Class EngineClientBean

  extended by com.apama.engine.beans.EngineClientBean
All Implemented Interfaces:
ConnectOperationsInterface, DeleteOperationsInterface, EngineClientInterface, InjectOperationsInterface, InspectOperationsInterface, ReceiveConsumerOperationsInterface, SendOperationsInterface, WatchOperationsInterface, BaseClientInterface, PingClientInterface, PingOperationsInterface

public class EngineClientBean
extends java.lang.Object
implements EngineClientInterface

EngineClientBean is a JavaBean for interacting with an Apama engine, typically a Correlator. This includes the ability to send and receive events, inject and delete EPL/MonitorScript, connect Apama engines together, inspect what was injected into correlator and more.

Receiving events using the engine client

Clients wishing to use the engine client to receive events should do so by adding one or more named consumers, each of which has its own independent event listener and list of channels to receive from. The named consumer methods generally have "consumer" in their name, and are defined by ReceiveConsumerOperationsInterface.

Users needing more advanced send/receive functionality should also consider using the higher level IEventService rather than the engine client.

Use EventType and its associated classes to parse and generate Event objects for receiving and sending using this class.

Lifecycle of the engine client

Once this engine client has been configured as needed (e.g. setPort(int), setHost(String)), a connection can be established either synchronously using connectNow() (which throws an exception on error) or asynchronously using connectInBackground() (which automatically retries until a connection is established - see setConnectionPollingInterval(int) and setReconnectPeriod(long)).

Once the bean connected successfully, a background thread will keep pinging it to ensure the connection is still up (see setConnectionPollingInterval(int)). If the entire bean connection is lost, the BaseClientInterface.PROPERTY_BEAN_CONNECTED and ReceiveConsumerOperationsInterface.PROPERTY_ALL_CONSUMERS_CONNECTED properties will change to false to notify the user of the engine client, and the client will continue to try to reconnect in the background (with the retry interval configurable using setConnectionPollingInterval(int)). If the client itself remains connected but its named consumers are disconnected by the engine (due to being slow, if slow consumer disconnection is enabled) then it is the caller's responsibility to force reconnection of the consumers by disconnecting and reconnecting the client (although applications with this requirement may be better off using the IEventService instead). To prevent reconnecting slow consumers too soon after disconnection, a minimum time between reconnection attempts can be configured using setReconnectPeriod(long).

The engine client can be disconnected using disconnect() whenever required, however once it is no longer needed any more, final cleanup should be performed by calling dispose() which will disconnect it and also ensure that any background threads started by the client have been terminated.


This class has locking so that concurrent use by multiple threads is safe. To avoid synchronization problems, clients should not synchronize on the object nor call methods on the object within consumer callbacks. If they wish to do so, the consumer should be added as asynchronous (see addConsumer method). Please also avoid synchronously calling the engine client from within property change listeners, especially the ReceiveConsumerOperationsInterface.PROPERTY_ALL_CONSUMERS_CONNECTED property (the IEventService may be a better fit for applications that need to do this).

Note that the deprecated "simple bean receiver" (and ReceiveOperationsInterface) feature was removed in the 5.1 release; the named consumer interface should now be used instead.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.apama.engine.beans.interfaces.EngineClientInterface
Fields inherited from interface
Fields inherited from interface com.apama.engine.beans.interfaces.InspectOperationsInterface
Fields inherited from interface com.apama.engine.beans.interfaces.WatchOperationsInterface
Fields inherited from interface com.apama.engine.beans.interfaces.ReceiveConsumerOperationsInterface
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor - as required to be a bean.
Method Summary
 ConsumerOperationsInterface addConsumer(java.lang.String uniqueName, java.lang.String... channels)
          Add a new uniquely-named synchronous consumer that listens on a specified set of channels.
 ConsumerOperationsInterface addConsumer(java.lang.String uniqueName, java.lang.String[] channels, boolean disconnectSlow)
          Add a new uniquely-named consumer that listens on a specified set of channels.
 ConsumerOperationsInterface addConsumer(java.lang.String uniqueName, java.lang.String[] channels, boolean disconnectSlow, boolean async)
          Add a new uniquely-named consumer that listens on a specified set of channels.
 void addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
          Add a property change listener (without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance).
 void addPropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String propertyName, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
          Add a property change listener for a specific named property (without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance).
 void attachAsConsumerOfEngine(EngineClientBean sourceEngineBean, java.lang.String[] channels)
          Connect this engine to another (non-persisently) so that it receives events emitted on the specified channels.
 void attachAsConsumerOfEngine(java.lang.String sourceHost, int sourcePort, java.lang.String[] channels)
          Connect this engine to another (non-persistently) so that it receives events emitted on the specified channels.
 void attachAsConsumerOfEngine(java.lang.String sourceHost, int sourcePort, java.lang.String[] channels, boolean persistent)
          Connect this engine to another so that it receives events emitted on the specified channels.
 void attachAsConsumerOfEngine(java.lang.String sourceHost, int sourcePort, java.lang.String[] channels, boolean persistent, boolean disconnectSlow)
          Connect this engine to another so that it receives events emitted on the specified channels.
 void connectInBackground()
          Requests that the bean begins to establish a connection automatically in the background.
 void connectNow()
          Manually request that the bean connects to the remote server.
 void deleteAll()
          Deletes everything from the engine.
 void deleteName(java.lang.String name, boolean force)
          Delete a name from the engine.
 void deleteNames(java.util.List<java.lang.String> names, boolean force)
          Delete a number of names.
 void deleteNamesFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames, boolean force)
          Delete a number of names from a file or stdin.
 void deleteNamesFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames, boolean force, boolean utf8)
          Delete a number of names from a file or stdin.
 void detachAsConsumerOfEngine(EngineClientBean sourceEngineBean, java.lang.String[] channels)
          Disconnect this engine from another so that it not longer receives events emitted on the specified channels.
 void detachAsConsumerOfEngine(java.lang.String sourceHost, int sourcePort, java.lang.String[] channels)
          Disconnect this engine from another so that it not longer receives events emitted on the specified channels.
 void detachAsConsumerOfEngine(java.lang.String sourceHost, int sourcePort, java.lang.String[] channels, boolean persistent)
          Disconnect this engine from another so that it not longer receives events emitted on the specified channels.
 void disconnect()
          Sets the desired state of the bean to disconnected instead of connected, disconnects consumers and stops pinging the remote correlator to keep the connection alive.
 void dispose()
          Disconnects the client and also waits to ensure that all background threads and other resources associated with this object have been terminated or freed.
 void flushEvents()
          Wait for any outstanding events from previous SendOperationsInterface.sendEvents(Event...) or SendOperationsInterface.sendEvents(boolean, Event...) (where the boolean is true) calls into the Engine, and then return.
 ConsumerOperationsInterface[] getAllConsumers()
          Get all existing uniquely-named consumers.
 boolean getBeanConnected()
          Get the beanConnected property value.
 int getConnectionPollingInterval()
          Get the polling interval (in milliseconds) for the background connection and ping thread.
 ConsumerOperationsInterface getConsumer(java.lang.String uniqueName)
          Get an existing uniquely-named consumer.
 EngineInfo getEngineInfo()
          Get the most recently recorded inspection information.
 java.lang.String getHost()
          Get the name of the host to be connected to.
 int getInspectPollingInterval()
          Get the inspectPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new information.
 boolean getMonitorOnly()
          Getter for the monitorOnly property.
 int getPort()
          Get the port number to be connected to.
 java.lang.String getProcessName()
          Get the process Name in use This is the process name in use for this bean The process name is a display name to identify which application is responsible for this connection to the Correlator (this name is included in log files for diagnostic purposes)
 boolean getReceiveOnly()
          Getter for the receiveOnly property.
 EngineInfo getRemoteEngineInfo()
          Request the remote Engine inspection info.
 EngineStatus getRemoteStatus()
          Request the remote Engine status.
 EngineStatus getStatus()
          Get the most recently recorded status.
 int getStatusPollingInterval()
          Get the statusPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new status information.
 boolean getVerbose()
          Getter for the verbose property.
 java.lang.String[] injectCDP(byte[] cdpBytes)
          Send the bytes of a CDP (Correlator Deployment Package) to the engine without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance.
 java.lang.String[] injectCDP(byte[] cdpBytes, java.lang.String filename)
          Send the bytes of a CDP (Correlator Deployment Package) to the engine without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance.
 java.lang.String[] injectCDPsFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames)
          Inject a collection of CDPs read from files (or stdin), without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance.
 java.lang.String[] injectJavaApplication(byte[] jarBytes)
          Send the bytes of a JMon application jar to the engine without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance.
 java.lang.String[] injectJavaApplicationsFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames)
          Inject a collection of JMon application jars read from files (or stdin), without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance.
 java.lang.String[] injectMonitorScript(MonitorScript script)
          Send MonitorScript text to the engine without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance.
 java.lang.String[] injectMonitorScript(MonitorScript script, java.lang.String filename)
          Send a MonitorScript object to the engine.
 java.lang.String[] injectMonitorScriptFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames)
          Inject a collection of MonitorScript text read from files (or stdin), without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance.
 java.lang.String[] injectMonitorScriptFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames, boolean utf8)
          Inject a number of monitors from a file or stdin.
 java.lang.String[] injectMonitorScriptFromFile(java.lang.String... filenames)
          Inject a collection of MonitorScript text read from files (or stdin), without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance.
 boolean isAllConsumersConnected()
          Determine if the bean and existing uniquely-named consumers are connected.
 boolean isBeanConnected()
          Another name for the getBeanConnected() method.
 boolean isMonitorOnly()
          Another name for getMonitorOnly()
 boolean isReceiveOnly()
          Another name for getReceiveOnly()
 void killName(java.lang.String name)
          Kill a name from the engine.
 void killNames(java.util.List<java.lang.String> names)
          Kill a number of names.
 void killNamesFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames)
          Kill a number of names from a file or stdin.
 void killNamesFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames, boolean utf8)
          Kill a number of names from a file or stdin.
 void pingServer()
          Manually test if the remote engine process is alive and responding to client requests.
 void removeAllConsumers()
          Disconnect, Destroy, and Remove all existing consumers.
 void removeConsumer(java.lang.String uniqueName)
          Remove and disconnect an existing uniquely-named consumer.
 void removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
          Remove a property change listener (without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance).
 void removePropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String propertyName, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
          Remove a property change listener for a specific named property (without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance).
 void sendEvents(boolean autoBatch, Event... events)
          Send events into the Engine, optionally not performing auto-batching.
 void sendEvents(Event... events)
          Send an array of Event objects to the engine (automatically rebatching the actual event sending for efficiency).
 void sendEventsFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames, int loop)
          Send a number of events from a file or stdin.
 void sendEventsFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames, int loop, boolean utf8)
          Send a number of events from a file or stdin.
 void sendEventsFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames, int loop, boolean utf8, boolean autoBatch)
          Send a number of events from a file or stdin, specifying the file encoding detection mode and whether to auto-batch events or not.
 void setCancelDeleteFileRead(boolean newCancelFileReadValue)
          Setter for the cancelFileRead property for the Delete / Kill operations.
 void setCancelInjectFileRead(boolean newCancelFileReadValue)
          Setter for the cancelFileRead property for the Inject operations.
 void setCancelSendFileRead(boolean newCancelFileReadValue)
          Setter for the cancelFileRead property for the Send operations.
 void setConnectionPollingInterval(int milliseconds)
          Set the polling interval (in milliseconds) for the background connection and ping thread.
 void setHost(java.lang.String newHostValue)
          Setter for the host property.
 void setInspectPollingInterval(int newInspectPollingInterval)
          Set the inspectPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new information.
 void setMonitorOnly(boolean newMonitorOnlyValue)
          Setter for the monitorOnly property.
 void setPersistentReceiveConnections(EngineConnection... connections)
          Attaches this component as a persistent receiver of the remote components specified in the connections argument, then decrements the reference count of any existing connections (which typically results in their removal).
 void setPort(int newPortValue)
          Setter for the port property.
 void setProcessName(java.lang.String newProcessName)
          Setter for the process Name This is the process name property to use.
 void setReceiveOnly(boolean newReceiveOnlyValue)
          Setter for the receiveOnly property.
 void setReconnectPeriod(long t)
          Set the minimum period between attempts to reconnect the bean and/or any of the bean's named consumers that have been disconnected (e.g.
 void setReconnectPolicy(ReconnectPolicyInterface p)
          Set a singleton reconnection policy that will be used to limit when reconnection can be attempted for the bean, and/or any of the bean's named consumers that have been disconnected (e.g.
 void setStatusPollingInterval(int newStatusPollingInterval)
          Set the statusPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new status information.
 void setVerbose(boolean newVerboseValue)
          Setter for the verbose property.
 void startInspectPollingThread()
          Start the local inspect polling thread.
 void startStatusPollingThread()
          Start the local status polling thread.
 void stopInspectPollingThread()
          Stop the local inspect polling thread.
 void stopStatusPollingThread()
          Stop the local status polling thread.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EngineClientBean()
Default constructor - as required to be a bean. Initialises the bean with default values for the properties. This default constructor does not make a connection to an Engine.

If a bean class is not required, we recommend using the EngineClientFactory and the associated interfaces instead.

Method Detail


public void connectNow()
                throws com.apama.util.CompoundException
Manually request that the bean connects to the remote server. Repeated calls are permitted, and attempting to connect a bean that is already connected is identical to calling pingServer() from the PingOperationsInterface.

Specified by:
connectNow in interface BaseClientInterface
com.apama.util.CompoundException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public void connectInBackground()
Requests that the bean begins to establish a connection automatically in the background.

Calling disconnect() will bring connection attempts to an end. Repeated calls to this method, or calling this method after a connection has already been established will have no effect.

Specified by:
connectInBackground in interface EngineClientInterface


public void pingServer()
                throws com.apama.util.CompoundException
Manually test if the remote engine process is alive and responding to client requests. This method makes a no-arg, void return, method call on the client interface of the engine. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection. In the event that a connection cannot be established, or an error during the ping, an EngineException (which is a subclass of CompoundException) will be raised.

Specified by:
pingServer in interface PingOperationsInterface
com.apama.util.CompoundException - when the ping fails.


public java.lang.String getHost()
Get the name of the host to be connected to. This is the name of the host on which the correlator to be monitored is running.

Specified by:
getHost in interface BaseClientInterface
Name of the host where the correlator to be monitored is running.


public void setHost(java.lang.String newHostValue)
             throws EngineException
Setter for the host property. This is the name of the host on which the correlator to be monitored is running. Changing this property will cause any existing connection to be lost. If there was an existing connection, then a new connection will be created.

Specified by:
setHost in interface BaseClientInterface
newHostValue - The new value for the Host property.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public int getPort()
Get the port number to be connected to. This is the port number on which the correlator to be monitored is listening.

Specified by:
getPort in interface BaseClientInterface
Port number on which the correlator to be monitored is listening.


public void setPort(int newPortValue)
             throws EngineException
Setter for the port property. This is the port number on which the correlator to be monitored is listening. Changing this property will cause any existing connection to be lost. If there was an existing connection, then a new connection will be created.

Specified by:
setPort in interface BaseClientInterface
newPortValue - The new value for the Port property.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public java.lang.String getProcessName()
Get the process Name in use This is the process name in use for this bean The process name is a display name to identify which application is responsible for this connection to the Correlator (this name is included in log files for diagnostic purposes)

Specified by:
getProcessName in interface BaseClientInterface
Process name in use


public void setProcessName(java.lang.String newProcessName)
                    throws EngineException
Setter for the process Name This is the process name property to use. The process name is a display name to identify which application is responsible for this connection to the Correlator (this name is included in log files for diagnostic purposes) Changing this property will cause any existing connection to be lost. If there was an existing connection, then a new connection will be created.

Specified by:
setProcessName in interface BaseClientInterface
newProcessName - The new value for the process name property.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public boolean getMonitorOnly()
Getter for the monitorOnly property. A bean running in "monitor only" mode cannot perform any state-changing operations on the remote component, nor can it receive events from it. Essentially it is limited to using the ping, inspect and watch operations only.

The value for the monitorOnly property.


public boolean isMonitorOnly()
Another name for getMonitorOnly()

The value for the monitorOnly property.


public void setMonitorOnly(boolean newMonitorOnlyValue)
                    throws EngineException
Setter for the monitorOnly property. A bean running in "monitor only" mode cannot perform any state-changing operations on the remote component, nor can it receive events from it. Essentially it is limited to using the ping, inspect and watch operations only. Changing this property will cause any existing connection to be lost. If there was an existing connection, then a new connection will be created. Setting this property to true will reset the receiveOnly property to false.

newMonitorOnlyValue - The new value for the monitorOnly property.
EngineException - If any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public boolean getReceiveOnly()
Getter for the receiveOnly property. A bean running in "receive only" mode cannot perform any state-changing operations on the remote component, but it can receive events from it.

The value for the receiveOnly property.


public boolean isReceiveOnly()
Another name for getReceiveOnly()

The value for the receiveOnly property.


public void setReceiveOnly(boolean newReceiveOnlyValue)
                    throws EngineException
Setter for the receiveOnly property. A bean running in "receive only" mode cannot perform any state-changing operations on the remote component, but it can receive events from it. Changing this property will cause any existing connection to be lost. If there was an existing connection, then a new connection will be created. Setting this property to true will reset the monitorOnly property to false.

newReceiveOnlyValue - The new value for the receiveOnly property.
EngineException - If any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public boolean isBeanConnected()
Another name for the getBeanConnected() method.

Specified by:
isBeanConnected in interface BaseClientInterface
true if the bean has a connection to an engine, false if not.


public boolean getBeanConnected()
Get the beanConnected property value. This is the status of the bean - connected, or not connected. It indicates if the EngineClientBean has a valid instance of the EngineManagement interface.

Specified by:
getBeanConnected in interface BaseClientInterface
true if the bean has a connection to an engine, false if not.


public int getConnectionPollingInterval()
Get the polling interval (in milliseconds) for the background connection and ping thread.

Specified by:
getConnectionPollingInterval in interface BaseClientInterface
the current interval in milliseconds


public void setConnectionPollingInterval(int milliseconds)
Set the polling interval (in milliseconds) for the background connection and ping thread.

This controls how often the bean pings the engine, and updates the BaseClientInterface.PROPERTY_BEAN_CONNECTED property.

If connectInBackground() is used, if the bean lost its connection to the engine, or if any named consumers were disconnected (e.g. due to being slow), the polling interval also controls how often the bean attempts to automatically reconnect the bean and/or its registered consumers, subject to the minimum reconnect period specified by setReconnectPeriod(long).

Specified by:
setConnectionPollingInterval in interface BaseClientInterface
milliseconds - The polling interval in milliseconds. If negative, then the default value will be used instead.


public boolean getVerbose()
Getter for the verbose property. When verbose is set to true, some methods (in subclasses) will print progress messages on stdout.

Current value of the verbose property.


public void setVerbose(boolean newVerboseValue)
Setter for the verbose property. When verbose is set to true, some methods (in subclasses) will print progress messages on stdout.

newVerboseValue - Set to true for more verbose status output.


public void removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
Remove a property change listener (without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance).

Specified by:
removePropertyChangeListener in interface BaseClientInterface
listener - the listener to be removed.


public void addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
Add a property change listener (without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance). Use this method to be informed whenever the a property value is changed.

Specified by:
addPropertyChangeListener in interface BaseClientInterface
listener - the listener to be added.


public void removePropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String propertyName,
                                         java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
Remove a property change listener for a specific named property (without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance).

Specified by:
removePropertyChangeListener in interface BaseClientInterface
propertyName - the name of the property that was listened on.
listener - the listener to be removed.


public void addPropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String propertyName,
                                      java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
Add a property change listener for a specific named property (without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance).

Specified by:
addPropertyChangeListener in interface BaseClientInterface
propertyName - the name of the property to listen on.
listener - the listener to be added.


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public void disconnect()
                throws EngineException
Sets the desired state of the bean to disconnected instead of connected, disconnects consumers and stops pinging the remote correlator to keep the connection alive.

Specified by:
disconnect in interface BaseClientInterface
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK, specifically during de-registration of the internal EventConsumer.


public void dispose()
Description copied from interface: BaseClientInterface
Disconnects the client and also waits to ensure that all background threads and other resources associated with this object have been terminated or freed. This method should always be called before quitting the program. Never call this method while the target object is locked, or from a thread that is receiving events or handling a property change notification event from the target object.

Specified by:
dispose in interface BaseClientInterface


public void setReconnectPolicy(ReconnectPolicyInterface p)
Description copied from interface: EngineClientInterface
Set a singleton reconnection policy that will be used to limit when reconnection can be attempted for the bean, and/or any of the bean's named consumers that have been disconnected (e.g. as a slow consumer).

In most cases, we recommend using EngineClientInterface.setReconnectPeriod(long) instead of writing a custom policy object.

Specified by:
setReconnectPolicy in interface EngineClientInterface
See Also:


public void setReconnectPeriod(long t)
Description copied from interface: EngineClientInterface
Set the minimum period between attempts to reconnect the bean and/or any of the bean's named consumers that have been disconnected (e.g. as a slow consumer).

By default there is no minimum reconnection period defined, and if any consumers have been disconnected by the engine, the bean will attempt to reconnect them at least as often as the bean's connection polling interval.

Any previously set reconnect policy will be overwritten when this method is called.

Specified by:
setReconnectPeriod in interface EngineClientInterface
t - The minimum reconnection period in milliseconds, or 0 to place no limit on how often we can attempt to reconnect.
See Also:


public void sendEventsFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames,
                               int loop)
                        throws EngineException
Description copied from interface: SendOperationsInterface
Send a number of events from a file or stdin.

If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

The current implementation of this method does not perform automatic batching of the events, but a future release may change this behaviour, so please use the overloaded SendOperationsInterface.sendEventsFromFile(List, int, boolean, boolean) method if you require control over this. Auto-batching will usually provide better throughput.

NOTE: Change in behaviour at Apama 3.0 - previously we ignored any missing files, now an exception is thrown.

Specified by:
sendEventsFromFile in interface SendOperationsInterface
filenames - Names of files to read event descriptions from. A file name "-" is taken to be stdin.
loop - Loop count for repeated reading of input data.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public void sendEventsFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames,
                               int loop,
                               boolean utf8)
                        throws EngineException
Description copied from interface: SendOperationsInterface
Send a number of events from a file or stdin.

If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

The current implementation of this method does not perform automatic batching of the events, but a future release may change this behaviour, so please use the overloaded SendOperationsInterface.sendEventsFromFile(List, int, boolean, boolean) method if you require control over this. Auto-batching will usually provide better throughput.

NOTE: Change in behaviour at Apama 3.0 - previously we ignored any missing files, now an exception is thrown.

Specified by:
sendEventsFromFile in interface SendOperationsInterface
filenames - Names of files to read event descriptions from. A file name "-" is taken to be stdin.
loop - Loop count for repeated reading of input data.
utf8 - If true, the specified files will be read as UTF-8; otherwise they will be read using the system default encoding unless they begin with a unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM) character.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public void sendEventsFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames,
                               int loop,
                               boolean utf8,
                               boolean autoBatch)
                        throws EngineException
Description copied from interface: SendOperationsInterface
Send a number of events from a file or stdin, specifying the file encoding detection mode and whether to auto-batch events or not.

If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

NOTE: Change in behaviour at Apama 3.0 - previously we ignored any missing files, now an exception is thrown.

Specified by:
sendEventsFromFile in interface SendOperationsInterface
filenames - Names of files to read event descriptions from. A file name "-" is taken to be stdin.
loop - Loop count for repeated reading of input data.
utf8 - If true, the specified files will be read as UTF-8; otherwise they will be read using the system default encoding unless they begin with a unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM) character.
autoBatch - If true, events will be automatically rebatched to improve throughput
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public void sendEvents(boolean autoBatch,
                       Event... events)
                throws EngineException
Send events into the Engine, optionally not performing auto-batching. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Specified by:
sendEvents in interface SendOperationsInterface
autoBatch - If true, events will be automatically rebatched to improve throughput (across separate sendEvents calls)
events - The array of Events to be sent.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.
See Also:


public void sendEvents(Event... events)
                throws EngineException
Description copied from interface: SendOperationsInterface
Send an array of Event objects to the engine (automatically rebatching the actual event sending for efficiency). Please use the overloaded SendOperationsInterface.sendEvents(boolean, Event...) method if you require control over the rebatching. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Specified by:
sendEvents in interface SendOperationsInterface
events - An array with one or more Events to be sent.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.
See Also:


public void flushEvents()
                 throws EngineException,
Wait for any outstanding events from previous SendOperationsInterface.sendEvents(Event...) or SendOperationsInterface.sendEvents(boolean, Event...) (where the boolean is true) calls into the Engine, and then return.

Specified by:
flushEvents in interface SendOperationsInterface
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.
java.lang.InterruptedException - Thrown if this thread is interrupted while waiting for outstanding events to be sent and acknowledged (see Thread.interrupt().
See Also:
SendOperationsInterface.sendEvents(boolean, Event...)


public void setCancelSendFileRead(boolean newCancelFileReadValue)
Setter for the cancelFileRead property for the Send operations. The purpose of the cancelFileRead property is to provide a mechanism to cleanly terminate the processing of events from file, when the sendEventsFromFile() method is in progress. When cancelFileRead is set to true, the event sending loop will terminate at the next iteration.

Specified by:
setCancelSendFileRead in interface SendOperationsInterface
newCancelFileReadValue - New value for the cancelFileRead property.


public void deleteNames(java.util.List<java.lang.String> names,
                        boolean force)
                 throws EngineException
Delete a number of names. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Specified by:
deleteNames in interface DeleteOperationsInterface
names - Names to be deleted.
force - Set to true to forcably delete the names even if in use.


public void deleteNamesFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames,
                                boolean force)
                         throws EngineException
Delete a number of names from a file or stdin. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Specified by:
deleteNamesFromFile in interface DeleteOperationsInterface
filenames - Names of files to read Names from. A file name "-" is taken to be stdin.
force - Set to true to forcably delete the names even if in use.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public void deleteNamesFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames,
                                boolean force,
                                boolean utf8)
                         throws EngineException
Description copied from interface: DeleteOperationsInterface
Delete a number of names from a file or stdin. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Specified by:
deleteNamesFromFile in interface DeleteOperationsInterface
filenames - Names of files to read Names from. A file name "-" is taken to be stdin.
force - Set to true to forcably delete the names even if in use.
utf8 - If true, the specified files will be read as UTF-8; otherwise they will be read using the system default encoding unless they begin with a unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM) character.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public void deleteAll()
               throws EngineException
Deletes everything from the engine.

Specified by:
deleteAll in interface DeleteOperationsInterface


public void deleteName(java.lang.String name,
                       boolean force)
                throws EngineException
Delete a name from the engine. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Specified by:
deleteName in interface DeleteOperationsInterface
name - The name to be deleted.
force - Set to true to forcably delete the name even if in use.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public void killNames(java.util.List<java.lang.String> names)
               throws EngineException
Kill a number of names. Note that this will kill running monitors in such as way as to break the fault tolerance scheme. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Specified by:
killNames in interface DeleteOperationsInterface
names - Names to be deleted.


public void killNamesFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames)
                       throws EngineException
Kill a number of names from a file or stdin. Note that this will kill running monitors in such as way as to break the fault tolerance scheme. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Specified by:
killNamesFromFile in interface DeleteOperationsInterface
filenames - Names of files to read Names from. A file name "-" is taken to be stdin.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public void killNamesFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames,
                              boolean utf8)
                       throws EngineException
Description copied from interface: DeleteOperationsInterface
Kill a number of names from a file or stdin. Note that this will kill running monitors in such as way as to break the fault tolerance scheme. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Specified by:
killNamesFromFile in interface DeleteOperationsInterface
filenames - Names of files to read Names from. A file name "-" is taken to be stdin.
utf8 - If true, the specified files will be read as UTF-8; otherwise they will be read using the system default encoding unless they begin with a unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM) character.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public void killName(java.lang.String name)
              throws EngineException
Kill a name from the engine. Note that this will kill running monitors in such as way as to break the fault tolerance scheme. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Specified by:
killName in interface DeleteOperationsInterface
name - The name to be deleted.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public void setCancelDeleteFileRead(boolean newCancelFileReadValue)
Setter for the cancelFileRead property for the Delete / Kill operations. The purpose of the cancelFileRead property is to provide a mechanism to cleanly terminate the processing of events from file, when the deleteNamesFromFile() or killNamesFromFile() method is in progress. When cancelFileRead is set to true, the Name deleting loop will terminate at the next iteration.

Specified by:
setCancelDeleteFileRead in interface DeleteOperationsInterface
newCancelFileReadValue - New value for the cancelFileRead property.


public java.lang.String[] injectMonitorScriptFromFile(java.lang.String... filenames)
                                               throws EngineException
Inject a collection of MonitorScript text read from files (or stdin), without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance. If a connection to the engine is not yet established, this method will attempt to make a connection.

Specified by:
injectMonitorScriptFromFile in interface InjectOperationsInterface
filenames - Names of files containing MonitorScript text to be injected. Standard input is represented by a filename "-". This special filename should only occur no more than once in the filename list.
An array of warnings (may be zero length)
EngineException - If any of the named files cannot be injected, either because the file could not be read or because a call to injectMonitorScriptUnlocked() failed.


public java.lang.String[] injectMonitorScriptFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames)
                                               throws EngineException
Inject a collection of MonitorScript text read from files (or stdin), without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance. If a connection to the engine is not yet established, this method will attempt to make a connection.

Specified by:
injectMonitorScriptFromFile in interface InjectOperationsInterface
filenames - Names of files containing MonitorScript text to be injected. Standard input is represented by a filename "-". This special filename should only occur once in the filename vector.
An array of warnings (may be zero length)
EngineException - If any of the named files cannot be injected, either because the file could not be read or because a call to injectMonitorScriptUnlocked() failed.


public java.lang.String[] injectMonitorScriptFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames,
                                                      boolean utf8)
                                               throws EngineException
Description copied from interface: InjectOperationsInterface
Inject a number of monitors from a file or stdin. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Specified by:
injectMonitorScriptFromFile in interface InjectOperationsInterface
filenames - Names of files to read MonitorScript text from. A file name "-" is taken to be stdin.
utf8 - If true, the specified files will be read as UTF-8; otherwise they will be read using the system default encoding unless they begin with a unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM) character.
An array of strings which are the set of warnings generated by the MonitorScript compiler. May be zero length.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK. This exception may contain warnings.


public java.lang.String[] injectMonitorScript(MonitorScript script)
                                       throws EngineException
Send MonitorScript text to the engine without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance. If a connection to the engine is not yet established, this method will attempt to make a connection.

Specified by:
injectMonitorScript in interface InjectOperationsInterface
script - The MonitorScript object to be injected into the engine.
An array of warnings (may be zero length).
EngineException - If the MonitorScript is rejected by the engine, or there is a problem sending the script.


public java.lang.String[] injectMonitorScript(MonitorScript script,
                                              java.lang.String filename)
                                       throws EngineException
Description copied from interface: InjectOperationsInterface
Send a MonitorScript object to the engine. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Specified by:
injectMonitorScript in interface InjectOperationsInterface
script - The MonitorScript object to be sent.
filename - The file the monitorscript came from (may be null)
An array of strings which are the set of warnings generated by the MonitorScript compiler. May be zero length.
EngineException - When failures happen. This exception may contain warnings.


public java.lang.String[] injectJavaApplicationsFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames)
                                                  throws EngineException
Inject a collection of JMon application jars read from files (or stdin), without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance. If a connection to the engine is not yet established, this method will attempt to make a connection.

Specified by:
injectJavaApplicationsFromFile in interface InjectOperationsInterface
filenames - Names of files containing JMon applications to be injected. Standard input is represented by a filename "-". This special filename should only occur once in the filename vector.
An array of warnings
EngineException - If any of the named files cannot be injected, either because the file could not be read or because a call to injectJavaApplicationUnlocked() failed.


public java.lang.String[] injectJavaApplication(byte[] jarBytes)
                                         throws EngineException
Send the bytes of a JMon application jar to the engine without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance. If a connection to the engine is not yet established, this method will attempt to make a connection.

Specified by:
injectJavaApplication in interface InjectOperationsInterface
jarBytes - The contents of the JMon jar to be sent to the engine.
An array of strings which are the set of warnings about the JMon application. May be zero length.
EngineException - If the JMon application is rejected by the engine, or there is a problem sending the data.


public java.lang.String[] injectCDPsFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames)
                                      throws EngineException
Inject a collection of CDPs read from files (or stdin), without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance. If a connection to the engine is not yet established, this method will attempt to make a connection.

Specified by:
injectCDPsFromFile in interface InjectOperationsInterface
filenames - Names of files containing CDP files to be injected. Standard input is represented by a filename "-". This special filename should only occur once in the filename vector.
An array of warnings
EngineException - If any of the named files cannot be injected, either because the file could not be read or because a call to injectJavaApplicationUnlocked() failed.


public java.lang.String[] injectCDP(byte[] cdpBytes)
                             throws EngineException
Send the bytes of a CDP (Correlator Deployment Package) to the engine without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance. If a connection to the engine is not yet established, this method will attempt to make a connection.

cdpBytes - The contents of the CDP file to be sent to the engine.
An array of warnings (may be zero length).
EngineException - If the CDP file is rejected by the engine, or there is a problem sending the data.


public java.lang.String[] injectCDP(byte[] cdpBytes,
                                    java.lang.String filename)
                             throws EngineException
Send the bytes of a CDP (Correlator Deployment Package) to the engine without blocking concurrent calls to operations on this bean instance. If a connection to the engine is not yet established, this method will attempt to make a connection.

Specified by:
injectCDP in interface InjectOperationsInterface
cdpBytes - The contents of the CDP file to be sent to the engine.
filename - The name of the file we are injecting from.
An array of strings which are the set of warnings about the CDP. May be zero length.
EngineException - If the CDP file is rejected by the engine, or there is a problem sending the data.


public void setCancelInjectFileRead(boolean newCancelFileReadValue)
Setter for the cancelFileRead property for the Inject operations. The purpose of the cancelFileRead property is to provide a mechanism to cleanly terminate the processing of MonitorScripts from file, when the injectMonitorScriptFromFile() method is in progress. When cancelFileRead is set to true, the MonitorScript injecting loop will terminate at the next iteration.

Specified by:
setCancelInjectFileRead in interface InjectOperationsInterface
newCancelFileReadValue - New value for the cancelFileRead property.


public void startInspectPollingThread()
                               throws EngineException
Start the local inspect polling thread. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Specified by:
startInspectPollingThread in interface InspectOperationsInterface
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public void stopInspectPollingThread()
Stop the local inspect polling thread.

Specified by:
stopInspectPollingThread in interface InspectOperationsInterface


public EngineInfo getRemoteEngineInfo()
                               throws EngineException
Request the remote Engine inspection info. This method will not store the inspection result, and is available as an alternative to the background polling service. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Specified by:
getRemoteEngineInfo in interface InspectOperationsInterface
the information found as obtained by directly inspecting the Engine.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public void setInspectPollingInterval(int newInspectPollingInterval)
Set the inspectPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new information.

Specified by:
setInspectPollingInterval in interface InspectOperationsInterface
newInspectPollingInterval - Polling interval in milliseconds.


public int getInspectPollingInterval()
Get the inspectPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new information.

Specified by:
getInspectPollingInterval in interface InspectOperationsInterface
Polling interval in milliseconds.


public void attachAsConsumerOfEngine(EngineClientBean sourceEngineBean,
                                     java.lang.String[] channels)
                              throws EngineException
Description copied from interface: ConnectOperationsInterface
Connect this engine to another (non-persisently) so that it receives events emitted on the specified channels. This is equivalent to the engine_connect command.

Note: If you do not already have a connected EngineClientBean instance for the source engine, it is usually more efficient to call the overloaded ConnectOperationsInterface#attachAsConsumerOfEngine(String, int, String[]) method which takes a source host and port instead.

Specified by:
attachAsConsumerOfEngine in interface ConnectOperationsInterface
sourceEngineBean - The EngineClientBean instance for the engine to receive from.
channels - the list of channels from which the engine should receive events. Must be non-null, and contain no null elements.
EngineException - if the engines cannot be connected, or if the channels parameter is invalid.


public void attachAsConsumerOfEngine(java.lang.String sourceHost,
                                     int sourcePort,
                                     java.lang.String[] channels)
                              throws EngineException
Description copied from interface: ConnectOperationsInterface
Connect this engine to another (non-persistently) so that it receives events emitted on the specified channels. This is equivalent to the engine_connect command.

Specified by:
attachAsConsumerOfEngine in interface ConnectOperationsInterface
sourceHost - The host of the engine to receive from.
sourcePort - The port of the engine to receive from.
channels - the list of channels from which the engine should receive events. Must be non-null, and contain no null elements.
EngineException - if the engines cannot be connected, or if the channels parameter is invalid.


public void attachAsConsumerOfEngine(java.lang.String sourceHost,
                                     int sourcePort,
                                     java.lang.String[] channels,
                                     boolean persistent)
                              throws EngineException
Description copied from interface: ConnectOperationsInterface
Connect this engine to another so that it receives events emitted on the specified channels. This is equivalent to the engine_connect command.

Specified by:
attachAsConsumerOfEngine in interface ConnectOperationsInterface
sourceHost - The host of the engine to receive from.
sourcePort - The port of the engine to receive from.
channels - the list of channels from which the engine should receive events. Must be non-null, and contain no null elements.
persistent - if true, the connection will be persistent, meaning that the receiver will automatically reconnect to the sender whenever the connection is lost.
EngineException - if the engines cannot be connected, or if the channels parameter is invalid.


public void attachAsConsumerOfEngine(java.lang.String sourceHost,
                                     int sourcePort,
                                     java.lang.String[] channels,
                                     boolean persistent,
                                     boolean disconnectSlow)
                              throws EngineException
Description copied from interface: ConnectOperationsInterface
Connect this engine to another so that it receives events emitted on the specified channels. This is equivalent to the engine_connect command.

Specified by:
attachAsConsumerOfEngine in interface ConnectOperationsInterface
sourceHost - The host of the engine to receive from.
sourcePort - The port of the engine to receive from.
channels - the list of channels from which the engine should receive events. Must be non-null, and contain no null elements.
persistent - if true, the connection will be persistent, meaning that the receiver will automatically reconnect to the sender whenever the connection is lost.
disconnectSlow - Whether we should be disconnected if we don't keep up. Only the first connection's disconnectSlow value is used; subsequent connections to the same correlator (even if via different EngineManagement objects) share the connection and thus the disconnect behaviour.
EngineException - if the engines cannot be connected, or if the channels parameter is invalid.


public void detachAsConsumerOfEngine(EngineClientBean sourceEngineBean,
                                     java.lang.String[] channels)
                              throws EngineException
Description copied from interface: ConnectOperationsInterface
Disconnect this engine from another so that it not longer receives events emitted on the specified channels. This is equivalent to the engine_connect --disconnect command, and assumes the connection is non-persistent.

Specified by:
detachAsConsumerOfEngine in interface ConnectOperationsInterface
sourceEngineBean - The EngineClientBean instance for the engine this object is currently connected to as a consumer.
channels - the list of channels from which the engine should receive events. Must be non-null, and contain no null elements.
EngineException - if the engines cannot be disconnected, or if the channels parameter is invalid.


public void detachAsConsumerOfEngine(java.lang.String sourceHost,
                                     int sourcePort,
                                     java.lang.String[] channels)
                              throws EngineException
Description copied from interface: ConnectOperationsInterface
Disconnect this engine from another so that it not longer receives events emitted on the specified channels. This is equivalent to the engine_connect --disconnect command, and assumes the connection is non-persistent.

Specified by:
detachAsConsumerOfEngine in interface ConnectOperationsInterface
sourceHost - The host of the engine this object is currently connected to as a consumer.
sourcePort - The port of the engine this object is currently connected to as a consumer.
channels - the list of channels from which the engine should receive events. Must be non-null, and contain no null elements.
EngineException - if the engines cannot be disconnected, or if the channels parameter is invalid.


public void detachAsConsumerOfEngine(java.lang.String sourceHost,
                                     int sourcePort,
                                     java.lang.String[] channels,
                                     boolean persistent)
                              throws EngineException
Description copied from interface: ConnectOperationsInterface
Disconnect this engine from another so that it not longer receives events emitted on the specified channels. This is equivalent to the engine_connect --disconnect or engine_connect --disconnect --persistent command.

Specified by:
detachAsConsumerOfEngine in interface ConnectOperationsInterface
sourceHost - The host of the engine this object is currently connected to as a consumer.
sourcePort - The port of the engine this object is currently connected to as a consumer.
channels - the list of channels from which the engine should receive events. Must be non-null, and contain no null elements.
persistent - true if the connection to be removed was persistent (i.e. the receiver automatically reconnects to the sender whenever the connection is lost).
EngineException - if the engines cannot be disconnected, or if the channels parameter is invalid.


public void setPersistentReceiveConnections(EngineConnection... connections)
                                     throws EngineException
Attaches this component as a persistent receiver of the remote components specified in the connections argument, then decrements the reference count of any existing connections (which typically results in their removal).

Specified by:
setPersistentReceiveConnections in interface ConnectOperationsInterface
connections - Must not contain null elements.
EngineException - If the change in the persistent connection set failed. Note that no exception is thrown if some of the specified connections could not be established immediately - in this case the receiver will simply keep trying to reconnect in the background.


public EngineInfo getEngineInfo()
Get the most recently recorded inspection information. Note that calling this method does NOT invoke a remote call to a correlator, but simply returns the last known information as collected by the internal worker thread, if that thread is running.

Specified by:
getEngineInfo in interface InspectOperationsInterface
the most recently recorded EngineInfo object. To be informed whenever the information changes, register a property change listener.


public void startStatusPollingThread()
                              throws EngineException
Start the local status polling thread. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Specified by:
startStatusPollingThread in interface WatchOperationsInterface
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public void stopStatusPollingThread()
Stop the local status polling thread.

Specified by:
stopStatusPollingThread in interface WatchOperationsInterface


public EngineStatus getRemoteStatus()
                             throws EngineException
Request the remote Engine status. This method will not store the status result, and is available as an alternative to the background polling service. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Specified by:
getRemoteStatus in interface WatchOperationsInterface
The status as obtained directly from an Engine.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


public void setStatusPollingInterval(int newStatusPollingInterval)
Set the statusPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new status information.

Specified by:
setStatusPollingInterval in interface WatchOperationsInterface
newStatusPollingInterval - Polling interval in milliseconds.


public int getStatusPollingInterval()
Get the statusPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new status information.

Specified by:
getStatusPollingInterval in interface WatchOperationsInterface
Polling interval in milliseconds.


public EngineStatus getStatus()
Get the most recently recorded status. Note that calling this method does NOT invoke a remote call to a correlator, but simply returns the last known status as collected by the internal worker thread.

Specified by:
getStatus in interface WatchOperationsInterface
the most recently status object. To be informed whenever the status changes, register a property change listener.


public ConsumerOperationsInterface addConsumer(java.lang.String uniqueName,
                                               java.lang.String... channels)
                                        throws EngineException
Add a new uniquely-named synchronous consumer that listens on a specified set of channels. The consumer will default to not disconnecting if slow and being synchronous (i.e. the event listener must not call any methods on the EngineClientBean, for example sendEvents()).

Specified by:
addConsumer in interface ReceiveConsumerOperationsInterface
uniqueName - the unique name for the new consumer.
channels - the list of channels on which the consumer should receive events.
the new consumer.
EngineException - if the consumer cannot be added (e.g. if the name is not unique)


public ConsumerOperationsInterface addConsumer(java.lang.String uniqueName,
                                               java.lang.String[] channels,
                                               boolean disconnectSlow)
                                        throws EngineException
Add a new uniquely-named consumer that listens on a specified set of channels. The consumer will default to being synchronous (i.e. the event listener must not call any methods on the EngineClientBean, for example sendEvents()).

Specified by:
addConsumer in interface ReceiveConsumerOperationsInterface
uniqueName - the unique name for the new consumer.
channels - the list of channels on which the consumer should receive events.
disconnectSlow - whether we should be disconnected if we don't keep up.
the new consumer.
EngineException - if the consumer cannot be added (e.g. if the name is not unique)


public ConsumerOperationsInterface addConsumer(java.lang.String uniqueName,
                                               java.lang.String[] channels,
                                               boolean disconnectSlow,
                                               boolean async)
                                        throws EngineException
Add a new uniquely-named consumer that listens on a specified set of channels.

Specified by:
addConsumer in interface ReceiveConsumerOperationsInterface
uniqueName - the unique name for the new consumer.
channels - the list of channels on which the consumer should receive events.
disconnectSlow - whether we should be disconnected if we don't keep up.
async - whether the consumer is asynchronous - i.e. disconnect() doesn't wait for it. Only consumers with async set to true may call bean methods in their event listener.
the new consumer.
EngineException - if the consumer cannot be added (e.g. if the name is not unique)


public ConsumerOperationsInterface getConsumer(java.lang.String uniqueName)
Get an existing uniquely-named consumer.

Specified by:
getConsumer in interface ReceiveConsumerOperationsInterface
uniqueName - the unique-name of an existing consumer.
the existing consumer, or null if one cannot be found with the specified name.


public ConsumerOperationsInterface[] getAllConsumers()
Get all existing uniquely-named consumers.

Specified by:
getAllConsumers in interface ReceiveConsumerOperationsInterface
the array of all existing consumers.


public boolean isAllConsumersConnected()
Description copied from interface: ReceiveConsumerOperationsInterface
Determine if the bean and existing uniquely-named consumers are connected.

This is a bound property, so clients may also listen for property changes to ReceiveConsumerOperationsInterface.PROPERTY_ALL_CONSUMERS_CONNECTED. If no named consumers have been added, this property is identical to isBeanConnected.

The method name may sound odd, but "is" is the accepted method-name prefix for testing boolean properties.

Specified by:
isAllConsumersConnected in interface ReceiveConsumerOperationsInterface
true if the bean and all the named consumers are connected, false otherwise.


public void removeConsumer(java.lang.String uniqueName)
                    throws EngineException
Remove and disconnect an existing uniquely-named consumer. If the consumer is asynchronous, it may still be called after this method has returned; otherwise, the removeConsumer will wait for any calls into the consumer to complete.

Specified by:
removeConsumer in interface ReceiveConsumerOperationsInterface
uniqueName - the unique-name of an existing consumer.
EngineException - if there are problems with removing the consumer.


public void removeAllConsumers()
                        throws EngineException
Disconnect, Destroy, and Remove all existing consumers. (Assumes a valid connection when doing disconnection logic) If the consumer is asynchronous, it may still be called after this method has returned; otherwise, the removeConsumer will wait for any calls into the consumer to complete.

Specified by:
removeAllConsumers in interface ReceiveConsumerOperationsInterface
EngineException - if there are problems while removing any of the consumers.

Submit a bug or feature
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