults

You can treat any supported UNIX or Windows platform as a source of output data. Thus it is possible to get the output of any UNIX or Windows application to a container file and process it as usual, including archiving, distribution, printing on a mainframe printer, bundling, and so on.

This is done via an Entire Broker communication using Entire System Server UNIX, which both have to be installed.

This section covers the following topics:

Creating New UNIX Defaults

Start of instruction setTo create new UNIX defaults:

  1. Select the UNIX folder in the object workspace and invoke the context menu.

  2. Choose New.

    The New UNIX Defaults window is displayed in the content pane.

  3. The fields are described under UNIX Defaults.

  4. Choose OK to save your data.

Listing All UNIX Defaults

With this function, you can list all nodes defined for UNIX.

Start of instruction setTo list all UNIX nodes:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > UNIX node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose List.

    A window is displayed listing all user-defined UNIX nodes.

Modifying UNIX Defaults

Start of instruction setTo modify the UNIX defaults:

  1. Select an instance of the System Administration > Defaults > UNIX node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Open.

  3. The UNIX Node Definition for the selected instance is displayed, and you can change it.

    The fields are described under UNIX Defaults.

  4. Choose OK to save your changes.

Displaying UNIX Defaults

Start of instruction setTo display the UNIX defaults:

  1. Select an instance of the System Administration > Defaults > UNIX node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display.

  3. The UNIX defaults are displayed. The fields are described under UNIX Defaults.

  4. Select Cancel to close the window.

Deleting UNIX Defaults

Start of instruction setTo delete UNIX defaults:

  1. Select an instance of the System Administration > Defaults > UNIX node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Delete.

  3. Confirm your choice.

UNIX Defaults

Field Explanation

Enter the desired node name here. A node on a UNIX or Windows system is identified by its name, not by a node number. This name must be registered at a broker and entered in member SATSRV of library SYSSATU in a section like this:


For details, see the Entire System Server UNIX Installation documentation.

This field is case-sensitive.


If UNIX nodes are defined, the Entire Output Management monitor will try to log on to each node at each monitor cycle. If a node cannot be accessed, the monitor will write an error message to the monitor log once and set this field to "S" to indicate that the node has been suspended. If the node is active again, a message will be written to the monitor log that it has been reactivated, and file processing will start again.

Possible values:

  • A = Active node: the node is scanned to get output to Entire Output Management.

  • S = Suspended node: a logon to this node is currently not possible; it is reactivated by the monitor as soon as a logon is possible again.

  • D = Deactived node: a logon to this node is not possible.

  • M = Monitor: the node is defined as environment for the monitor, is never suspended, and invokes Entire System Server on UNIX via EntireX. Used on UNIX systems.

  • L = Local monitor: the node is defined as monitor, it invokes Entire System Server as a subprogram without using EntireX. Used on UNIX systems.

Descr This field describes the node definition (display only).

Enter a directory here where files are stored that could not be processed by Entire Output Management. This is done to keep the directories "clean" of non-processable files which would waste CPU time.

A directory name must not contain wild characters, because it is used to identify file directories uniquely. The last character must be '/' (this is concatenated automatically), the back slash is not allowed. For Windows systems it will be created automatically.

This field is case-sensitive.

User ID

This is the user ID on the target node, used to logon to the machine. Entire Output Management will get exactly the rights this user ID has got on the specified node.

This field is case-sensitive.


This is the password on the target node, used to logon to the machine. It is stored and sent across the network in an encrypted format.

This field is case-sensitive.


Since the password is entered without display, you have to confirm your password typing it twice.

This field is case-sensitive.


On UNIX systems enter the group ID here, on Windows systems it is the domain name. Leave this field blank to get to the default group / domain.

This field is case-sensitive.


Enter up to 10 default paths here. When creating a report, one of these paths must be selected for the report.

A directory name must not contain wild characters, because it is used to identify file directories uniquely. The last character must be '/' (this is concatenated automatically), the back slash is not allowed. For Windows systems it will be created automatically. On Windows systems drive letters (eg. 'C:/') will be recognized.

These paths are owned by Entire Output Management. The monitor will try to find reports for any of the files, copy them to the specified container file and create active reports. Then the file in the specified directory will be deleted. If no reports are found and no default report exists, the file will be moved to the directory specified in the 'Temp' field, a time stamp will be added, and Entire Output Management will forget about it.

These fields are case-sensitive.

Container DBID /FNR Specify the database ID and file number of the container file which is connected to this path. Only the first entry is mandatory, if the other lines are left empty, they will default to the first line.

3GL Interface

The 3GL interface can transfer output line by line to Entire Output Management for further processing. The interface provides the functions OPEN, PUT, CLOSE, which must be used as follows:

The interface consists of a control block, a data field and a work area. Several lists can be transferred to Entire Output Management at the same time, however each list must have its own control block and work area.

Control Block

Field Offset Length Explanation
Function code 0 2 1 = OPEN
2 = PUT
5 = End transaction
6 = Backout transaction
Carriage control character 2 2 1 = ASA code
2 = IBM machine code
3 = Siemens EBCDIC code
4 = without carriage control character.
Interface description 4 2 Enter the number of the interface here which you have described in the 3GL Interface Defaults.
Return code 6 4 0 or error code.
ET possible 10 2 Reserved for internal use.
ET/BT necessary 12 2 Needed only when the caller is controlling the transaction logic (when automatic ET > 0).
0 = No open transaction.
1 = Transaction open.
Report opened 14 2 0 = No OPEN has been performed for this control block.
1 = A report has been opened for this control block.
Execute ET 16 2 Reserved for internal use.
Automatic ET 18 2 0 = Transaction logic controlled by interface.
>0 = Transaction logic controlled by caller.
Database number 20 2 Database ID of the container file.
File number 22 2 File ID of the container file.
Line length 24 4 Must be supplied for the PUT function so that it can provide the line length.
Defaults at OPEN 28 2 0 = Default values are not written to the control block fields at OPEN.
1 = Defaults are written to fields.
Debugging 30 2 Reserved for internal use.

Data Field

Field Offset Length Explanation
Data 0 251 Contains the spool attributes during an OPEN and the print lines during a PUT.

Work Area

Field Offset Length Explanation
Work area 0 4096 Only for internal use. The work area contains compressed output among other data.

Transaction Logic

The print lines are stored in an Adabas database. Like any other changes to a database, the stored records must be confirmed (END TRANSACTION) or rejected (BACKOUT TRANSACTION). The transaction logic can either be executed automatically by the interface or can be determined by the caller.

Bytes 1 to 63 of the spool attributes must uniquely identify the print data.

Automatic ET

If the field "Automatic ET" is set to "0", the interface performs an ET in the following situations:

  1. during processing of the OPEN;

  2. during processing of the PUT, if n records have been stored in the database since the last confirmation (n = value of "Automatic ET");

  3. during processing of the CLOSE.

It is recommended to always choose "1" as the value for "Automatic ET".

Transaction Logic Controlled by Caller

In addition to the OPEN, PUT, CLOSE functions, you must also perform the functions END TRANSACTION and BACKOUT TRANSACTION before calling Adabas with ET or BT. After the CLOSE you must always perform an Adabas ET call.

We recommend using this option only when you are performing other database changes in your program. In all other cases, you should only work with "Automatic ET".

3GL Interface Maintenance

A 3GL interface, among others, can serve as source for the output data to be processed. OPEN, PUT and CLOSE transfer the list data to these 3GL interfaces

OPEN transfers the interface number+attributes (spool attributes) for identification and display purposes. PUT transfers one print line at a time. A CLOSE call tells the interface that the list is complete. An entry is created for processing of the list. For further details, see the section 3GL Interface.

The 3GL maintenance functions enable you to describe your own interface. The data entered are used to interpret the spool attributes and also to dynamically generate the Report Definition > 3GL Identification and Active Reports > Spool Attributes screens.

Listing All 3GL Interfaces Defaults

Start of instruction setTo list all 3GL interfaces:

  1. Select the System Administration > Defaults > 3GL Interfaces node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose List.

    A window listing all user-defined interfaces is displayed.

Creating New 3GL Interface Defaults

Start of instruction setTo create new 3GL interface defaults:

  1. Select the 3GL Interface folder in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose New.

  3. The New 3GL Interface Defaults window is displayed in the content pane, and you can enter data. The fields are described under 3GL Interface Defaults.

  4. Choose OK to save your data.

Modifying 3GL Interface Defaults

Start of instruction setTo modify 3GL Interface defaults:

  1. Select an instance of the System Administration > Defaults > 3GL Interface node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Open.

  3. The 3GL Interface Defaults for the selected instance are displayed, and you can change them.

    The fields are described under 3GL Interface Defaults.

  4. Choose OK to save your changes.

Displaying 3GL Interface Defaults

Start of instruction setTo display 3GL Interface defaults:

  1. Select an instance of the System Administration > Defaults > 3GL Interface node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display.

  3. The 3GL Interface defaults are displayed. The fields are described under 3GL Interface Defaults.

  4. Select Cancel to close the window.

Deleting 3GL Interface Defaults

Start of instruction setTo delete 3GL Interface defaults:

  1. Select an instance of the System Administration > Defaults > 3GL Interface node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Delete.

  3. Confirm your choice.

3GL Interface Defaults

Field Explanation
3GL Interface nnn
active Enter "Y" to activate this interface. For the Monitor to begin scanning for output arriving through this interface, you must bring it down and back up again.
Time Limit Enter the maximum number of seconds the Monitor is allowed to scan for output arriving through the 3GL interface in one cycle. "0" means no limit.
Description Enter a short description of the interface being defined.
NOM Container File
DBID, FNR Enter the database ID and file number of the Adabas file to be used as spool container.
Identifying Attributes
Prompt Enter the four-digit number (library SYSNOMU) in SYSERR of the field prompt. This text is used in the report definition to describe the identifying attributes. It will also be used in the display of spool attributes of an active report.
Offset Enter the offset in spool attributes parameter. The value of the specific attribute will be extracted from this offset in the given length.
Length Enter the length in spool attributes parameter. The value of the specific attribute will be extracted from the specified offset in the given length.
Order Enter a number from 1 to 4 to specify the order in which the primary identification attributes will be evaluated.
Generic (*) Enter "Y" if this attribute is to be used generically for report identification. Note that only one attribute can be used in this way.
File Identification


In the 3GL interface 104 during OPEN, the user ID is in bytes 1 to 8, the terminal ID in bytes 9 to 16, the program name in bytes 17 to 24 and the list name for post selection in bytes 33 to 40.

The prompts User ID, Terminal ID, Program and List Name were stored via SYSERR in the texts of numbers 1040, 1041, 1042, 1043 in the library SYSNOMU. When 3GL interface 104 is selected for report identification, a screen like the 3GL Interface Defaults screen is displayed.