Utility Messages and Codes
The Adabas utilities issue return/condition codes, and may also
display error messages. This document lists, alphabetically by utility, the
utility error messages and describes the utility nonzero return codes.
Utility Error Messages
Utility messages are displayed following a title line showing the utility name. The
message line itself is displayed, followed by the same "explanation" and/or "action"
information shown in this chapter.
Variable information such as jobname, data set name, return code, abend code, or
nucleus response code may occur in the message line or in the text following the actual
message. These variables are represented in lowercase as either "xxx...xxx" or as
"reason", "nucleus-response", "job-name", "ret-code", and so on. In the actual message
these notations are replaced with the actual values. Generally, variables within
parentheses ( ) are hexadecimal and those without parentheses are decimal.
When a message includes a nucleus response or abend code, the specific code description
identifies the cause. See the description of nucleus
response codes and abend codes.
Error messages are described for the following utilities:
Utility Return Codes
When an Adabas utility returns control to the operating system and no abend has occurred, the
utility writes a return code in the rightmost positions of general register 15:
Code |
The utility operation ... |
0 |
was successful. |
4 |
was successful but encountered a warning condition.
8 |
was not successful. |
Utilities that terminate with return code 4 write
"...terminated with warning" as the last message. This indicates that, although
the utility function completed successfully, circumstances may have rendered
the result of the function different from that which was expected. The job
protocol contains one or more related warning or error messages.
For return codes on z/OS, see the job control language reference manual for job step
condition code information.
Depending on the operating system and the utility, the return code
can be tested to determine the utility job status:
These unsuccessful return code (RC) meanings are described here in
alphabetical order by Adabas utility.
ADACHK Return Codes
Return Code 0 |
Explanation |
ADACHK was successful.
Return Code 4 |
Explanation |
ADACHK was successful but encountered a warning condition.
With the ADACHK utility, a return code of 4 indicates that
either the number of unreachable index blocks is greater than zero or any
CHKnnnW (warning) message was received.
Return Code 8 |
Explanation |
ADACHK encountered an error condition but then continued.
With the ADACHK utility, a return code of 8 indicates that a
database inconsistency was encountered.
Return Code 20 |
Explanation |
The function could not be completed.
The operation encountered an error condition but did not
terminate abnormally because NOUSERABEND was specified.
ADACMP Return Codes
Return Code 4 |
Explanation |
One of the following occurred:
Return Code 8 |
Explanation |
The utility detected inconsistencies between the files in a
LOB group (a base file and its associated LOB file).
ADADBS Return Codes
Return Code 4 |
Explanation |
One of the following occurred:
CHANGE, NEWFIELD, or RELEASE: The operation was
performed on a component file of an expanded file. The other component files
must be processed explicitly.
MODFCB DATAPFAC: The Data Storage padding factor
(DATAPFAC) setting is ignored for files containing spanned records. The
following warning will also appear if DATAPFAC is specified for a file that has
data storage spanning enabled:
*****DATAPFAC is ignored for files with spanned data storage enabled******
MODFCB MAXRECL: The MAXRECL must be the same for all
component files.
OPERCOM ADAEND/CANCEL: The Adabas nucleus was not
OPERCOM CLUFREEUSER: One or more otherwise eligible UTEs
were not deleted because they were due a response code 9 (ADARSP009), subcode
20, and FORCE was not specified.
OPERCOM DUQE: The user queue element (UQE) for the
specified user ID was not found.
RESETDIB: The IDENT job name was not found.
Return Code 8 |
Explanation |
One of the following occurred:
DELETE: The file to be deleted was not found.
OPERCOM STOPU: The function received an Adabas response
RELEASE: An invalid descriptor name was specified, or
the function received an Adabas response code.
ADADEF Return Codes
Return Code 4 |
Explanation |
NEWWORK: Attempt to write RLOG information or close RLOG
data set failed.
ADAINV Return Codes
Return Code 4 |
Explanation |
One of the following occurred:
The utility's DIB entry was removed by another user
during ADAINV operation.
(all functions) Attempt to write RLOG information or
close RLOG database failed.
ADAINV was restarted, but at least one of the
descriptors to be inverted was already in the index. The index is correct.
ADAINV INVERT was run on a component file of an expanded
file. The other component files must be explicitly inverted.
ADALOD Return Codes
Return Code 4 |
Explanation |
One of the following occurred:
More DDEBAND records were available than specified by
the NUMREC parameter.
More DDEBAND records were available than ISNs for those
The utility's DIB entry was removed by another user
during ADALOD operation.
The file to be loaded could not be added to the expanded
file chain.
(all functions) Attempt to write RLOG information or
close RLOG data set failed.
In an UPDATE function, the allocation of a file-specific
DLOG extension failed. ADALOD completed the UPDATE function, but marked the
whole file as changed; it did not log the Data Storage and address converter
RABNs of blocks that were actually changed.
The utility has processed files in a LOB group (a base
file and its corresponding LOB file) that were incorrectly linked to each other
or marked as being out-of-sync.
The utility has been unable to establish or validate the
base-to-LOB file linkage in a LOB group because one of the files was locked or
otherwise unavailable.
The utility has been unable to validate the base-to-LOB
file consistency in a LOB group because some input records were not loaded due
to the use of the SKIPREC/NUMREC parameters.
The utility has processed a file in a LOB group (a base
file and its corresponding LOB file) where Adabas has been unable to track
whether the two files in the group have stayed in sync.
Return Code 8 |
Explanation |
One of the following occurred:
The input records loaded in a file in a LOB group (a
base file and its associated LOB file) were unloaded from a file that had been
marked as being out-of-sync with the other file.
The file in a LOB group (a base file and its associated
LOB file) that was loaded or updated had a different status with respect to LOB
updates than the other file in the LOB group.
Inconsistencies were detected in a LOB file from which
LOB values were to be deleted.
ADAORD Return Codes
Return Code 4 |
Explanation |
One of the following occurred:
The utility's DIB entry has been removed by another user
during ADAORD operation.
(all functions) Attempt to write RLOG information or
close RLOG data set failed.
RESTRUCTURE functions: Initialization of RLOG processing
RESTRUCTUREDB: Attempt to initialize RLOG access
RESTRUCTUREF: Attempt to initialize RLOG access
A system file was excluded from ADAORD STORE
MAXRECL was specified for a component of an expanded
file. Ensure that the same MAXRECL is specified for all components.
Allocation of the DLOG extension failed.
Nonzero return code received from ADARAC.
The utility has processed files in a LOB group (a base
file and its corresponding LOB file) that were incorrectly linked to each other
or marked as being out-of-sync.
ADARAI Return Codes
Return Code 4 |
Explanation |
ADARAI RECOVER cannot create the job control statements
needed for the sequential file used during utility execution. The message
"unknown file element" is returned and the RECOVER function completes with
return code 4. The generated job control must then be edited. See message
ADAREP Return Codes
Return Code 4 |
Explanation |
One of the following occurred:
An overlap of file extents or of file extents and free
space extents was detected.
A gap between file extents or between file extents and
free space extents was detected.
A checkpoint contains an unknown checkpoint type or
The field definition table (FDT) does not exist for the
existing file control block (FCB).
The FCB contains an invalid file number.
A bad ISN/RABN length indicator was detected in the
At least one parent field in the FDT has no
corresponding special descriptor table (SDT) field.
An invalid FDT/SDT length was detected.
The count of coupled files is greater than 18.
There are inconsistencies in the expanded file
The volume serial number could not be identified.
For a report from an online save tape, either no
protection log was specified, an invalid protection log was specified, or an
error was encountered while processing the protection log.
CPLIST or CPEXLIST was specified in conjunction with
specified without CPLIST or CPEXLIST.
NOCOUNT was not specified in conjunction with
All components of an expanded file did not have the same
The utility has processed files in a LOB group (a base
file and its corresponding LOB file) that were incorrectly linked to each other
or marked as being out-of-sync.
ADARES Return Codes
Return Code 4 |
Explanation |
One of the following occurred:
(all functions) Attempt to write RLOG information or
close RLOG data set failed.
COPY: A block count mismatch occurred.
PLCOPY: Attempt to initialize RLOG access failed.
PLCOPY: Attempt to open Adabas nucleus failed with a
response code other than zero or 148 (ADARSP148).
PLCOPY: No protection log data sets are currently at
completion. No data will be copied or merged at this time.
PLCOPY: Warning! The supplied input intermediate data
set is empty. This should only happen on the initial run of ADARES. Processing
COPY/CLCOPY/PLCOPY: No records to be copied.
COPY/PLCOPY/CLCOPY: The Associator data sets could not
be opened; therefore, no checkpoints have been written.
The point indicated by TOPLOG/TOBLK/TOCP could not be
BACKOUT and REGENERATE: No records to be processed were
REGENERATE found batch utility runs which must first be
executed before REGENERATE can complete.
The parallel participant table (PPT) indicates that
there are currently no PLOGs to be copied for this cluster database.
The parallel participant table (PPT) indicates that
there are currently no CLOGs to be copied for this cluster database.
The utility has processed a file in a LOB group (a base
file and its corresponding LOB file) where Adabas has been unable to track
whether the two files in the group have stayed in sync.
Return Code 8 |
Explanation |
One of the following occurred:
(Adabas Delta Save Facility Facility) An error occurred in a PLCOPY or COPY
function when processing the delta save images (DSIM) data set. Building the
DSIM data set was discontinued. The PLCOPY or COPY function continued normally.
RC 8 is also given in all cases where the DSIM data set is necessary but is not
available or is not usable.
REGENERATE or BACKOUT function determined that one or more files in the file
list were in an inconsistent state; that is, in load, reorder, refresh, or
restore status. Processing continues for all other files in the file list.
Return Code 16 |
Explanation |
An error occurred after the PLCOPY/CLCOPY function successfully closed the DDSIAUS1 or
DDSIAUS2 data set. The error message is printed in DDDRUCK.
ADASAV Return Codes
Return Code 4 |
Explanation |
One of the following occurred:
(all functions) Attempt to write RLOG information or
close RLOG data set failed.
(Adabas Delta Save Facility Facility) The nucleus returned a response code
after ET synchronization at the end of an online save operation, but the online
save operation was nevertheless completed successfully. The response code was
ignored by ADASAV.
The utility's DIB entry was removed by another user
during ADASAV operation.
MERGE: Attempt to initialize RLOG access failed.
RESTORE (database) or RESTORE GCB: Attempt to initialize
RLOG access failed.
RESTORE could not be performed for a file that was
already present because OVERWRITE was not specified.
RESTONL (database) or RESTONL GCB: Attempt to initialize
RLOG access failed.
SAVE could not be performed on a file that was
inaccessible. The file is in load, refresh, reorder, or restore status.
SAVE FILE: Attempt to initialize RLOG access failed.
The utility has processed files in a LOB group (a base
file and its corresponding LOB file) that were incorrectly linked to each other
or marked as being out-of-sync.
Return Code 16 |
Explanation |
(Adabas Delta Save Facility Facility) An error occurred after a full or delta
save operation completed successfully.
ADASEL Return Codes
Return Code 4 |
Explanation |
No records were found matching the selection criterion.
ADAULD Return Codes
Return Code 4 |
Explanation |
One of the following has occurred:
Return Code 8 |
Explanation |
The nucleus returned a non-zero response code. Depending on
the ERRLIM parameter of ADAULD UNLOAD, the function may continue. Unloaded data
can be used, but records may be missing depending on the particular response
code returned.
ADAWRK Return Codes
Return Code 4 |
Explanation |
No autorestart information available on Work Part 1
Return Code 8 |
Explanation |
Autorestart will not complete successfully .
Return Code 20 |
Explanation |
This return code is returned instead of an abend when the
NOUSERABEND parameter is specified.