Interface DeleteOperationsInterface

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public interface DeleteOperationsInterface

DeleteOperationsInterface is an interface that specifies the standard operations to enable an engine client to remove items from a remote correlator.

Method Summary
 void deleteAll()
          Deletes everything from the engine.
 void deleteName(java.lang.String name, boolean force)
          Delete a name from the engine.
 void deleteNames(java.util.List<java.lang.String> names, boolean force)
          Delete a number of names.
 void deleteNamesFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames, boolean force)
          Delete a number of names from a file or stdin.
 void deleteNamesFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames, boolean force, boolean utf8)
          Delete a number of names from a file or stdin.
 void killName(java.lang.String name)
          Kill a name from the engine.
 void killNames(java.util.List<java.lang.String> names)
          Kill a number of names.
 void killNamesFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames)
          Kill a number of names from a file or stdin.
 void killNamesFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames, boolean utf8)
          Kill a number of names from a file or stdin.
 void setCancelDeleteFileRead(boolean newCancelFileReadValue)
          Setter for the cancelFileRead property for the Delete / Kill operations.

Method Detail


void deleteNames(java.util.List<java.lang.String> names,
                 boolean force)
                 throws EngineException
Delete a number of names. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

names - Names to be deleted.
force - Set to true to forcably delete the names even if in use.


void deleteNamesFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames,
                         boolean force)
                         throws EngineException
Delete a number of names from a file or stdin. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

filenames - Names of files to read Names from. A file name "-" is taken to be stdin.
force - Set to true to forcably delete the names even if in use.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


void deleteNamesFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames,
                         boolean force,
                         boolean utf8)
                         throws EngineException
Delete a number of names from a file or stdin. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

filenames - Names of files to read Names from. A file name "-" is taken to be stdin.
force - Set to true to forcably delete the names even if in use.
utf8 - If true, the specified files will be read as UTF-8; otherwise they will be read using the system default encoding unless they begin with a unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM) character.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


void deleteAll()
               throws EngineException
Deletes everything from the engine.



void deleteName(java.lang.String name,
                boolean force)
                throws EngineException
Delete a name from the engine. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

name - The name to be deleted.
force - Set to true to forcably delete the name even if in use.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


void killNames(java.util.List<java.lang.String> names)
               throws EngineException
Kill a number of names. Note that this will kill running monitors in such as way as to break the fault tolerance scheme. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

names - Names to be deleted.


void killNamesFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames)
                       throws EngineException
Kill a number of names from a file or stdin. Note that this will kill running monitors in such as way as to break the fault tolerance scheme. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

filenames - Names of files to read Names from. A file name "-" is taken to be stdin.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


void killNamesFromFile(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filenames,
                       boolean utf8)
                       throws EngineException
Kill a number of names from a file or stdin. Note that this will kill running monitors in such as way as to break the fault tolerance scheme. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

filenames - Names of files to read Names from. A file name "-" is taken to be stdin.
utf8 - If true, the specified files will be read as UTF-8; otherwise they will be read using the system default encoding unless they begin with a unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM) character.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


void killName(java.lang.String name)
              throws EngineException
Kill a name from the engine. Note that this will kill running monitors in such as way as to break the fault tolerance scheme. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

name - The name to be deleted.
EngineException - Thrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.


void setCancelDeleteFileRead(boolean newCancelFileReadValue)
Setter for the cancelFileRead property for the Delete / Kill operations. The purpose of the cancelFileRead property is to provide a mechanism to cleanly terminate the processing of events from file, when the deleteNamesFromFile() or killNamesFromFile() method is in progress. When cancelFileRead is set to true, the Name deleting loop will terminate at the next iteration.

newCancelFileReadValue - New value for the cancelFileRead property.

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