Mashables and Mashups : Views for Mashups and Mashables : Built-in MashZone NextGen Views
Built-in MashZone NextGen Views
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Common Chart Techniques
Dial Gauge
Area Chart
Bar Chart
Bubble Chart
Bulb Gauge
Bullet Gauge
Candlestick Chart
Column Chart
Cylinder Gauge
Doughnut Chart
Feed Reader
Funnel Chart
Gantt Chart
Geo Map
Google Map
Grid and KPIs View
Intensity Map
Kagi Chart
LED Gauge
Line Chart
Real-Time Line Chart
Linear Gauge
Marimekko Chart
Pareto Chart
Pie Chart
Record Details View
Pyramid Chart
Radar Chart
Scatter Chart
Sparkline Column
Sparkline win_loss
Spline Area Chart
Spline Line Chart
Step Line
Template View
Thermometer Gauge
Zoom Line Chart
Advanced Configuration Properties
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