Custom Apps : Create Fully Custom Apps in the App Editor : Custom App Basics: Connect, Run and Render : Update Device Compatibility in the App Spec
Update Device Compatibility in the App Spec
The default package for custom apps has three <presto-meta> elements indicating the app is compatible with desktop browsers, mobile phones and mobile tablets. These compatibility flags control the visibility of your custom app in different types of devices.
Custom apps must be designed to be mobile compatible. See About Desktop and Mobile Compatibility for Apps for details.
This example is only compatible with desktop browsers, so you must update the compatibility flags for mobile devices to false. The App Spec should now look something like this:
<app id="SampleTable" name="SampleTable"
jsclass="Sample.HelloWorld" height="200" width="200"
draggable="false" minimizable="false">
<presto-meta name="presto.desktopCompatible" type="text">true</presto-meta>
<presto-meta name="presto.phoneCompatible" type="text">false</presto-meta>
<presto-meta name="presto.tabletCompatible" type="text">false</presto-meta>
<require name="jquery-tmpl" type="library" version="1.0"/>
<require src="js/app.js" type="script"/>
<require src="css/app.css" type="css"/>
<require src="html/app.html" type="html"/>
Change any other information you may want to, such as the title or description. You can also delete the <property> element present for Hello World as this will not be used. But do not delete the entire <properties> section.
For more information on the tags available for App Specifications, see the links in the App Specification Reference topic.
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