Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Legacy Portlets and Backwards Compatibility : Dynamic Tabs Portlet
Dynamic Tabs Portlet
Portlet Title
Dynamic Tabs
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
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JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
System. Page developers using My webMethods Server version 6.x can use this portlet to display a configured list of tabs. For My webMethods Server version 7.x and later, use the Tab controls that the webMethods CAF framework provides.
Page developers can embed the Dynamic Tabs portlet into a custom portlet using the <portlet:portlet> JSP tag, or alternatively, publish the Dynamic Table portlet as a standalone portlet and configure it to use My webMethods Server commands or wiring to provide the data to display.
If a page developer specifies more than one data property, the order of precedence is as follows:
Data Property
Overrides listCommand, slice, and list.
Overrides slice and list.
Overrides list.
No override applies.
Slice (slice)
Identifies the data to use for the tab. Specify sorted list slice data.
To identify the data to use for the tabs, you should specify this Slice (slice) property, the List (list) property, the Slice Command (sliceCommand) property, or the List Command (listCommand). property. If none of these properties have values, the tabs will be empty.
List (list)
Identifies the data to use for the tab. Specify unsorted, unpaged list data.
To identify the data to use for the tabs, you should specify this List (list) property, the Slice Command (sliceCommand) property, or the List Command (listCommand). property. If none of these properties have values, the tabs will be empty.
Slice Command (sliceCommand)
Identifies the data to use for the tab. Specify a My webMethods Server command to invoke to produce the sorted list slice data to use for the tabs.
To identify the data to use for the tabs, you should specify this Slice Command (sliceCommand) property, the Slice (slice) property, the List (list) property, or the List Command (listCommand) property. If none of these properties have values, the tabs will be empty.
List Command (listCommand)
Identifies the data to use for the tab. Specify a My webMethods Server command to invoke to produce the unsorted, unpaged list data to use for the tabs.
To identify the data to use for the tabs, you should specify this List Command (listCommand) property, the Slice (slice) property, the List (list) property, or the Slice Command (sliceCommand) property. If none of these properties have values, the tabs will be empty.
Parameters (parameters)
Identifies parameters to use with the command specified in the List Command (listCommand) or Slice Command (sliceCommand) property. Specify the parameters in the form of URL parameters, for example, paramOne=valueOne&paramTwo=valueTwo. If this property has no value, the command is executed with no additional parameters. This property is ignored if you do not specify the List Command (listComand) or Slice Command (sliceCommand) property.
Titles (titles)
Defines the titles to use for each tab. Specify a comma-separated list of tab titles. If the property has no value, the tabs will be displayed as empty.
Values (values)
Defines the IDs to assign to each tab. You can use the IDs to reference tab information, for example, the Title of a tab. Specify a comma-separated list of IDs. If the property has no value, IDs will not be assigned to the tabs.
Tooltips (tooltips)
Defines the tooltips to display for each tab. Specify a comma-separated list of tooltips. If the property has no value, the tabs will not have tooltips.
Links (links)
Defines links to use for each tab. Specify a comma-separated list of links. If the property has no value, the tabs will not be linked.
Selection Value (selection)
Identifies the values to use for selecting tabs. Specify a list of selection values. If the property has no value, no tabs are selected by default.
For example, if the Selection Value (selection) property is equal to "1,3,5", tabs whose Values (values) property is 1, 3, or 5 are selected.
Link Selected Tab (selectionLinked)
Indicates whether to enable the link for the selected tab. Specify one of the following:
Default. Enable the link for the selected tab.
Do not enable the link for the selected tab.
Style (style)
Defines the display style for the tab. Specify one of the following:
Default. Displays standard tabs.
Displays condensed tabs.
Displays a horizontal list of links.
Displays a vertical list of links.
Horizontal - Bars
Displays a horizontal list of links, with each link separated by a vertical bar.
Displays a single link with the selected item. When clicked, displays a pop-up menu to the side of the portlet showing all the links.
Displays a single link with the name of the portlet instance. When clicked, displays a drop-down menu below the portlet with all the links.
Displays a single link with the name of the portlet instance. When hovered over, displays a drop-down menu below the portlet with all the links.
Start (start)
Defines the index of the first tab to display on the page. Specify the one-based index number; that is, specify 1 to display the first tab. If the property has no value, it defaults to 1.
Page Size (pageSize)
Defines the number of tabs to display per page. Specify a whole number that is one or greater. If the property has no value, the portlet determines the number of items to display per page from the user preferences in the User Profile. The default user preference value is 10.
Total (total)
Defines the total number of tabs. This total can be calculated automatically if the tabs are specified by using the List (list) or List Command (listCommand) properties. However, they cannot be calculated automatically by using the Slice (slice) or Slice Command (sliceCommand) properties.
If the Slice (slice) or Slice Command (sliceCommand) property is used and the Total (total) property is not specified, then the total number of tabs is unknown and a Next link is always displayed, even if there are no more tabs to display.
Sort Key (sort)
Defines how to sort the tabs. Specify one of the properties you specified for the Values (values) property for the sort key. If the property has no value, the tabs are not sorted.
Sort Order (order)
Defines the order in which to sort the tabs. Specify one of the following:
Default. Sorts the tabs in ascending order.
Sorts the tabs in descending order.
Query String (queryString>)
Defines the query string that the tab's datasource can use to generate the list of tabs. The value you specify depends on the datasource. If the property has no value, a query string is not used. Note that most datasources do not require or use a query string.
View Name (view)
Defines the namespace to use for the sorting and paging properties. Specify an arbitrary string to identify the namespace. The value you specify must be unique within the portlet that is rendering the tabs. If the property has no value, the default namespace (wm_tabs) will be used.
Resource (resource)
Identifies the My webMethods Server resource against which to execute the command specified in the List Command (listCommand) or Slice Command (sliceCommand) property. Specify the thinkID or alias of the resource.
If you specify the Portlet (portlet) property, then the Portlet (portlet) property is used instead of the Resource (resource) property.
If neither the Resource (resource) nor the Portlet (portlet) property has a value, then the List Command (listCommand) or Slice Command (sliceCommand) property is invoked without a specific resource.
The Resource (resource) property is ignored if you do not specify the List Command (listCommand) or Slice Command (sliceCommand) property.
Portlet (portlet)
Identifies the portlet to use for paging and sorting controls when the Dynamic Tabs portlet is used inside another legacy portlet. Specify the thingID of the portlet. This is needed to render the paging and sorting controls. If the property has no value, it defaults to this portlet's thingID.
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