User Maintenance

In Entire Operations, a user ID can be used to enter the system. Entire Operations user IDs should, but need not be defined to the host TP monitor. Several users can log on to Entire Operations with the same user ID and password at the same time. For reasons of data security and in order to trace data modifications, however, each user usually has a personal user ID and password.

This document covers the following topics

Listing Users

Start of instruction set To list all users

  • From the System Services Menu, select the User Maintenance option and press ENTER.

    A User List screen with a list of Entire Operations user IDs appears with their associated owner names:

     19-02-28                ***** Entire Operations *****                11:13:53 
                                       User List                                   
                           Cmd     User Name      Owner Name                       
                            _      SAG            NATQA                            
                            _      SAGTEST        SAGTEST                          
     ******************************* Bottom of Data *******************************
     D Delete   B Browse   M Modify                                                
     Command => ____________________________________________________________       
          Help  Add   End         Save        Up    Down                    Menu

    You can scroll the list using PF7 (Up) and PF8 (Down). For a more selective list, add a start value in the first line of the User Name column. For example, enter S and press ENTER to start the list with IDs beginning with the letter S.

    You can add, delete and modify user profiles using the available line commands and PF keys.

    Line Commands: User List

    The following line commands are available on the User List screen:

    Line Command Description
    D Delete a user definition and profile.
    B View a user definition in read-only mode: see Viewing, Adding and Modifying a User.
    M Modify a user definition and profile: see Viewing, Adding and Modifying a User.

Viewing, Adding and Modifying a User

Start of instruction set To view or modify a user

  1. To view a user definition in read-only mode:

    On the User List screen, enter B (Browse) in the line command input field next to the required user and press ENTER.

    To modify a user definition:

    On the User List screen, enter M (Modify) in the line command input field next to the required user and press ENTER.


    Use the direct command MODIFY USER as described in the Direct Commands documentation.

    The User Definition and Profile screen appears with the current user definition. In edit mode, you can modify the definition and profile settings in the same way as when adding a user.

  2. Choose PF5 (Save) to save any modifications.

Start of instruction set To add a user

  • Choose PF2 (Add) on the User List screen.

    Use the direct command ADD USER described in the Direct Commands documentation.

    A User Definition and Profile screen similar to the example below appears:

     25.01.19                ***** Entire Operations *****                11:51:43 
                              User Definition and Profile                          
           User ID ==> EXAMPLE_    Owner at Logon ==> EXAMPLE___       __________  
         User Type ==> A                                               __________  
           Profile ==> ________                                        __________  
     Language Code ==> 1__ English                                     __________  
            E-Mail ==> _____________________________________________   __________  
     Profile Settings                                                              
      Administration Functions ==> _                Representation ==> _           
           Network Maintenance ==> _                   Sort Orders ==> _           
                     Reporting ==> _            Selection Criteria ==> _           
                    Monitoring ==> _     Max. Lines in Log Display ==> _______     
     Command => ____________________________________________________________       
          Help        End         Save              Nodes Owner             Menu

This User Definition and Profile screen consists of two sections:

Special PF Keys: User Definition and Profile

PF Key Name Function
PF8  Nodes  Define operating system server default user IDs. See Operating System Server Default User IDs for a User.
PF9  Owner  Link a user to additional owners. See Adding and Removing User/Owner Links and Owners.

User Definition and Profile Settings

You define a user to Entire Operations and set main user defaults by using the fields in the upper section of the User Definition and Profile screen.

The fields in the lower section of the User Definition and Profile screen are used to define user privileges for distinct maintenance functions and manage individual preferences for default system settings.

User profiles can be modified individually at any time.

We recommend that a user with a modified profile logs off from Entire Operations after the changes are made and logs on again to refresh the session. This guarantees that all profile changes are in effect.

Field Description
User ID  Entire Operations user ID.

This is the user ID with which the user should log on to Entire Operations.

See also the sections Entire Operations User IDs and Operating System User IDs in the User's Guide.

Owner at Logon  A job network belongs to an owner.

Users linked to that owner are allowed to perform any activity on that network. This includes the granting of some job network functions to other users. The owner at logon must always be defined.

See also the section Owner at Logon in the User's Guide.

You can link additional owners to a user as described in Adding and Removing User/Owner Links and Owners.

A user linked to the owner SYSDBA is authorized to access any objects in the whole system.



User ID of a predefined template user.

If using a wildcard, a user can be selected from a list.

The selection of an existing user sets all the attributes to the value of the corresponding attributes in the referenced profile. The predefined templates change permission values.

The field Profile is reset if an attribute of the user maintenance window is manually modified.

Default templates:

=GENERAL or =G Use default general user profile.
=OPER or =O Use default operator profile.
=ADMIN or =A Use default administrator profile.

The user's settings can be modified individually later.

User Type  Determine the tasks the user is allowed to do.

The value entered here sets certain authorization defaults in the user profile. Possible values:

G User with general rights.

The general user can only view and maintain the Entire Operations objects allowed by the administrator.

In addition, the user can view and maintain the objects allowed to the owners and users associated with the user.

O User with operator rights.

The operator can view and maintain all Entire Operations objects and perform all system maintenance functions allowed by the administrator.

A User with administrator rights.

The administrator can view and maintain any Entire Operations objects and perform any system maintenance functions.

With these options, the profile settings of a user are predefined. Individual settings can be modified at any time using the options in the Profile Settings section of this screen.

Language Code  Determine the user language under which Entire Operations is to run.

The language can be modified anytime during the session using the direct command SET LANGUAGE 1 or SET LANGUAGE 2.

Possible values:

1 English.
2 German.
E-Mail E-mail address used for notifications sent to the user by Entire Operations.

The commercial at sign (@) can also be coded as (a).

Mailboxes  Mailbox(es) associated with the user.

User is notified of any pending requests linked to these mailboxes. You can specify up to 10 mailboxes per user.

Administration Functions See the section Administration Functions.
Network Maintenance See the section Network Maintenance Functions.
Reporting See the section Reporting Functions.
Monitoring See the section Monitoring Functions.
Representation See the section Representation - Display Settings.
Sort Orders  Invoke the Sort Orders definition for this user. See Sort Orders in Lists.
Selection Criteria  Invoke the Selection Criteria Settings definition for this user.
Max. Lines in Log Display Determine the maximum number of lines shown in the log display.

The maximum number can be overridden on the Log Display Selection screen (see Log Information in the User's Guide).

A value of zero (0) or an empty field means that there is no line limit.

Profile Settings for User Authorization

Defining a user profile consists of authorizing the user for a certain level of activity in the various system facilities.

User authorizations fall into the following groups:

You select a group of functions by entering any character in the appropriate input field and pressing ENTER. A window opens with possible functions, the default authorization value according to the user type and, optionally, copied profile.

Authorization Options

The user privileges that can be granted for a function depend on the user type defined for the user: general user (type G), operator (type O) and system administrator (type A).

You can enter one of the following authorization options for each function listed in the window (press ENTER to save modifications, and choose PF3 to close the window):

Option Setting Authorization
Y  Allow function.
N Disallow function.
blank No access.
R Read access only (no definition/modification of item allowed).

Read-only restrictions also apply when using a modify or edit function if provided for an item or a list of items.

W  Read/write access (definition/modification allowed, but no delete).
D Read/write/delete access (all functions allowed).
other option settings Specific or additional options that can be set for particular profile settings and functions. They are described in the relevant sections of this chapter.

Deleting a User

Start of instruction set To delete a user definition and profile

  1. Enter D in the line command field next to the required user listed on the User List screen and press ENTER.

    A confirmation window opens.

  2. Enter the user ID to confirm the deletion and press ENTER to perform the deletion and close the window.

Deleting a user does not necessarily also delete the owner specified as Owner at Logon for this user. You can use the OW-MB--P utility (administrator rights required) to make sure that an owner is entirely removed from the environment: see Mass Change of the Owner and Owner Deletion in the User's Guide.

Adding and Removing User/Owner Links and Owners

In addition to the Owner at Logon who must be defined in a user profile, you can link a user to other owners and remove existing links or delete owners.

If other owners are defined, the user can switch to one of them during the session. The user is also authorized to access the objects belonging to the other owners by using the SET OWNER direct command (see the Direct Commands documentation).


  1. A user linked to the owner SYSDBA is authorized to access any object in the entire Entire Operations system environment.
  2. New owner names must start with a letter and may not contain blanks.

Related Topic:

Linking Users to Owners

Start of instruction set To link a user to an additional owner

  1. Choose PF9 (Owner) on the User Definition and Profile screen.

    An Owner List window similar to the example below opens:

     25.01.19                ***** Entire Operations *****                11:51:43 
                              User Definition an +-------------------------+       
     ------------------------------------------- |                         | ------
                                                 |   User EXAMPLE          | xes   
           User ID ==> EXAMPLE_    Owner at Logo |   Owner List            | ____  
                                                 |  PF2: Add  'D' Del.     | ____  
         User Type ==> A                         |                         | ____  
           Profile ==> ________                  |         ** Top **       | ____  
     Language Code ==> 1__ English               |     _   ABCDE           | ____  
            E-Mail ==> _________________________ |     _   ABS             | ____  
                                                 |     _   ACL             | ____  
                                                 |     _   ASF             | ____  
                                                 |     _   SAG-USER        | ____  
                                                 |     _   EXAMPLE         | ____  
     Profile Settings                            |     _   FINANCE         |       
      Administration Functions ==> _             |     _   SALARY          |       
           Network Maintenance ==> _             |     _   HR-DA           |       
                     Reporting ==> _             |     _   INCIDENT        |       
                    Monitoring ==> _     Max. Li |         ** more **      | _     
                                                 |   --PF3---PF7--PF8---   |       
     Command => ________________________________ |     End   Up   Down     |       
          Help        End         Save              Nodes Owner             Menu
  2. Choose PF2 (Add) to link a new owner.

    A User/Owner Linkage window opens on the left:

     25.01.19                ***** Entire Operations *****                11:51:43 
                              User Definition an +-------------------------+       
     ------------------------------------------- |                         | ------
                                                 |   User EXAMPLE          | xes   
           User ID ==> EXAMPLE_    Owner at Logo |   Owner List            | ____  
                                                 |  PF2: Add  'D' Del.     | ____  
         User Type ==> A                         |                         | ____  
           Profile ==> ________                  |         ** Top **       | ____  
     Language Code ==> 1__ English               |     _   ABCDE           | ____  
            E-Mail ==> _________________________ |     _   ABS             | ____  
      +-------------------------------------+    |     _   ACL             | ____  
      |                                     |    |     _   ASF             | ____  
      |       User/Owner Linkage            |    |     _   SAG-USER        | ____  
      |                                     |    |     _   EXAMPLE         | ____  
      |    User ID ===> EXAMPLE             |    |     _   FINANCE         |       
      |    Owner   ===> __________          |    |     _   SALARY          |       
      |                                     |    |     _   HR-DA           |       
      |  PF3 End                            |    |     _   INCIDENT        |       
      +-------------------------------------+ Li |         ** more **      | _     
                                                 |   --PF3---PF7--PF8---   |       
     Command => ________________________________ |     End   Up   Down     |       
          Help        End         Save              Nodes Owner             Menu
  3. In the Owner field, enter the name of a new owner to whom you want to link the user and press ENTER.

    In the Owner field, enter an asterisk (*) to select an owner from a list of available owners:

     25.01.19                ***** Entire Operations *****                11:51:43 
                              User Definition an +-------------------------+       
     ------------------------------------------- |                         | ------
                                                 |   User EXAMPLE          | xes   
           User ID ==> EXAMPLE_    Owner at Logo |   Owner List            | ____  
                                                 |  PF2: Add  'D' Del.     | ____  
         User Type ==> A                         |                         | ____  
           Profile ==> ________                  |         ** Top **       | ____  
     Language Code ==> 1__ English               |     _   ABCDE           | ____  
            E-Mail ==> _________________________ |     _   ABS             | ____  
      +-------------------------------------+    |     _   ACL             | ____  
      |                                     |    |     _   ASF             | ____  
      |       User/Owner Linkage            |    |     _   SAG-USER        | ____  
      |                                     |    |     _   EXAMPLE         | ____  
      |    User ID ===> EXAMPLE             |    |     _   FINANCE         |       
      |    Owner   ===> *_________          |    |     _   SALARY          |       
      |                                     |    |     _   HR-DA           |       
      |  PF3 End                            |    |     _   INCIDENT        |       
      +-------------------------------------+ Li |         ** more **      | _     
                                                 |   --PF3---PF7--PF8---   |       
     Command => ________________________________ |     End   Up   Down     |       
          Help        End         Save              Nodes Owner             Menu

    In the Owner Selection window, enter any character in the input field next to the required owner and press ENTER.

    The owner is added in the User/Owner Linkage window.

  4. Choose PF3 (End) to close the selection window.

    The selection window closes and the new owner is added in the Owner List window.

  5. Choose PF3 (End) to close all windows and return to the User Definition and Profile screen.

Deleting Owner Links or Owners

Start of instruction set To delete an owner link or an owner

  • Replace the name in the Owner at Logon field of the User Definition and Profile screen.

    In the Owner List window, enter D in the input field next to the owner link you want to delete and press ENTER.

    A confirmation window prompts you to confirm the deletion by entering the name of the owner.

    The link to the owner is removed for the selected user, or the owner is deleted if not associated with any other users.

The following applies when deleting an owner from a list or maintenance window:

  • The owner cannot be deleted if it is still linked to the following Entire Operations objects: calendar, network, symbol table and/or event.

  • Furthermore, an owner cannot be deleted if it is specified as the main owner (Owner at Logon) for any user. You have to replace the name before you can delete the owner.

  • If an owner is deleted, all links to the user are removed.

  • Deleting an owner from a list or window does not necessarily delete all references associated with this user. The owner can remain unused in your environment. Use the OW-MB--P utility (administrator rights required) to make sure that an owner is entirely removed: see Mass Change of the Owner and Owner Deletion in the section Entire Operations Utilities.

Administration Functions

If you select Administration Functions on the User Definition and Profile screen, you can authorize a user (see Authorization Options) to perform the administration functions described in the following table.

The table indicates the default setting that applies to each user type: A is system administrator, O is operator and G is general user.

Function Description Option Default for User Type
User Definition  Specifies access rights in the user maintenance facility.

If R (read) or no access permission is specified here, the list command only returns information for this user. The modify command is allowed only for objects owned by the user.

blank, R, W or D

D  no rights no rights
Auto Logon Definition Specifies default node user IDs for automatic node logon. See also Defining Node Default User IDs.

Y or N

N  N N
Resource Master Maintenance  Specifies access rights in the master resource definition facility.

blank, R, W or D

D  D  no rights 
Node Definition  Specifies access rights in the node maintenance facility.

blank, R, W or D

D   D  no rights 
Defaults Definition  Specifies access rights in the Entire Operations defaults facility.

blank, R, W or D

D   no rights  no rights 
Mailbox Definition  Specifies access rights in the mailbox definition facility.

blank, R, W or D

D   D  no rights
Monitor Start/Shutdown Authorizes the user to start or shutdown the Entire Operations Monitor manually and display Monitor status information, or to use the corresponding STATUS direct command (see the Direct Commands documentation).

Y or N

Y  Y  N 
Special Functions Authorizes the user to perform special global, control and recovery functions. See the section Special Functions.

Y or N

Other Functions  Authorizes the user to access the global message code table and perform special functions.

Y or N

Y  N  N 
Import/Export  Authorizes the user to perform import/export functions. See also the Import/Export Functions documentation.

Y or N

Y  N  N 

Network Maintenance Functions

If you select Network Maintenance on the User Definition and Profile screen, you can authorize a user (see Authorization Options) to perform the job and network maintenance function on the master database described in the following table.

The table indicates the default setting that applies to each user type: A is system administrator, O is operator and G is general user.

Function Description Option Default for User Type
A   O   G  
Network Definition  Specifies access rights in the network maintenance facility (see the User's Guide).

The user for which D is specified here, is also allowed to deactivate networks or jobs.

blank, R, W or D

D  no rights  no rights 
Job Definition  Specifies access rights in the job maintenance facility (see the User's Guide).

blank, R, W or D

D  no rights  no rights 
Prerequisite Definitions Specifies access rights in the condition maintenance and resource specification at job level (see the User's Guide).

blank, R, W or D

D  no rights   no rights
EOJ Checking + Actions Specifies access rights in the End-of-Job checking and actions facility (see the User's Guide).

blank, R, W or D

D  no rights  no rights 
JCL Definition  Specifies access rights to JCL definitions including editing.

blank, R, W or D

D  no rights  no rights 
Description Display  Specifies access rights to the text editor of the object description facility.

blank, R, W or D

D  no rights  no rights 
Symbol Tables  Specifies access rights in the symbol table maintenance facility (see the User's Guide).

blank, R, W or D

D  no rights  no rights 
Schedules Specifies access rights in the schedule maintenance facility (see the User's Guide).

blank, R, W or D

D  no rights  no rights 
Calendars  Specifies access rights in the calendar maintenance facility (see the User's Guide).

blank, R, W or D

D  no rights  no rights 
Editor Autosave  If Y is defined here, the editor feature AUTOSAVE ON is active at the start of the editing session.

Y or N

Y  no rights Y 
Last Run Display  List of active jobs:

S or P

S  S  S 

Use the last submitted run as the default for the run number preselection (default).


Use the last prompted run as the default for the run number preselection.

Reporting Functions

If you select Reporting on the User Definition and Profile screen, you can authorize a user (see Authorization Options) to perform the report functions described in the following table.

The table indicates the default setting that applies to each user type: A is system administrator, O is operator and G is general user.

For detailed information on the reports mentioned in the table, see the section Reporting and Report Types in the User's Guide.

Function Description Option Default for User Type
A   O   G  
Wildcards in Online Selections Authorizes the user to use wildcards in selections for online reports (see Generating Online Reports in the User's Guide).

Y or N

Log of Abended Jobs  Authorizes the user to display the Log - Abended Jobs and the Log - Jobs not started reports.

Y or N

Y  N  Y 
Log of Completed Jobs Authorizes the user to display the Log - Terminated Jobs report.

Y or N

Y  N  Y 
Network Activation & Schedule Authorizes the user to activate job networks, and display the Network Start Summary and Network Schedule Overview reports.

Y or N

Y  N  Y 
Network Description (short) Authorizes the user to display the Network Description (short) report.

Y or N

Y  N  Y 
Network Description (detailed) Authorizes the user to display the Network Description (detailed) report.

Y or N

Y  N  Y 
Schedule of Jobs  Authorizes the user to display the Schedule of Jobs report.

Y or N

Y  N  Y 
Job Flow  Authorizes the user to display the Job Flow of Network report.

Y or N

Y N  Y 
Accounting Information  Authorizes the user to display Accounting Information report.

Y or N

Y  N  Y 
Symbol Printing after Prompting Determines whether all symbols are saved as a file after prompting (see also Symbol Prompting during Network Activation in the User's Guide).

Y or N

Y  Y  Y 
Cross-References  Authorizes use of the Cross-References report function (see the User's Guide) and the corresponding XREF direct command (see the Direct Commands documentation).

Y or N

Y  N  Y 

Monitoring Functions

If you select Monitoring on the User Definition and Profile screen, you can authorize a user (see Authorization Options) to perform the operations on jobs in the active database described in the following table.

The table indicates the default setting that applies to each user type: A is system administrator, O is operator and G is general user.

Function Description Option Default for User Type
A   G  
Active Jobs  Specifies access rights for modifications to active jobs (see the User's Guide).

The user for which D is specified here, is also allowed to deactivate networks or jobs.

blank, R, W or D 

D  D  D 
Show Mailbox Requests Authorizes the user to display and react on mailbox messages (see the User's Guide), and use the corresponding MAIL or LIST MAILBOX direct command (see the Direct Commands documentation).

Y or N

Y  Y  Y 
Act. Prerequisite Definitions Specifies access rights for active prerequisite definitions (see the User's Guide).

blank, R, W or D 

D  D   D  
Act. EOJ Checking + Actions Specifies access rights for End-of-Job checking and actions (see the User's Guide) for an active job.

blank, R, W or D 

D   D   D  
Active JCL Editing Specifies access rights for editing JCL of an active job (see the User's Guide).

blank, R, W or D 

D   D   D  
Active Conditions  Specifies access right for active job conditions (see the User's Guide).

blank, R, W or D 

D   D   D  
Active Prerequisite Resources Specifies access rights for active prerequisite resource definitions (see the User's Guide).

blank, R, W or D 

Resource Usage Specifies access rights to resource usage lists and definitions (see the User's Guide).

blank, R or D 

D  D  R
Activate Network  Authorizes the user to activate networks manually (see the User's Guide).

If the user is allowed to activate networks, the user may also deactivate networks or jobs.

Y or N

Y  Y  Y 
Resubmit Job  Authorizes the user to use the resubmit function for an active job (see the User's Guide).

Y or N

Y  Y  Y 
Hold/Release Job  Authorizes the user to put an active job on hold or release an active job (see the User's Guide).

Y or N

Y  Y  Y 
Display Job SYSOUT  Authorizes the user to view job SYSOUT of a job run (see the User's Guide).

Y or N

Y  Y  Y 
Cancel Job  Authorizes the user to cancel a running job (see the User's Guide).

Y or N

Y  Y  Y 
Log Display  Authorizes the user to view Entire Operations logs (see the User's Guide) for owners associated with this user ID.

Possible values are:

Y, N, L or O Y  Y  Y 
Y Allow function.
N Disallow function.
L Allow function for all owners associated with this user ID.

(Applies to User Type G only.)

O Allow function for the Owner at Logon only (see the User's Guide).

(Applies to User Type G only.)

Representation - Display Settings

If you select the Representation option on the User Definition and Profile screen, you can specify default display settings. The fields available are described in the following table.

The table indicates the default setting that applies to each user type: A is system administrator, O is operator and G is general user.

Field Description Option Default for User Type
Node representation Nodes are displayed in numeric (N) or mnemonic (M) format.

For master objects, symbol usage is possible in both cases.

N or M N N N
Symbol list: long fields Symbol names with more than 20 characters are truncated (N) or completely displayed (Y) on the screen. Y or N Y N N
Log messages with message code Messages in the log display are prefixed (Y) or not prefixed (N) with their message code if one exists.

If set to Y, the message text is prefixed with the message code, for example: EOR2260 - Network activation performed.

See also the Message column in the example of a system log shown in the User's Guide.

Y or N N N N

User Attributes for Character Interface and GUI Client

There are three groups of user attributes:

Type Defined Interface
User attributes relevant for the Entire Operations character interface and Entire Operations GUI Client. Can be defined in both the Entire Operations character interface and Entire Operations GUI Client.
User attributes relevant for the Entire Operations character interface only. Can be defined in the Entire Operations character interface only.
User attributes relevant for Entire Operations GUI Client only. Can be defined in Entire Operations GUI Client only.

Selection Criteria Settings

If you select Selection Criteria on the User Definition and Profile screen, you can preset selection criteria for network lists.

Field Meaning
Network List  O Networks of owner.
G Owner granted networks.
A Active networks only.
R With number of active runs.
U User granted networks.
Multiple selections are possible.

Sort Orders in Lists

You can set the default sort order for object lists by using the Sort Orders option of the User Definition and Profile screen:

 25.01.19                ***** Entire Operations *****                12:33:53 
                          User Definition and Profile                          
 ------------------------- +--------------------------------------------------+
                           |                                                  |
       User ID ==> EXAMPLE |                                                  |
                           |                  Sort Orders                     |
     User Type ==> A       |                                                  |
       Profile ==> _______ |      Mailbox List            ==> A               |
 Language Code ==> 1__ Eng |      'All active Jobs' List  ==> A               |
        E-Mail ==> _______ |             sorted by        ==> _               |
                           |                                                  |
                           |                                                  |
                           |                                                  |
                           |                                                  |
 Profile Settings          | Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7--- |
  Administration Functions |       Help        End         Save               |
       Network Maintenance +--------------------------------------------------+
                 Reporting ==> _            Selection Criteria ==> _           
                Monitoring ==> _     Max. Lines in Log Display ==> _______     
 Command => ____________________________________________________________       
      Help        End         Save              Nodes Owner             Menu

The fields contained in the window are explained in the following table:

Field Meaning
Mailbox List   Sort sequence for the mailbox list.  
A Sorted in ascending order.
D Sorted in descending order.
All active Jobs List Sort sequence for listing active jobs (see Active Job Networks in the User's Guide).
A Sorted in ascending order.
D Sorted in descending order.
sorted by Active jobs list sorted by:
' ' Sorted by owner/network/run/job.
T Sorted by timestamp.

Operating System Server Default User IDs for a User

For each operating system server node a user is working with, you can define a node default user ID per user. By default, the content of the Natural system variable *USER (described in the Natural System Variables documentation) is used for a node logon.

You can define single or multiple node default user IDs for a user. Apart from these node/user definitions, a user can, of course, also use any other node user IDs that are not defined in the user profile.

This section describes how to define node default user IDs for a selected user. For a mass change to node/user definitions, you can use the NOPUNA-P utility described in Mass Update for User Access to Nodes in the User's Guide.

Related Topics:

Defining Node Default User IDs

Start of instruction set To define a node default user ID for a user

  1. Choose PF8 on the User Definition and Profile screen.

    A Node Default User IDs screen similar to the following appears:

     05.07.18                ***** Entire Operations *****                17:11:40 
     User EXAMPLE                Node Default User IDs                             
     Cmd Node          User ID              Group                LD AJ AS          
      _  N0010 (10)    DEMO                                      Y     Y           
      _  N0401 (401)   WIN-UID4             EUR                     Y              
      _  N0020 (20)    NPRUSR20                                  Y  Y  Y           
      _    333         UNIX-ID              UNIX-GROUP1                Y           
     ******************************* Bottom of Data *******************************
     D Delete   M Modify                                                           
          Help  Add   End         Save        Up    Down                    Menu

    All node default user IDs defined for the selected user are listed on the screen.

    (The list is empty if no default user IDs have yet been defined for the selected user.)

    The columns on the screen are explained in Fields and Columns: Node Default User IDs.

  2. If you want to modify a user definition, type M in the line command input field next to the node definition you want to change, and press ENTER.

    If you want to add a user definition, choose PF2.

    A Node Default User ID for User window similar to the example below opens:

    |                                                                  |
    |           Node Default User ID for User EXAMPLE                  |
    |                                                                  |
    |  Node               ==> ________________                         |
    |  User ID            ==> ____________________                     |
    |  Group              ==> ____________________                     |
    |  Logon Default      ==> _                                        |
    |  Auto Logon for JCL ==> _  for SYSOUT ==> _                      |
    |                                                                  |
    | ---PF1---PF3-------PF5-------------------------------------      |
    |    Help  End       Save                                          |
  3. Add or replace the required values.

    The input fields are described in Fields and Columns: Node Default User IDs.

  4. Choose PF5 to save your entries.

    The window closes and the node default definition is added to or updated on the Node Default User IDs screen.

Fields and Columns: Node Default User IDs

The columns on the Node Default User IDs screen and the corresponding fields in the Node Default User ID for User window are explained in the following table:

Field/Column Description
Node Number defined for a node (see also Fields: Node Definition).

The Node column lists the short node name followed by the node number in parentheses.

User ID Operating system user ID to be used for the node.
Group Name of a UNIX group or Windows domain to be used for the node logon if defined for the respective UNIX or Windows node (see also Default Group).

A group name is not evaluated for mainframe nodes.

See also Operating System User ID, Group, Domain in the User's Guide.

Logon Default

(column LD)

Only applies if several node default user IDs are defined for a user and node.

Select this option for the node user ID to be used by default for a node logon.

You can specify only one logon default per user and node.

If no logon default is specified, the default user ID (if defined) of the node is used. See also Other Definitions for a Node (Mainframe) and Other Definitions for a Node (UNIX and Windows).

If only one operating system user ID is defined for a user and node, the Node Logon window is preset to this user ID.

Possible values:

Y Use as the logon default.

or blank

Do not use as the logon default (default).
Auto Logon for JCL

(column AJ)

(Administrator rights required.)

Select this option to allow the specified user to automatically log on to the specified node for browsing JCL.

Possible values:

Y Enable automatic logon.

or blank

Do not enable automatic logon (default).
Auto Logon for SYSOUT

(column AS)

(Administrator rights required.)

Select this option to allow the specified user to automatically log on to the specified node for browsing SYSOUT.

Possible values:

Y Enable automatic logon.

or blank

Do not enable automatic logon (default).

Special PF Keys: Node Default User IDs

PF Key Name Function
PF2  Add  Add a node default definition.

Line Commands: Node Default User IDs

Line Command Description
D Delete a node default definition.
M Modify a node default definition.

Deleting Node Default User ID Definitions

Start of instruction set To delete a node default user ID for a user

  • On the Node Default User IDs screen, type D in the line command input field next to the node definition you want to delete, and press ENTER.

    The node definition is removed from the screen.

Defining Subadministrators

Defining subadministrators allows you to grant access rights which are not offered by the standard user maintenance facility of Entire Operations.

If the Natural object US-EX--N (delivered with Entire Operations) is not modified, it represents the standard user maintenance facility: Each user is allowed to read, write or delete user definitions, or is excluded from any user maintenance.

Start of instruction set To define subadministrators

  • Modify the Natural object US-EX--N contained in the Natural system library SYSEOR.

    Using US-EX--N you can define any number of relationships between Entire Operations users.

US-EX--N requires the following parameters:

  • USER-1 is the subadministrator, that is, the user who defines other users. His rights over USER-2 are defined in the specification of a return code.

  • USER-2 the user who is defined by USER-1.

  • RC (return code) defines the rights of USER-1 and the relationships between USER-1 and USER-2.

Data Set Name Contents
Y USER-1 can display, change and delete USER-2.
R USER-1 can display USER-2.
other values USER-1 cannot display, change and delete USER-2.

The above entries are made in the DISPLAY MODIFY DELETE section of US-EX--N.

In the ADD section of US-EX--N, you specify if a subadministrator is allowed to add other users. In this case, USER-1 must be set to Y. Any entry other than Y signifies that USER-1 is not allowed to create further users. USER-2 is unused.

In the following you will find an example of US-EX--N which you can use to adapt the program to the needs at your site.

The program does not check whether USER-1 and USER-2 belong to the same owner. You can specify subadministrators independently of their owners. If USER-1 and USER-2 are identical, there are no restrictions.


* US-EX--N
* NOP USER Modification
* This exit is called by US-DEF-P and US-LI--P to give certain
* users limited rights on other users (specify Subadministrator)
* 09.01.97 (160039) User exit for defining subadministrators    GFR212
* ----------------------------------------------------
1 P-USER-1              (A08)     /* IN
1 P-USER-2              (A08)     /* IN
1 P-US-EX-RC            (A1)      /* OUT
* -----------------------
* Users modifies himself
  P-US-EX-RC := 'Y'
IF P-USER-1 NE ' '
  IF  P-USER-2 NE ' '
* *************************************************************
* *************************************************************
    P-US-EX-RC := 'Y'   /*     'R'           means DISPLAY only
                        /*     'Y'           means DELETE MODIFY
* For all users we give back 'Y' as return code
* Example for subadministrator ABC
*   IF P-USER-1 = 'ABC'
*     IF P-USER-2 = 'XYZ'
*       MOVE 'Y' TO P-US-EX-RC /* can modify or delete user XYZ
*     ELSE
*       MOVE 'R' TO P-US-EX-RC /* can display all others
*     END-IF
*   END-IF
* ****************************************************************
* ADD - Section
* ****************************************************************
*                       /* 'Y' means ADD allowed
    P-US-EX-RC := 'Y'   /*  anything else means ADD not allowed
* For all users we give back 'Y' as return code
* Example for subadministrator ABC
*   IF P-USER-1 = 'ABC'
*     MOVE 'N' TO P-US-EX-RC /* cannot add any user
*   END-IF