Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Legacy Portlets and Backwards Compatibility : Selected List View Portlet
Selected List View Portlet
Portlet Title
Selected List View
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
Template. Page developers use this portlet to display tabs that represent the folders in a hierarchy. The page developer identifies the folders for which to display tabs by specifying the root folder of the hierarchy. At run time, the portlet dynamically determines the list of tabs to display. Typically page developers place an instance of this portlet in the header of a portal shell to render a set of tabs that an end user can select.
Root Folder (root)
Required. Identifies the folder containing the items for which to render tabs. Specify the thingID or alias of the folder. If the property has no value, the portlet displays an error message.
Leaf Item (target)
Identifies the item that the portlet is to render as the selected tab. Specify the thingID or alias of the item. The default is current.resource.
Depth (depth)
Indicates how deep in the folder structure the items for which you want to render tabs are in relation to the specified root folder. For example, if the items for which you want to render tabs are grandchildren of the root folder, set the depth to 2. The default is 0.
Titles (titles)
The expressions for this portlet are the same as those for the wm_table portlet, for example, (property-name), where "property-name" is the name of a property for a displayed item, like "name" or "description".
Indicates what to use for the text on each rendered tab. Specify an expression that resolves to the text. The default is {name}.
Tooltips (tooltips)
Indicates the tool tip text to display for each rendered tab. Specify an expression that resolves to the text. The default is {tooltip}.
Links (links)
Indicates the link to use for each rendered tab. Specify an expression that resolves to the link. The default it {$link}.
Style (style)
Indicates the CSS style to use for each rendered tab. Specify an expression that resolves to the CSS style. If the property has no value, no style is applied.
Start (start)
Defines the first tab to display when the number of tabs is larger than the value of the Page Size (pageSize) property, making it is necessary to page forward and back through the tabs. Specify the start index of the first tab. If the property has no value, the portlet behaves as if Start is set to 0.
Page Size (pageSize)
Defines the number of tabs to display. Specify a positive whole number. If the number of tabs to display exceeds Page Size, the portlet provides links to page forward and backward through the set of tabs. If the property has no value, the portlet use the Items Per Page value from the current user's User Profile.
Sort Key (sort)
Indicates the key to use to sort the tabs. Specify an expression that resolves to the key. If the property has no value, the portlet does not sort the tabs.
Sort Order (order)
Indicates the order in which to sort the tabs. Specify an expression that resolves to the direction. If the property has no value, the portlet sorts the tabs in ascending order.
Include Items (includeItems)
Indicates whether to include items as tabs or to only include folders. Specify one of the following:
In addition to folders, also include items as tabs.
Include only folders as tabs.
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