Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Legacy Portlets and Backwards Compatibility : Summary of Portlets, Components, and DBOs
Summary of Portlets, Components, and DBOs
The following table lists the portlets and components that My webMethods Server provides out-of-the-box for working with legacy portlets and components or for backwards compatibility.
UI Controls. Page developers use this portlet to provide an advanced tooltip for any HTML element in a page.
System. Page developers who are building 6.x proprietary, non-JSR168 portlets use this portlet to add the Date property editor to a page. The Date property editor renders a text input file with a calendar icon next to it. When an end user clicks either the input field or the icon, the Calendar Picker portlet displays a calendar popup window from which the end user can select a date. After selecting the date and closing the popup window, the portlet displays the selected date in the input field.
System. Page developers using My webMethods Server version 6.x can use this portlet to display data in a table. For My webMethods Server version 7.x and later, use the Table controls that the webMethods CAF framework provides.
System. Page developers using My webMethods Server version 6.x can use this portlet to display data in a tree. For My webMethods Server version 7.x and later, use the Tree controls that the webMethods CAF framework provides.
System. Page developers using My webMethods Server version 6.x can use this portlet to display a configured list of tabs. For My webMethods Server version 7.x and later, use the Tab controls that the webMethods CAF framework provides.
Property Editors. Page developers use this component to provide specialized user interfaces for editing portlet preferences on the Portlet Properties page. This component is a collection of custom editors that other portlets can reuse.
Property Editors. Page developers use this component to provide specialized user interfaces for editing internationalization-specific portlet preferences on the Portlet Properties page. This component is a collection of custom editors that other portlets can reuse.
Property Editors. Portlet developers use this component to provide specialized user interfaces for editing portlet preferences on the Portlet Properties page. This component is a collection of legacy property editors that are provided for backwards compatibility with earlier releases of My webMethods Server. They map old property editors to the new property editors that provide the equivalent functionality.
Skins. This component is a skin that is installed, but not used by default. Page developers can use this skin as the default skin or the target of a Skin Rule. Additionally, page developers can use the skin as the base for a custom skin.
Property Editors. Page developers use this component to provide specialized legacy Portlet-Controller Architecture (PCA) controls. This component is a collection of custom editors that other legacy portlets can reuse.
Page Components. Page developers indirectly use this portlet when using the Dynamic Tabs Portlet (wm_tabs) to display popup style tabs. The Popup Tab Styles Portlet displays target text, and as the end user clicks or hovers over the target text, the portlet displays its list of tabs as a popup menu.
UI Controls. This is a deprecated portlet. The portlet displays a user interface control that shows a progress animation. The portlet was used as part of the legacy common search framework. Some existing portlets that have not been ported to webMethods CAF still use this portlet.
Template. Page developers use this portlet in a shell section, portal page, or legacy portlet to display a list of items in a table format. The portlet retrieves the My webMethods Server items to display in the table by executing a My webMethods Server command. The page developer configures the columns to display in the table.
Template. Page developers use this portlet to display tabs that represent the folders in a hierarchy. The page developer identifies the folders for which to display tabs by specifying the root folder of the hierarchy. At run time, the portlet dynamically determines the list of tabs to display. Typically page developers place an instance of this portlet in the header of a portal shell to render a set of tabs that an end user can select.
Property Editors. Page developers use this component to deploy a collection of legacy property editors. Page developers can use these editors when developing portlet views. Each editor provides a specialized user interface for editing a portlet preference on the portlet Properties page.
Page Components. Page developers indirectly use this portlet when using the Dynamic Tabs Portlet (wm_tabs) to display tabs as links with the select link displayed in the skin's "spotlight" style. For example, in some skins the "spotlight" style for a link might be outlined with an oval background.
Template. Page designers use this portlet to dynamically create tabs that use a standard style.
Page components. End users use this portlet to toggle the visibility of an element in another portlet. The portlet is intended for use only with legacy portlets for which toggling capabilities are not available. It it not needed for newer portlets because the webMethods CAF toolkit provides several methods for toggling whether controls are visible or hidden. 
System. Portlet developers use this portlet to display a picker list of My webMethods Server items from which an end user can select one or more of the items.
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