Interface EngineStatus

public interface EngineStatus

EngineStatus represents the operational status of the Engine.

Method Summary
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getAllValues()
          Get the map of all status items
 int getNumConsumers()
          Get the number of event consumers connected to the engine.
 int getNumContexts()
          Get the number of contexts active in the Engine.
 int getNumEventTypes()
          Get the number of event types defined.
 long getNumFastTracked()
          Get the number of events received on the internal input queue since the Engine started.
 int getNumJavaApplications()
          Get the number of Java (JMon) Applications defined in the Engine.
 int getNumListeners()
          Get the number of active listeners.
 int getNumMonitors()
          Get the number of monitors defined in the Engine.
 long getNumOutEventsCreated()
          Gets the number of output events which have been put onto the output queue.
 int getNumOutEventsQueued()
          Get the number of events waiting on the output queue.
 long getNumOutEventsSent()
          This is the number of output events sent out by the correlator process.
 long getNumProcessed()
          Get the number of events taken off the input queue and processed since the Engine started.
 int getNumProcesses()
          Get the number of monitor processes or active sub-monitors.
 int getNumQueuedFastTrack()
          Get the number of events waiting on the internal input queue.
 int getNumQueuedInput()
          Get the number of events waiting on the input queue.
 long getNumReceived()
          Get the number of events received since the Engine started.
 int getNumSubListeners()
          Get the number of active sub-listeners.
 long getUptime()
          Get the time in ms that the Engine has been running for.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Get a descriptive string containing all of the status information.

Method Detail


long getUptime()
Get the time in ms that the Engine has been running for.


long getNumReceived()
Get the number of events received since the Engine started.


long getNumProcessed()
Get the number of events taken off the input queue and processed since the Engine started.


long getNumFastTracked()
Get the number of events received on the internal input queue since the Engine started.


long getNumOutEventsCreated()
Gets the number of output events which have been put onto the output queue. This corresponds to the number of MonitorScript emit commands executed.


long getNumOutEventsSent()
This is the number of output events sent out by the correlator process. This differs from getNumOutEventsCreated since events can be of interest to a varying number of consumers, and can be dropped by the output queue.


int getNumContexts()
Get the number of contexts active in the Engine.


int getNumMonitors()
Get the number of monitors defined in the Engine.


int getNumProcesses()
Get the number of monitor processes or active sub-monitors. If a monitor spawns it creates a new process.


int getNumJavaApplications()
Get the number of Java (JMon) Applications defined in the Engine.


int getNumListeners()
Get the number of active listeners.


int getNumSubListeners()
Get the number of active sub-listeners.


int getNumEventTypes()
Get the number of event types defined.


int getNumQueuedFastTrack()
Get the number of events waiting on the internal input queue.


int getNumQueuedInput()
Get the number of events waiting on the input queue.


int getNumConsumers()
Get the number of event consumers connected to the engine.


int getNumOutEventsQueued()
Get the number of events waiting on the output queue.


java.lang.String toString()
Get a descriptive string containing all of the status information. The string returned is a multi-line string with each line stating the status item and its value.

toString in class java.lang.Object
Multiline status string.


java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getAllValues()
Get the map of all status items

Map containing the status information

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