Update the data source
Click the Data Source button to view the applications relevant for this business question.
Understand the applications used for the report. Go to the Application Data Workbench to view the applications used for the report.
Understand the business data exchanged by an application. Click an application to navigate to its object profile, click Information Portfolio, and open the Business Data view . The view shows the business data that is created, read, updated, deleted, or processed via the application. Assess whether another application can exchange the business data in order to understand whether the application can be consolidated or whether it should be migrated to a predecessor application.
Understand where application support could be consolidated.
Click an application to navigate to its object profile, click Business Portfolio, and open the Similar Applications Supporting Business Capabilities view . The view shows the similarity between the business capabilities provided by the selected application and other applications so that you can understand what other applications provide support to the business capabilities that the selected application supports which of those business capabilities other applications support. Based on this information, you can consider which applications might be redundant and should be sundowned.
The Common Business Capabilities column lets you understand how many business capabilities the selected application has in common with other applications. The percentage of overlap is calculated and shown in the Overlap % column. You can sort the dataset based on the values in the Overlap % column. The other columns show the business capabilities that only the selected application supports and the business capabilities that other applications support.
- Based on the overlap, should the selected application be sundowned? If so, then which business capabilities supported by this application need to be supported by other applications.
- Based on the overlap, should other applications be sundowned that provide support to the same business capability as the selected application. If so, then which business capabilities supported by other applications need to be supported by the selected application.