Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Legacy Portlets and Backwards Compatibility : Spotlight Tab Styles Portlet
Spotlight Tab Styles Portlet
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Spotlight Tab Styles
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Default Instances of the portlet
Page Components. Page developers indirectly use this portlet when using the Dynamic Tabs Portlet (wm_tabs) to display tabs as links with the select link displayed in the skin's "spotlight" style. For example, in some skins the "spotlight" style for a link might be outlined with an oval background.
Properties that are not Displayed in the User Interface
Indicates whether to display the tab links horizontally or vertically. Specify one of the following:
Default. Display a horizontal list of links.
Display a vertical list of links.
Indicates whether to display all of the links as though all of the links were selected. Specify one of the following:
Display all of the links as though all of the links were selected.
Default. Display only the selected link.
Properties Configured by the Tabs Portlet
The Tabs (wm_tabs) portlet automatically configures the following properties to provide the raw list of tabs to display in a popup style.
Titles (titles)
Defines the list of titles to use for the tabs. If the property has no value, no tabs are displayed when the user clicks on or hovers over the target text.
Tooltips (tooltips)
Defines the list of tool tips for the tabs. If the property has no value, no tool tips are displayed.
Links (links)
Defines the list of links to use for the tabs. If the property has no value, the tabs will not have links.
Next (next)
Identifies the "Next" link used to display the next page of tabs. If the property has no value, a "Next" link is not displayed.
Previous (prev)
Identifies the "Previous" link used to display the previous page of tabs. If the property has no value, a "Previous" link is not displayed.
Selected (selected)
Identifies the index of the tab that is to be selected when rendering the tabs. When Selected is -1, no tab is selected. The default is -1.
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