Version 3.2.1
 —  System Administration  —

Monitor Start/Close

The Monitor runs as a Natural subtask under Entire System Server or as a batch job and does all the work of generating, printing and distributing reports and bundles.

This section covers the following topics:

Monitor Management Screen

Start of instruction set To select Monitor Start/Close:

  1. Enter 6 in the command line of the System Administration menu.

    The Monitor Management screen is displayed:

      17:14:52             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2007-05-16
     User ID XYZ                - Monitor Management -                             
                                                    Status  Idle                   
                                                        at  17:14:15  2007-05-16   
        S Start Monitor                                                            
        C Close Monitor                                                            
        L Display Monitor Log                                                      
        D Display Monitor Log by Date/Time                                         
        P Purge Monitor Buffer Pool                                                
        E Purge a single Buffer Pool Entry                                         
                  :   ----------  Main Task Parameters  ----------- :              
                  :   Monitor Node ........ 40                      :              
                  :   Minimum Wait ........ 10__       (in seconds) :              
                  :   Maximum Wait ........ 50__       (in seconds) :              
                  :   Wait Increment ...... 5___       (in seconds) :              
                  :   Current Wait ........ 60         (in seconds) :              
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit  Flip                    Tasks       Wake        Menu  

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF8 Tasks Display monitor subtask status.
PF10  Wake Activate the Monitor before the next cycle.

The Monitor Management screen enables the system administrator to start, wake or close the Entire Output Management Monitor manually, display the Monitor Log and purge the Monitor Buffer Pool.

These functions are explained below.


Field Explanation

Monitor status. Possible values:

  • Closed

  • Purge

  • Idle

  • Monitor not active

  • Process bundles

  • Process JES Queue

  • Process printouts

  • Purge expired archive

  • Purge expired bundles

  • Purge expired Logs

  • Purge expired printouts

  • Purge expired reports

  • Shutdown in progress

at The time when the Monitor was last active.
Monitor Node The node under which Entire Output Management is running.
Minimum Wait The minimum time in seconds the Monitor is to wait between two consecutive monitoring cycles. You can modify this value by entering a new value.
Maximum Wait The maximum time in seconds the Monitor is to wait between two consecutive monitoring cycles. You can modify this value by entering a new value.
Wait Increment The number of seconds by which the wait time increases. If there is no activity during the minimum wait time, the wait time is increased by this value, until the maximum is reached. When activity occurs, the wait time returns to the minimum. You can modify this value by entering a new value.
Current Wait The wait time in effect for the current cycle.

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Starting the Monitor

Start of instruction set To start the Monitor, the Entire System Server Node specified for start must be active.

  1. Enter an S in the command line.

    A message confirms the start, and the value of the Status field changes accordingly.

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Waking the Monitor

Start of instruction set To activate the Monitor before the next scheduled activity cycle, see Wait parameters above).

  1. Press PF10 (Wake) on the Monitor Management screen.

    The Monitor is activated.

  2. When you press ENTER again, the at field (see above) displays the time when the Monitor became active.

    If there was any pending work, the Status changes. When the activity cycle is completed, Monitor status changes back to Idle.

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Closing the Monitor

Start of instruction set To close the Monitor:

  1. Enter a C in the command line of the Monitor Management screen.

    A window is displayed, asking you for confirmation.

  2. Enter SHUTDOWN to confirm the shutdown.

    The Monitor status changes to "Shutdown In Progress". This means that the Monitor has not yet detected the close, since it is in wait status. The next time it is active, the Monitor detects the close and performs the normal close.

    The value of the Status field changes to "Closed".

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Modifying the Wait Time between Two Monitor Cycles

You can change the default wait time between two monitoring cycles, in order to reflect the load at your site, by modifying the Wait fields:

For descriptions of these fields, see Wait Factor.

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Displaying Monitor Log

Start of instruction set To display the monitor log in descending chronological order (most recent event first):

  1. Enter L in the command line of the Monitor Management screen.

    A screen appears displaying all Monitor log records, ordered by descending time.

Start of instruction set To display the monitor log in ascending chronological order (oldest event first):

  1. Enter D in the command line of the Monitor Management screen.

    A screen appears displaying all Monitor log records, ordered by ascending time.

  2. You can display more information about a log entry by entering the IN line command in the command line preceding the entry.

    A user that is a non-administrator may also Display Log information via the profile setting "Display Monitor" set to Y on the User Profile Definition screen. This enables them to only display log information in the system administration sub-system using option 6 "Monitor Start/Close".

    Sometimes errors require user intervention. The monitor will try to re-execute its tasks each monitor cycle. To reduce logging during such transient error situations, repeated identical log messages will be automatically suppressed using the following scheme:

For further details, see the section LO - Display Log Information for an Object.

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Purging Monitor Buffer Pool

Start of instruction set To purge the monitor buffer pool:

  1. Enter P in the command line of the Monitor Management screen.

    All entries in the Natural Buffer Pool are purged.

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Purging a Single Buffer Pool Entry

Start of instruction set To purge a single buffer pool entry:

  1. Enter E in the command line of the Monitor Management screen.

    A window is displayed.

  2. In this window, you enter the data for the object to be purged:


    Field Explanation
    Library Enter the name of the library where the object to be purged is located.
    Object Enter the name of the object to be purged.
    DBID Enter the ID of the database where the object to be purged is located.
    FNR Enter the file number of the object to be purged.

    Only the object specified will be purged from the Monitor Buffer Pool.

Starting and Stopping the Monitor Trace

As monitor performance is significantly worse when tracing is active, you should only activate it under the direction of your Software AG support representative.

Start of instruction set To start or stop the monitor activity trace:

  1. Enter the command TRACE ON or T+ (to start the trace) or TRACE OFF or T- (to stop the trace) respectively in the command line.

    A message is written to the monitor's output file to record that tracing was started or stopped.

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Monitor Task Management

 17:23:28             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2007-05-16   
   UserId UKSJU             - Monitor Task Management -                          
   Cmd  # ----- Task Status ------ Action    Last Active          Wait Factors   
                                                               Min  Max Incr Curr
    _  01  Idle                    M     2005-07-24 17:23:26  30__ 120_  10_ 30  
    _  02  Process SPOOL Queue     S     2005-07-24 17:23:28  60__ 300_  30_ 60  
    _  03  Idle                    C     2005-07-24 17:23:28  120_ 3600  120 120 
    _  04  Process Bundles         R     2005-07-24 17:23:28  30__ 180_  10_ 30  
    _  05  Idle                    P     2005-07-24 17:23:28  40__ 240_  20_ 40  
   Action values : M Main task, S Scan source queues, C Copy to container,       
                   R Create reports/bundles, P Manage printouts                  
   Valid commands: C Close, W Wake, P Purge buffer, E Purge single, L Display log
   Command => ___________________________________________________________________
        Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo        Wait                    Menu

This screen shows the current status of the monitor subtasks.


Field Explanation
# Task number 01 to 05
Task Status Current task status
Action Processing performed by this task
Last Active Date and time the task was last active
Wait Factors The Minimum, Maximum, Increment and Current wait times for this task. These values (except current) may be modified by pressing PF8 and overtyping with the required new value.
Cmd Line command, which may take one of the following values:
C Close the task. If you close task 1, all subtasks will be closed.
For any other subtask, task 1 will take over its work.
W Wake the task to perform its processing cycle.
P Purge the Natural buffer pool of the task.
E Purge a single object from the Natural buffer pool of the task.
L Display log entries for the task.

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