Custom Apps : Create Fully Custom Apps in the App Editor : Custom App Basics: Connect, Run and Render : Add the JQuery Templating Library
Add the JQuery Templating Library
All of the resources used by the app are defined in the App Specification SampleTable/app.xml. The default HTML, JavaScript and CSS files for the app are already declared in the <requires> section:
<app id="SampleTable" name="SampleTable"
jsclass="Sample.HelloWorld" height="200" width="200"
draggable="false" minimizable="false">
<require src="js/app.js" type="script"/>
<require src="css/app.css" type="css"/>
<require src="html/app.html" type="html"/>
We need to add the JQuery Templating library to this app. This library is hosted in Presto and can be included as a named library. You can also add other libraries either as relative files within the app folders or using fully-qualified URLs.
Presto includes certain "third party software" which JackBe licenses from third parties. Pursuant to the JackBe EULA for Presto, all Presto users are bound by the license terms and conditions of any third party software licenses. You may review these Third Party Licenses at
Software AG does not and cannot authorize any use of third party software that is not permitted by these third party software licenses. You may, however, be able to obtain licenses directly from third parties. In addition, any other software that you add and/or use in connection with Presto is subject to its own licensing requirements and may void the terms of the EULA for Presto.
To add the JQuery Templating library, open SampleTable/app.xml in the editor of your choice. Then add a <require> element to the <requires> section, like this:
<app id="SampleTable" name="SampleTable"
jsclass="Sample.HelloWorld" height="200" width="200"
draggable="false" minimizable="false">
<require name="jquery-tmpl" type="library" version="1.0"/>
<require src="js/app.js" type="script"/>
<require src="css/app.css" type="css"/>
<require src="html/app.html" type="html"/>
You can also add named libraries in the App Editor to find the correct name and version. Simply open the app and click Add to see the list of named libraries.
This app also uses PC4JS. Presto Connect for JavaScript, however, is automatically included in the Presto App framework, so no declaration is needed in the App Specification.
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