Dynamic Apps Platform : webMethods BPM Process Development Help : BPMN Event Steps : About Intermediate Events : About Boundary Intermediate Events : Advanced Boundary Signal Intermediate Event Properties
Advanced Boundary Signal Intermediate Event Properties
Properties Page
Receive Protocol
Type of receive protocol to use. Select Subscription (For Publishable Documents) or JMS (for JMS Triggered Processes) (default) from the list.
Receive Document
The document type to receive.
*Click Browse... to open the Choose Document window and locate a service on an Integration Server or in CentraSite.
*Click New... to open the Create a New Document Type window and create a new document on a configured Integration Server.
*Click View... to open the selected document in a document editor. The View... button is available only when a document is specified in the Document field.
Selecting an e-form or CSP sourced Integration Server document as the step's Receive Document automatically selects the Enable content repository support check box and enables E-form properties.
Protocol Properties
Available for the JMS protocol only.
*Connection Alias. Accept the default PE_NONTRASACTIONAL_ALIAS or click Browse to select another alias (an Integration Server connection is required). For more information, see Configuring a JMS-Triggered Process.
*Destination Name. Required. Defined by default as: projectName_ProcessName_ SUBQUEUE. To specify another destination name, click Browse (an Integration Server connection is required).
Selecting an e-form or CSP sourced Integration Server document as the step's Receive Document automatically selects the Enable content repository support check box and enables E-form properties.
Receive tasks that start processes and those that do not start processes can use e-forms or CSP documents.
For more information on working with e-forms, see Selecting an E-form Content Repository and the PDF publication Implementing E-form Support for BPM.
Incoming e-form instances must have the correct file name extension (for example, .xml for InfoPath forms, .xdp for LiveCycle forms). Otherwise, they will not trigger the receive task.
Content Repository
Select Browse... to specify a My webMethods Server content repository where e-form instances are monitored by the Process Engine listener. If you are using webMethods Content Service Platform documents, select your Content Service Platform repository.
For more information on working with My webMethods Server documents, see Selecting a webMethods Content Service Repository and the PDF publication Implementing webMethods Content Service Platform for BPM.
Template Name
Selecting an e-form or CSP sourced Integration Server document as the step's Receive Document automatically populates this field.
For more information about using e-forms, see Using E-forms in a Process and the PDF publication Implementing E-form Support for BPM.
For more information about using CSP documents, see Using webMethods Content Service Platform Documents in a Process and the PDF publication Implementing webMethods Content Service Platform for BPM.
Subscription Filter
The instances of a subscription document that can trigger the process. See Working with Subscription Filters.
Select Not Used, Field, or Service. For more information, see Specifying Correlations.
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