 —  SAP R/3 Gateway Documentation  —


The workers are background threads of the System Manager, which work asynchronously. The following workers are currently available:

Running Tasks

Running Tasks are long-term processes or daemons. The System Manager can start and control these. The main parts that are controlled are

The SAP R/3 Gateway is delivered with several predefined Running Tasks. These are described in the section Overview of Running Tasks.

Other pages are supported by the function Configuration of all Running Tasks; choose Parameter from the Configuration menu (or http://YourGateway:8080/sapr3gateway/manager/parameter) :


The following table describes the links and the command links:

Running Task Environment Go to the configuration of the selected running task.
Copy to Copy all configuration settings of the one selected to a new one. The new running task has the old name with prefix Copy-Of. It is appended to the end of the list.

The external configuration file of a Rpc2Rfc kernel is not copied. Copy and rename an existing RPC server configuration file in file system and set the new filename as parameter in the new one.

Delete Delete the configuration of the selected running task. It cannot be deleted if it is already running.
Down Set this after the next one.
Up Set this before the previous one.
Create new Running Task Environment Create a new empty running task. You will get a dialog which asks for a name and a type.

To create a new running task, choose one of the following types. The type later defines which environment parameters will be available.

Rpc2Rfc Environment for an Rpc2Rfc kernel
Rfc2Rpc Environment for an Rfc2Rfc kernel
Java (PMQ) Server Environment for a Java server process.
Natural RPC Server Environment for a Natural RPC Server
Starts server with shell script Environment for any shell script that starts a controlled process with exec.

For each running task, you must define the command to start the process. The process is created as a child process of Application Server with

The System Manager can only control the progress of its next child. It is not possible to control a process which was started as the child process of a shell script (the child of a child process). In this case, use the exec shell script command to replace the parent and give process control to the System Manager.

The standard and error output are redirected to a file. The name of this file consists of:

  1. Current directory path

  2. Kernel task name

  3. A timestamp

  4. The extension ".log"

A new file is evaluated by the Scheduler in Timer Task NewLog. If a running task is started or stopped, the Log command button is available, see Overview of Running Tasks. This command will display the output content on the next page.


Before creating a running task of your own, consider copying an existing one.

Define the environment and parameter with the placeholder and replacement definition on the System Constants page.

Set the log level to debug, if you want to display your environment and parameter definition when a running task is started, see System Log.

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The scheduler is a collection of timer tasks. A timer task has a time and/or a period of time. If this time is scheduled, an HTTP Get request with a specific URL will be executed.


There are several predefined timer tasks.

Name Description At Period URL
NewLog Set new log file for System Manager Log and all running tasks 00:00 86400 sec. or 24h SM_URL/timerTaskResponse?operation=setnewlog
CleanUpLog Delete old log files whose lifetime has expired. The lifetime is configured on theSystem Constants page. See Clean up Log Files. 00:05 86400 sec. or 24h SM_URL/cleanup
CleanUpHistory Delete old System Manager configuration files. See Undo Changes. 00:10 86400 sec. or 24h SM_URL/configHistory

It is possible to create your own timer task. To do this you must decide whether you want to create a temporary or a persistent task. Tempory timer tasks are not stored in the configuration file. The definitions will be lost when the System Manager is restarted. The definition of a persistent timer task is saved in the configuration file. A persistent timer task also has the attribute Startup. The Startup type auto starts the timer when the system is started. With manual, you can start the timer task later. The following parameters are available for a timer task:

Name Name of timer task.
Startup For persistent timer tasks only: auto creates this timer task when the System Manager is started.
Start at Defines the starting time.
Period Defines the interval in seconds.
At fixed rate In fixed-rate execution, each execution is scheduled relative to the scheduled execution time of the initial execution.
Write Response to System Log true writes the response of the scheduled request to the System Log.
Command HTTP Get request URL.
User ID HTTP Basic Authentication user ID.
Password HTTP Basic Authentication password.

Depending on its state, several operations are available to a timer task.

Start The persistent timer task can start.
Stop The timer task is stopped. No more scheduled events will be created.
Simulate If you do not want to wait until Start-at time, you can simulate the scheduled event. This operation makes a test of all parameters.
Delete Delete timer tasks that have not yet started. If the timer task is persistent, it will also be deleted from the configuration file.

After running a scheduled event, the output will be available with the following links:

Show Displays the results in a new browser window.
Text Displays the results at the end of the next page as text.
Exception This link will be available if an error occurs while an event is running. The message is displayed at the end of the next page.

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Attach Manager

The webMethods EntireX Attach Manager in this System Manager is implemented as an asynchronous thread, which is informed by the connected webMethods EntireX Broker if a server is missing. For example, a client sends a message to the webMethods EntireX Broker. There is no server connected to the Broker, but there is a registered Attach Manager. The Attach Manager thread receives the event and implements several dispatchers to forward this event.

Dispatcher Description
Attach Tasks The missing server event will be forwarded to start a configured running task, see Overview of Running Tasks.
HTTP Request The event will be forwarded to make a specific HTTP-Get request. The broker ID and service are passed as HTTP-Get variables broker and service. The Attach Manager thread waits until the HTTP-Get command proceeds. When the HTTP-Get command is finished, the Attach Manager performs a wait-for-receive command on the EntireX Broker to retrieve the next event.
Mediator Sequences The event will be forwarded to make a specific HTTP-Get request. The specific URL will start a Service Orchestrator (Mediator) sequence. The BrokerID, service, user ID and password are passed as HTTP-Get variables, xbd.pmq.service, xbd.pmq.userid and xbd.pmq.password.

Depending on its state, several operations are available to an Attach Manager.

Start The Attach Manager can start.
Stop The Attach Manager is stopped.
Simulate If you do not want to wait, you can simulate the attach event. This operation makes a test of all parameters. This operation works only when the Attach Manager has been started once.
Delete Delete Attach Managers that have not yet started.
Restart Stop and start Attach Manager.
Copy to Copy all parameters to a new instance.


Each Attach Manager has the following parameters:

Name The Attach Manager's name in the System Manager.
Broker address IP or DNS Name of webMethods EntireX Broker.
User ID User ID registered with webMethods EntireX Broker .
Token Registered Token.
Password User ID's password with webMethods EntireX Security.
Trace level Trace calls with level 1,2,3 or switched off.
Startup auto starts the Attach Manager when the System Manager is started.
Sleep before automatic restart Wait this period of time between termination and the next start.
Shutdown on broker request true terminates the Attach Manager if a shutdown event is received. The Value false will restart it.
Simulate on start event When the Attach Manager is started, each service will get a missing server event. Each service will then look in its queue and process any messages that have been received in the meantime.
Dispatcher Select the dispatcher.
Service List of attached services.

Each service has the following operation or parameters:

Queue The queue name: CLASS/SERVER/SERVICE
Simulate This service gets a missing server event to process the message in its queue.
Delete Delete this service.

The dispatcher's HTTP Requests and Mediator Sequences have additional parameters:

URL Perform this HTTP-Get request if a server event is missing.
Log response true writes the output of an attached event to the System Log.
Sleep interval between 2 events Wait this period of time between 2 processed events.
Synchronize parallel requests
  • The value false does not synchronize between parallel requests. The stylesheet called must be able to handle parallel processing.

  • The value true synchronizes between all services of attach managers with this value. If a request is running, all others wait.

  • The value this service is only synchronized for parallel processing. Another request for this service will wait until the first has finished.

    This value is default and recommended.

  • The value this service without waiting is only synchronized for parallel processing. Another request for this service is aborted because the first is working. An error message is placed into the System Log.

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