Version 3.2.1
 —  User's Guide  —

Other Report Maintenance Functions

This section covers the following topics:

Use Selection Criteria to List Reports

Start of instruction set To list only those reports on the Report Maintenance screen which satisfy certain criteria:

  1. Press PF9 (Selct).

    The "Find Report Definitions" window opens:

     !                                                                            !
     !                         - Find Report Definitions -                        !
     !                                                                            !
     ! Report                                                                     !
     !    Name .........     0 _________________________ (*)                      !
     !    Master Report      0 _________________________ (*)                      !
     !                                                                            !
     ! Keywords ........     0 _______________ _______________                    !
     !                         _______________ _______________                    !
     ! Distribute to ...     0 ________ (*)                                       !
     ! Printer .........     0 ________ (*)                                       !
     !                                                                            !
     ! Identification          JES                POWER              BS2000/OSD   !
     !    Jobname ......     0 ________ (*)     0 ________ (*)     0 ________ (*) !
     !    Writer .......     0 ________ (*)                                       !
     !    Destination ..     0 ________ (*)     0 ________ (*)                    !
     !    Form .........     0 ______   (*)     0 ____     (*)     0 ________ (*) !
     !    User ID ......                                           0 ________ (*) !
     !                                                                            !
     ! Total ...........     0                                                    !
     !  PF3 Exit                                                                  !

    In this window, you can enter the report attributes to be used for finding reports to be listed on the "Report Maintenance" screen.


In all fields marked with an asterisk (*) below, you can enter selection criteria, as described for the field Report Name.


Field Explanation
Name *

Enter a report name or selection criteria for a report prefix.

For example:

  • ADA* - Lists all reports beginning with ADA.

  • ADA-01 - Lists only the report ADA-01.

Master Report * Enter the name of a master report or selection criteria for a master report prefix. The Master Report field is used to find created reports only. Since these created reports have no identification, specifying a master report and jobname identification will result in nothing found.
Keywords Enter up to 4 keywords.
Distribute to * Enter a user ID or distribution list name, as defined in the User/List field on the "Report Definition > Distribution Attributes" screen, or enter selection criteria for a User ID/List prefix.
Printer * Enter a Printer name, as defined in the Printers field on the "Report Definition > Printing Attributes" screen, or enter selection criteria for a Printer name prefix.


Field Explanation
Jobname * Enter a job name, as defined in the Jobname field on the Report Definition > JES Identification screen, or enter selection criteria for a job name prefix.
Writer * Enter a writer name, as defined in the Or Writer field on the Report Definition > JES Identification screen, or enter selection criteria for a writer name prefix.
Destination * Enter a destination value, as defined in the Or Destination field on the Report Definition > JES Identification screen, or enter selection criteria for a destination prefix.
Form * Enter a FORMS value, as defined in the Or Form field on the Report Definition > JES Identification screen, or enter selection criteria for a form prefix.
Jobname * Enter a job name, as defined in the Jobname field on the Report Definition > POWER Identification screen, or enter selection criteria for a job name prefix.
Destination * Enter a destination value, as defined in the Or Destination field on the Report Definition > POWER Identification screen, or enter selection criteria for a destination prefix.
Form * Enter a FORM value, as defined in the Or Form field on the Report Definition > POWER Identification screen, or enter selection criteria for a form prefix.
Jobname * Enter a PNAME, as defined in the Pname field on the Report Definition > BS2000/OSD Identification screen, or enter selection criteria for a PNAME prefix.
Form * Enter a FORM value, as defined in the Or Form field on the Report Definition > BS2000/OSD Identification screen, or enter selection criteria for a form prefix.
User ID * Enter a user ID, as defined in the Or User ID field on the Report Definition > BS2000/OSD Identification screen , or enter selection criteria for an ID prefix.
Total (output field) The total number of reports, that satisfy all selection criteria, appears here.

When you have finished entering selection criteria, as described in section Fields, above, press ENTER.

The number of reports found, which satisfy the selection criteria entered, is displayed in the numeric fields immediately preceding the corresponding input fields. The total number of reports, which satisfy all selection criteria, is displayed in the Total field at the bottom of the screen:

 !                                                                            !
 !                         - Find Report Definitions -                        !
 !                                                                            !
 ! Report                                                                     !
 !    Name .........     6 ADA*______________________ (*)                     !
 !    Master Report      0 __________________________ (*)                     !
 !                                                                            !
 ! Keywords ........    10 STANDARD_______ _______________                    !
 !                         _______________ _______________                    !
 ! Distribute to ...   182 MSE_____ (*)                                       !
 ! Printer .........     0 ________ (*)                                       !
 !                                                                            !
 ! Identification          JES                POWER              BS2000/OSD   !
 !    Jobname ......     0 ________ (*)     0 ________ (*)     0 ________ (*) !
 !    Writer .......     0 ________ (*)                                       !
 !    Destination ..     0 ________ (*)     0 ________ (*)                    !
 !    Form .........     0 ______   (*)     0 ____     (*)     0 ________ (*) !
 !    User ID ......                                           0 ________ (*) !
 !                                                                            !
 ! Total ...........     5                                                    !
 !  PF3 Exit                                                                  !       !

In the example above, we are looking for all reports which begin with ADA, have the keyword STANDARD and are distributed to the User ID MSE.

Entire Output Management has located 6 reports beginning with ADA, 10 reports with the keyword STANDARD and 182 reports distributed to the User ID MSE. There are 5 reports which satisfy all these criteria.

Press ENTER again. A security check is performed, and all reports found for which the user is authorized are listed on the "Report Maintenance" screen.

If the user is not authorized for some reports, a message indicates the number of reports rejected for this reason.

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Modifying a Report Definition

Start of instruction set To modify a report definition:

  1. On the "Report Maintenance" screen, enter the line command MO next to the report you want to modify.

    The "Report Definition" screen appears for the report you have selected.

  2. You can modify the data displayed by entering new data in the input fields. When you have finished modifying the report definition, press ENTER to save your modifications.

    A message confirms that the report definition has modified.

  3. If COMMIT is set to OFF, press PF5 (Do) to save your modifications before exiting. Otherwise, a window opens which asks you to commit your modifications. To do so, enter a "Y".

    A message confirms that all modifications have been committed.

For explanations of the input fields, see Fields: Report Definition - General Attributes.

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Authorizing User Access to a Report

Start of instruction setTo authorize user access to a report:

  1. On the "Report Maintenance" screen, enter the line command AU next to the report for which you want to grant authorization.

    The "Authorization List" window for reports opens.

  2. To grant authorization to a new user, proceed as described in the section Authorizing User Access to Objects.

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Copying a Report Definition

Start of instruction set To copy a report definition:

  1. On the "Report Maintenance" screen, enter the line command CO next to the report you want to copy.

    A window is displayed.

  2. Enter the name of the target report in the input field provided.

    A message confirms the copying.

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Deleting a Report Definition

Start of instruction set To delete a report definition:

  1. On the "Report Maintenance" screen, enter the line command DE next to the report you want to delete.

    If CONFIRM is set to ON, a window is displayed asking you to confirm the deletion.

  2. To do so, enter the report name in the input field provided.

    A message confirms the deletion.

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Displaying a Report Definition

Start of instruction setTo display a report definition:

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Displaying Log Info for a Report Definition

Start of instruction set To display log information for a report definition:

  1. On the "Report Maintenance" screen, enter the line command LO next to the report for which you want to display log information.

    The "Log Display" screen appears for the report selected.

  2. You can display more information about a log entry by marking it with the line command IN.

For further details, see the section Displaying Log Information for an Object and the Log Display screen.

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Listing Active Reports

Start of instruction setTo list active reports:

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Renaming a Report Definition

Start of instruction set To rename a report definition:

  1. On the "Report Maintenance" screen, enter the line command RN next to the report you want to rename.

    A window will be displayed.

  2. In the window, enter the new report name in the appropriate input field.

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