Version 3.2.1
 —  User's Guide  —

Listing Report Definitions

Start of instruction set To list all report definitions:

  1. In the command line of the "Main Menu", enter 1 (for Reports).

    If long report and bundle names are displayed by the system (see settings in System Defaults and Adding a User Profile), the "Report Maintenance" screen will take the following form:

      16:21:24             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
     User ID XYZ                 - Report Maintenance -
     Cmd Report            Authoriz T Description
     ___ _________________________ ________ _ _____________________________________
      __ UEX-GO            ADMIN    S Exit GOTO/GOTOP/NEXTP example
      __ UEX-INSL-ADDP     ADMIN    M Exit INSL/ADDP change first line of e
      __ UKSJU-ABEND       ADMIN    M separation exit abends with a s0c7
      __ UKSJU-BIG-SEP     ADMIN    M A big report that gets separated
      __ UKSJU-COBOL       ADMIN    M Report created by COBOL program using
      __ UKSJU-DEST        ADMIN    M Should be copied to container file 9,
      __ UKSJU-DEST-SEP    ADMIN    M Should be copied to container file 9,
      __ UKSJU-FILE        ADMIN    M Create report from sequential file
      __ UKSJU-HANG        ADMIN    M separation exit issues a wtor
      __ UKSJU-IMMARC      ADMIN    M immediately archived
      __ UKSJU-NAF-ANYPROF ADMIN    M create report for nomprt*
      __ UKSJU-NAF-NAME1   ADMIN    M
      __ UKSJU-NAF-NAME2   ADMIN    M
      __ UKSJU-NAF-NAME3   ADMIN    M
    More ...
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help  Add   Exit  Flip               -     +    Selct  <     >    Menu

    The screen list in alphabetical order all reports which were defined by the user, created by someone else who authorized this user to process them, or generated automatically by a Standard Separation Routine or a user routine.

    With PF10 and PF11 you can shift the display to the left and right.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF2 Add Add a report definition.
PF9 Selct Select reports with selection criteria. See Listing Report Definitions according to Selection Criteria.
PF21 Ext Switch between display of long and short report names.

Line Commands

Command Function
AU Authorize other users to process the report. Only users with owner authorization for the report can perform this function. See the section Authorizing User Access to Objects.
CO Copy report definition (including report processing). A window opens where you can enter the name of the target report.
DE Delete report definition.
DI Display report definition.
LI List active reports for a report definition. See the section List Active Reports for Selected Report Definition.
LK List active reports by keyword. See the section Active Reports.
LO Log. Display Log information about maintenance activity on this report, such as who last modified it and who created it.
MO Modify report definition.
RN Rename report.


If a field is marked with an asterisk (*) below, you can enter selection criteria with an asterisk in the field directly beneath the heading on the "Report Maintenance" screen.

Field Explanation
Report * Enter selection criteria for the report name.
Authoriz * Authorization used to access the report. You can enter: PUBLIC, a user ID or the name of a distribution list to list selected reports. ADMIN indicates that you are defined as Administrator with Owner authorization for the listed reports. ADMIN cannot be used as selection criterion.
T * Report type. Possible values:
  • C - Created definition

  • D - Default definition

  • M - Master definition.

  • S - Supended definition.

Description A short description of the report.

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