Maintaining Active Jobs

This document covers the following topics:

Related Topics:

Listing Active Jobs

You can access active runs of a network to list and maintain active jobs.

User Restrictions for Active Jobs Lists

Users can be restricted to view jobs on the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen.

If the user is of type A (Administrator) or if the user has access to the owner SYSDBA, then all active jobs are displayed. In all other cases, the following active jobs are displayed:

  • From networks of the current owner,

  • From networks of owners to which the user has access,

  • From networks to which the user has access.

See also Granting Definition: Authorizing Other Users or Owners to Access a Network in the section Network Maintenance.

This section covers the following topics:

Listing All Active Jobs for All Networks Active

Start of instruction set To list all active jobs for all active networks

  • Choose PF10 (All) on the Active Job Networks screen.

    An All Active Jobs screen similar to the example below appears:

     18-03-05                ***** Entire Operations *****                19:20:07 
                                    All Active Jobs                                
     Selection AW________                                   Submit User ID ________
     C Owner      Network    Job          Run    JobId  Time Message               
       *--------- *--------- *---------                                            
     _ EXAMPLE    MAIN1      JOB-05         5          19:15 E60-JOB4-O - 5 - RUN n
     _ EXAMPLE    MAIN1      JOB-06         5          19:15 MAC Exit SYSEORU/B60-M
     _ EXAMPLE    SAGNET     NAT           35          19:16 ACTIVECONDITION2 - 35 
     _ INCIDENT   I1042163   I1042163J1   149          23:30 Start Time 03-06 16:00
     _ INCIDENT   I1042163   -            150          17:06 Activation Network 03-
     _ INCIDENT   I1042163   -            151          00:00 Activation Network 03-
     _ INCIDENT   I5033788BA -           3305          17:06 Activation Network 03-
     _ INCIDENT   I5033788BA -           3306          17:06 Activation Network 03-
     _ INCIDENT   I5033788BA -           3307          17:06 Activation Network 03-
     _ INCIDENT   I5033788BA -           3308          17:06 Activation Network 03-
     _ INCIDENT   I5033788BA -           3309          17:06 Activation Network 03-
     *********************************** m o r e **********************************
     A Sc.P B Brw C Can D Dea E Edit G Gen.JCL H Hold I InCond J JCL K A.Res L Res.
     M Mod. O EOJ P Prose R Resub. S SYSOUT T Stop U Rel. V RA W Wf Y SubC Z Subnet
     Command => ____________________________________________________________       
          Help  Add   End   ACond Save  ResUs Up    Down  ATask Left  Right Menu

    The screen lists all jobs currently active in your Entire Operations environment for the selected owner(s) depending on your view authorizations (see also User Restrictions for Active Jobs Lists). Additionally, network runs are listed where activations are planned and in the process, but not yet completed.

    A hyphen (-) instead of a job name in the Job column indicates that the network has been activated but not yet started. The hyphen (-) is replaced by the job name when the network starts to execute the job.

    By contrast, the Active Jobs screen lists all active jobs for a single network selected from the Active Job Networks screen.

Sort Order

The sort order for this screen can be defined individually for each user in the user definition: see Sort Orders in Lists described in the Administration documentation.

This section covers the following topics:

Input Fields: Filtering Jobs on the All Networks Active Screen

You can limit the number of jobs listed on the All Active Jobs screen by entering selection criteria in the following input fields:

Owner, Network and Job

For valid input values, see Specifying Filter Criteria in the section Using Entire Operations.

Submit User ID

Enter a user ID in the Submit User ID field and press ENTER to list only those active jobs with the specified submit user ID.

The user ID is case-sensitive.

Selection by Job Status

You can enter a job status in the Selection field to select jobs according to their status: see Listing Active Jobs by Process Status.

Columns: All Active Jobs

The following table explains the column headings for the data listed on the All Active Jobs screen:

Column Description
C  One-character line command input field.

For possible values, see the line commands in the section Commands: Active Jobs.

Owner  Network owner.

For possible selection criteria, see Specifying Filter Criteria.

Network  Network to which the job belongs.

For possible selection criteria, see Specifying Filter Criteria.

Job  Job name as defined to Entire Operations.

For possible selection criteria, see Specifying Filter Criteria.

Run  Job run number automatically assigned at activation time.

The job run number uniquely identifies an active copy of a job together with the job name.

JobId  Job identifier as assigned by the operating system or by the job entry subsystem.
Time   Last action or check time for the job.
Message Last message issued for the job by Entire Operations.

Choose PF11 (Right) or PF10 (Left) to display the full message text.

For a list of possible messages and their meaning, see Messages in Active Jobs Lists in the Messages and Codes documentation.

Commands: All Active Jobs

Line Commands

For a description of the available line commands, see the line commands in the section Commands: Active Jobs.

Most of these line commands refer to a specific job and may therefore not be used in lines referring to network runs. For these lines, only the commands D and A are allowed.

Special PF Keys

For a description of available PF keys, see the special PF keys in the section Commands: Active Jobs.

Listing All Active Jobs for a Single Active Network

You can access an active network to list and maintain active jobs.

Start of instruction set To list all active jobs running in an active network

  • On the Active Job Networks or Network Maintenance screen, type A in the line command input field next to the required network, and press ENTER.

    An Active Jobs screen similar to the example below appears:

     18-03-05                ***** Entire Operations *****                19:29:01 
     Active Jobs             Owner EXAMPLE    Network MAIN1      Version           
     Selection AW________                                   Run from 5____ to 5____
     C   Job          Run Typ Loc    JobId  Node  Date  Time Message               
         *---------       ---                                                      
     _ D JOB-01         5 JOB NAT             42 03-05 19:15 Dummy Job (Definition)
     _ D JOB-1-TEST     5 JOB NAT             42       19:15 Reference ABS+ Format 
     _   JOB-012        5 JOB MAC             31       19:15 MAC Exit SYSEORU/B60-M
     _   JOB-013        5 JOB MAC             31       19:15 MAC Exit SYSEORU/B60-M
     _   JOB-014        5 JOB MAC             31       19:15 MAC Exit SYSEORU/B60-M
     _   JOB-015        5 DUM                 31       19:15 E60-J014-O - 5 - RUN n
     _   JOB-019        5 JOB MAC             31       19:15 MAC Exit SYSEORU/B60-M
     _   JOB-02         5 JOB MAC             31       19:15 MAC Exit SYSEORU/B60-M
     _   JOB-03         5 NAT NAT             31       19:15 NAT Module SYSEORU/B60
     _   JOB-04         5 JOB MAC             31       19:15 MAC Exit SYSEORU/B60-M
     _   JOB-05         5 DUM                 31       19:15 E60-JOB4-O - 5 - RUN n
     *********************************** m o r e **********************************
     A Sc.P B Brw C Can D Dea E Edit G Gen.JCL H Hold I InCond J JCL K A.Res L Res.
     M Mod. O EOJ P Prose R Resub. S SYSOUT T Stop U Rel. V RA W Wf Y SubC Z Subnet
     Command => ____________________________________________________________       
          Help  Add   End   ACond Save  ResUs Up    Down  ATask Left  Right Menu

    This screen lists all active jobs in the network depending on your view authorizations (see also User Restrictions for Active Jobs Lists).

    The jobs are sorted in the expected execution order of the network, derived from the logical dependencies. Jobs with the same execution order are sorted alphabetically.

    The fields and columns available on the screen are explained in Input Fields: Active Jobs and Columns: Active Jobs.

    You can use line commands and PF keys on this screen to modify active jobs: see Commands: Active Jobs.

    Modifications of active jobs are effective for a specific run of a job only and do not affect any definitions made on the master database. This also applies to changes made to active job JCL, input conditions and End-of-Job checking and actions.

This section covers the following topics:

Input Fields: Active Jobs

The input fields on the Active Jobs screen are described in the following table:

Input Field Description
Selection You can restrict the list to jobs with special status values.

For further information, see Listing Active Jobs by Process Status.

Run from Enter a run number or enter an asterisk (*) to select a run number from a list.

Default: the latest active run (in chronological order).

The latest active run is set depending on the Last Run Display option set for the user in the Network Maintenance function (see the Administration documentation).

Run to Enter a run number or enter an asterisk (*) to select a run number from a list.

If the entered or selected Run to is lower than Run from, it will be set to the value of Run from.

Default: the latest active run (in chronological order).

Maximum run number: 99999.

The latest active run is set depending on the Last Run Display option set for the user in the Network Maintenance function (see the Administration documentation).

Columns: Active Jobs

The following table explains the column headings for the data listed on the Active Jobs screen:

Column Description
C  One-character line command input field.

For possible values, see the line commands in the section Commands: Active Jobs.

(no heading)  The column without heading between C and Job indicates the current job type or status, and whether a job description exists.

Possible indicators:

D  This is a temporary dummy job. For more information, see Displaying and Modifying an Active Job Definition.
R  This is a recovery job. For more information, see Defining Recovery Actions in the section Defining and Managing End-of-Job (EOJ) Checking and Actions.
K This is a job for which a request for deactivation is pending in the Monitor task queue after a user initiated the deactivation of the job or job network.
P This is a job for which a long description exists.
Job  Job name as defined to Entire Operations.

For possible selection criteria, see Specifying Filter Criteria.

Run  Job run number automatically assigned at activation time.

The job run number uniquely identifies an active copy of a job together with the job name.

Typ  Job type as defined to Entire Operations.
JobId  Job identifier as assigned by the operating system or by the job entry subsystem.
Node  Execution node of the machine designated for the job.
Date  Last action or check date for the job.

See also Date and Time Formats.

Time  Last action or check time for the job.

See also Date and Time Formats.

Message  Last message issued for the job by Entire Operations. Choose PF11 (Right) or PF10 (Left) to display the full message text.

For a list of possible messages and their meaning, see Messages in Active Jobs Lists in the Messages and Codes documentation.

Commands: Active Jobs

Use the following line commands to perform the described functions on the active jobs listed on the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen:

Line Command Description
A For active networks: Modify scheduling parameters for the active job.

For planned network runs: Modify planned network start time.

B Browse the active JCL for the selected active job. See Browsing Active JCL.
C Cancel the active job from the operating system. See Cancelling an Active Job.
D For active networks: Deactivate the selected job from the active database, including any definitions made at job level (conditions, End-of-Job handling etc.).

For planned network runs: Cancel the planned job activation.

E Edit the activate JCL for the selected active job. See Editing Active JCL.
F Release edit lock.

This function can only be executed by administrators.

Removes a lock from active JCL held on the source by a user who previously edited it. The unlock action is archived in the Entire Operations log.

This function is for emergency use only. Data loss can occur when you remove the lock from a source while it is being edited by several concurrent users.

See also Locking of Natural Sources in the section Job Maintenance.

G (Re)generate the dynamic JCL for this activation. See Regenerating Active JCL.
H Set active job in hold status. See Holding an Active Job.
I Modify the defined input conditions for the active job. See Listing Active Conditions.
J Define JCL for the active job. See Defining JCL for an Active Job.
K View the resources allocated for the active job. See Viewing and Modifying Resources Used by Active Jobs.
L Maintain resources for the active job. See Viewing and Modifying Resources Used by Active Jobs.
M Modify definition for the active job. See Displaying and Modifying an Active Job Definition.
O Modify End-of-Job checking and actions for the active job. See Defining and Managing End-of-Job (EOJ) Checking and Actions.
P Text description of the job. See Viewing Long Descriptions of Active Jobs.
R Resubmit active job. See Resubmitting an Active Job.
S Browse job SYSOUT. See Browsing Active Job SYSOUT.
T Stop cyclic job (special type C only). This sets the reserved condition P-STOPCYC-jobname to terminate the cyclic execution.
U Release active job from hold status. See Releasing an Active Job.
V Reactivation of an active job. See Reactivating an Active Job.
W (Waiting for Activation)

For active jobs: Display all pending prerequisites for the active job.

For active networks awaiting symbol prompting: Invoke symbol prompting (see also Symbol Prompting during Network or Job Activation).

Y Show the calling job (if this active job is part of an active subnetwork). See Viewing Calling Jobs of Subnetworks.
Z List jobs in a subnetwork (for jobs of the type NET only). See Listing Jobs of a Subnetwork in the section Job Maintenance.

Use the following special PF keys to perform the described functions on the active jobs listed on the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen:

PF Key Name Function
PF2  Add  Active Jobs screen: Add an active job definition.

All Active Jobs screen: Select an active node from a window and add an active job definition.

PF4  ACond  Maintain active conditions.
PF9  ATask  Display operating system information on active tasks.
PF12  Menu  Return to Entire Operations Main Menu.

The following section describes in more detail the functions you can perform on active jobs using line commands and PF keys (explanations are not necessarily given in the same order as the list of associated line commands above).

Listing Active Jobs by Process Status

You can list active jobs according to their processing status by entering one or more of the following values in the Selection field on the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen and pressing ENTER:

Value Description
A All active jobs (default).
E All active jobs waiting for at least one event.
H All jobs in hold.
I  All jobs in the scheduling system input queue.
N  All jobs with job not ok terminating status.
O  All jobs with job ok terminating status.
S  All submitted jobs.
T  All terminated jobs.
W  Planned network runs waiting for activation.
X  All jobs in execution.

The default setting is AW (all active jobs and the planned network runs waiting for activation).

Alternatively, you can enter a question mark (?) in the Selection field and press ENTER to open the following selection window:

 18-03-05                ***** Entire Operations *****                19:36:52 
                                All Active Jobs                                
 Selection ?________                                    Submit User ID ________
---------- +--------------------------------+ ---------------------------------
 C Owner   !                                ! obId  Time Message               
   *------ !      Status Preselection       !                                  
 _ EXAMPLE !                                !      19:15 MAC Exit SYSEORU/B60-M
 _ EXAMPLE !  W   Waiting for Activation    !      19:28 MAC Exit SYSEORU/B60-M
 _ EXAMPLE !  A   All active Jobs           !      19:15 Dummy Job (Definition)
 _ EXAMPLE !  E   Waiting for an event      !      19:15 Reference ABS+ Format 
 _ EXAMPLE !  H   Jobs in Hold              !      19:15 MAC Exit SYSEORU/B60-M
 _ EXAMPLE !  S   Submitted                 !      19:15 MAC Exit SYSEORU/B60-M
 _ EXAMPLE !  I   In Spool Input Queue      !      19:15 MAC Exit SYSEORU/B60-M
 _ EXAMPLE !  X   Executing                 !      19:15 E60-J014-O - 5 - RUN n
 _ EXAMPLE !  T   Terminated                !      19:15 MAC Exit SYSEORU/B60-M
 _ EXAMPLE !  O   Ended ok                  !      19:15 MAC Exit SYSEORU/B60-M
 _ EXAMPLE !  N   Ended not ok              !      19:15 NAT Module SYSEORU/B60
 ********* !  *   All Jobs                  ! *********************************
 A Sc.P B  !                                ! old I InCond J JCL K A.Res L Res.
 M Mod. O  !     Select ==>  *_________     !  U Rel. V RA W Wf Y SubC Z Subnet
 Command = +--------------------------------+ __________________________       
      Help  Add   End   ACond Save  ResUs Up    Down  ATask Left  Right Menu

Enter one or more values in the Select ==> field and press ENTER to list the active jobs with the selected status.

Listing Active Jobs According to Run Numbers

By default, only jobs of the last run are displayed on the Active Jobs screen.

Start of instruction set To list specific job runs

  • Enter the required start and end numbers in the Run from/to input fields of the Active Jobs screen, and press ENTER.

    For example, if you enter 7 in the Run from field, all jobs with run number equal to or greater than 7 are listed. If you enter 4 in the Run from field and 7 in the to field, all jobs with run numbers 4, 5, 6 and 7 are listed.

    This setting is kept until you modify it or until you display the Active Jobs screen for another network.

Listing Jobs of an Active Subnetwork

Start of instruction set To list jobs of an active subnetwork

Adding a New Job to the Active Network

Start of instruction set To add a job to the active database for the current run of an active job network

  1. Choose PF2 (Add) on the Active Jobs screen.

    A Job Definition (active) window opens where you can define the new active job.

  2. Enter a new job definition for the current network run.

    The fields and special PF keys available in the Job Definition (active) are described in Displaying and Modifying an Active Job Definition.

  3. Choose PF5 (Save) to add the active job.

  4. Choose PF3 (End) to close the Job Definition (active) window.

    The new active job is now listed on the Active Jobs screen.

Adding a job to an active job network involves temporarily changing the network structure and job flow. This is achieved with the minimum of effort, as the following example shows.

This section covers the following topics:


You may wish to add a job to a network for one specific run.

This example illustrates the addition of a job to a network consisting of 3 sequential jobs. The new job (Job 4) is to be inserted between Job 1 and Job 2:


Achieving a Sequential Flow

Start of instruction set To achieve a sequential job flow

  1. Add the new active job using the Job Definition (active) window;

  2. Define Cond-1 as input condition for Job 4;

  3. Define Cond-4 as output condition in End-of-Job handling for Job 4;

  4. Change the input condition defined for Job 2 (Cond-1) to Cond-4.

    Job 4 is executed for the current run of the job network only.

    If you wish this change to be permanent, use this procedure on the master database.

Viewing and Modifying the Active Jobs Schedule

Start of instruction setTo list an active jobs schedule

  • On the Active Job Networks screen, type S (Act.Jobs Schedule) in the line command input field next to the required network, and press ENTER.

    An Active Jobs Schedule screen similar to the example below appears:

     17-02-24                ***** Entire Operations *****                16:13:39 
     Owner  EXAMPLE            Active Jobs Schedule              Network E01-CONTI 
     Selection *                                            Run from 2____ to 2____
     C   Job          Run Type Latest Start Deadline     Message                   
         *--------- ----- ---- ------------ -----------  --------------------------
     _   E01-J01        2 JOB  02-25 16:10  02-26 16:10  Ended ok                  
     _   E01-J02        2 JOB  02-25 16:10  02-26 16:10  Ended not ok - STEP02 C001
     _   E01-J05        2 JOB  02-25 16:10  02-26 16:10  JobId 57487 executing (sub
     ******************************* Bottom of Data *******************************
     A Sched.P  M Modify Latest Start                                              
          Help        End                     Up    Down  ChLat Left  Right

    This screen lists all active jobs in the network.

    You can use line commands and PF keys to modify single and multiple jobs.

    Modifications of jobs on the Active Jobs Schedule screen are effective for a specific run of a job only and do not affect any definitions made on the master database. This also applies to changes made to active job JCL, input conditions and End-of-Job checking and actions.

This section covers the following topics:

Columns: Active Jobs Schedule

The following table explains the columns for the data listed on the Active Jobs Schedule screen:

Column Description
C One-character line command input field.

For possible values, see the line commands in Commands: Active Jobs Schedule.

(no heading) There is another column without a heading between C and Job. Possible values:
D This is a dummy job. For more information, see Job Types in the section Job Maintenance.
R This is a recovery job. For more information, see Defining Recovery Actions in the section Defining and Managing End-of-Job (EOJ) Checking and Actions.
Job Job name as defined to Entire Operations.

For possible selection criteria, see Specifying Filter Criteria.

Run Job run number automatically assigned at activation time.

The job run number uniquely identifies an active copy of a job together with the job name.

Type Job type as defined to Entire Operations.
Latest Start Latest start time of the job.
Deadline Deadline time of the job.
Message Last message issued for the job by Entire Operations. Choose PF10 (Left) or PF11 (Right) to display the full message text. For a list of possible messages and their meaning, see Messages in Active Jobs Lists in the Messages and Codes documentation.

Commands: Active Jobs Schedule

The following line commands are available on the Active Jobs Schedule screen:

Line Command Description
A Active scheduling parameters. See also Modifying Scheduling Parameters.
M Modify latest start time.

The following special PF key is available on the Active Jobs Schedule screen:

PF Key Name Function
PF9  ChLat Change latest start (for all jobs).

Modify Latest Start Time

The latest start time may be changed for an active job that is not started or is already terminated.

You can use either of the following methods to modify the latest start time:

  • Set: Enter the date and time of the new latest start;

  • Add: Enter the days, hours and minutes to be added to the latest start time of the active job.

The deadline value can change during this modification to guarantee that the following rule is met: latest start time + estimated elapsed time <= Deadline.

All actions are logged in the Entire Operations log file.

Start of instruction setTo modify the latest start time for active jobs

  1. On the Active Jobs Schedule screen, enter the line command M next to the job(s) for which you want to change the start time.

    On the Active Jobs Schedule screen, choose PF9 (ChLat) to change the start times of all jobs scheduled for the network run.

  2.  29.10.08               ***** Entire Operations *****                 14:09:30 
     Owner  SN                 Active Jobs Schedule              Network A-2       
     Selection * +------------------------------------+     Run from 457__ to 457__
    ------------ !                                    ! ---------------------------
     C   Job     !      Modify Latest Start Time      !  Message                   
         *------ !          22.06    22:59:00         !  --------------------------
     _   HUGO-1  !           for  HUGO-2              !  JobId 43825 - Symbol Repla
     M D HUGO-2  !                                    !  WORKDAY - 0 - DAT not foun
     _ D HUGO-3  !        Date     Time               !  WORKDAY - 0 - DAT not foun
     _           !   Set  29.10.08 00:00:00           !                            
     _           !                                    !                            
     _           !   or                               !                            
     _           !                                    !                            
     _           !   Add  ___ days __ hr __ min       !                            
     _           !                                    !                            
     _           !                                    !                            
     _           ! ---PF1---PF3---------------------  !                            
     _           !    Help  End                       !                            
     _           +------------------------------------+                            
     ******************************* Bottom of Data *******************************
     A Sched.P  M Modify Latest Start                                              
          Help        End                     Up    Down  ChLat Left  Right

Cancelling, Holding and Releasing Active Jobs

Operating System Jobs Handling

Operating system jobs in the Entire Operations active database can be handled directly from the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen.

When Entire Operations submits jobs to the operating system, they are assigned a job number which appears, for example, on the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen. In z/OS systems, JES operator commands are issued.

In BS2000, console commands are issued.

Cancelling an Active Job

You can cancel the planned activation of a job in a planned network run that is waiting for activation. The job is then not executed within the active network.

Start of instruction set To cancel an active job from the operating system

  1. Enter C (Canc) in the line command input field of the appropriate job on the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen.

  2. Press ENTER.

  3. A window opens in which you can confirm the cancelation request:

     18-03-06                ***** Entire Operations *****                08:48:38 
     Active Jobs             Owner EXAMPLE    Network E01-CONTI  Version           
     Selection AW________                                   Run from 11___ to 11___
     C   Job          Run Typ Loc    JobId  Node  Date  Time Message               
         *---------       ---                                                      
     _   E01-J01       11 JOB NAT   108563   148 03-05 19:47 Ended ok              
     _   E01-J02       11 JOB NAT   108564   148       19:47 Ended not ok - STEP02 
     C   E01-J03       11 JOB NAT   108565   148       08:48 ==> R-Cmd executed <==
     _   E01- +-------------------------------------------------------------+ EP03 
     _   E01- !                                                             !      
     _   E01- !  Please confirm                                             ! EP06 
              !  the Cancelling of E01-J03                                  !      
              !  by entering 'Y' ===> _                                     !      
              !                                                             !      
              !  PF3 End                                                    !      
     ******************************* Bottom of Data *******************************
     A Sc.P B Brw C Can D Dea E Edit G Gen.JCL H Hold I InCond J JCL K A.Res L Res.
     M Mod. O EOJ P Prose R Resub. S SYSOUT T Stop U Rel. V RA W Wf Y SubC Z Subnet
     Command => ____________________________________________________________       
          Help  Add   End   ACond Save  ResUs Up    Down  ATask Left  Right Menu
  4. Enter the name of the job to be cancelled and press ENTER.

    The specified job is cancelled.

    For a job listed when W (Waiting for Activation) is entered in the Selection field, the planned activation of the job in a planned network run is cancelled.


  1. A cancelled job cannot be released for further processing.

  2. For BS2000 jobs, you can only use the cancel command if the following conditions are fulfilled:

    • The BS2000 user ID in effect is allowed to issue a cancel command for the Entire System Server node(s) in use. If required, specify the following in the Entire System Server parameter file and restart Entire System Server:


      For example:

    • The active and passive Entire System Server console servers are available (see the Entire System Server User's Guide).

  3. UNIX jobs are cancelled by the SIGTERM signal.

Holding an Active Job

You can stop an active job and place it in hold status.

Start of instruction set  To stop a job and place it in hold status

  1. Enter H in the line command input field of the appropriate job on the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen.

  2. Press ENTER.

    The message ==> H-Cmd executed <== appears in the Message column for the job.

  3. Press ENTER again.

    The message Job set to Hold appears in the Message column for the job.


  1. If the job has already been submitted to the operating system, it will be held in the operating system.
  2. Operating system hold does not work for Windows jobs.
  3. For UNIX jobs, the whole process group belonging to the job ID will be held.

Releasing an Active Job

You can release a job from hold status.

Start of instruction set To release a job from hold status and allow it to continue

  1. Enter U in the line command input field of the appropriate job on the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen.

  2. Press ENTER.

    The message ==> U-Cmd executed <== appears in the Message column for the job.

  3. Press ENTER again.

    The message Job released from Hold appears in the Message column.


  1. If the command is used for a job of the type NET (subnetwork): during a release, no new activation of the subnetwork will be performed.
  2. The release from hold command is available for networks in the status to be activated too.

Resubmitting an Active Job

After a job has terminated, you can modify and resubmit it while it is still in the active database. This function is useful after a job has failed.

For example, if a JCL error has occurred, you can modify the active JCL (see Editing Active JCL) and resubmit the job. The resubmitted job uses the old input conditions for submission, but can set different output conditions, depending on the End-of-Job analysis.

Any output conditions set by the job's first run can be reset by the second run if this feature is defined in the job's original End-of-Job handling.

Start of instruction set   To resubmit an active job

  1. On the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen, type R in the line command input field next to the required job, and press ENTER.

    The following window opens:

     21.03.18                ***** Entire Operations *****                17:27:01 
     Active Jobs             Owner EXAMPLE    Network B60-FLOW   Version           
     Selection AW________                                   Run from 2734_ to 2734_
     C   Job          Run Typ Loc    JobId  Node  Date  Time Message               
         *---------       ---                                                      
     R   JOB-01      2734 JOB MAC     3914 N0031 21.03 13:14 Ended ok              
     _   JOB-012     2734 JOB MAC     3917 N0031       13:15 Ended ok              
     _   JOB-013    +--------------------------------------------+ ok              
     _   JOB-014    |                                            | ok              
     _   JOB-015    |       Resubmission of Job JOB-01           | Job terminated  
     _   JOB-019    |                                            | ok              
     _   JOB-02     |  Please select:                            | ok              
     _   JOB-03     |  reload from master JCL  .......... ==> _  |  ended normally 
     _   JOB-04     |  with submission symbol replacement ==> _  | ok              
     _   JOB-05     |  keep active JCL .................. ==> _  | Job terminated  
     _   JOB-06     |                                            | ok              
     ************** |  PF1 Help   PF3 End                        | ****************
     A Sc.P B Brw C +--------------------------------------------+ L K A.Res L Res.
     M Mod. O EOJ P Prose R Resub. S SYSOUT T Stop U Rel. V RA W Wf Y SubC Z Subnet
     Command => ____________________________________________________________       
          Help  Add   End   ACond Save  ResUs Up    Down  ATask Left  Right Menu
  2. Select either option with any character and press ENTER to confirm the resubmission.

  3. The window closes and the resubmission time with the message Job is resubmitted appears in the message field of the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen.

    The fields provided in the window are explained in Options for Resubmission.

This section covers the following topics:

Options for Resubmission

You have one of the following options to resubmit a job:

reload from master JCL Reload the JCL from the master JCL definition and resubmit the job.
with submission symbol replacement Reload the active JCL with symbol replacement (default) and resubmit the job.

Symbols and symbol function values are updated depending on the setting of the Entire Operations default Submit symbol/function recalculation at resubmit on the Default Setting (3) screen described in the Administration

keep active JCL Reload the active JCL from the previous job submission and resubmit the job exactly as before. Symbol replacement is not repeated.

Jobs of the types NAT (Natural Program) or STC (Started Task) are always resubmitted with keep active JCL; a different option selected for resubmission is ignored.

Resubmitting an Active Job of NET type (Subnetwork)

If the line command R (resubmit) is used for jobs with NET type (subnetwork), the subnetwork will be repeated with the same subnetwork run number. However, this is only allowed if the subnetwork has not started yet.

No Reloading after Editing

In case of a resubmission of the active job, the pregenerated JCL is not reloaded if the active JCL of the job has been edited in the meantime.

Job Resubmission under BS2000

The SYSOUT file copy attempts are limited if the SYSOUT file is locked. The limit is 10 times the task (Monitor) wait time. If the task wait time is smaller than 30 seconds, the limit is 10 * 30 = 300 seconds.

If the SYSOUT file is still locked when the limit is reached, the active job will be set to a permanent error status, with the message text 10 SYSOUT Renaming Attempts failed.

For each unsuccessful attempt, the message text will be set to SYSOUT File Renaming - File in use. In addition, the event will be logged with the SYSOUT file name.

Deactivating a Job in an Active Network

Start of instruction set To prevent the execution of a certain job in an active network for the current run

  1. On the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen, type D in the line command input field of the selected job, and press ENTER.

    A window opens in which you must confirm deactivation by typing Y in the appropriate field:

     18-03-06                ***** Entire Operations *****                09:03:23 
     Active Jobs             Owner EXAMPLE    Network E01-CONTI  Version           
     Selection AW________                                   Run from 11___ to 11___
     C   Job          Run Typ Loc    JobId  Node  Date  Time Message               
         *---------       ---                                                      
     _   E01-J01       11 JOB NAT   108563   148 03-05 19:47 Ended ok              
     _   E01-J02       11 JOB NAT   108564   148       19:47 Ended not ok - STEP02 
     D   E01-J03       11 JOB NAT   208456   148 03-06 08:48 Ended not ok - STEP03 
     _   E01- +-------------------------------------------------------------+ EP03 
     _   E01- !                                                             !      
     _   E01- !  Please confirm                                             ! EP06 
              !  the Deactivation of E01-J03                                !      
              !  by entering 'Y' ===> _                                     !      
              !                                                             !      
              !  PF3 End                                                    !      
     ******************************* Bottom of Data *******************************
     A Sc.P B Brw C Can D Dea E Edit G Gen.JCL H Hold I InCond J JCL K A.Res L Res.
     M Mod. O EOJ P Prose R Resub. S SYSOUT T Stop U Rel. V RA W Wf Y SubC Z Subnet
     Command => ____________________________________________________________       
          Help  Add   End   ACond Save  ResUs Up    Down  ATask Left  Right Menu
  2. Press ENTER to deactivate the job.

Deactivation is performed by the Entire Operations Monitor in the background. Deactivating a job from the active network involves deleting it from the active job network and restructuring the active network in order to ensure uninterrupted job flow. The following example illustrates job deactivation by bypassing a job in an active network consisting of three sequential jobs.

This section covers the following topics:

Example: Deactivation of a Job

The network in the following figure is to run without Job 2:


Ensuring Uninterrupted Job Flow

Start of instruction set To ensure uninterrupted job flow

  1. To prevent Job 2 from running, it is sufficient to delete its input condition Cond-1. If you deactivate Job 2 from the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen, the input condition is automatically deleted.;

  2. Replace the input condition for Job 3 (Cond-2) by the input condition Cond-1.

    The current run of the job network skips Job 2.

    If you wish to deactivate a job that is currently running (interrupt its execution), you must cancel it from the operating system before deactivation (see Cancelling an Active Job).

Reactivating an Active Job

This function is used to deactivate an active job and then reactivate it completely.

This function can be used to restore an inconsistent active job (for example, if a symbol was missing during the original activation).

Start of instruction set To reactivate an active job

  1. On the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen, type V in the line command input field of the selected job, and press ENTER.

    A confirmation window prompts you to confirm the reactivation of the selected job.

  2. Type Y and press ENTER to reactivate the job and close the window.

Reactivation is performed in the background by the Entire Operations Monitor, whereby:

  • The active job is deactivated and activated again.

    After deactivation, the job may temporarily disappear from the active jobs list.

  • All input and output definitions are recreated.

  • The active JCL is newly generated.

  • A prerequisite check is performed after reactivation.

Displaying and Modifying an Active Job Definition

Start of instruction set To view and modify the definition of an existing job in an active job network

  1. On the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen, type the line command M next to a job listed, and press ENTER.

    A Job Definition (active) window similar to example below opens:

     08.02.19                ***** Entire Operations *****                15:46:49 
     Active Jobs             Owner EXAMPLE    Network B60-FLOW   Version           
      +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _
    - |                                                                         | -
      |                        Job Definition (active)                          |  
      |                                                                         |  
      |  Job Name       ==> JOB-01____      Activated          08.02.19 15:46   | q
      |  Run            ==> 2               Modified  SN       30.01.19 14:10   |  
      |  Description    ==> Where it all starts_______________________________  |  
      |  Job Type       ==> JOB                         Network ==> B60-FLOW    |  
      |  Execution Node ==> N0031 BS2000                Version ==> (unnamed)   |  
      |                                                                         |  
      |  Special Type   ==> ________               Symbol Table ==> EXAM-ST1__  |  
      |  Dummy Flags    ==>                Symbol Table Version ==> __________  |  
      |  Milestones     ==> 1_______                                            |  
      |  Restartable    ==> _                                                   |  
      |  Escape Characters:             Activation ==> @ Submit ==> $           |  
      |                                                                         | *
      |  End-of-Job Action Errors set 'not ok' Conditions ==> N                 | .
      |                                                                         | t
      | Enter-PF1---PF2--PF3--PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8--PF9--PF10----PF12--  |  
      |       Help  Add  End  Edit  Save  Spec  Symb  Net  JCL  Browse  Menu    |  
          Help  Add   End   ACond Save  ResUs Up    Down  ATask Left  Right Menu 

    The window displays all current values of the job. You can modify any job parameter.

  2. Choose PF4 (Edit) to edit any JCL or Natural program according to the job type.

  3. Choose PF5 (Save) to save all changes.

  4. Choose PF3 (End) to close the window and return to the Active Jobs screen.

    These changes only affect the current run of the job.

The following applies when you modify a job definition in an active job network definition:

  • The current user ID is stored as the last modifying user of the job for all definition and JCL modifications. This user ID is taken as the submit security user ID. If the Monitor does not use its own user ID, see Monitor Defaults - Submit Security User Type in the Administration documentation.

  • It may be necessary to release the active job after the modification with the line command R (resubmit). This causes a new check of all prerequisites.

This section covers the following topics:

Fields: Job Definition (Active)

The input fields in the Job Definition (active) window mostly have the same meaning as in the maintenance window of a job master definition; see Fields: Job Definition (Master) in the section Job Maintenance. However, the Job Definition (active) window contains the following additional fields which are protected:

Field Description
Dummy Flags Indicates why a job executed as a temporary dummy.

Possible flags/entries:

C Dummy due to condition.
D Dummy due to definition.
E Empty JCL (no JCL statement generated on purpose).
J JCL check.
K Job is deactivated.
M Dummy due to multiple suffixes.
R Dummy due to recovery.
S Dummy due to schedule dependency.
T Dummy due to repetition.

A job that executes as a temporary dummy can have an impact on the execution of End-of-Job actions defined for the job.

Activated Activation date and time of the network.
Modified User ID and time stamp of the last modification.
Run Run number of the current job run.

Special Job Type D - Execution as a Dummy

In the Job Definition (active) window, it is possible to modify the field Special Type from empty to D (execute as dummy), and vice versa.

  • If D is removed, an automatic reloading of the JCL is performed. In case of active jobs of the type NET, the subnetwork is activated.

  • If D is set, the job is executed as a dummy job. In this case, it does not play any role, whether already active JCL or an active subnetwork were loaded.

See also: Job Execution as a Dummy Job.

Special PF Keys: Job Definition (Active)

PF Key Name Function
PF2 Add Add an active job to the active network. A job master definition is not created.

JCL is automatically loaded after the job has been added.

A job is not automatically activated after being added to an active network. The job is first put into hold status and additional definitions can be added, for example, active time frames. To activate the job, you must enter the line command U on the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen.

PF4 Edit Edit JCL or a Natural program according to the job type.
PF7 Symb Open the Usable Symbol Tables window and select a symbol table for browsing or modification. See Listing Usable Symbol Tables.
PF9 Spec Define special parameters for operating system dependent job definitions.

Modifying EOJ Checking and Actions

Start of instruction set To modify the End-of-Job checking and actions for the current run of a specific job

  • On the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen, type O in the line command input field next to the required job, and press ENTER.

    An End-of-Job Checking + Actions screen similar to the example shown in the section Defining and Managing End-of-Job (EOJ) Checking and Actions appears showing the current definitions. You can modify event and action definitions in the same way as described in this section.

Any modifications made to End-of-Job handling parameters of an active job are valid for the current job run only.

Viewing Long Descriptions of Active Jobs

Start of instruction setTo view the long text description of an active job

  • On the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen, type P in the line command input field next to the required job, and press ENTER.

    An editor screen similar to the example shown in the section Job Maintenance appears.

The screen contains text, provided a long description exists for the job master. The text is displayed in Editor format and you can use Editor commands and PF keys to browse the text. No modification is possible. The text can only be modified on the master database by using the appropriate job maintenance function as described in Writing and Viewing Online Documentation for a Job.

Displaying Prerequisites for Active Jobs

The message field on the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen shows only one pending prerequisite (conditions, resources, scheduled times, etc.) for which a job is waiting.

For a complete list of all pending prerequisites, proceed as described in the following instruction.

Start of instruction setTo display all waiting prerequisites for an active Job

  • On the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen, type W in the line command input field next to the required job, and press ENTER.

    A Prerequisites window opens with a list of events for which the active job is waiting:

     17-04-14                ***** Entire Operations *****                10:30:03 
     Active Jobs             Owner EXAMPLE    Network E60-FLOW   Version           
     Selection AW________                                   Run from 4786_ to 4786_
    - +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
      !                                                                           !
      !  Job JOB-012    Run  4786      17-04-14 10:30        Network E60-FLOW     !
      !  is waiting for the following Prerequisites:                              !
      !                                                                           !
      !  _ Job is in passive wait since 19.03 14:43                               !
      !  _ E60-J015-O - 4786  - RUN not found                                     !
      !  _ E60-J019-O - 4786  - RUN not found
      !                                                                           !
      !                                                                           !
      !                                                                           !
      !                                                                           !
      !                                                                           !
      !                                                                           !
      !                                                                           !
      !  R Reset Condition  S Set Condition  W Where Used                         !
      !  C Force Prerequisite Check                                               !
      !  ---PF1--------------PF3--------------------PF7---PF8------------------   !
      !     Help             End                    Up    Down                    !
          Help  Add   End   ACond Save  ResUs Up    Down  ATask Left  Right Menu

    The listed message means that the current run of the job (run number 4786) is waiting for the following:

    • The setting of the input condition E60-J015-0 from the same run. See Messages in Active Jobs Lists in the Messages and Codes documentation for a full list of possible messages and their meaning.

    • The setting of the input condition E60-J019-0 from the same run. See Messages in Active Jobs Lists in the Messages and Codes documentation for a full list of possible messages and their meaning.

    The text Job is in passive wait since 19.03 14:43 indicates that the job has been in a passive wait for input conditions.

    In this case, the job is automatically returned to the active wait by setting one of the input conditions, i.e., the Monitor will execute a prerequisite check.

    Before this message, you can force an active prerequisite check using the line command C.

All line commands available in the Prerequisites window are described in Line Commands: Prerequisites for an Active Job.

Line Commands: Prerequisites for an Active Job

The following line commands are available in the Prerequisites window:

Command Description
C  Force an active prerequisite check.

Only before the message Job is in passive wait since ...

R Reset:
  • If used for a condition wait: reset the condition to false.

  • If used for a resource wait: delete the active prerequisite resource definition. The active job will then no longer wait for the resource.

A window opens in which you can confirm the action by entering the condition name and pressing ENTER.
S  Set:
  • Used for a condition wait: set the condition to true.

A window opens in which you can confirm the action by entering the condition name and pressing ENTER.
W  Where used:

If the prerequisite is an input condition, you can set or reset the condition manually by typing S or R in the line command input field of the selected condition.

  • Use the line command S to set the condition to true;

  • Use the line command R to reset the condition to false.

In either case, a window opens in which you can confirm the manual (re)setting by entering the condition name. Type in the condition name and press ENTER to confirm the operation and close the window.

Viewing and Modifying Resources Used by Active Jobs

You can display the resources used by active jobs.

You can also modify resources for the current run of an active job without changing the original resource specification on the master database for future job runs. This can be useful if different job runs require different amounts of a specific resource, for example paper or tape drives.

Start of instruction set To list resources defined as prerequisites for an active job

  1. On the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen, type L in the line command input field next to the required job, and press ENTER.

    A Prerequisite Resources (active) screen appears with a list of resources allocated to the active job.

    This screen corresponds to the Prerequisite Resources (Master) screen which is explained in the section Job Maintenance. For explanations of the columns and fields provided on the screen, see Columns and Fields: Prerequisite Resource Definitions (Job Maintenance).

  2. If you type W next to a resource listed on the Prerequisite Resources (active) screen and press ENTER, an Active Resource Usage screen appears. This screen is described in Listing Jobs Currently Using a Resource in the Administration documentation.

Start of instruction set To list resources currently allocated by an active job

  • On the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen, type K in the line command input field next to the required job, and press ENTER.

    An Allocated Resources (active) screen similar to the example below appears:

     03.12.19                ***** Entire Operations *****                17:41:02 
                                Allocated Resources (active)                       
     Owner SAG        Network B60-FLOW   Version                 Job JOB-01        
     Run from 5     to 5                          required                         
     Cmd  Run Job        Resource             T   Quantity  A D DNO   allocated    
     _      5 JOB-01     HUGO                 R       5.00  A K     03.12 17:14    
     ******************************* Bottom of Data *******************************
     B Browse   D Delete   M Modify   R Master Definition   W Where Used           
           Help   Add    End    Save        Up     Down

    The screen lists all resources currently allocated by the active job as indicated by the date and time in the allocated column. The information provided on the screen corresponds to the information provided on the Prerequisite Resources (active) screen.

Start of instruction set To modify resources for an active job

Modifying Scheduling Parameters

You can modify the scheduling parameters for a specific job run without changing the originally defined job schedule table

Start of instruction set To modify scheduling parameters for an active job

Browsing Active Job SYSOUT

You can view SYSOUT of an active job depending on the operating system installed at your site:

Operating System SYSOUT Availability
z/OS SYSOUT can be browsed immediately after job submission. It is readable until the current last line readable from the spooling system (for example, JES2).
BS2000 The SYSOUT file can be browsed only after job termination. This is because the SYSOUT file is open during execution and cannot be read.
UNIX/Windows The SYSOUT file can be browsed immediately after job submission. It is readable up to its current last line.

This section covers the following topics:

Viewing Job SYSOUT

Start of instruction set To view job SYSOUT

  1. On the Active Jobs or All Active Jobs screen, type S in the line command input field next to the required job, and press ENTER.

    If the job has been resubmitted or rescheduled several times, several job IDs can exist for the selected job. If this is the case, a window opens with a list of job IDs in the following format:

     18-03-06                ***** Entire Operations *****                09:00:02 
     Active Jobs             Owner EXAMPLE    Network E01-CONTI  Version           
     Selection AW________                                   Run from 11___ to 11___
    -------------------------- +----------------------------------------------+ ---
     C   Job          Run Typ  !                                              !    
         *---------       ---  !  Owner EXAMPLE    Network E01-CONTI          !    
     _   E01-J01       11 JOB  !  Run   11         Job     E01-J03            !    
     _   E01-J02       11 JOB  !                                              ! 02 
     S   E01-J03       11 JOB  !  Select a Job Id:                            ! ted
     _   E01-J04       11 JOB  !                            Repeat            ! 03 
     _   E01-J05       11 JOB  !  Current:   X     208456        1            !    
     _   E01-J06       11 JOB  !  Previous:  _     108565        0            ! 06 
                               !                                              !    
                               !                                              !    
                               !                                              !    
                               !                                              !    
                               !                                              !    
     ************************* !  PF3 End PF7 Up PF8 Down                     ! ***
     A Sc.P B Brw C Can D Dea  +----------------------------------------------+ es.
     M Mod. O EOJ P Prose R Resub. S SYSOUT T Stop U Rel. V RA W Wf Y SubC Z Subnet
     Command => ____________________________________________________________       
          Help  Add   End   ACond Save  ResUs Up    Down  ATask Left  Right Menu

    The top half of the window identifies the job by owner, job network, network version, job name and run number, the bottom half contains a list of job IDs; the job ID assigned for the current run is at the top, followed by previous runs.

    If there are more than 5 previous executions, you can scroll through the list with PF7 (Up) and PF8 (Down).

  2. Mark the job ID of the run for which you wish to see the SYSOUT file with any character, and press ENTER.

    If only one SYSOUT file exists for the selected job, this window is bypassed and the SYSOUT file is displayed immediately.

    In browse mode, the SYSOUT file is displayed in the editor and you can use editor PF keys and browse commands:

     JobId DUMMY (63346) Type SM File 1---------------------------- Columns 001 072
     ====>                                                          SCROLL===> CSR
     ***** ****************************** top of data *****************************
     00001 1                       J E S 2  J O B  L O G  --  S Y S T E M  D A E F 
     00002 0                                                                       
     00003  10.45.30 JOB63346 ---- SUNDAY,    25 SEP 2016 ----                     
     00004  10.45.30 JOB63346  IRR010I  USERID ESI      IS ASSIGNED TO THIS JOB.   
     00005  10.45.31 JOB63346  ICH70001I ESI      LAST ACCESS AT 10:45:31 ON SUNDAY
     00006  10.45.31 JOB63346  $HASP373 DUMMY    STARTED - INIT 22   - CLASS K     
     00007  10.45.31 JOB63346  IEF403I DUMMY - STARTED - TIME=10.45.31             
     00008  10.45.31 JOB63346  -                                      ----TIMINGS (
     00009  10.45.31 JOB63346  -STEPNAME PROCSTEP    RC   EXCP   CONN       TCB    
     00010  10.45.31 JOB63346  -STEP01               00      4      0  0.000091  0.
     00011  10.45.31 JOB63346  IEF404I DUMMY - ENDED - TIME=10.45.31               
     00012  10.45.31 JOB63346  -DUMMY    ENDED.  NAME-                     TOTAL TC
     00013  10.45.31 JOB63346  $HASP395 DUMMY    ENDED - RC=0000                   
     00014 0------ JES2 JOB STATISTICS ------                                      
     00015 -  25 SEP 2016 JOB EXECUTION DATE                                       
     00016 -           25 CARDS READ                                               
     00017 -           63 SYSOUT PRINT RECORDS                                     
     00018 -            0 SYSOUT PUNCH RECORDS                                     
     00019 -            7 SYSOUT SPOOL KBYTES                                      
     00020 -         0.00 MINUTES EXECUTION TIME                                   
     ***** **************************** bottom of data ****************************
          Help        End   Quit  Rfind       Up    Down        Left  Right Curso
Notes about SYSOUT File Display

The following applies when viewing SYSOUT:

  • Name of the SYSOUT file
    In BS2000, UNIX and Windows, the SYSOUT file name is indicated in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.

  • Automatic Logon to the Operating System Server
    Before a SYSOUT file is displayed, Entire Operations checks whether the user is allowed to access the SYSOUT file. If necessary, an automatic logon is carried out with the user ID, which is entered for the user as a standard user ID for the operating system server (see Defining Node Default User IDs in the Administration documentation). If this automatic logon does not function, for BS2000 files, a further attempt will be made with the BS2000 user ID from the fully qualified file name. If this was successful, the current user ID is set accordingly for the operating system node. If the user does not (implicitly or explicitly) log on to the operating system server with the credentials required to access SYSOUT, the SYSOUT file cannot be displayed.

  • Line Length under UNIX and Windows
    Lines longer than 250 characters will be abbreviated in the SYSOUT display. They will be marked with >>> in the columns 247 to 250 of the display.

  • File Truncation
    If the SYSOUT file or spool data set exceeds a given line limit, the display will be truncated: see SYSOUT Line Limit in Default Setting (4) in the Administration documentation.

  • Number of Previous Executions
    Entire Operations can display SYSOUT of up to 180 previous executions of the job (e.g., repetitions, cyclic executions).

SYSOUT File Types on z/OS and z/VSE

On z/OS and z/VSE, SYSOUT files are identified by the following output types to distinguish their contents:

File Type Purpose Applies on
CC  Summary of job steps and condition codes.  
JL JCL of selected job.  
SI SYSIN data.  
SM System messages.  
SO SYSOUT data.  
LST List queue. z/VSE only.
PUN Punch queue. z/VSE only.
RDR Reader queue. z/VSE only.
XMT Transmit queue. z/VSE only.

The file types listed in the table above can be used in the FILE special command described in SYSOUT Special Commands on z/OS and z/VSE.

SYSOUT Special Commands on z/OS and z/VSE

On z/OS and z/VSE, in addition to the standard editor browse commands, the following special commands are available to display selected SYSOUT files:

Command Description Applies on
[FILE] number  Display the SYSOUT file by number, for example, FILE 4.

If you omit the FILE keyword, the command scans the current file for a line number and displays the text from this line.

z/OS only
[FILE] type Display the SYSOUT file by type, for example, FILE SO.

See also SYSOUT File Types on z/OS and z/VSE.

[FILE] type number  Select the SYSOUT file by type and number, for example, FILE SO 4.

See also SYSOUT File Types on z/OS and z/VSE.

z/OS only
LINE 2  Split all lines too long for display into 2 lines.

Return to normal display with an unqualified LINE command.

z/OS only
NEXT  Display the next SYSOUT file.  
PREV  Display the previous SYSOUT file.  

Square brackets [ ] around the command keyword FILE denote that the keyword is optional.