Custom Apps : Create Fully Custom Apps in the App Editor : Custom App Basics: Connect, Run and Render
Custom App Basics: Connect, Run and Render
Download and Unpack the App package
Add HTML for the Table
Update CSS Styles
Add the JQuery Templating Library
Update Device Compatibility in the App Spec
Define the App Constructor
Define the JQuery Template for the Table Rows
Invoke the Mashable
Add Dependency Information
Test the App
This topic builds a very simple custom app for desktop browsers that renders the results from a Presto mashable in a table. It illustrates some of the most common requirements to create a custom app, including adding JavaScript libraries, connecting to the Presto Server, invoking a mashable and testing the custom app.
This example does not have any input parameters or properties. It does not publish any topics or support subscribing to topics from other apps. It does not support mobile devices. For links to other examples, click More... above.
It uses the JQuery Templating library to handle rendering the app and Presto Connect for JavaScript (PC4JS) to connect to the Presto Server. It invokes the sample Yahoo local Search mashable. See Registering Sample Mashables or Mashups for instructions on registering this and other sample mashables.
The steps to create this custom app are:
1. Download and Unpack the App package
2. Add HTML for the Table
3. Update CSS Styles
4. Add the JQuery Templating Library
5. Update Device Compatibility in the App Spec
6. Define the App Constructor
7. Define the JQuery Template for the Table Rows
8. Invoke the Mashable
9. Add Dependency Information
10. Test the App
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