Version 3.2.1
 —  User's Guide  —

Adding Report Definitions

This section covers the following topics:

General Attributes

Start of instruction set To add a report definition:

  1. Press PF2 on the "Report Maintenance" screen.

    The "Report Definition > General Attributes" screen is displayed:

       15:12:25             **** Entire Output Management ****            13/10/2008
      User ID XYZ       - Report Definition >General Attributes -
         Name .............. _________________________
         Description ....... __________________________________________________
         Type .............. M
      Keywords ............. _______________ _______________ _______________
      Master Owner ......... ________
      Store in NOM DB ...... Y
      Archive directly ..... N
      Archive type ......... _
      Retention              Report     Archive   Revive
         Number ............ 1__        ____      ___
         Unit .............. A          _         _
         Calendar .......... ________             ________
         Action ............ P
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help  Add   Exit  Flip                          Ext               Menu

    On this screen, you create a report by defining its general attributes: name, type, owner and certain storage, archiving and retention parameters.

    Some fields are initialized with the values specified in the Report Processing Defaults. For more information, see Report Processing Defaults in the System Administration documentation.

Special PF Keys

These PF-key assignments appear only after you have entered a report name. However, PF9 and PF21 always appear.

Key Name Function
PF7  Ident Define how reports are identified in the spool (available, only if Report Type is S, D or M) See Report Identification for POWER.
PF8  Print Define how reports are automatically printed. See Printing Attributes.
PF9  Dist Define how reports are distributed. See Distribution Attributes.
PF10  Separ Define how reports are separated with user routines or standard routines (available, only if Report Type is S , D or M ). See Separation Attributes.
PF21 Ext Switch between display of long and short report names.


Field Explanation
Name You must enter a report name before any other data when creating a new report. This field is protected when modifying an existing report.
Description Enter a short description for the report.

Possible values:

  • C = Created definition:
    A definition created automatically during processing of a master report or default definition or copied from another created definition. You cannot define a report as type C.

  • D = Default definition:
    A definition containing identification and processing rules used to process spool data not identified by a suitable master report definition.

    Example: ADAREP* = all jobs whose names begin with ADAREP and which have no suitable master report definition.

  • M = Master report definition:
    A definition containing identification and processing rules used to process one or more spool files.

    Example: ADAREP20 = all ADAREP20 jobs.

  • S = Suspended definition:
    A definition that is not currently being used.

Keywords Enter up to 3 keywords which will later help you select reports.
Master Owner The Monitor takes the user ID of the Master Owner to submit print jobs for reports to be scheduled for automatic printing. This field is initialized with the user ID of the person adding the report.
Store In NOM DB

Enter "Y" to take report contents from the spool and store them in the Entire Output Management database for later viewing or archiving.

If you do not specify a storage location (Entire Output Management/ Con-nect), then the report stays in the spool.

Archive directly - Y/N/I

Possible values:

  • Enter "Y" o archive the report automatically after creating it and when processing is completed. The contents of an active report are then no longer available online, when archived using "Y".

  • Enter "N" if you do not want automatic archiving.

  • Enter "I" for immediate archiving. The active report is archived the next time the archive job runs, but its contents are still available for on-line viewing until it reaches its expiry date. After this, the report contents only exist in the archive dataset and the active report must be revived before it can be viewed or printed again.

Archive type If the report is to be archived to a user-defined archive, enter the number of the archive type. Enter an asterisk (*) to select an archive type. Enter "0" or leave this field empty to archive the report on a standard Entire Output Management archive file.
Report The report retention period determines how long the active report is available online for browsing and printing. If this retention period expires, the active report is either marked for archiving or purged (see the field "Action" below).
Number Enter the number of working days, absolute days, weeks or months the report should be available online. If you specify working days, you must enter the name of a calendar in the Calendar field to include only working days. The default is the system-wide period defined by the system administrator.
  • W = Working days.

  • A = Absolute days.

  • V = Weeks.

  • M = Months.

  • G = Generations (instances of the active report).

Calendar Select a calendar, if you specify "W" working days as the unit for the retention period.

Enter "A" to archive the report when the retention period expires.

Enter "P" to purge the report when the retention period expires.

When an active report is archived, its contents are no longer available online.

Archive Enter the length of time the active report is to be kept in the archive. When this period expires, the active report is deleted from the archive dataset. An active report can be archived no matter where it is stored.
Number Enter the number of days, weeks, months or years the active report is to be kept in the archive.
  • D = Days,

  • W = Weeks,

  • M = Months,

  • Y = Years.


Enter the length of time the contents of a revived active report are to be available online for browsing and printing. When this period expires, this "copy" of the archived report is purged automatically.

Enter values for Number, Unit and Calendar fields as described for Report above.

Top of page

Life Cycles of Active Report/Attributes

Report Creation

Daily Cleanup Processing

Archive Processing

Revive Processing

Top of page

Report Identification for POWER

Start of instruction set To define or modify report identification for POWER:

  1. Press PF7 (Ident) on the "Report Definition > General Attributes" screen.

    The "Report Definition > POWER Identification" screen is displayed:

       15:27:59             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
      User ID XYZ       - Report Definition >POWER Identification -
         Name .............. ADABAS-DEFAULT___________ Long records ............ N
      POWER Attributes
         Jobname ........... ADA*____  or  Destination ......... ________
         or Form ........... ____
      and Data Sets ........ ____________________________________________
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo  UNIX  3GL   NAT         SAP   Menu

    On this screen, you define how reports are identified in the POWER spool. The report can be identified by job name, destination or form and a spool dataset qualification.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF7 UNIX Define attributes for UNIX/Windows Nodes identifying the report.
PF8 3GL Define attributes for 3GL Interface.
PF9 NAT Define attributes for Natural reports.
PF11 SAP Define attributes for SAP Spool.
PF21 Ext Switch between display of long and short report names.


Field Explanation
Long Records Enter "Y", if the report is created from a VSE sequential file containing long records. (This field appears only if a long record container has been defined.) For further information, see Long Records.
POWER Attributes You must enter a value for at least one of the following three POWER Attributes. These attributes are the primary selection criteria for report definitions. A report definition is considered identified if at least one primary selection criterion is found. Note that the number of the identified definitions is limited by the primary selection criteria. Use the file names to make a secondary selection.
- Jobname If you want to identify the report by the name of the originating job, enter a job name here. You can also use an asterisk (*) to enter selection criteria for the job name. For example, for all jobs beginning with IEE, enter IEE*. You can select the spool datasets in this job to be assigned to the report by filling in the "and Datasets" fields.
- Destination If you want to identify the report by the DEST parameter of the originating job, enter the destination here.
- Form If you want to identify the report by the FORM parameter of the originating job, enter the form here.
and Datasets

To specify the spool datasets in the selected jobs which identify the report(s), fill in these fields as follows:

  • LS (POWER List Queue)

  • Dataset name, if spool data resides in a sequential file.

The following special characters are supported as placeholders:

  • ? (question mark) or _ (underscore):  Indicates a single position that is not to be checked.

  • * (asterisk): Indicates any number of positions not to be checked.
    Example: *EMPL_YEE*

Processing of sequential files is also triggered by spool queue entries. The corresponding spool file does not contain print data, but points to the sequential file. The pointer can be created with any utility (for example, a Natural program) and must have the following attributes:

NOM DSN=<data-set-name> VOL=<volser>
NOM RECFM=<recform> RECSIZE=<record-length>
NOM BLKSIZE=<block-size> CC=<carriage-control>

Top of page

Report Identification for BS2000/OSD

Start of instruction set To define or modify report identification for BS2000/OSD:

  1. Press PF7 (Ident) on the "Report Definition > General Attributes" screen.

    The "Report Definition > BS2000/OSD Identification" screen is displayed:

       15:20:30             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
      User ID NOM      - Report Definition >BS2000/OSD Identification -
         Name .............. ADAREP-DB063___________ Long records ............ N
      PRINT Attributes
         Pname ............. ADARE063  or  User ID ............. ________
         or Form ........... ________
      and Data Sets ........ L.ADAREP.063*_______________________________
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo  UNIX  3GL   NAT         SAP   Menu

    On this screen, you define how reports are identified in the BS2000/OSD spool (queue for a virtual printer). The report can be identified by the PNAME option of the BS2000/OSD print command, by the BS2000/OSD user ID or the FORM option of the print command and by the completely or partially qualified file name.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF7 UNIX Define attributes for UNIX/Windows Nodes identifying the report.
PF8 3GL Define attributes for 3GL Interface.
PF9 NAT Define attributes for Natural reports.
PF11 SAP Define attributes for SAP Spool.
PF21 Ext Switch between display of long and short report names.


Field Explanation
Long Records Enter "Y", if the report is created from a file containing long records. (This field appears only if a long record container has been defined). Please note that Entire Output Management does not rename BS2000 files which create long record reports - even if Rename Files is set to "Y" in Monitor Defaults. For further information, see Long Records.
PRINT Attributes You must enter a value for at least one of the following three PRINT Attributes. These attributes are the primary selection criteria for report definitions. A report definition is considered identified if at least one primary selection criterion is found. Note that the number of the identified definitions is limited by the primary selection criteria. Use the file names to make a secondary selection.
- Pname If you want to identify the report by the PNAME option of the print command (/Print ...,PNAME=ADAREP), enter the PNAME here. You can also use an asterisk (*) to enter selection criteria for the job name. For example, for all jobs beginning with ADA, enter ADA*.
- User ID BS2000/OSD user ID under which the print command was entered. If you want to identify the report with this ID, enter it here (e.g.: PROD01).
- Form If you want to identify the report by the FORM parameter of the originating job, enter the form here.
and File Enter a completely or partially qualified file name which identifies the report (secondary selection). A report definition is considered identified if, in addition to one of the primary selection criteria, one of the files from the file list is selected.

Example: If you enter the value ADA* for Pname and the value *L.ADAREP.* for And File, all files are identified whose PNAME begins with ADA and whose file name contains the string L.ADAREP..

The following special characters are supported as placeholders:

Special Character Meaning
? (question mark)  Indicates a single position that is not to be checked.
_ (underscore)  Same as question mark (?)
* (asterisk)  Indicates any number of positions not to be checked.
Example: *EMPL_YEE*

The RECFORM parameter of the file allows you to determine whether the print file contains carriage control characters and which ones:

We recommend using files with fixed record length, because positioning within them is easier than within files with variable record length.

Files with fixed record length that were expanded with OPEN-EXTENT are not supported.

Top of page

Report Identification for JES

Start of instruction set To define or modify report identification for JES:

  1. Press PF7 (Ident) on the "Report Definition > General Attributes" screen.

    The "Report Definition > JES Identification" screen is displayed:

       16:00:46             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
      User ID XYZ       - Report Definition >JES Identification -
         Name .............. A-SAP-DEFAULT____________ Long records ............ N
      JES Attributes
         Jobname ........... X_______  or  Destination ......... ________
         or Writer ......... ________  or  Form ................ ______
      and Data Sets ........ ____________________________________________
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo  UNIX  3GL   NAT   CMA   SAP   Menu

    On this screen, you define how reports are identified in the JES spool. The report can be identified by job name, destination, writer or form and a spool dataset qualification.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF7 UNIX Define attributes for UNIX/Windows Nodes identifying the report.
PF8 3GL Define attributes for 3GL Interface.
PF9 NAT Define attributes for Natural reports.
PF10 CMA Define attributes for CMA Spool reports.
PF11 SAP Define attributes for SAP Spool.
PF21 Ext Switch between display of long and short report names.


Field Explanation
Long records Enter "Y", if the report is created from spool or sequential files containing long records. (This field appears only if a long record container has been defined.) Please note that "Y" may not be specified for TYPE=AL reports. For further information, see Long Records.
JES Attributes You must enter a value for at least one of the following four attributes. These attributes are the primary selection criteria for report definitions. A report definition is considered identified if at least one primary selection criterion is found. Note that the number of the identified definitions is limited by the primary selection criteria. Use the file names to make a secondary selection.
- Jobname If you want to identify the report by the name of the originating job, enter a job name here. You can also use an asterisk * to enter selection criteria for the job name. For example, for all jobs beginning with IEE, enter IEE*. You can select the spool datasets in this job to be assigned to the report by filling in the And Datasets fields.
- Destination If you want to identify the spool dataset by the Destination parameter of the originating job, enter the destination here.
- Writer If you want to identify the spool dataset by the External Writer parameter of the dataset, enter the writer name. This links the report to the spool dataset assigned to this writer name. If you use an External Writer similar to the report name, it makes identification easier.
- Form If you want to identify the report by the FORMS parameter of the originating job, enter the form here.
Datasets See Spool Datasets below.

Spool Datasets

Start of instruction set To specify the spool datasets in the selected jobs which identify the report(s):

  1. Fill in these fields as follows:

  2. Example: enter SO 1 for the first SYSOUT dataset or SO 1:2 for the first and second SYSOUT datasets.

    Enter a list of full DDNAME qualifiers in the format:


    For example:


    PROCNAME and STEPNAME are not mandatory, and when missing are assumed to be * (any). You can use an asterisk (*) to enter selection criteria for the dataset names, for example:


    This refers to a spool dataset with STEPNAME=STEP1, DDNAME=DDN1 and any procedure name.

    *.*.DDN1, *.DDN1 or DDN1

    for example, are equivalent and they refer to a spool dataset with DDNAME=DDN1 in any procedure name or step name in the job.

    Enter TYPE=AL to create an active report containing all System Message and SYSOUT datasets for a job matching the specified Jes attributes. The job must have at least one spool file in one of Entire Output Management's managed classes. TYPE=AL must be the only dataset criterion.

If more than one JES2 spool dataset of a job is to be processed by Entire Output Management, then the job's spool datasets, which are to be processed, must all have the same group ID and all be together in a class reserved for Entire Output Management. If this is not achieved by the DD statements, but by a program via Entire System Server functions, for example, then the view SPOOL-UPDATE should be used as follows:

        USING  CLASS      = #NOM-CLASS
        USING  NODE       = #NODE

Sequential Files

Enter dataset name, if spool data resides in a sequential file. The dataset name is preceded by DSN=. The following special characters are supported as placeholders:

Special Character Meaning
? (question mark)  Indicates a single position that is not to be checked.
_ (underscore)  Same as question mark (?).
* (asterisk)  Indicates any number of positions not to be checked.
Example: DSN=*EMPL_YEE*

Processing of sequential files is also triggered by spool queue entries. The corresponding spool file does not contain print data, but points to the sequential file. The pointer can be created with any utility and must have the following attributes: NOM DSN=<data-set-name>


//JOB 1         JOB...
//SYSPRINT      DD          SYSOUT=*
//SYSUT2         DD          SYSOUT=3
//SYSIN            DD          DUMMY
//SYSUT1         DD *

Top of page

Report Identification for 3GL Interface

Start of instruction set To define or modify report identification for a 3GL interface:

  1. Press PF8 (3GL) on the "Report Definition > JES Identification" screen.

    The "Report Definition > 3GL Identification" screen appears:

       14:44:29             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
      User ID XYZ        - Report Definition >3GL Identification -
         Name .............. USR104-TEST______________
      3GL Interface 104 Attributes
         User ID ............ MRS*____  or    Terminal ID ........ ________  or
         Program ............ ________
         List-Name .......... ______________________________________________________
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo              Ext               Menu

    On this screen, you define reports that rely on a general, user-defined 3GL interface. All identifying attributes can be freely chosen.


Field Explanation
3GL Interface nnn Attributes

(Identifying Attributes) In this group, you can enter up to 4 attributes to be used as selection criteria for report definitions. You must specify at least one of the attributes.

The Identifying Attributes of the 3GL Interface Defaults determine which attributes are displayed here and which attribute can be entered with an asterisk * (see 3GL Interface Maintenance in the System Administration documentation).

and (File Identification) This attribute can be used as an additional selection criterion (secondary selection). In this case, the File Identification of the 3GL Interface Defaults determines which attribute can be entered here (see 3GL Interface Maintenance in the System Administration documentation).

Top of page

Report Identification for SAP Spool

Start of instruction set To define or modify report identification for SAP Spool:

  1. Press PF11 (SAP) on the "Report Definition > JES Identification" screen.

    The "Report Definition > SAP-Spool Identification" screen is displayed:

       16:02:29             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
      User ID XYZ       - Report Definition >SAP-Spool Identification -
         Name .............. A-SAP-DEFAULT____
      SAP-Spool Attributes
         Destination ....... *___  or
         User ID ........... *___
      and List IDs ......... ____________
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo                                Menu


Field Explanation
SAP-Spool Attributes
Destination or User ID

If the report is to be identified by its destination, enter the destination.

If the report is to be identified by the user ID, enter the user ID.

You must enter a value for at least one of these fields. These attributes are the primary selection criteria for report definitions. A report definition is considered identified if at least one primary selection criterion is found. Note that the number of the identified definitions is limited by the primary selection criteria. Use the file names to make a secondary selection.

List IDs Enter a fully or partially qualified list name that identifies the report (secondary selection). A report definition is considered identified if a list ID from this group is found in addition to one of the primary selection criteria.

Top of page

Report Identification for CMA-SPOOL

Start of instruction set To define or modify report identification for CMA-SPOOL:

  1. Press PF10 (CMA) on the "Report Definition > JES Identification" screen.

    The "Report Definition > CMA-SPOOL Identification" screen is displayed:

       10:48:19             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
      User ID XYZ       - Report Definition >CMA-SPOOL Identification -
         Name .............. ADAREP-DEFAULT___________
     CMA-SPOOL Attributes
         Filename .......... ________  or
         UserID ............ ________  or
         Writer ............ ________  or
         Form .............. ____
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo              Ext               Menu

    On this screen, you define how reports are identified in the CMA-SPOOL. The report can be identified by CMA-SPOOL attributes: Filename, UserID, Writer or Form.


Field Explanation
CMA-SPOOL Attributes
File name

Enter the file name here as it appears on the CMA-screen ('Display Files' Panel). The file name can contain the user ID of the file creator, the job name or a parameter entered in the OWN field in an OPEN request. Refer to the CMA-SPOOL documentation for more details.

To identify the report by the file name, enter the file name here. You can also use an asterisk (*) to enter selection criteria for the file name. For example, for all files beginning with ADA, enter ADA*.

User ID User ID which created the list. If you want to identify the report with this ID, enter it here (UID field in OPEN request).
Writer To identify the report by the Writer parameter, enter the writer name here (WTR field in OPEN request).

To identify the report by the FORM parameter, enter the form here (FOR field in OPEN request).

A definition is considered identified, if at least one CMA-Spool-Attribute is found.

For example: If you enter the value MRS* for File name and the value MRS for User ID, all print files are identified whose file name begins with MRS or which were created by the user ID MRS.

Top of page

Report Identification for Natural

Start of instruction set To define or modify report identification for Natural:


Output from Natural is produced during the processing of a specific program. This program is stored in a Natural library and executed by a Natural user. The output can have various attributes defined in the DEFINE PRINTER statement. To identify this output, specify one or more identification attributes:

Field Explanation

Natural Attributes

Primary attributes (you must specify at least one of these):
*USER Enter Natural user ID.
*LIBRARY ID Enter a Natural library ID.
Printer Profile Enter the name as defined in the Output '....' option of the DEFINE PRINTER statement.
Secondary attributes (optional):
*PROGRAM Enter a Natural program.
FORM Enter form as defined in the DEFINE PRINTER statement.
NAME Enter name as defined in the DEFINE PRINTER statement.


  1. Use an asterisk (*) to enter selection criteria for a field, for example, MRS* for all Natural user IDs that begin with MRS. You can use asterisk notation for all attributes except Printer Profile.
  2. A first selection is made by the primary attributes, considerably reducing the number of definitions. A definition is applied to the print file, if at least one primary attribute is matched. All secondary attributes for which you have entered values must be matched.

For example: If you enter the value EBU for *USER and the value SYSNOM for *LIBRARY ID, all print files are identified which were either created by user ID EBU or created in the library SYSNOM.

Top of page

Report Identification for UNIX/Windows Nodes

Start of instruction set To define or modify report identification for UNIX:


Field Explanation
Long Records

Enter "Y", if the report is created from a UNIX file containing long records. (This field appears only if a long record container has been defined.) For further information, see Long Records

Output from a UNIX or Windows application is stored as a sequential ASCII file in a directory defined here. The monitor will move (not copy!) this file to a Entire Output Management container file and create active reports. If no report definition matches the file name pattern and no default report was found, the file cannot be processed and will be moved to a temp directory that has been defined for this node by administrator function 'UNIX Defaults'. File and path names are case sensitive, node name and path have to be defined in 'UNIX Defaults' first, also logon data for this node. Details see below:

UNIX Identification Attributes

Node name Enter a node name that has been predefined by the administrator using the function 'UNIX Defaults'. This field is case sensitive.
Path Select a path from the default definition entered with administrator using the function 'UNIX Defaults'. Use PF11 for selection. Path definitions must not contain wild characters. The defined path is owned by Entire Output Management. The monitor will process any file found in this path. Directories are not processed. If a file is found in this directory which cannot be processed, it will be moved to the 'Temp' directory (see explanation above). If the path definition in 'UNIX Defaults' is changed, the definition in this field will not change automatically. In this case, use PF11 to select a new path. This will ensure that 'old' report definition will still work, even if the defaults change.
Files Enter up to 10 files or file patterns without path entries. Wild cards * and ? can be used to insert placeholders for many (*) or one single (?) character(s) in the file name. For each file matching the pattern, an active report will be created. However, the file contents will be copied to the container file for each path only once. After the file has been processed, it will be deleted on the UNIX or Windows node. File names are case-sensitive.

Top of page

Printing Attributes

Start of instruction set To define or modify Printing Attributes:

  1. Press PF8 (Print) on the "Report Definition > General Attributes" screen.

    The "Report Definition > Printing Attributes" screen appears:

       12:05:13             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-03-19
      User ID XYZ       - Report Definition >Printing Attributes -                  
         Name .............. XYZ-XML__________________                              
      Hold Logic ........... _                                                      
      Printers ............. ________ ________ ________ ________ ________           
      Copies ............... ___      ___      ___      ___      ___                
      Separator Pages                                                               
         Start ............. ________                                               
         End ............... ________                                               
         Copies ............ ___                                                    
         Length ............ ___                                                    
      Style.. ______________________________________________________________________
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo              Ext   Edit  Prtr  Menu  

    On this screen, you define how reports are printed automatically.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF10  Edit Edit Separator member (place cursor on Separator Start or End fields and press this key).
PF11  Prtr Enter additional printers.


Field Explanation
Hold Logic

This field controls how the report is queued for printing. Enter one of the following values:

  • H (Hold) - The report is held in the printout queue until released manually.

  • C (Confirm) - The report is held in the printout queue until manually confirmed by all recipients. A message requesting printing confirmation is displayed to each user in the distribution list. When all users have confirmed, the report is automatically released for printing.

  • R (Release) - The report is printed immediately.


Enter the names of up to 5 logical printers to print the report when it is created. Display a Printer selection list by entering a question mark (?) in this field. Up to 15 additional printers may be added via PF11.
Copies Enter the number of copies of the report to be printed on each printer.
Separator Pages
Start Enter the name of the separator, to be used for printing at the beginning of the report. If this field is omitted or contains NONE, the standard separator is used.
End Enter the name of the separator, to be used for printing at the end of the report. If this field is omitted or contains NONE, the standard separator is used.
Copies Enter the number of times each separator page is to be printed.
Length Enter a separator line length, if your separator line length is greater than your report length. Default length is report length. 
Style If the report is being printed on an XML-type printer, you can specify the URL of a default stylesheet. This stylesheet will be used for XML documents, which specify file://EOM/* in the XML stylesheet href. For further information see XML Printers.

Enter the job cards for printing with batch jobs. The following substitution variables can be used:

  • §USER



If you leave this field blank, the Jobcards specifications from the logical printer definition are used.

Additional Printers

If you want to define or modify more than five printers, you use the following function.

Start of instruction set To define or modify additional Printers:

  1. Press PF11 (Prtr) on the "Report Definition > Printing Attributes" screen.

    The "Report Definition > Additional Printers" screen is displayed.

  2. On this screen, you can define up to 15 additional printers for a report by specifying:


Field Explanation
Printers Enter the names of the logical printers, on which the report is to be printed. If you enter a question mark (?) in this field, a printer selection list will appear.
Copies Specify how many copies of the report should be printed on each printer.

Top of page

Distribution Attributes

Start of instruction set To define or modify the Distribution Attributes:

  1. Press PF9 on the "Report Definition > General Attributes" screen.

    The "Report Definition > Distribution Attributes" screen is displayed:

       15:36:54             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
      User ID XYZ      - Report Definition >Distribution Attributes -
         Name .............. FVSE-DB__________________
      Distribution via NOM
         User/List ......... DC-GROUP ________ ________ ________ ________
                             ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
      Distribution via CON-NECT
         Cabinet ........... ________
         Subject ........... ____________________________________________
         Mail to ........... ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
                             ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo              Ext   Layot       Menu

    On this screen, you define the recipients of a report and the facilities used for distribution.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF10  Layot Define report layout(s) for one or more recipients.
Place the cursor on a User/List field with data and press this key.
See the section Report Layout Attributes.


Field Explanation

Distribution via NOM


Enter up to 10 user IDs or distribution list names. When the report is created, all users connected to user IDs or distribution lists entered here can access this report, and can browse, print etc.

A user ID selection window or a distribution list selection window can be opened by entering an asterisk * (or a selection criterion ending in an asterisk) in this field. For more information, see the section Selecting Users to Receive a Report.

A layout can be defined for each addressee in Entire Output Management by placing the cursor on the addressee and pressing PF10. If the addressee is a distribution list, all members in this list see the defined layout. These layouts are only for addressees in Entire Output Management, not for those in Con-nect. For further information, see the section Report Layout Attributes.


To automatically print a report with a special layout, you must define an Entire Output Management user ID AUTOPRNT. Then add AUTOPRNT to the "Distribution via NOM" list of users and give it the required layout, which will then be applied to the printed report. However the report will not actually be distributed to user AUTOPRNT, so it is not possible to log on as AUTOPRNT and view any active reports.

Distribution via Con-nect


Enter the name of a Con-nect cabinet, where you want the report contents to be created as a Con-nect document (optional).

If you do not want to create a document in a user cabinet, but wish to distribute it to Con-nect users directly, you should leave this field empty and only fill in the Mail To fields below. In this case, the report is created in a Con-nect stand-alone cabinet named SYSNOMC.

Subject Enter a description to appear with the Con-nect document.
Mail To Enter up to 10 Con-nect user IDs if you want to distribute the report directly to Con-nect users. One copy of the report is created in the Con-nect STAND-ALONE cabinet named SYSNOMC. Entire Output Management uses Con-nect to send the report to all Con-nect users defined in these fields.

Top of page

Selecting Users to Receive a Report

Start of instruction setTo select a user or group of users on a distribution list:

  1. Enter an asterisk (*), or a selection criterion ending in an asterisk, in a User/List field on the "Report Definition > Distribution Attributes" screen.

    The "Member Name" window is displayed.

  2. Press one of the following keys:

Selecting Single User for Report

Start of instruction set To select a single user to receive a report:

  1. Press PF4 (User-List) in the "Member Name" window.

    A window is displayed, listing all users defined for your Entire Output Management system.

  2. Enter any character in the field preceding the desired user.

    The user ID is written to the User/List field.

    When this report is produced, it is distributed to the "inbasket" of the user you have selected. This user can then browse and print the report. You can also restrict the user's view of the report by defining an individual report layout. For more information, see the section Report Layout Attributes.

Selecting Distribution List for Report

Start of instruction setTo select a distribution list to receive a report:

  1. Press PF5 (Dist-List) in the "Member Name" window.

    A window is displayed with a list of all distribution lists defined for your Entire Output Management system.

  2. Enter any character in the field preceding the desired distribution list.

    The name of the distribution list is written to the User/List field.

    All the users on the distribution list you have selected receive this report when it is produced. They can browse and print it. You can also restrict the users' view of the report by defining a report layout for the distribution list. For more information, see the section Report Layout Attributes.

Top of page

Report Layout Attributes

Start of instruction set To define or modify a report layout for an addressee:


Field Explanation
From / To Enter first and last column positions to be displayed.
Header Lines Number of lines (counting from top of page) that are to remain in their original format.

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Separation Attributes

Start of instruction set To define or modify Separation Attributes:

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF9  Param Define parameters specific to User Routine or Define parameters specific to Standard Routine.
PF10  Edit Edit Natural member for user routine.
PF11  Trace Trace processing of a user routine. See the section Tracing Report Processing.


Field Explanation
Create Definition When active reports are dynamically created during a standard separation or user separation process, the corresponding report definitions are usually created automatically. To suppress automatic creation, enter an "N" here. This is useful when creating unique active reports.
Standard Routine Enter "1", "2" or "3" to indicate which standard routine is to be used. For information on how to use a standard routine, see the section Using a Standard Separation Routine.
User Routine

If no user routine or standard routine is specified, the whole identified spool dataset is contained in the report.

If a user routine is required, enter the member name and the library name in the appropriate fields as described in the following.

The spool dataset records can be filtered on a record-to-record basis by a supplied user routine. With various action codes, the user routine can control the separation process and positioning within the output and can determine the contents of the created reports.

For more information, see User Routines and Separator Pages in the System Administration documentation.

The following fields are used to define the user routine which determines the report contents:

Natural Member Enter the name of the Natural member containing the user routine. Press PF10 (Edit) to edit this member.
Natural Library The user routine can be a Natural subprogram. You can enter the Natural library name containing the user routine or leave this field blank. The library name must not begin with SYS, unless it is SYSNOMU.
3GL If the user routine is written in a language other than Natural, enter the name of the routine. This user routine is invoked by a CALL statement.

Top of page

User Routine Parameters

Start of instruction set To define or modify parameters for a user routine:

  1. Press PF9 (Param) on the "Report Definition > Separation Attributes" screen.

    The "Report Definition > User Separation" window is displayed.

  2. In this window, you can specify up to 5 parameters which are passed to the user routine at the start of report processing.

Top of page

Using a Standard Separation Routine

A Standard Separation Routine is a method supplied by Software AG for separating or filtering spool datasets. When you use such a routine, you must supply parameters which tailor further processing.

Using Standard Separation 1

Standard Separation 1 separates spool data into several reports depending on the break of the specified suffix. The suffix need not appear in sorted order.

Standard Separation 1 searches for a defined string in a defined line or anywhere on a page. If the string appears on a page, a suffix is evaluated (at break of the suffix value, a new report is opened). If the string is not found, the page is added to the currently open report. If no report is open, the page is rejected.

When separating POWER spool datasets, make use of container files. The spool dataset is compressed and copied into a database file before processing. For more information on container files, see Monitor Defaults in the System Administration documentation.

Start of instruction set To define or modify the use of Standard Separation 1:

  1. Enter "1" in the Standard Routine field on the "Report Definition > Separation Attributes" screen and press PF9 (Param).

    If long report and bundle names are displayed by the system (see settings in System Defaults and Adding a User Profile), the "Report Definition > Standard Separation 1" screen will take the following form:

      18:36:30             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
     User ID XYZ      - Report Definition >Standard Separation 1 -
        Name .............. UEX-GO___________________
        Line .............. ___
        String ............ __________________________________________________
        Line .............. ___
        Start Column ...... ___
        End Column ........ ___
     Prefix: Reports ...... _________________________
             Bundles(1-2).. _________________________ _________________________
                    (3-4).. _________________________ _________________________
                    (5).... _________________________
    Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo              Ext               Menu

    With PF9 (Ext) you can switch to short names display.


Field Explanation

Enter the line number, starting from the top of the page, where the string must appear. To determine this line number, you must also count lines containing only carriage control characters.

If you do not specify Search Line, then the search string can appear anywhere on the page.


Enter the string to be searched for. If this string appears on a page, the suffix is evaluated (at break of the suffix value, a new report is opened). If the string is not found, the page is added to the currently open report. If no report is open, the page is rejected. You can specify a search pattern like:




where * stands for any string and % stands for any character.

You must bracket the string with * (for example: *string*) if it can occur anywhere within a line.

Line Enter the line number, starting from the top of the page, where the report suffix appears. To determine this line number, you must also count lines containing only carriage control characters. If you do not specify Suffix Line, Entire Output Management assumes that the suffix is located in the Search Line.
Start Column Enter the position in the line where the report suffix starts (value from 1 to 251). To determine position, you must also count carriage control codes and/or table reference characters.
End Column Enter the position in the line where the report suffix ends (value from 1 to 251). To determine position, you must also count carriage control codes and/or table reference characters.
Reports Enter the report prefix which is concatenated to the suffix to determine the report name. The suffix is concatenated suppressing leading and trailing blanks.

(optional) Enter the bundle prefix which is concatenated to the suffix to determine the bundle name. The suffix is concatenated suppressing leading and trailing blanks. Up to 5 bundles can be specified.

To generate bundles with fixed names, fill in this field completely. No suffix is then appended.

Example1 - Salary Report

We have a salary report sorted by department number and want to separate it into the various departments. A standard routine could be defined as follows to perform an automatic separation:

Report Definition (Stand. Separation 1)

   15:43:45             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
  User ID XYZ       - Report Definition >Standard Separation 1 -
     Name .............. PWR-EMPL-STD1-S__________
     Line .............. 2__
     String ............ *Employee List sorted by Departments*______________
     Line .............. 3__
     Start Column ...... 55_
     End Column ........ 58_

  Prefix: Reports ...... DEPTS1-__________________
          Bundles(1-2).. DEP-_____________________ _________________________
                 (3-4).. _________________________ _________________________
                 (5).... _________________________

  Command => ___________________________________________________________________
       Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo              Ext               Menu

The bundle prefix is optional.

This standard routine separates the spool dataset on a page basis and creates reports whose names begin with DEPTS1-. The report name is created by adding the prefix DEPTS1- to the suffix found in the spool dataset in the positions defined in the example above, for example: DEPTS1-FINA.

Optionally, the report can be directed to a bundle with the prefix DEP-. The bundle name is created by adding the DEP- prefix to the suffix found in the spool dataset, for example: DEP-FINA.

When the suffix and the identifier string are not on the same line, the line parameters must be used. Enter the line numbers where the identifier string and suffix are found. This must be the absolute line number as counted from the top of the page.

Using Standard Separation 2

Standard Separation 2 separates spool data into several reports depending on up to 5 break conditions.

Standard Separation 2 searches for a defined string in a defined line or anywhere on a page. If the string appears on a page, up to 5 suffixes are evaluated (at break of a suffix value, a new report is opened for that suffix). If no string is found, the page is added to the currently opened reports. If no report is opened, the page is rejected.

When separating POWER spool datasets, make use of container files. The spool dataset is compressed and copied into a database file before processing. For more information on container files, see the section Monitor Defaults in the System Administration documentation.

Start of instruction set To define or modify the use of Standard Separation 2:

  1. Enter 2 in the Standard Routine field on the "Report Definition > Separation Attributes" screen and press PF9 (Param).

    If long report and bundle names are displayed by the system (see settings in System Defaults and Adding a User Profile), the "Report Definition > Standard Separation 2" screen will take the following form:

      19:00:10             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
     User ID XYZ       - Report Definition >Standard Separation 2 -
        Name .............. UEX-GO___________________
        Line .............. ___
        String ............ __________________________________________________
     SuffixLi/CF/CT Report Prefix              Bundle Prefix 1
     _____________  _________________________  _________________________
     ___  ___  ___  _________________________  _________________________
     ___  ___  ___  _________________________  _________________________
     ___  ___  ___  _________________________  _________________________
     ___  ___  ___  _________________________  _________________________
     ___  ___  ___  _________________________  _________________________
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo              Ext    <     >    Menu

    By pressing PF9 (Ext) you can switch to short names display.


Field Explanation
Line Enter the line number, starting from the top of the page, where the string must appear. To determine this line number, you must also count lines containing only carriage control characters. If you do not specify Search Line, then the search string can appear anywhere on the page.

Enter the string to be searched for. If this string appears on a page, the suffix is evaluated (at break of the suffix value, a new report is opened). If no string is found, the page is added to the currently opened reports. If no report is opened, the page is rejected. You can specify a search pattern like:




where * stands for any string and % stands for any character.

You can define parameters for up to 5 suffixes in the following three fields.
Li Enter the line number, starting from the top of the page, where the report suffix appears. To determine this line number, you must also count lines containing only carriage control characters. If you do not specify Suffix Li(ne), Entire Output Management assumes that the suffix is located in the Search Line.
CF (column-from) Enter the position in the line where the report suffix starts (value from 1 to 251). To determine position, you must also count carriage control codes and/or table reference characters.
CT (column-to) Enter the position in the line where the report suffix ends (value from 1 to 251). To determine position, you must also count carriage control codes and/or table reference characters.
Report Prefix Enter the report prefix which is concatenated to the suffix to determine the report name. The suffix is concatenated suppressing leading and trailing blanks.
Bundle Prefix (optional) Enter the bundle prefix which is concatenated to the suffix to determine the bundle name. The suffix is concatenated suppressing leading and trailing blanks. Up to 5 bundle prefixes can be specified for each suffix. To generate bundles with fixed names, fill in this field completely . No suffix is then appended. If long report and bundles names are displayed, only 1 bundle prefix is displayed for each suffix. To process the other bundle prefixes, press PF10 or PF11. The number of the currently displayed prefix appears after the title Bundle Prefix.

Example 2 - Salary Report

We have a salary report sorted by department number and want to separate it into the various main departments and sub-departments. A standard routine could be defined as follows to perform an automatic separation:

Report Definition (Stand. Separation 2)

  19:00:10             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
 User ID XYZ       - Report Definition >Standard Separation 2 -
    Name .............. PWR-EMPL-STD2-S__________
    Line .............. 2__
    String ............ *Employee List sorted by*_________________________

 SuffixLi/CF/CT  Report Prefix              Bundle Prefix 1
 ______________  _________________________  _________________________
  3__  55_  58_  STD21-___________________  DEP-_____________________
  3__  55_  60_  STD22-___________________  DEP-_____________________
  ___  ___  ___  _________________________  _________________________
  ___  ___  ___  _________________________  _________________________
  ___  ___  ___  _________________________  _________________________

  Command => ___________________________________________________________________
       Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo              Ext    <     >    Menu

The bundle prefix is optional.

This standard routine separates the spool dataset on a page basis and creates reports whose names begin with STD21- for the main departments and STD22- for the sub-departments. The report name is created by adding the prefix STD21- to the department name (Columns 55-58 in Line 3) or by adding the prefix STD22- to the sub-department name (Columns 55-60 in Line 3) found in the spool data.

Optionally, the report can be directed to a bundle with the prefix DEP-. The bundle name is created by adding the DEP- prefix to the department or sub-department name.

When the suffix and the identifier string are not on the same line, the line parameters must be used. Enter the line numbers where the identifier string and suffix are found. This must be the absolute line number as counted from the top of the page.

Using Standard Separation 3

Standard Separation 3 searches for a defined string in a defined line. If the string appears on a page, the lines of the page are analyzed regarding the defined logical expression. If not, the whole page is rejected.

From the Start Line until end of page, the lines are added to the report, if they match the defined logical expression. Lines before the Start Line are also rejected unless they are defined as Header Lines.

Start of instruction set To define or modify the use of Standard Separation 3:

  1. Enter 3 in the Standard Routine field on the "Report Definition > Separation Attributes" screen and press PF9 (Param).

    The "Report Definition > Standard Separation 3" screen appears:

       15:45:40             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
      User ID XYZ       - Report Definition >Standard Separation 3 -
         Name .............. UEX-GO___________________
         Line .............. ___
         String ............ __________________________________________________
      Header Lines ......... __
      Start Line ........... ___
         and/or Col From/to F    Value
         ______ ___________ _ __ __________________________________________________
                  ___ ___   _ __ __________________________________________________
           ___    ___ ___   _ __ __________________________________________________
           ___    ___ ___   _ __ __________________________________________________
           ___    ___ ___   _ __ __________________________________________________
           ___    ___ ___   _ __ __________________________________________________
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo              Ext               Menu


Feld Erklärung
Line Enter the line number, starting from the top of the page, where the string must appear. To determine this line number, you must also count lines containing only carriage control characters.

Enter the string to be searched for. If this string appears on a page, the page is processed. If no string is found, the page is rejected. You can specify a search pattern like:




where * stands for any string and % stands for any character.

Header Lines

Enter the number of lines (0-20), starting from the top of the page, which are used as header lines. To determine this line number, you must also count lines containing only carriage control.

If Header Lines = 0, no header lines are added. Otherwise, if there is on a page at least one line, which matches the separation's logical expression, the header lines are added.

Start Line Enter the line, starting from the top of the page, from which filter processing starts. The lines preceding the Start Line are automatically excluded from the report, unless they are defined as Header Lines. To determine this line number, you must also count lines containing only carriage control characters.

Concatenates two conditions. Possible values:

  • AND - concatenates with logical AND.

  • OR - concatenates with logical OR.

  • (blank) - concatenates the same variable with OR=.

For an example, see below.

Col From/to Indicates the position of the operand. Enter positions in column from which to start and at which to end filter processing (value from 1 to 251).

Format. Variable type (first column) and relational expression (second column). Possible variable types:

  • A = Alphanumeric.

  • M = Mask as described in the Natural Reference documentation.

  • N = Numeric.

Relational Expressions: see below

Value Enter a numeric or alphanumeric value or a mask definition.

If most of these lines are rejected, set "Store in NOM DB=Y" (on the Report Definition > General Attributes screen). The selected lines are copied to the Entire Output Management database and the spool dataset can be deleted.

Relational Expressions

Operator Meaning
EQ, =  Equal to.
GE, >=  Greater than or equal to.
GT, >  Greater than.
LE, <=  Less than or equal to.
LT, <  Less than.
NE, !  Not equal to.

Example 3 - Salary Report

We have a salary report sorted by department number and want to extract all employees with sex = M, personnel ID number >= 6000000 and birthday <= 50/01/01 (sub-department COMP12):

Report Definition (Stand. Separation 3)

   15:45:40             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
  User ID XYZ       - Report Definition >Standard Separation 3 -
     Name .............. PWR-EMPL-STD3-D3_________
     Line .............. 3__
     String ............ *COMP12*__________________________________________
  Header Lines ......... 8_
  Start Line ........... 9__
     and/or Col From/to F    Value
     ______ ___________ _ __ __________________________________________________
              55_ 62_   N GE 6000000___________________________________________
       AND    65_ 65_   A EQ M_________________________________________________
       AND    67_ 74_   A LE 50/01/01__________________________________________
       ___    ___ ___   _ __ __________________________________________________
       ___    ___ ___   _ __ __________________________________________________

  Command => ___________________________________________________________________
       Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo              Ext               Menu

The lines 1 to 8 are taken as header lines. The filter starts in Line 9.

Example 4: Natural CATALL Report

We have a CATALL list and want to extract all lines with error number unequal to 0.

Report Definition (Stand. Separation 3)

   15:45:40             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
  User ID XYZ       - Report Definition >Standard Separation 3 -
     Name .............. NOM-CATALL-ERRORS________
     Line .............. 3__
     String ............ *- Error Report -*________________________________
  Header Lines ......... __
  Start Line ........... 6__
     and/or Col From/to F    Value
     ______ ___________ _ __ __________________________________________________
              16_ 19_   N NE 0_________________________________________________
       OR_    65_ 65_   N NE 0_________________________________________________
       ___    ___ ___   _ __ __________________________________________________
       ___    ___ ___   _ __ __________________________________________________
       ___    ___ ___   _ __ __________________________________________________
  Command => ___________________________________________________________________
       Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo              Ext               Menu

No header lines are added. The filter starts in Line 6 on pages with the string - Error Report - in Line 3.

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