Version 3.2.1
 —  Output Management GUI Client  —

Active Reports in an Active Bundle

Listing All Active Reports in an Active Bundle

Start of instruction setTo list active reports in an active bundle:

  1. Select an active bundle in the object workspace or in the active bundle list.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose the Active in Bundle command.

    The Active Report List in Bundle is displayed. The fields of the list are explained below.

For information on all operations which can be performed on active reports, see Available Commands for Active Reports and Active Reports.

Fields: Active Report List in Bundle

Field Explanation
Report Active report name.
Run Number Unique number identifying the active report.
Group The name of the group in which the report is to be printed. Groups of reports in a bundle are printed in alphabetical order.
Sequence Number The sequential number of the active report in the bundle. The reports are printed in this sequence within the same group.
Lines Number of lines in the active report.
Kbytes The size of the report in KB (for binary reports only).
Form Corresponds to the FORM JCL parameter.
Fcb Corresponds to the FCB JCL parameter.
Chars Corresponds to the CHARS JCL parameter.
Flash Corresponds to the FLASH JCL parameter.

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Listing Selected Active Reports in an Active Bundle

Start of instruction setTo list the active reports in an active bundle according to selection criteria:

  1. Select an active bundle in the object workspace or in the active bundle list.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Select Subobject.

    The Select Active Reports in Bundle dialog appears, containing the input fields Grouping Name and Report.

  3. Enter your selection criteria for the active reports and choose the OK button to display the list.

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Available Commands for Active Report List in Bundle

Start of instruction setTo list all available commands for active reports in a bundle:

The following table briefly explains each command:

Command Shortcut Explanation
Browse Ctrl+B Browse the contents of the active report.
Delete Del Delete an active report. If you are the owner of this active report, the contents of the active report are deleted. Otherwise, only the pointer from the active report to your user ID is deleted.
Display Ctrl+D Display characteristics of active report.
Filter F3 Use selection criteria to list active reports.
Open Ctrl+O Modify characteristics of active report.
Print Ctrl+P Print an active report.

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Listing Selected Active Reports in an Active Bundle

Start of instruction setTo list active reports according to selection criteria:

  1. Select an active report in the active report in folder list.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Filter:

    The Select Active Reports dialog appears. It provides the following input fields:

    Field Explanation
    Keyword Reports can be identified by up to 3 keywords. See the field descriptions for General Attributes under Components of a Report Definition.
    Report Enter selection criteria for the report name.
    Mail date Indicate whether the active report was mailed to your inbasket on (=), before (<) or after (>) a certain date.
    Expiration date Enter the expiration date of the active report.
    Archive Select the archive status of the active report:
    Archived Active report has been archived.
    Marked Active report is marked to be archived.
    Revive Select the revive status of the active report:
    Revived Active report has been revived.
    Revive in Con-nect Active report is marked to be revived to Con-nect.
    Revive in NOM DB Active report is marked to be revived to the Entire Output Management database.
    Revive in JES-Spool Active report is marked to be revived to the JES Spool.

    Select the storage location of the active report: Con-nect, NOM database, JES-Spool, or Archive.

  3. Enter selection criteria for the active reports.

  4. Choose the OK button.

    Now only active reports which satisfy the selection criteria appear in the active report list.

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Modifying Active Report Characteristics

Start of instruction setTo modify the characteristics of an active report:

  1. Select an active report in the Active Report List in Bundle and invoke the context menu.

  2. Choose the Open command.

    A dialog similar to the following appears:

    Modify report characteristics

  3. Enter or change data. The fields are explained below.

Fields: Active Report Characteristics

Field Explanation
Characteristics Form Enter name of form on which to print. This corresponds to the FORM JCL parameter (system printers only).
Fcb Enter the forms control buffer. This corresponds to the FCB JCL parameter (system printers only).
Chars Enter one or more 4-byte character-set names. This corresponds to the CHARS JCL parameter (system printers only).
Flash This corresponds to the FLASH JCL parameter.
Copies Enter the number of copies to print.
Pagedef If printing on an IPDS system printer, enter the PAGEDEF JCL parameter.
Formdef If printing on an IPDS system printer, enter the FORMDEF JCL parameter.
Separator info Start Use the list box to select a separator to be printed at the beginning of the report.
End Use the list box to select a separator to be printed at the end of the report.
Copies Enter the number of separator copies to be printed.
Logical printer Use the list box to select the name of a logical printer.

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Displaying Active Report Characteristics

Start of instruction setTo display characteristics for an active report:

  1. Select the desired active report in the Active Report List in Bundle.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display.

    The characteristics of the active report are displayed. The fields are explained under Modifying Active Report Characteristics.

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Deleting an Active Report in a Bundle

Start of instruction setTo delete an active report in a bundle:

  1. Select the desired active report in the Active Report List in Bundle.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Delete.

    A dialog appears, asking you to confirm the deletion.

  3. Choose Yes to delete the active report, or No to cancel the operation.

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Printing an Active Report in a Bundle

Start of instruction setTo print an active report:

  1. Select a non-archived active report in the list of active reports.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose the Print command.

    The Print Active Report dialog appears.

  3. Choose the Select button to the right of the Printer field to display a list of printers.

  4. Select a printer from the list, and choose the OK button.

    The name of the selected printer is written into the Printer field of the Print Active Report dialog.

  5. Choose the Print button to print the active report to the selected printer.

    A message confirms that the report has been queued for printing.

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Browsing an Active Report in a Bundle

Start of instruction setTo browse an active report:

  1. Select an active report in the active report list.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Browse:

    The selected active report is displayed for browsing.

  3. Invoke the context menu to display a list of available commands.

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