Entire Operations and Operating System User IDs

This document covers the following topics:

Entire Operations User IDs

In Entire Operations, a user ID can be used to enter the system. Entire Operations user IDs should, but need not be defined to the host TP monitor.

Several users can log on to Entire Operations with the same user ID and password at the same time. For reasons of data security and in order to trace data modifications, however, each user usually has a personal user ID and password.

Entire Operations user IDs are relevant to the following:

  • Entire Operations User Profiles
    Each Entire Operations user ID can have individual access rights to Entire Operations functionality and Entire Operations objects. For details, see User Definitions and Profile Settings in the Administration documentation.

  • Mailboxes
    A user ID can be associated with up to ten mailboxes through which the user is notified of any pending logical conditions linked to those mailboxes (see the section Working with Mailboxes).

  • Logging
    Entire Operations logs all activities and events occurring within the system, including user activities.

A user ID always has a link to at least one owner (see the section Using Owners).

Operating System User IDs

This document covers the following topics:

Working with Entire System Server Nodes

If you want to work with operating system objects (e.g. editing JCL), you must perform Entire System server logons to the nodes you want to work with. After such a logon, you have access the access rights of the operating system user ID you specified. See the section Logging on and off an Operating System Server Node.

For Entire Operations networks and jobs, you must define operating system user IDs specifically as JCL user IDs and submit (execution) user IDs. See also Defining Operating System Dependent JCL Specifications in the section Job Maintenance.

Logon to an Operating System User ID

If you want to work with an operating system object and if you are not logged to the defined Entire System Server node, the node logon screen is presented automatically in many cases.

You may also perform an explicit node logon by using the LOGON NODE direct command.

You can use the direct command STATUS NODES to view your current node logon status.

Operating System User ID, Group, Domain

In network and job definitions, it is possible to specify

Additionally, it is possible to specify a group (UNIX), respective a domain (Windows).

If no group is defined for a UNIX node, the user ID’s default group will be in effect.

If no domain is specified for a Windows node, the user ID is treated as a local user. If you enter the node’s host name in the domain (group) field, the user ID is treated as local user too.

Default User ID Determination

Determination Rules

If no operating system user ID definition is made for JCL node or execution node locally, Entire Operations determines an operating system user ID, depending on

For detailed information, see the relevant sections in the Administration documentation.

Search Hierarchy for Submit User IDs

If an operating system user ID other than the user ID of the Entire Operations Monitor (Submit Security User Type = M/User ID of the Entire Operations Monitor) is to be used, a search hierarchy for the operating system user ID is in effect. The fields Monitor User ID and Submit Security User Type are described in Fields: Monitor Defaults in the Administration documentation.

The search order is:

  1. The job’s (JCL or submit) user ID;

  2. The network’s (JCL or submit) user ID;

  3. The node’s default user ID (mainframe, UNIX and Windows).

Symbol Replacement

This applies to the network master definition, job master definition and job active definition.

Symbol replacement is possible in the fields:

  • JCL User ID

  • JCL Group

  • Submit User ID

  • Submit Group

If the activation escape character is used, the replacement is performed at activation time. This is required for JCL User ID and JCL Group. If the submission escape character is used, the replacement is performed before job submission. Symbol replacement errors in one of these fields are treated as permanent errors.