Version 3.2.1
 —  Output Management GUI Client  —

Components of a Bundle Definition

This section describes the components of a bundle definition:

General Attributes

New Bundle - General Attributes dialog

Fields: General Attributes

Field Explanation
Bundle You must enter a unique name for the bundle when you are creating a new bundle. This field is protected when modifying an existing bundle.
Description Enter a short description for the bundle.
Coordinator ID Enter the user ID of the person who is responsible for this bundle. See Selecting a Bundle Coordinator below. If you make no entry here, your user ID is automatically written to this field. (The coordinator's name, address and telephone number can be printed at the top of the front page of the bundle separator, if so desired.)
Retention A closed bundle is kept in the Entire Output Management database until its retention period has expired. A closed bundle can accept no more reports and a new version of the bundle is opened for additional reports.
Period Enter the number of working days, absolute days, weeks or months the bundle should be kept in the Entire Output Management database, after it has been closed. When you specify working days, you must enter the name of a calendar in the Calendar field to include only working days. The default is the system-wide period defined by the system administrator.
Unit Possible values:
  • Working days

  • Absolute days

  • Weeks

  • Months

Calendar Select a calendar, if Working days is the unit for the retention period.
For example, assume you have defined a calendar in which Saturday and Sunday are marked as holidays: if you enter 2 in the Period field, Working days in the Unit field and the bundle is created on Friday evening, then it will be retained until Tuesday evening.
Print events Time schedule The bundle can be printed at specified times on specified days. Check this box to activate the time schedule which you can define in the Schedule Attributes.
Force flush If none of the other print events occurs before the period entered here has expired, bundle closing and printing is forced.
Period Enter the number of working days, absolute days, weeks or months the bundle should remain open. When you specify working days, you can enter the name of a calendar in the Calendar field to include only working days.
Unit As for Unit under Retention, above.
Calendar If W, working days, is the unit, select a calendar.
Lines exceeded When the report that causes this line number to be exceeded has been written to the bundle, the bundle is closed and scheduled for printing.
Report arrival Enter up to 10 report names here. The bundle is printed when all these reports arrive.

Selecting a Bundle Coordinator

Start of instruction setTo select a coordinator from a list of users:

  1. Choose the Select button next to the Coordinator ID field.

    The Select User dialog appears with a list of users.

  2. Select a user as coordinator and choose the OK button.

    The selected user ID is written into the Coordinator ID field.

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Schedule Attributes


Fields: Schedule Attributes

Field Explanation
Print schedule Not before The bundle will not be printed before the time you enter here.
Every Enter a time interval here. For example, if you enter 8:00 in Not before, above and 01:00 in Every and the bundle arrives at 8:36, it will be printed at 9:00. If the bundle arrives between 9:00 and 10:00, it will be printed at 10:00, and so forth. See Print Schedule Examples.
Not later The bundle will not be printed after the time you enter here.
Holiday Should a printing date fall on a calendar holiday, you can select After holiday from the list box to print on the first workday after the holiday. Select Before holiday to print on the last workday before the holiday.
Weekdays Select the appropriate checkboxes to print the bundle on the same days every week.

You cannot specify both weekdays and monthly days in parallel.

Monthly days Select the appropriate checkboxes to print the bundle on the same days every month. Select "all" to print every day or "last" for the last day of the month.
Calendar You can select a defined calendar from the list box. If you specify a calendar here, the bundle is only printed on days defined as workdays in the calendar. The bundle is not printed on days defined as holidays.

Print Schedule Examples

Example 1 - Print at a fixed time on fixed weekdays - also on holidays

To print a bundle at 2 p.m. on all Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays whether or not they are holidays, you define these fields as follows:

Not before 14:00
Every 00:00
Not later 14:00
Weekdays Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Example 2 - Print at a fixed time on fixed monthly dates - on day before holiday

To print a bundle at 7 p.m. on the 15th and on the last day of the month or, if these days are holidays, on the last workday before the holiday, you define these fields as follows:

Not before 19:00
Every 00:00
Not later 19:00
Monthly 15, last
Calendar MRS
Holiday Before holiday

Example 3 - Print daily between fixed times - on day after holiday

To print a bundle daily when it arrives between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. or, if the day is a holiday, on the first workday after the holiday, you define these fields as follows:

Not before 08:00
Every 00:00
Not later 19:00
Monthly all
Calendar MRS
Holiday After holiday

Example 4 - Print on workdays at fixed times - on day after holiday

To print a bundle daily when it arrives between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. or, if the day is a holiday, on the first workday after the holiday, you define these fields as follows:

Not before 07:00
Every 06:00
Not later 19:00
Weekdays Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday, Thursday; Friday
Calendar MRS
Holiday After holiday

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Printing Attributes


Fields: Printing Attributes

Field Explanation
Hold before print Mark the checkbox to hold bundle printing until released manually, otherwise the bundle is printed immediately.
Report separator pages Mark the checkbox to print the separator page(s). The number of separator pages can be defined for each report in the bundle; see Adding a Report to a Bundle Definition.
Bundle separator pages Start Enter the name of the separator member to be printed at the beginning of the bundle. If this field is omitted, the standard separator is used.
End Enter the name of the separator member to be printed at the end of the bundle. If this field is omitted, the standard separator is used.
Copies Enter the number of separator pages to be printed for the bundle.
Print control exit A printer control exit can be used to decide whether or not a bundle is actually printed after it has been sent to the printout queue. For example, you may not want to print bundles which only contain one report. A sample exit is supplied in UEXBUNPR in library SYSNOMS.
Natural Member Name of user exit.
Natural Library Library containing the user exit.
Jobcards Enter the job cards used when bundle printing is performed with batch jobs. The following substitution variables can be used: §USER, §BUNDLE. If you leave this field blank, the Jobcards specification for the logical printer is used instead. See the Jobcards field under General Attributes in Adding a New Logical Printer.
Printers Printer Use the Select button on the right to select a logical printer. For further information, see Selecting Printers for a Bundle.
Copies Enter the number of copies to be printed. For further information, see Setting the Number of Copies for a Printer.

Selecting Printers for a Bundle

Start of instruction setTo select a logical printer from a list of defined printers:

  1. Choose the Select button to the right of the Printers/Copies list.

    The following dialog appears:

    Select Printers dialog

  2. Select a printer from the Printers list at the top of the dialog and choose the down arrow down arrow on the right.

    The selected printer is written to the Selected Printers list in the lower part of the dialog. (To remove a printer from the Selected Printers list, select the printer and choose the up arrow up arrow on the right.)

  3. When you have finished selecting printers, choose the OK button at the bottom of the dialog.

    The selected printers now appear in the Printers/Copies list.

Setting the Number of Copies for a Printer

Start of instruction setTo set the number of copies for a printer:

  1. In the Printers/Copies list, select the desired printer. For example we have selected FHIEMAIL with one copy:

    Select printer

  2. Choose the Modify button on the right.

    The selected printer, in this case FHIEMAIL, appears in the box at the bottom of the Printers/Copies list.

    Enter the desired number of copies

  3. In the box on the right, enter the number of copies you would like.

  4. Choose the To List button on the right.

    The number of copies has been changed for the printer (here FHIEMAIL) in the Printers/Copies list:

    Number of copies has been changed

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