Attributes of Physical Printers

This section describes the attributes of a physical printer definition:

General Attributes

Field Explanation
Printer ID Enter the ID of the physical printer.
Location Enter the location of the physical printer. For example: 2nd floor, room 216.
Monitor The name of the monitor controlling this physical printer. In a single-mode environment, the name will always be MAIN.
Printer type

The following printer types are supported by Entire Output Management:

  • CASPOOL - Print to CA Spool.

  • CON-NECT - Print to Con-nect.

  • DISKMVS - Print data to disk (z/OS).

  • ECL - Entire Output Management PC Link from Version 2.1.1.

  • EMAIL - Physical printer representing one or more email addresses.

  • NAF - Print on Natural Advanced Facilities logical printer.

  • SYSPRBS2 - System printer in BS2000/OSD.

  • SYSPRJES - System printer in JES (z/OS).

  • SYSPRPWR - System printer in POWER (z/VSE).

  • TAPEMVS - Print data on tape (z/OS).

  • TAPEVSE - Print data on tape (z/VSE) .

  • VTAM - VTAM printer.

  • WRTSPOOL - Output directly to spool (z/OS and z/VSE).

  • XML - XML printer.

  • UNIXLP - Direct TCP Printing.

  • NATUNIX - Print on Natural for UNIX.

  • DISKUNIX - Output to UNIX or Windows file.

Under Natural for UNIX, only the printers types NATUNIX and DISKUNIX are supported.

Enter an asterisk (*) to display a selection list of all printer types.

Print program Name of the program which does the actual printing.
Job skeleton Name of the job skeleton in the SYSNOMU library, that is used when printing in batch mode. Press PF10 (Edit) to edit this job skeleton.
Escape character Special character used to identify substitution variables.
Maximum lines Enter the maximum number of lines allowed to be printed on this printer.
Time windows from/to Printing is allowed only during the specified time intervals.

Special Attributes

Depending on the type of physical printer, there are different sets of special printer-type-specific attributes. The following physical printer types are supported and their special attributes explained below:

The value specified for a special attribute will be used if there is no corresponding specification is made in the logical printer definition.


Attribute Explanation
Account Enter the account number to be used.
Chars Enter the character table to be used.
Class Enter the output class to be used for system printers.
System ID Enter system affinity.
Fcb Enter the FCB image that describes the length (and, optionally, width) of a page.
Formdef Enter the name of the FORMDEF to be used.
Form Enter the name of the form to be used.
Hold Should the printout be held by CA Spool? Enter YES/NO.
Linect Enter the maximum number of lines to be printed on a page.
Limit Enter the maximum number of lines allowed.
Filename Enter the name of the output file.
Pagedef Enter the name of the PAGEDEF to be used.
Programmer Enter the programmer's name.
Prmode Enter PAGE to use page mode as PRMODE.
Retention How long should the print file be retained after printing? Enter the retention period (in hours).
Room number Enter the room number.
Trc TRC (table reference characters). Enter YES/NO.
Writer Enter the name of the NJE writer.


Attribute Explanation
DBID Database ID of the Con-nect system file.
FNR File number of the Con-nect system file.
Cabinet Name of the Con-nect cabinet. You can leave this field blank. In this case, the document is created in the cabinet of the user who issued the printout.
Document name Name of the Con-nect document. In this case, the document name is constructed from the report/bundle name, the run number of the object to be printed and the run number of the printout.
Document format Enter the document format to be used: 0 = text document, 1 = Con-form document (default).
Description Enter up to four lines of document description.
Keywords Enter up to six keywords for the document.


Attribute Explanation
Dataset Enter the data set name to be used.
Member Enter the member name to be used.
Dataclas Enter the DATACLAS parameter. This corresponds to the DATACLAS JCL parameter.
Dcb Enter the DCB parameter. This corresponds to the DCB JCL parameter.
Disp Enter the Disposition parameter.
Expdt Enter the EXPDT parameter. This corresponds to the EXPDT JCL parameter.
Like Enter the LIKE parameter. This corresponds to the LIKE JCL parameter.
Lrecl Enter the record length to be used (for records of variable length, this is the maximum record length + record length field).
Mgmtclas Enter the MGMTCLAS parameter. This corresponds to the MGMTCLAS JCL parameter.
Msvgp Enter the MSVGP parameter. This corresponds to the MSVGP JCL parameter.
Recfm Enter the record format to be used. In addition, this entry determines whether the data are printed with ASA/machine code or without carriage control characters.
Retpd Enter the RETPD parameter. This corresponds to the RETPD JCL parameter.
Space Enter the SPACE parameter. This corresponds to the SPACE JCL parameter.
Storclas Enter the STORCLAS parameter. This corresponds to the STORCLAS JCL parameter.
Unit Enter the unit type.
Volser Enter the volser where the data set is located.
Work file This entry is made automatically according to the record format (RECFM) used. If RECFM is set to "V", work file number 01 will be used (this is the default); otherwise, work file number 02 will be used.

ECL 2.1.1

Attribute Explanation
Service Enter the name of the label in member SATSRV in library SYSSATU which identifies the set of attributes needed for client/server communication with the print server running under OS/2 or Windows. To use different members specify <member.label>.
Barcode Enter the name of the BARCODE resource to be used.
Cond. processing Specifies the maximum nesting level for conditional processing. If it is AFP, this value is always 1. With PFM, the maximum value is 32767.
Destination Name of a logical destination as defined in ECL.
  • Hold - Hold before print.

  • Keep - Keep after print.

  • Delete - Delete after print.

Formdef Enter the name of the FORMDEF resource if the output is to be formatted.
Pagedef Enter the name of the PAGEDEF resource if the output is to be formatted.
Trc Enter YES if your print file contains font indices.
Trace Enter YES to activate the trace facility. The trace output will be written to the ESY log.


Attribute Explanation Symbol
Recipient You can enter up to 9 e-mail addresses to which to send the report. Enter the at sign @ as (a). &REC1. to &REC9.
Recipient-CC You can enter up to 9 e-mail addresses to which to send the report as "CC" (carbon copy). Enter the at sign @ as (a). &REC1-CC. to &REC9-CC.
From This is the name which will appear as the sender of the e-mail. &REPLY.

This Entire System Server node will be used to send the mail. It can be different from the node the Entire Output Manager monitor uses.

If this field is left blank, the node number of the monitor will be used. If this is the case, the monitor user ID (usually NOMMON) must be enabled for "UNIX Services" in your security system (like RACF or ACF2).

If the node number is different from the monitor's number, any user ID who sends an e-mail is used for sending and must be enabled accordingly.

Encrypt Enter "Y" to encrypt the e-mail message. (This function is not yet available.) &ENCR.
Subject The subject of the e-mail to be sent. &SUBJ.
Text Member For binary reports only: You can specify the name of a Natural text member whose contents is to be used as the actual text of the message. &EMAIL-MEM.
Text Library The library which contains the Text Member. &EMAIL-LIB.

A printer of type EMAIL is available on mainframes only and uses the Entire System Server to send the mails. If the active report is of type "text", it will be sent line by line. If the active report is of type "binary", the binary file will be attached to the mail sent; and, if a Text Member is specified (see above), its contents will be used as the text of the mail.


Attribute Explanation
Printer Profile Enter the name of a Natural Advanced Facilities logical printer profile (LPF). The LPF determines which printer is used. For further information, see the Natural Advanced Facilities documentation.
CC Table Enter the PROFILE parameter. For further information, see the Natural Advanced Facilities documentation.
Forms Enter the FORMS parameter. For further information, see the description of the DEFINE PRINTER statement in the Natural documentation.
Listname Enter the NAME parameter. For further information, see the description of the DEFINE PRINTER statement in the Natural documentation.
Disposition Enter the DISP parameter (DEL/HOLD/KEEP). For further information, see the description of the DEFINE PRINTER statement in the Natural documentation.


Attribute Explanation
Orig. attributes Should original print attributes be used? Enter YES/NO.
Chars-modification Should all character set characteristics be used or only certain ones? Enter YES/NO.
Chars Enter one or several character sets to be used for printing.
Class Enter the job class to be used for the SPOOLOUT job.
Control Determines whether control characters specific to laser printers should be used.
Destination Determines logical printer to be used.
Dia Enter the Formulardia to be used.
Document-format Specifies the type of the document contents.
Fob Enter the Forms Overlay Buffer (FOB) for overlaying printed pages with text and pictures.
Form Enter the type of form to be used.
Header Determines whether a header line should be printed on each page.
Image Enter the name of a parameter file containing LOOP-, FOB- and CHARS-POOL sets.
Lines Enter the number of lines to be printed on a page.
Loop Enter the name of the LOOP set to be loaded in the carriage information buffer of the printer.
Pagecc Determines whether control characters should be evaluated.
Pname Job name for the SPOOLOUT job.
Rotation Allows page rotation for output on laser printers.
Rotation-loop Enter the name of loop for output in landscape format.
Shift Enter the number of columns by which the output text should be indented.
Space Determines the number of line feeds or the type of carriage control characters contained.
Text This is stored in the SPOOL Control Block (SCB) for the processing of system exits.
Transl.Table Enter the code translation table to be activated.
Tray Enter the number of the tray from which to extract paper for printing.


Attribute Explanation
Burst Enter the BURST parameter. This corresponds to the BURST JCL parameter.
Chars Enter one or more 4-byte character set names as in JCL.
Ckptline Enter the maximum lines in a logical page. This corresponds to the CKPTLINE JCL parameter.
Ckptpage Enter the number of logical pages to be printed before JES takes a checkpoint. This corresponds to the CKPTPAGE JCL parameter.
Ckptsec Specify how many seconds of printing are to elapse between each checkpoint for the SYSOUT data set. This corresponds to the CKPTSEC JCL parameter.
Class Enter a one-character JES output class for the printout.
Compact Enter the COMPACT parameter. This corresponds to the COMPACT JCL parameter.
Datack Enter the DATACK parameter. This corresponds to the DATACK JCL parameter.
Dcb Enter the DCB parameter. This corresponds to the DCB JCL parameter.
Destination Enter the JES destination parameter.
Fcb Enter the Forms Control Buffer. This corresponds to the FCB JCL parameter.
Flash Enter the FLASH parameter. This corresponds to the FLASH JCL parameter.
Formdef Enter the name of the library member that PSF uses in printing on a page-mode printer.
Forms Enter the name of the form. This corresponds to the FORMS JCL parameter.
Index Enter the INDEX parameter. This corresponds to the INDEX JCL parameter.
Lindex Enter the LINDEX parameter. This corresponds to the LINDEX JCL parameter.
Lrecl Enter the LRECL parameter. This corresponds to the LRECL JCL parameter.
Modify Enter the MODIFY parameter. This corresponds to the MODIFY JCL parameter.
Pagedef Enter the name of the library member that PSF uses in printing on a page-mode printer.
Prmode Enter the PRMODE parameter. This corresponds to the PRMODE JCL parameter.
Recfm Enter the RECFM parameter. This corresponds to the RECFM JCL parameter.
Trc Enter the TRC parameter. This corresponds to the TRC JCL parameter.
Ucs Enter the UCS parameter. This corresponds to the UCS JCL parameter.
Work file This entry is made automatically according to the record format (RECFM) used. If RECFM is set to "V", work file number 01 will be used (this is the default); otherwise, work file number 02 will be used.


Attribute Explanation
Burst Enter the BURST parameter. This corresponds to the BURST JCS parameter.
Chars Enter one or more 4-byte character set names as in JCS.
Class Enter a one-character POWER output class for the printout.
Cmpact Enter the CMPACT parameter. This corresponds to the CMPACT JCS parameter.
Destination Enter the POWER destination parameter.
Delt Enter the DELT parameter. This corresponds to the DELT JCS parameter.
Disp Enter the DISP parameter. This corresponds to the DISP JCS parameter.
Fcb Enter the Forms Control Buffer. This corresponds to the FCB JCS parameter.
Flash Enter the FLASH parameter. This corresponds to the FLASH JCS parameter.
Form Enter the name of the form on which the report or bundle is to be printed. This corresponds to the FORM JCS parameter.
Jsep Enter the JSEP parameter. This corresponds to the JSEP JCS parameter.
Modify Enter the MODIFY parameter. This corresponds to the MODIFY JCS parameter.
Password Enter the PWD parameter. This corresponds to the PWD JCS parameter.
Rbc Enter the RBC parameter. This corresponds to the RBC JCS parameter.
Rbm Enter the RBM parameter. This corresponds to the RBM JCS parameter.
Rbs Enter the RBS parameter. This corresponds to the RBS JCS parameter.
Remote Enter the REMOTE parameter. This corresponds to the REMOTE JCS parameter.
Sysid Enter the SYSID parameter. This corresponds to the SYSID JCS parameter.
Ucs Enter the UCS parameter. This corresponds to the UCS JCS parameter.
User Enter the USER parameter. This corresponds to the USER JCS parameter.


Attribute Explanation
Dataset Enter the data set name to be used.
Disp Enter the Disposition parameter.
Blksize Enter the block size to be used.
Recfm Enter the RECFM parameter. This corresponds to the RECFM JCL parameter.
Lrecl Enter the record length to be used.
Dcb Enter the DCB parameter. This corresponds to the DCB JCL parameter.
Label Enter the LABEL parameter. This corresponds to the LABEL JCL parameter.
Unit Enter the unit type.
Volser Enter the volser where the data set is located.
Work file This entry is made automatically according to the record format (RECFM) used. If RECFM is set to "V", work file number 01 will be used (this is the default); otherwise, work file number 02 will be used.
Expiration Enter the retention period for the data set.


Attribute Explanation
Dataset Enter the data set name to be used.
Volser Enter the volser where the data set is located.
Unit Enter the Unit type.
Disp Enter the Disposition parameter.
Recfm Enter the RECFM parameter. This corresponds to the RECFM JCL parameter.
Work file This entry is made automatically according to the record format (RECFM) used. If RECFM is set to "V", work file number 01 will be used (this is the default); otherwise, work file number 02 will be used.
Blksize Enter the block size to be used.
Carriage control Enter YES, if printing is to be done with carriage control. Enter NO, if not.
Expiration Enter the retention period for the data set.


Attribute Explanation
Carriage control Enter YES, if printing is to be done with carriage control. Enter NO, if not.
Form feed before Enter the number of form feeds to be performed at the beginning of a printout.
Form feed after Enter the number of form feeds to be performed at the end of a printout.
Trace Enter YES, if you want a trace to be written by Entire System Server.
Logmode Enter a special log mode, if desired.


Attribute Explanation
Burst The BURST option. Possible values: NO (default) and YES. (Used only for z/VSE.)
Chars Four groups of 4-byte character-set names taken from the JCL. (Used only for z/OS.)
Class A one-character output class for the printout. If this field is left blank, the print class of the monitor defaults will be used.
Compact The name of the compaction table. (Used only for z/VSE.)
Copies The number of SYSOUT copies.
CopyModModule The module name for copy modification. (Used only for z/VSE.)
CopyModTable The character arrangement table for copy modification. (Used only for z/VSE.)
Destination The remote destination of the dataset.
Disposition The disposition to be assigned to the spool output. (Used only for z/VSE.)
Fcb The name of the Forms Control Buffer.
Flash The Flash parameter for device type 3800.
Flash Count The Flash count. (Used only for z/VSE.)
Form Enter the SYSOUT form.
Hold Determines whether the SYSOUT dataset is to be held (YES/NO). (Used only for z/OS.)
Job name The name of the job under which the output is to be printed.(Used only for z/VSE.)
Node The Entire System Server node which will be used to write to spool. If this field is left blank, the node number of the monitor will be used.
Password The password of the job. (Used only for z/VSE.)
Program The name of the writer program to process this dataset.
Segment size The size (in lines) of each segment. (Used only for z/VSE.)
Sep pages copies Determines whether the required separators are copied. Possible values: YES or NO (default). (Used only for z/VSE.)
Sep pages count The number of separator pages. (Used only for z/VSE.)
Target node The name of target node. (Used only for z/VSE.)
Ucs The UCB name. (Used only for z/VSE.)
Ucs options The UCB options. Possible values: B = block data check option; F = fold option. (Used only for z/VSE.)
User info User information. (Used only for z/VSE.)

Attribute Symbols

For the printer types EMAIL, UNIXLP, NATUNIX and DISKUNIX, you can specify attribute symbols in their special attributes. At the time of printing, each of these will then be replaced by the value of the corresponding attribute.

Every attribute symbol begins with an ampersand (&) and ends with a period (.). Both characters are part of the symbol.

Three groups of attribute symbols are available:

Common Attribute Symbols

For general attributes of active reports, which apply to all of the four printer types, the following attribute symbols are available:

Attribute Symbol
Printout ID &PO.
Program controlling the printout &PROG.
Number of copies &COP.
Printer exit program &MEM.
Printer exit library &LIB.
Report name &REP.
Bundle name &BUN.
Description &DESC.
Record length &REC.
CC type &CC.
Number of lines &LIN.
Printer type &PT.
Type "AL" (Y/N) &TAL.
Run number of the report &RRNB.
Run number of the bundle &BRNB.
4-digit random number &RND.
Current date (in format yy-mm-dd) &DAT.
Current time (in format hhmmss) &TIM.
Current internal timestamp &TMST.
Current process ID &PID.

Printer-Type-Specific Attribute Symbols

The printer-type-specific attribute symbols are shown next to the corresponding printer attributes for these printer types:

Spool Attribute Symbols

For spool attributes of the active report, which apply to all of the four printer types, the following attribute symbols are available:

Spool Attribute Explanation Symbol
SPOOL-TYPE Spool type of the report to be printed &SPTYP.
CA Spool:
EQNO EQNO parameter &CSEQNO.
PRIO PRIO parameter &CPRIO.
FCB FCB parameter &CFCB.
ROOM ROOM parameter &CROOM.
LNCNT Linecount parameter &CLNCNT.
PGCNT Pagecount parameter &CPGCNT.
SID SID parameter &CSID.
TRC Trace (Y/N) &CTRC.
CMP CMP parameter &CCMP.
FNAM FNAM parameter &CFNAM.
NODE NPR node number &JNODE.
JOB-NAME Name of the job which created the output &JJOB.
DSTYPE Type of the spool dataset &JTYP.
DSNO-OLD Old DS number &JDSNO.
DATASET-KEY Dataset key &JKEY.
PROCNAME Name of the procedure &JPROC.
STEPNAME Name of the step &JSTEP.
DDNAME Name of the SYSOUT file &JDD.
FCB FCB parameter &JFCB.
FORM FORM parameter &JFORM.
TRC Trace (Y/N) &JTRC.
COPIES Number of copies &JCOP.
UCS UCS parameter &JUCS.
LINECT Linecount parameter &JLIN.
DESTINATION Printout destination device &JDEST.
TRIGGER-DSNAME Trigger dataset name &JTRIG.
DSNO DS number &JDSNO.
NODE Entire System Server node number &PNODE.
JOB-NAME Name of the job &PJOB.
TYPE TYPE parameter &PTYPE.
SEGMENTS Number of segments &PSEGM.
FORM FORM parameter &PFORM.
COPIES Number of copies &PCOP.
DESTINATION Printout destination device &PDEST.
CHARS Printout destination device &PCHARS.
SPOOLED-PAGES Spooled pages &PPAG.
TRIGGER-DSNAME Trigger dataset name &PTDSN.
USER-ID Natural user ID who created the report &NUSER.
PNR Logical printer name &NPNR.
TIME Natural report creation time &NTIME.
NATPGM Natural program which created the report &NPGM.
NATLIB Natural library in which the program was executed &NLIB.
FORM FORM parameter &NFORM.
COPIES Number of copies &NCOP.
NAME NAME parameter &NNAME.
DISP Disposition &NDISP.
ST-ID Internal file number of the container file &NID.
DBID Database ID of the container file &NDBID.
FNR File number of the container file &NFNR.
DEST Destination &NDEST.
JOB-NAME Name of the job &BJOB.
USER-ID User ID of the job &BUSER.
ORIGINATOR-JOB-ID Job ID of the originator &BORIG.
COPIES Copies to be printed &BCOP.
FORM FORM parameter &BFORM.
DSNAME Name of the OSD file &BDSN.
CONTROL-OPTION Control Option parameter &BCTRL.
DESTINATION Printout destination &BDEST.
DEVICE Device parameter &BDEV.
ROTATION Rotation parameter &BROT.
DIA Dia parameter &BDIA.
SIZE Size of the report &BSIZE.
RECFM Recfm parameter &BRECFM.
RECSIZE Recsize parameter &BRECS.
BLKSIZE Block size parameter &BBLKS.
SECONDARY Secondary parameter &BSEC.
ORIG-DSNAME Original OSD file name &BORDS.
CLASS Class parameter &BCLASS.
NODE-NAME Entire System Server UNIX node name of the source machine &UNODE.
USERID User of the source machine &UUSER.
CIPHER-PASSWORD Ciphered password of the user &UPW.
GROUP UNIX group or Windows domain &UGROUP.
PATH Path of the source file &UPATH.
FILE-NAME File name and file type of the source file &UFNAM.
CONTAINER-DBID Database ID of the container used &UDBID.
CONTAINER-FNR File number of the container used &UFNR.
SIZE Size of the report &USIZE.
Direct Input:
ST-ID Internal number of the file in the container &DID.
RPC-SERVER Name of the RPC server for transmission &DRPC.
USERID User who has initiated the report &DUSER.
PATH Path of the source file &DPATH.
FILENAME File name of the source file &DFNAM.
FILETYPE File type of the source file &DFTYP.
CONTAINER-DBID Database ID of the container used &DDBID.
CONTAINER-FNR File number of the container used &DFNR.
SIZE Size of the report &DSIZE.