Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Legacy Portlets and Backwards Compatibility : Resource List View Portlet
Resource List View Portlet
Portlet Title
Resource List View
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
Template. Page developers use this portlet in a shell section, portal page, or legacy portlet to display a list of items in a table format. The portlet retrieves the My webMethods Server items to display in the table by executing a My webMethods Server command. The page developer configures the columns to display in the table.
My webMethods Server uses this Resource List View portlet to draw the user interface for some of the legacy portlets. However, in JSR168 portlets, rather than using the Resource List View portlet, a page developer should use a Table control that is bound to a (or other appropriate content-provider).
Cache Content (cacheAge)
Defines how long to cache the contents of the portlet. Specify one of the following:
Default. Indicates that you want to cache the contents of the portlet indefinitely.
Indicates that you do not want to cache the contents of the portlet.
Defines the number of minutes to cache the contents of the portlet.
All instances of the portlet share the value of this property.
Command (command)
Identifies how to retrieve the items to display. Specify the command the portlet is to execute to retrieve the list of items. If the property has no value, the portlet displays an empty list.
Column Configuration (columns)
Describes the column configuration for the table that displays the retrieved data. Specify a comma-separated values (CSV) string that uses semicolons (;) to separate the columns and commas to separate the properties of each column. You must identify the following six properties for each column:
Property 1
Data to display
Specify one of the following:
Specify the name of the property that holds the data to display in the column.
For example, if you want to display an item's name in the column, specify name. If you want to display an item's last modified date, specify lastModifiedDate.
Indicates that you want the column to contain the item's icon.
Indicates that you want the column to contain the item's thing menu.
Property 2
Column title
Specify the title to use for the column header, for example, Name.
Property 3
Column width
Specify the percentage of the table to use for the column, for example, 30%.
Property 4
Horizontal Alignment
Specify how to horizontally align the data in the column. You can specify left, center, or right.
Property 5
Specify what to use to link the contents of the column.
*Use {uri} to indicate the item's standard ID should be used as the full link.
*Define the link by using {resourceURI} and {servletPath} tokens.
*{resourceURI} indicates to dynamically use the ID of the current item
*{servletPath} indicates to dynamically use the ID of the servlet path
For example, {servletPath}{resourceURI}?layout=properties indicates to link to the item's standard properties page.
Property 6
Indicate whether a user can sort the table based on the contents of the column. Specify either true or false.
If the property has no value, the portlet displays an empty list.
The following is an example of a CSV string that provides the full configuration for a table with three columns, one that displays an item's name, one to display an item's description, and a third to display the item's last modified date.
lastModifiedDate,Last Modified,30%,right,,true,;
Visual Style (visualStyle)
Defines the list style. Specify one of the following:
Default. Use a standard list.
Use a condensed list, which might be the same as a standard list, depending on the current skin.
Page Limit (pageSize)
Defines the maximum number of items to display per page. Specify one of the following:
Default. Use the current user's preferred number of items from the User Profile.
The number of items to display per page. Specify a whole number greater than zero.
Portal Resource (listViewTargetURI)
Identifies the resource to which to apply the command that retrieves the items to display. Specify a My webMethods Server resource. If the property has no value, the portlet executes the command against the current page.
View Name (view)
Defines the view name to use for the paging cookie. Specify a view name. If the property has no value, the view name is blank; that is, there will be no view name.
Menu Configuration (menus)
Describes the custom menu configuration, which allows you to add custom menu items to the standard thing menus on a per-xtype basis. Specify a comma-separated values (CSV) string that uses semicolons (;) to separate menu definitions and commas to separate the properties of each menu. You must identify the following three properties for each menu:
Property 1
Specify the xtype for which the menu definition applies, for example, folder or wm_xt_fabricfolder.
Property 2
Specify the items you want to add to the menu. For each menu item you want to add, provide a title=link pair. To add multiple menu items, separate each using an ampersand (&). The following is an example:
Add to Tools=javascript:myAddToTools()&Cast Magic
Property 3
Specify properties that you want to add to the menu item's thing object. For each property you want to add, provide a javascriptProperty=thingProperty pair. To add multiple properties, separate each using an ampersand (&). The following is an example:
If the property has no value, items will not have custom menus.
Custom Parameters (parameters)
Defines the parameters to use for the command that the portlet executes to get the items to display in the table. Note that parameters are command-specific. Specify the parameters like URL parameters, for example:
If the property has no value, the portlet uses no extra parameters for the command.
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