Entire Operations Defaults

You can view and set Entire Operations defaults, for example, for the following:


Entire Operations system and log files;
Defaults for z/OS and z/VSE, BS2000, UNIX and Windows;
User definitions;
Display options (language, calendar, date);
User application settings and escape characters;
Retention periods and start/end dates for networks and jobs;
Logging, activation and APIs;
Scheduling, symbols, JCL and SYSOUT.

This document covers the following topics:

Default Setting (1) - Language, Format, User Application, Retention Periods, Escape Characters

Start of instruction setTo display the second screen of the Default Setting facility

  • From the System Services Menu, select the Entire Operations Defaults option and press ENTER.

    A Default Setting (1) screen similar to the example below appears:

     18-07-20                ***** Entire Operations *****                10:16:01 
                                  Default Setting (1)                              
             Language Code ==> 1__ English             Default Node ==> 12345 BATCH
               Date Format ==> I                                                   
          Calendar Display ==> 2                                                   
            OpSys Specials ==> _ (mark)                    User ID Definition ==> A
      User Applic. in Menu ==> _ (mark)               File Password Prompting ==> E
                                            Network Default Activation Escape ==> @
                                            Network Default Submission Escape ==> $
      Retention Periods                               Logon Screen obligatory ==> N
           Active Networks ==> ___2 Days             Stack 'RETURN' on Logoff ==> Y
               Active Jobs ==> ___4 Days                                           
         Active Conditions ==> ___7 Days                                           
              Standard Log ==> ___7 Days                                           
             Long-Term Log ==> _180 Days                                           
           Accounting Data ==> _180 Days                                           
     Command => ____________________________________________________________       
          Help        End         Save              Down        OSpec       Menu

    Replace the current values as required and choose PF5 to save your new default settings.

The fields and functions available on the Default Setting (1) screen are explained in the following section:

Fields: Default Setting (1)

Field Description
Language Code
Determine the Entire Operations default language.

Possible values:

1 English
2 German
Date Format
Date format in the heading section of Entire Operations screens.

See Date and Time Formats in the User's Guide.

Calendar Display
Determine how your terminal displays calendars.

Possible values:

1 For terminals that support highlighting or colors.
2 For terminals that neither support highlighting nor colors.
OpSys Specials Operating system specials.

Mark this field with any character and press ENTER to open a selection window for operating system defaults. See the following sections:

User Applic. in Menu User application in Entire Operations Main Menu.

Mark this field with any character and press ENTER to create a user application definition and open a User Application in Main Menu window. (see the relevant section).

Default Node Default Entire System Server node ID.

This node is used for all internal calls to Entire System Server if no other node number is specified explicitly.

User ID Definition
L First, the user must have logged on successfully to a node. Then, a JCL or submit user ID can be defined.
A All JCL or submit user IDs can be defined (default).
A logon is always required for:
  • User ID TSOS on BS2000 nodes;

  • User ID root on UNIX nodes.

File Password Prompting
Possible values:
E If a file is password-protected, always prompt for a file password before editing.
N Do not prompt for a password (default). Use the defined password, if necessary.
Network Default Activation Escape Global escape character used as the prefix for Natural code lines and symbols that are to be replaced at activation time.

Default: Dollar sign ($).

You can define specific escape characters for each operating system by marking OpSys Specials.

Dynamic JCL might become invalid if this escape character is changed.

Network Default Submission Escape Global escape character used as the prefix for symbols that are to be replaced at submission time.

You can define specific escape characters for each operating system by marking OpSys Specials.

Default: Dollar sign ($).

The character recommended for BS2000 is the semi-colon (;), for z/VSE the number sign (#).

Dynamic JCL might become invalid if this escape character is changed.

Logon Screen obligatory If Y is specified here, the Entire Operations logon screen is always presented.

This setting is recommended if an external security system like RACF is installed, since a password must be entered.

Stack 'RETURN' on Logoff If Y is specified here, an Entire Operations online session will be finished with the Natural command RETURN.

Otherwise, it is not finished. Only with RETURN can control be given back to another Natural application.

If T is specified here, the Natural session will be terminated with the Entire Operations session.
Retention Periods:
Active Networks Maximum number of days Entire Operations keeps active networks in the active database. If the network is not completed within this time, a warning message is issued to a mailbox linked to the network.

Default: 2 days.

Unfinished active jobs are deactivated after the Active Jobs retention period in any case.

See also the Retention Period for Network option that can be specified for a single network as described in Retention of Active Network Data in the User's Guide.

Active Jobs Maximum number of days Entire Operations keeps active jobs in the active database.

This retention period also applies to data generated for import/export operations or reports.

For active jobs, this period must be longer than the Active Networks retention period.

Jobs will be deactivated after this this time, even if the active network is not completed.

Default: 2 days.

The retention period for an active job is calculated backwards from the real start time of the job, if available. Otherwise, it is calculated backwards from the activation time of the job.

Active Conditions Maximum number of days Entire Operations keeps active conditions in the active database. This retention period also applies to resource allocations with deallocation mode K (keep until explicit release).

Default: 7 days.

See also the Deactivation Mode for active Conditions option that can be used for a single network to keep active conditions as described in Retention of Active Network Data in the User's Guide.

Standard Log Maximum number of days Entire Operations keeps standard log data and mailbox entries (information messages).

Default: 7 days.

Long-Term Log Maximum number of days Entire Operations keeps long-term log data and mailbox entries (waiting for condition, symbol prompting).

Long-term log data are network and job activation times with run numbers.

Default: 180 days.

Accounting Data Maximum number of days Entire Operations keeps job and monitor accounting data.

Default: 180 days.

User Application in Main Menu Screen

This function allows you to access a user-defined Natural application from the Entire Operations Main Menu. This is indicated in the example of a Main Menu shown in the User's Guide.

If you mark the User Application in Menu field on the Default Setting (1) screen and press ENTER, a screen similar to the following appears:

 12.06.18                ***** Entire Operations *****                14:17:18 
                         User Application in Main Menu                         
 Application ==> SYSMAIN_                                                      
 Menu Text   ==> Natural SYSMAIN Utility___________________________            
 The application must be callable from the Entire Operations environment.      
 By default, the program MENU will be invoked.                                 
 The application must return to Entire Operations with the Natural command     
 Example: RELEASE STACK ; STACK TOP COMMAND 'RETURN'                           
      Help        End         Save
Fields: User Application in Main Menu
Field Meaning
Application  Enter the name of the Natural application.

It must be accessible from the Entire Operations environment and a program MENU must exist.

The application must be defined in Natural Security and must pass back control with the Natural RETURN command.

Menu Text  The text you enter here will appear on the Entire Operations Main Menu beneath the heading Applications on the right-hand side of the screen.

Special PF Keys: Default Setting (1)

PF Key Name Function
PF10 OSpec Open a selection window for operation systems. See also Accessing Operating System Specific Default Settings.

Default Setting (2) - Schedule, Start Time, Symbols, JCL

Start of instruction set To display the second screen of the Default Setting facility

  • Choose PF8 (Down) on the Default Setting (1) screen.

    A Default Setting (2) screen similar to the example below appears:

     10.10.18                ***** Entire Operations *****                09:26:31 
                                  Default Setting (2)                              
     Extraction of Schedules          ==> 3__ Days before Activation               
     Activation before Earliest Start ==> 60_ min.                                 
     Default Latest Start after Earliest Start       ==>  +24 hours                
     Default Deadline     after Earliest Start       ==>  +48 hours                
     End of previous Production Date                 ==> ________                  
     Subnetwork Activation Mode                      ==> A                         
     Run Number Limit                                ==> 99999                     
     Rewrite prompted Symbols to Master Symbol Table ==> N (Y/N)                   
     Default for 'Use Time from Schedule'            ==> N (Y/N)                   
     Generate Header in submitted JCL                ==> Y (Y/N)                   
     Log Symbol Values in submitted JCL              ==> Y (Y/N)                   
     Log the changes made to an active/pregen. JCL   ==> Y (Y/N)                   
     Symbol Prompting during JCL Regeneration        ==> Y (Y/N)                   
     Automatic cleanup for new day / monitor start   ==> Y (Y/N) at ==> 01:00:00   
     Symbol table obligatory                         ==> N                         
     Keep predefined job time frames                 ==> N (Y/N)                   
     Command => ____________________________________________________________       
          Help        End         Save        Up    Down                    Menu

    Replace the current values as required and choose PF5 to save your new default settings.

The fields available on the Default Setting (2) screen are explained in the following section.

Fields: Default Setting (2)

Field Meaning
Extraction of Schedules Current network schedules are extracted once a day to prepare scheduled network activation. The extraction can be done several days in advance, for example, to permit earlier symbol prompting. Enter the number of days.

Default: 1 day (= current day).

Activation before Earliest Start Creates an executable copy of the job network definition.

This option allows you to activate the network before the earliest time the network is actually started.

Default: 0 minutes.

Default latest Start after Earliest Start Applies if no explicit latest start time was specified at the job level.

The time (in hours) specified here is added to the (computed) earliest start time.

Default: 24 hours.

Default Deadline after Earliest Start Applies if no explicit deadline time is specified at the job level.

The time (in hours) specified here is added to the (computed) earliest start time.

Default: 48 hours.

End of previous Production Date Time at which the previous production day ends logically. The input format is HH:II:SS, the default time is 00:00:00 (midnight).

This time influences the following:

  • Condition references: The reference PDA for input condition references the production date, not the current calendar date.

  • Symbol replacement: The predefined symbol P-DATE provides the production date in the format YYYYMMDD.

    See also Predefined Symbols and Date and Time Formats in the User's Guide.

Subnetwork Activation Mode

Possible values:

A (or blank) Activate the subnetwork at activation time of the caller (default).
S Activate the subnetwork at submission time of the caller.
For more information, see Time of Activation of a Subnetwork in the User's Guide.
Run Number Limit Maximum run number which can be assigned to a network or job activation.

Possible values: 0 to 99999.

If 0 is specified, the limit is 99999 (default).

Rewrite prompted Symbols to Master Symbol Table

Possible values:

Y Update prompted symbols in the master symbol table, in addition to the currently active symbol table.

This keeps the last prompted value for the next prompting.

N Update prompted symbols only in the currently active symbol table (default).
Default for 'Use Time from Schedule'

(for manual activation)

Determines the default setting for the start time to be used when manually activating a network or job.

This option corresponds to the Use Time from Schedule option on a Network Activation or Job Activation window (see Manual Activation in the User's Guide).

Possible values:

Y Use the time defined in the schedule used by the network or job.
N Use the time entered in the Network Activation or Job Activation window (default).

Possible network or job schedule definitions are ignored.

Generate Header in submitted JCL

Possible values:

Y Generate a header (default).
N Do not generate a header.
Log Symbol Values in submitted JCL

Possible values:

Y Log symbol values (default).
N Do not log symbol values.
Log the changes made to an active/pregen. JCL

Possible values:

Y Activate logging of active or pregenerated JCL modifications.

Any JCL changes to the active or pregenerated JCL are then written to the extended log (described in the User's Guide).

If this option is set to Y, you may have to increase the editor buffer pool space.

N Deactivate logging of JCL modifications (default).
Symbol Prompting during JCL Regeneration

Possible values:

N No symbol prompting is performed during JCL regeneration (default).
Y Symbols are prompted again during JCL regeneration.
Automatic cleanup for new day / monitor start

Possible values:

N No automatic cleanup of the active database and log data is performed.
Y Automatic cleanup of the active database and log data is performed.

The interval between two subsequent automatic cleanups is at least one hour (default).

D Automatic cleanup will only be performed in no cleanup (automatic or manual) was already performed on the same day.
at Enter the time to perform daily automatic cleanup.

The cleanup must be triggered at least once a day to avoid an overflow of the active database.

Symbol table obligatory

Check whether a symbol table definition exists when:

  • Activating a network;

  • Adding a network;

  • Modifying a network.

The check is not performed for unchanged network definitions.

Possible values:

N (or blank) No symbol table definition required (default).
A Symbol table required for all networks.
S Symbol table required for subnetworks only.

If you want to check the existence of symbol table definitions globally, use the batch utility CHNWST-P described in the section Entire Operations Utilities in the User's Guide.

Keep predefined job time frames

Possible values:

N Use the calling job's time frame for subnetwork jobs (default).
Y Keep predefined job time frames.

Default Setting (3) - Logging, Accounting, APIs, Symbol Table, Encoding

Start of instruction set To display the third screen of the Default Setting facility

  • Choose PF8 (Down) on the Default Setting (2) screen.

    A Default Setting (3) screen similar to the example below appears:

    03.01.14                ***** Entire Operations *****                14:04:59 
                                  Default Setting (3)                              
     Logging and Accounting Settings                                               
       Log Logon/Logoff to nodes                     ==> N (Y/N)                   
       Log API usage                                 ==> N (Y/N)                   
       Collect z/OS step accounting data             ==> Y (Y/N)                   
     Deactivation Settings                                                         
       Confirm activation cancelling                 ==> N (Y/N)                   
       Jobs to be deactivated at once                ==> 2000_                     
     NOM API Settings                                                              
       NOM API retry limit                           ==> 3___                      
       Pass empty files to NOM                       ==> N (Y/N)                   
     Submit symbol/function recalculation at resubmit      ==> Y (Y/N)             
     Symbol table activation mode                          ==> X                   
     Encoding                                              ==> T_______            
     Max. number of versions for networks or symbol tables ==> _______             
     Command => ____________________________________________________________       
          Help        End         Save        Up                            Menu

    Replace the current values as required and choose PF5 to save your new default settings.

The fields available on the Default Setting (3) screen are explained in the following section.

Fields: Default Setting (3)

Field Meaning
Log Logon/Logoff to nodes

Possible values:

Y All logons and logoffs to and from Entire System Server nodes (by users and Monitor tasks) are logged.
E Extended logging in case of logon errors.

See also Extended Log in the User's Guide.

N Normal logging (default).

Be aware of the overhead in the log file.

Log API usage

Possible values:

Y Log some API executions.

The API return code is contained.

Be aware of the overhead in the log file.

N API executions are not logged (default).
Collect z/OS step accounting data Y Accounting data for steps is collected additionally for z/OS jobs.

Be aware of the overhead in the accounting data file.


Accounting data for steps is not collected (default).

Confirm activation cancelling Y A confirmation window is used if future activations are cancelled (default).

See also Cancelling an Active Job in the section Active Job Networks in the User's Guide.

N No confirmation window is used.
Jobs to be deactivated at once Maximum number of active jobs to be deactivated in one Monitor cycle.

Default: 50.

NOM API retry limit Maximum number of attempts for passing a file to Entire Output Management (NOM).

Default: 1000.

Pass empty files to NOM Possible values:
Y Empty files will be passed to Entire Output Management (default).
N Empty files will not be passed to Entire Output Management.

A log message will be written in any case.

Submit symbol/function recalculation at resubmit Determine the handling of submit symbol and function values during job resubmit with submission symbol replacement.

Possible values:

Y Active submit symbols and functions will be deleted and activated (calculated) anew (default).
N Resubmission will be performed with the same submit symbol and function values.
Symbol table activation mode

Possible values:

X After schedule extraction.

Symbol prompting can be used for scheduled networks (default).

A During the network activation.

No symbol prompting is possible.


Possible values (can be combined):

T Applies to JCL on UNIX and Windows only.

Use trigraphs in active JCL and in JCL and SYSOUT logging.

For information on trigraph encoding, see the relevant section in the User's Guide.

8 Applies to JCL on UNIX only.

If the file is UTF-8 encoded, convert UTF-8 characters to HTML format in the active JCL. In this case, you must not use the ampersand (&) as the submission escape character.

empty field No encoding (default).
Max. number of versions for networks or symbol tables Maximum number of versions that might be defined for a network or symbol table.

This limit is checked during addition or cloning of versions.

Possible values: 0 to 9999999.

If 0 is specified, the limit is 99999 (default) for no restriction.

Default Setting (4) - Run Number for Activation, Symbol Function Results, SYSOUT

Start of instruction set To display the fourth screen of the Default Setting facility

  • Choose PF8 (Down) on the Default Setting (3) screen.

    A Default Setting (4) screen similar to the example below appears:

     18.10.18                ***** Entire Operations *****                13:30:53 
                                  Default Setting (4)                              
     Activation Settings                                                           
       Activation: Allow run number setting               ==> Y (Y/N)              
     Symbol Functions                                                              
       Write results of MM and MV to active symbol table  ==> Y (Y/N)              
       SYSOUT Line Limit                                  ==> 1000_________        
       Interrupt End-of-Job Checking on BS2000            ==> B                    
         if limit reached                                                          
       Copy SYSOUT File before passing it to NOM          ==> Y (Y/N)              
     Command => ____________________________________________________________       
          Help        End         Save        Up                            Menu

    Replace the current values as required and choose PF5 to save your new default settings.

The fields available on the Default Setting (4) screen are explained in the following section.

Fields: Default Setting (4)

Field Meaning
Activation: Allow run number setting Possible values:
Y Allows users to request their preferred run number during network or job activation.

See also the field Preferred Run Number described in the sections Fields: Network Activation (Network Maintenance) and Fields: Job Activation in the User's Guide.

N Users are not allowed to request a run number (default).
Write results of MM and MV to active symbol table Y Values returned for the symbol functions MM and MV are written to the active symbol table.

Subsequent symbol function executions with the same parameters will use these values.

See also in the section Functions for Symbol Replacement in the User's Guide.

N Values returned for the symbol functions MM and MV are not written to the active symbol table (default).
SYSOUT Line Limit

0 - 9999999999999

Determine the line limit for SYSOUT.

Default: 0 (no limit).

If the SYSOUT of a job exceeds the line limit set, the lines are truncated after the line number specified in this field. This affects the following SYSOUT functions:

  • Extended SYSOUT logging is truncated.

  • SYSOUT browsing of a file or spool data set is truncated and ends with a warning message similar to the following:

    ===== EOR4123 - SYSOUT line limit 1000 reached =====

  • SYSOUT is truncated if copied from UNIX or Windows to the mainframe (for example, BS2000).

  • SYSOUT is truncated if passed from UNIX or Windows to Entire Output Management (NOM), depending on the Entire System Server version installed at your site (see the relevant announcement in the current Entire Operations Release Notes).

  • Log messages are written for the above cases.

z/OS, JES2: The value is divided by 1000 and inserted with a /*LINES command. If the division result is 0, the value is set to 1.

Interrupt End-of-Job Checking on BS2000 if limit reached B Applies to BS2000 only.

Interrupt the job if the SYSOUT line limit is reached.

If a SYSOUT file has reached or exceeded the given SYSOUT Line Limit, the job will be treated as interrupted during End-of-Job checking and set to not ok.

blank The job is not interrupted if the SYSOUT line limit is reached (default).
Copy SYSOUT File before passing it to NOM Y Applies to BS2000 only.

Copy the SYSOUT file physically and pass the copy to the Entire Output Management API (default).

This doubles the necessary disk storage for SYSOUT files created by Entire Operations.

N Pass the original SYSOUT file to the Entire Output Management API.

If the copying of SYSOUT files for Entire Output Management is switched off, SYSOUT files may get lost or overwritten, for example, if the creating job is resubmitted or restarted for recovery.

Accessing Operating System Specific Default Settings

Start of instruction setTo define operating system specific defaults

  1. Select OpSys Specials on the Default Setting (1) screen by marking it with any character and press ENTER.

    Choose PF10 (OSpec) on the Default Setting (1) screen.

    A selection window similar to the example below opens:

    |                                        |
    |  Please select the Operating System    |
    |                                        |
    |    _  BS2000                           |
    |    _  z/OS                             |
    |    _  z/VSE                            |
    |    _  UNIX                             |
    |    _  Windows                          |
    |                                        |
  2. Select the appropriate operating system and press ENTER.

    A screen appears with parameters specific to the operating system selected.

    The following sections explain how to continue:

Defaults for BS2000

This section provides instructions for setting BS2000 defaults.

You can set the defaults for BS2000 on two screens:

  • Defaults for BS2000 (1) for general settings and

  • Defaults for BS2000 (2) for BS2000 message codes that force a job not OK by default.

Start of instruction setTo set defaults for BS2000

  1. Select BS2000 from the selection window on the Default Setting (1) screen.

    A Defaults for BS2000 (1) screen similar to the example below appears:

     17-06-06                ***** Entire Operations *****                11:31:07 
     Owner EXAMPLE               Defaults for BS2000 (1)                           
     End-of-Job Checking                                                           
       Highest Severity Code accepted as ok         ==> 0000                       
     SYSOUT Handling                                                               
       These values will be used as defaults for new job definitions:              
       Make the SYSOUT Collection File shareable    ==> N  (Y/N)                   
       Append the SYSLST File(s) to the SYSOUT File ==> N  (Y/N)                   
     Monitor Job Variables                                                         
       Remove internal Monitor Job Variables after End-of-Job Handling ==> Y (Y/N) 
     Escapes: Activation ==> @ Submission ==> "                                    
     Note: Modifications become effective at the next monitor startup.             
     Command => ____________________________________________________________       
          Help        End         Save              Down                    Menu

    This is the first BS2000-specific screen in a series of two. The fields available on this screen are explained in Fields: Defaults for BS2000 (1).

  2. PF8 (Down) to open the second screen Defaults for BS2000 (2) containing a table for BS2000-specific message codes:

     17-06-06                ***** Entire Operations *****                11:36:48 
     Owner EXAMPLE               Defaults for BS2000 (2)                           
     BS2000 Message Codes, which force 'job not ok' by default:                    
        _______   _______   _______   _______   _______                            
        _______   _______   _______   _______   _______                            
        _______   _______   _______   _______   _______                            
        _______   _______   _______   _______   _______                            
        _______   _______   _______   _______   _______                            
        _______   _______   _______   _______   _______                            
        _______   _______   _______   _______   _______                            
        _______   _______   _______   _______   _______                            
        _______   _______   _______   _______   _______                            
        _______   _______   _______   _______   _______                            
     If you want to restore the default settings, please use PF4.                  
          Help        End   Resto Save        Up                            Menu

    For more information, see BS2000 Default Message Codes - Defaults for BS2000 (2).

This section covers the following topics:

Fields: Defaults for BS2000 (1)

BS2000-specific fields on the Defaults for BS2000 (1) screen are explained in the following table.

New default settings become effective after the next Monitor startup and are then used as defaults for new job definitions.

Field Meaning
End-of-Job Checking:  
Highest Severity Code accepted as ok This value is the maximum allowed severity code for messages matching the default message code table.

If a message is defined without a severity code, a match always means job not OK.

SYSOUT Handling:  
Make the SYSOUT Collection File shareable Entire Operations creates its own SYSOUT Collection File for each BS2000 job running under control of Entire Operations.

Enter Y if the Entire Operations Monitor should make these files shareable; enter N if not.

Append the SYSLST File(s) to the SYSOUT File Enter Y if the SYSLST files created by a job should be appended to the Entire Operations SYSOUT Collection File; enter N if not.
Monitor Job Variables:  
Remove internal Monitor Job Variables Enter Y to remove internal Monitor job variables immediately after End-of-Job checking. This creates fewer catalog entries.

Enter N to remove variables during standard job deactivation.

This setting affects only Monitor job variables which were internally created by the Entire Operations Monitor.

Activation  Activation escape character.

This escape character is used as the prefix for Natural code lines and symbols to be replaced at activation time.

Existing dynamic JCL might become invalid after changing this escape character.

Submission  Submission escape character.

This escape character is used as the prefix for symbols to be replaced at submission time.

Existing dynamic JCL might become invalid after changing this escape character.

BS2000 Default Message Codes - Defaults for BS2000 (2)

The following BS2000 message codes can be contained in the message code table on the Defaults for BS2000 (2) screen:

Message Code Message Text
BLS0520  Access error on program library.

PLAM-AMCB error code '(&00)' and system error code '(&01)'.

In system mode /HELP-MSG PLA (&00).

CMD0005  Operation name in input string not recognizable or missing.
CMD0205  Error in preceding command or program and procedure step termination: commands will be ignored until /SET-JOB-STEP or /LOGOFF or /EXIT-JOB is recognized.
DMS05A9  Second file name in command for COPY invalid or does not exist. Correct command.
DMS0936  (Message not defined.)
EXC044F Warning: PUBSPACE limit exceeded for user ID '(&00)' on PUBSET '(&01)'. Erase files no longer required.
EXC0733  Unrecoverable termination error: task with TSN '(&00)' pended. Continue system run and take dump after shutdown.
EXC0734  (Message not defined.)
EXC0735  (Message not defined.)
EXC0736  Abnormal task termination. Error code '(&00)': / Help-MSG (&00).
EXC0737  (Message not defined.)
EXC0738  (Message not defined.)
EXC0772  (Message not defined.)
IDA0N45  Dump desired?

Reply (Y =user/area dump); Y, System = system dump; N = no).

IDA0N47  Dump prohibited by /MODIFY-TEST-OPTIONS command.
IDA0N48  Task/system settings prohibit dump.
IDA0N51  Program interrupt at location '(&00)'.
IDA0N56  Current system dump suppressed (duplicate).
JVS04A1  Syntax error in JV command. Correct command.

The task termination was caused by a /CANCEL-JOB resp. /CANCEL or a /SHUTDOWN command.


Procedure file '(&00)' cannot be opened.

DMS error code '(&01)'. Command terminated.


The following applies when using and checking message codes:

  • If one of the BS2000 message codes listed in the table above appears in any BS2000 job SYSOUT, a job is treated as not ok without any special definition at the job level.

  • A global message and/or an event store notification is sent if the option Job not ok, or execution error is marked with Y on the Global Messages for Events screen.

  • The BS2000 message codes listed in the table above are in effect after the installation of Entire Operations. You can restore the default set of message codes supplied with Entire Operations at any time by using PF4 (Resto).

  • The message code table can be completely empty. None of the mentioned BS2000 message codes would be checked by default in this case.

  • Changes to message codes are propagated to a running Monitor immediately.

    Consider that faulty jobs may no longer be set to the status not ok when the message code table is modified.

Defaults for z/OS and z/VSE

This section provides instructions for setting z/OS and z/VSE defaults.

Start of instruction setTo set defaults for z/OS or z/VSE

  • Select z/OS or z/VSE from the selection window on the Default Setting (1) screen.

    For z/OS, a Defaults for z/OS screen similar to the example below appears:

     23/08/16                ***** Entire Operations *****                15:51:44 
     Owner EXAMPLE               Defaults for z/OS                                 
     End-of-Job Checking                                                           
       These values apply, if nothing is specified for the End-of-Job Checking:    
       Highest   Condition Code accepted as ok ==> C 0009                          
       = highest Severity  Code (see field help)                                   
       Highest   User      Code accepted as ok ==> U ____                          
       IEF201I 'Terminated because of condition codes' accepted as ok ==> N        
     End-of-Job Actions                                                            
       Spool Class to be set after Job Completion ==> ________                     
     Job Card                                                                      
       These values will be inserted into the job card, if missing:                
       MSGCLASS ==> ________  MSGLEVEL ==> ________                                
     Escapes: Activation ==> @ Submission ==> $                                    
     Note: Modifications become effective at the next monitor startup.             
          Help        End         Save                                      Menu

    For z/VSE, a Defaults for z/VSE screen similar to the example below appears:

     24/08/16                ***** Entire Operations *****                12:11:06 
     Owner EXAMPLE                Defaults for z/VSE                               
     End-of-Job Checking                                                           
       These values apply, if nothing is specified for the End-of-Job Checking:    
       Highest   Condition Code accepted as ok ==> C 0009                          
       = highest Severity  Code (see field help)                                   
       Highest   User      Code accepted as ok ==> U ____                          
     End-of-Job Actions                                                            
       Spool Class to be set after Job Completion ==> ________                     
     JCL Location VSE                                                              
       Default Member Type ==> J_______                                            
     Escapes: Activation ==> @ Submission ==> #                                    
     Note: Modifications become effective at the next monitor startup.             
     Command => ____________________________________________________________       
          Help        End         Save                                      Menu

    The fields available on the screens are explained in Fields: Defaults for z/OS and z/VSE.

Fields: Defaults for z/OS and z/VSE

The fields available for z/OS-specific and z/VSE-specific default settings on the Defaults for z/OS and Defaults for z/VSE screen are explained in the following table.

New default settings become effective after the next Monitor startup and are then used as defaults for new job definitions.

Field Meaning
End-of-Job Checking:
The values specified with the following three fields are used for checking completed jobs if no definition has been made at the job level:
Highest Condition Code

(= highest Severity Code) 

The value entered here is used for default checks of all step results for which no dedicated check was defined. If such a step result is higher than the value defined here, the job is treated as not ok.

This value is the maximum allowed severity code for messages matching the Global Message Code Table. If a message is defined there without a severity code, a match always means job not ok.

Highest User Code accepted as ok Corresponds to Highest Condition Code but checks for user-defined codes only.
IEF201I 'Terminated because of condition codes' accepted as ok Applies to z/OS only.

If Y is entered here, the occurrence of the message


does not cause the job to be set to not ok automatically.

All other implicit or explicit End-of-Job checks are not affected by this setting.

This is a system-wide setting. For more information, see the section Defining and Managing End-of-Job (EOJ) Checking and Actions in the User's Guide.

Default: N.

End-of-Job Actions:  
Spool Class to be set after Job Completion You can specify whether the spool class of a job is to be modified after completion. This applies to all jobs.


  1. Node-specific definitions override this default.
  2. Job-specific definitions override all others.

A valid spool class indicates Entire Output Management where to find all information required to process job SYSOUT passed from Entire Operations.

If you leave this field blank, the job output class remains unchanged.

Job Card:
MSGCLASS   Applies to z/OS only.

You can complete or modify the job card for any job by adding values for MSGCLASS and MSGLEVEL here. The values specified here are inserted if not already in the job card.

JCL Location VSE:
Default Member Type Applies to z/VSE only.

The default member type is inserted into JCL definitions if nothing else is specified.

Activation  Activation escape character.

This escape character is used as the prefix for Natural code lines and symbols to be replaced at activation time.

Existing dynamic JCL might become invalid after changing this escape character.

Submission  Submission escape character.

This escape character is used as the prefix for symbols to be replaced at submission time.

Existing dynamic JCL might become invalid after changing this escape character.

Defaults for UNIX and Windows

This section provides instructions for setting UNIX and Windows defaults.

Specials for UNIX and Windows nodes can be defined on the Operating System Server (Node) Table screen; see also Special Definitions for a Node (UNIX and Windows).

Start of instruction setTo set defaults for UNIX or Windows

  • Select UNIX from the selection window on the Default Setting (1) screen.

    Select Windows from the selection window on the Default Setting (1) screen.

    A Defaults for UNIX or Defaults for Windows screen (respectively) similar to the example below appears:

     20.07.18                ***** Entire Operations *****                15:44:59 
     Owner EXAMPLE                 Defaults for UNIX                               
     End-of-Job Checking                                                           
       Highest Exit Code accepted as ok   ==> 0_________                           
     Escapes: Activation ==> @ Submission ==> ¬                                    
     Note: Modifications become effective at the next monitor startup.             
     Command => ____________________________________________________________       
          Help        End         Save                                      Menu

    The fields available on the screen are explained in Fields: Defaults for UNIX and Windows.

Fields: Defaults for UNIX and Windows

The fields on the Defaults for UNIX and Defaults for Windows screen are explained in the following table.

New default settings become effective after the next Monitor startup and are then used as defaults for new job definitions.

Field Meaning
End-of-Job Checking:  
Highest Exit Code accepted as ok The value entered here is the maximum exit code which is accepted as ok.
Activation  Activation escape character.

This escape character is used as the prefix for Natural code lines and symbols to be replaced at activation time.

Existing dynamic JCL might become invalid after changing this escape character.

Submission  Submission escape character.

This escape character is used as the prefix for symbols to be replaced at submission time.

Existing dynamic JCL might become invalid after changing this escape character.