Interface InspectOperationsInterface

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public interface InspectOperationsInterface

InspectOperationsInterface is an interface that specifies the standard orperations to enable an engine client to gather information from a remote correlator about the set of Monitors and Event Types that it is currently working with.

Field Summary
          The default value for the inspectPollingInterval property.
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_ENGINE_INFO
          The string name of the bound property that is used for EngineInfo updates (typically "engineInfo", but this constant should be used to be sure).
          The string name of the bound property that is used for inspectPollingInterval updates (typically "inspectPollingInterval", but this constant should be used to be sure).
Method Summary
 EngineInfo getEngineInfo()
          Get the most recently recorded inspection information.
 int getInspectPollingInterval()
          Get the inspectPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new information.
 EngineInfo getRemoteEngineInfo()
          Request the remote Engine inspection info.
 void setInspectPollingInterval(int newInspectPollingInterval)
          Set the inspectPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new information.
 void startInspectPollingThread()
          Start the local inspect polling thread.
 void stopInspectPollingThread()
          Stop the local inspect polling thread.

Field Detail


The default value for the inspectPollingInterval property.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_ENGINE_INFO
The string name of the bound property that is used for EngineInfo updates (typically "engineInfo", but this constant should be used to be sure).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_INSPECT_POLLING_INTERVAL
The string name of the bound property that is used for inspectPollingInterval updates (typically "inspectPollingInterval", but this constant should be used to be sure).

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void startInspectPollingThread()
                               throws EngineException
Start the local inspect polling thread. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


void stopInspectPollingThread()
Stop the local inspect polling thread.


void setInspectPollingInterval(int newInspectPollingInterval)
Set the inspectPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new information.

newInspectPollingInterval - Polling interval in milliseconds.


int getInspectPollingInterval()
Get the inspectPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new information.

Polling interval in milliseconds.


EngineInfo getEngineInfo()
Get the most recently recorded inspection information. Note that calling this method does NOT invoke a remote call to a correlator, but simply returns the last known information as collected by the internal worker thread, if that thread is running.

the most recently recorded EngineInfo object. To be informed whenever the information changes, register a property change listener.


EngineInfo getRemoteEngineInfo()
                               throws EngineException
Request the remote Engine inspection info. This method will not store the inspection result, and is available as an alternative to the background polling service. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

the information found as obtained by directly inspecting the Engine.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.

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